Alcohol Use Disorder Essay
Introduction: In the United States, alcohol use disorder is relatively common. Based on the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 85.6 percent of adults aged 18 and older had consumed liquor at some point in their lives (NIH, 2022). NSDUH further reports that 25.8 percent of adults aged 18 and older acknowledged binge drinking and excessive alcohol use in the previous month. The etiology of alcoholism disorder is unknown; however, various parameters are likely to have a role in its emergence. Home environment, friendships, hereditary characteristics, neurocognitive level, and pre-existing personality disorders are examples of these. This information sheet examines the evaluation and management of alcohol consumption disorder and the associated risks and emphasizes the role of the interprofessional team in recognizing and managing this illness.
Broad topic: Alcoholism
Narrow topic: Long-term consequences of alcohol use disorder and management by an interprofessional team
Points developed: contents of alcoholic beverages, how alcoholic beverages affect our organ systems, risks associated with alcoholism, the role of the interprofessional team in the management of alcohol use disorder.
Topic support: The fundamental components of most alcoholic beverages are ethanol and water; however, in certain highly sweet liqueurs, the sugar level might be larger than the ethanol content. Ethanol is contained in alcoholic beverages as a result of carbohydrate fermentation with yeast. Alcoholic beverages and drinks contain compounds such as Carbonyl such as Acetaldehyde, Acetals, Di- and trihydric alcohols, and Nitrogen compounds such as Amines and some N-heterocyclic compounds that are harmful to body organs. A variety of factors influence alcohol metabolism. Females metabolize alcohol quicker than men. However, their first-pass metabolism is delayed due to reduced ADH levels, culminating in greater blood alcohol concentrations at first. Because CYP2E1 and ADH are not completely developed in fetal livers, alcohol is eliminated more slowly. Alcohol metabolism is likewise lower while fasting than when satiated. This relates to the reduced ADH levels observed during fasting (NIH, 2022). Heavy drinking also raises the rate of elimination. However, this gradually slows as the liver disease progresses. Alcohol is mostly a depressant, though it has stimulating properties when initially consumed. When a person drinks, part of it enters the circulation via the small blood arteries in the mouth and tongue. Up to 20 percent of the alcohol consumed enters the circulation through the gut. The remainder enters the circulation via the small intestine. When a person takes food together with alcohol, the alcohol will stay in the body for a longer period. Without meals, it travels faster to circulation. The more alcohol one has in the blood at one moment, the more intoxicated one will feel.
Transition: How alcohol works in the body.
Topic support: Once in circulation, alcohol goes rapidly throughout the body. Various body systems are affected until the liver can break down the alcohol. Alcohol causes blood arteries to dilate in the bloodstream. This can cause flushing of the skin, a transient sense of warmth, a quick drop in body temperature, and hypotension. Alcohol normally hits the brain in about 5 minutes, and the effects can be felt within 10 minutes. When the proportion of alcohol in circulation starts to increase, a person may begin to feel happier, more sociable and confident, and less inhibited. This is due to the fact that alcohol causes the release of dopamine and serotonin. Physical symptoms intensify when alcohol depresses the central nervous system and compromises the communication routes in the brain, affecting how the brain interprets information. Slurred speech, lack of coordination, fuzzy vision, and dizziness are some of the symptoms (CDC, 2022). ADH generation is slowed by alcohol. When alcohol inhibits ADH, the kidneys release more water, leading one to urinate more when they drink. Peeing frequently and not drinking enough nonalcoholic drinks might cause dehydration and make one even more intoxicated. The liver oxidizes the majority of alcohol, converting it to water and carbon monoxide. Each hour, the liver can only metabolize one unit of alcohol. Consequently, the more alcohol consumed in a shorter amount of time, the more the amount of alcohol remains in circulation, resulting in a greater blood alcohol concentration and a greater risk of alcohol poisoning.
Transition: Risks associated with alcohol use disorder and the benefits of not using alcohol
Topic support: Alcohol intake has been linked to an increased risk of sickness, disability, and death. Rehm (2019) examined the net effect of all alcohol use and accounted for the favorable benefits of alcohol intake, particularly moderate drinking, on ischemic illnesses and diabetes. Alcohol-related illness and injury disorders contribute significantly to the worldwide disease burden. Overall, alcohol use has can lead to infectious diseases like HIV, cancer, diabetes, neuropsychiatric disease, heart disease, liver and pancreatic disease, and injury. Alcoholics also suffer various social implications due to their drinking, including family instability, career problems, including unemployment, criminal offenses, and financial difficulties. Rehm (2019) shows that the total expenses associated with alcohol usage and the majority of the alcohol-related expenditures are linked to productivity losses. According to Rehm (2019), the total expenses connected with alcohol usage appear to approximate 1 to 3 percent of GDP in high-income nations. Reduced alcohol consumption has many benefits, including a reduction in the risk of getting lifestyle diseases like cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and CHD and an overall increased life expectancy.
Conclusion Alcoholism has few therapeutic advantages and causes devastation to families and the people involved.
Transition: Management of alcohol use disorder and inter-professional role in the management of alcoholism
Topic support: Nehring and Freeman (2022) proved that evidence-based motivational interviewing can help people quit drinking. With a specific evaluation of risks and needs, this technique assists patients in exploring the reasons for their ambivalence towards altering their behavior or alcohol cessation to improve their substance abuse-related behaviors. Other treatments that nurses might utilize include cognitive behavior therapy, which aims to address both physical and psychological issues or comorbidities linked with alcohol consumption and the quitting process. Since practitioners seldom test for alcohol use disorder, most alcoholics never seek medical help. All healthcare staff is responsible for keeping an eye out for alcoholics and making necessary recommendations. Nurses should inform patients about the dangers of drinking. If an in-patient is determined to have an alcohol use disorder, they should be provided rehabilitation. Alcoholics also tend to have psychiatric disorders, and they should be followed as outpatients by a mental health nurse who can make suitable recommendations. Nurses should continue to encourage patients to seek counseling. If this fails, the nurse needs to resort to pharmaceutical treatments. To ensure that no alcoholic is overlooked, an interprofessional team model should be used with the goal of educating patients.
Summary: Excessive alcohol use can put you at risk of various immediate and long-term health consequences. For example, consuming excessive alcohol in a short period of time may put you in danger of alcohol poisoning. Long-term, excessive drinking can raise your chance of acquiring many types of cancer and other major health concerns.
CDC. (2022). Drinking too much alcohol can harm your health. Learn the facts.
Nehring, S. M., & Freeman, A. M. (2022). Alcohol Use Disorder. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.
NIH. (2022). Brochures and fact sheets on alcohol.
Rehm, J. (2019). The risks associated with alcohol use and alcoholism. Alcohol Research & Health: The Journal of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 34(2), 135–143.
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Start by reading and following these instructions:
1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.
2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully.
3. Consider the discussion and the any insights you gained from it.
4. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.
Quiz – Section 7 & 8
This assignment has three parts to it:
Write a 1000-word essay summarizing the information sheet and the brochure below, how they will be used in your chosen career, proposed improvements and better ways this information could be conveyed. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least one (1) citation in your essay. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.
Information Sheet
Using Figure 8-5 on page 217 of your textbook, create an information sheet on a topic of your choice related to a health issue. Follow the prompts on the left side of the figure creating the introduction, a Broad topic, a Narrow topic, and Points developed. Follow with your body paragraph to include a topic sentence, support sentences and then a transition to your second paragraph. You will continue with your next paragraph that starts with a topic sentence, support, a conclusion and transition paragraph to the next paragraph. You will continue with your third paragraph, starting with the topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a conclusion sentence. Then finalize the information sheet with a summary paragraph.
Using the information sheet you prepared, create a brochure to include graphics. The content should be the key points that you developed on your information sheet. The format will be something that gives information on who developed this, if you are going to make a presentation, where and when? The top of pages 216 & 217 may give you some ideas of what you will want to add. Graphics many times will get people’s attention.
Assignment Expectations
Length: 1000 words, plus an information sheet and brochure; must thoroughly address the assignment in a clear, concise manner
Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimal word amount for this assignment.
References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions.
Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).
File name: Name each of your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the assignment number (for example, “RHall Assignment 1.docxâ€)