NURSFPX4020 Capella Assessment 3 Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation.

NURSFPX4020 Capella Assessment 3 Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation.

Assessment 3 Instructions: Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation.

For this assessment, you will develop an 8-14 slide PowerPoint presentation with thorough speaker’s notes designed for a hypothetical in-service session related to the improvement plan you developed in Assessment 2. As a practicing professional, you are likely to present educational in-services or training to staff pertaining to quality improvement (QI) measures of safety improvement interventions.

Such in-services and training sessions should be presented in a creative and innovative manner to hold the audience’s attention and promote knowledge acquisition and skill application that changes practice for the better. The teaching sessions may include a presentation, audience participation via simulation or other interactive strategy, audiovisual media, and participant learning evaluation.

The use of in-services and/or training sessions has positive implications for nursing practice by increasing staff confidence when providing care to specific patient populations. It also allows for a safe and nonthreatening environment where staff nurses can practice their skills prior to a real patient event. Participation in learning sessions fosters a team approach, collaboration, patient safety, and greater patient satisfaction rates in the health care environment (Patel & Wright, 2018).

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As you prepare to complete the assessment, consider the impact of in-service training on patient outcomes as well as practice outcomes for staff nurses. Be sure to support your thoughts on the effectiveness of educating and training staff to increase the quality of care provided to patients by examining the literature and established best practices.

You are encouraged to explore the AONE Nurse Executive Competencies Review activity before you develop the Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation. This activity will help you review your understanding of the AONE Nurse Executive Competencies—especially those related to competencies relevant to developing an effective training session and presentation. This is for your own practice and self-assessment, and demonstrates your engagement in the course.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Analyze the elements of a successful quality improvement initiative.
    • Explain the need for and process to improve safety outcomes related to a specific organizational issue.
    • Create resources or activities to encourage skill development and process understanding related to a safety improvement initiative.
  • Competency 4: Explain the nurse’s role in coordinating care to enhance quality and reduce costs.
    • List the purpose and goals of an in-service session for nurses.
    • Explain to the audience their role and importance of making the improvement plan successful.
  • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based strategies to communicate in a manner that supports safe and effective patient care.
    • Communicate with nurses in a respectful and informative way that clearly presents expectations and solicits feedback on communication strategies for future improvement.
Reference for NURSFPX4020 Capella Assessment 3: Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation.
  • Patel, S., & Wright, M. (2018). Development of interprofessional simulation in nursing education to improve teamwork and collaboration in maternal child nursing. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 47(3), s16–s17.


As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, you will often find yourself in a position to lead and educate other nurses. This colleague-to-colleague education can take many forms, from mentoring to informal explanations on best practices to formal in-service training.

In-services are an effective way to train a large group. Preparing to run an in-service may be daunting, as the facilitator must develop his or her message around the topic while designing activities to help the target audience learn and practice.

By improving understanding and competence around designing and delivering in-service training, a BSN practitioner can demonstrate leadership and prove him- or herself a valuable resource to others.

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NURSFPX4020 Capella University Safety Improvement Plan Analysis Paper

NURS-FPX4020 Assessment 2 Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan.

NURSFPX4020 Capella Assessment 3 SCENARIO

For this assessment it is suggested you take one of two approaches:

  1. Build on the work that you have done in your first two assessments and create an agenda and PowerPoint of an educational in-service session that would help a specific staff audience learn, provide feedback, and understand their roles and practice new skills related to your safety improvement plan, or
  2. Locate a safety improvement plan through an external resource and create an agenda and PowerPoint of an educational in-service session that would help a specific staff audience learn, provide feedback, and understand their roles and practice new skills related to the issues and improvement goals presented in your chosen context.

NURSFPX4020 Capella Assessment 3: Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation Instructions

The final deliverable for this assessment will be a PowerPoint presentation with detailed presenter’s notes representing the material you would deliver at an in-service session to raise awareness of your chosen safety improvement initiative and to explain the need for it. Additionally, you must educate the audience as to their role and importance to the success of the initiative.

This includes providing examples and practice opportunities to test out new ideas or practices related to the safety improvement initiative. Be sure that your presentation addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score.

  • List the purpose and goals of an in-service session for nurses.
  • Explain the need for and process to improve safety outcomes related to a specific organizational issue.
  • Explain to the audience their role and importance of making the improvement plan successful.
  • Create resources or activities to encourage skill development and process understanding related to a safety improvement initiative.
  • Communicate with nurses in a respectful and informative way that clearly presents expectations and solicits feedback on communication strategies for future improvement.

There are various ways to structure an in-service session; below is just one example:

Part 1: Agenda and Outcomes.

  • Explain to your audience what they are going to learn or do, and what they are expected to take away.

Part 2: Safety Improvement Plan.

  • Give an overview of the current problem, the proposed plan, and what the improvement plan is trying to address.
  • Explain why it is important for the organization to address the current situation.

Part 3: Audience’s Role and Importance.

  • Discuss how the staff audience will be expected to help implement and drive the improvement plan.
  • Explain why they are critical to the success of the improvement plan.
  • Describe how their work could benefit from embracing their role in the plan.

Part 4: New Process and Skills Practice.

  • Explain new processes or skills.
  • Develop an activity that allows the staff audience to practice and ask questions about these.
  • In the notes section of your PowerPoint, brainstorm potential responses to likely questions or concerns.

Part 5: Soliciting Feedback.

  • Describe how you would solicit feedback from the audience on the improvement plan and the in-service.
  • Explain how you might integrate this feedback for future improvements.

Remember to account for activity and discussion time. For tips on developing PowerPoint presentations, refer to:

  • Capella University Library: PowerPoint Presentations.
  • Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations [PPTX].


  • Presentation length: There is no required length; use just enough slides to address all the necessary elements. Remember to use short, concise bullet points on the slides and expand on your points in the presenter’s notes. If you use 2 or 3 slides to address each of the parts in the above example, your presentation would be 10–15 slides.
  • Speaker notes: Speaker notes should reflect what you would actually say if you were delivering the presentation to an audience. Another presenter would be able to use the presentation by following the speaker notes.
  • APA format: Use APA formatting for in-text citations. Include an APA-formatted reference slide at the end of your presentation.
  • Number of references: Cite a minimum of 3 sources of scholarly or professional evidence to support your assertions. Resources should be no more than 5 years old.

Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information. Portfolio Prompt: Remember to save the final assessment to your ePortfolio so that you may refer to it as you complete the final Capstone course.

NURSFPX4020 Capella Assessment 3: Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation Sample Approach

This is an excerpt of the presentation, with only slide content provided. The speaker notes have been excluded.

Institutional Affiliation

  • Medication error is an preventable adverse event that occurs during


prescribing, transcribing or dispensing.

  • It has escalated at the medical facility due to various factors such as workloads, inadequate training and distractions (Farzi et (2017)
  • Medication errors result in patient harm, increased hospital stay, escalated medical costs or even
  • Addressing this issue will help avoid unintended consequences in the long


Agenda and Outcomes


  • We have conducted extensive research on Root Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement plan over the past
  • Based on the obtained results, more emphasis will be channeled to proper staff training on safe medication
  • Some of our key topics of interest include:
  • Safety improvement
  • Audience role and importance
  • New skills and
  • Sessions will last for 3-4 days

Agenda and Outcomes

  • Outcomes
•     By the end of the training, the staff will:
  • Understand the appropriate strategies to avoid the common medication
  • Provide effective evidence based
  • Appreciate the role of teamwork and effective
  • Learn new skills and
  • Understand the importance of medication safety in a healthcare

Safety Improvement


  • The medical facility has recorded immense medication errors over the past 8
  • Addressing this issue is vital since it will:
  • Reduce morbidity and mortality
  • Minimize healthcare related
  • Improve work
  • Preserve organizational
  • Promote a safe working
  • Avoid lawsuits (Kasemsap, 2017)..

Safety Improvement


Below is the proposed safety plan

  • Embrace health information technology to avoid human error (Hughes & Ortiz, 2015).

•      Reinforce effective communication to foster collaboration.

  • Increase nurse staffs to minimize

•      Provide staff training to instill new competencies.

  • Minimize interruption to promote

Audience’s Role and Importance

  • Staff audience will help implement and drive the plan through:
    • Making comments or further
  • Role
  • Sharing personal experience on medication
  • Taking
  • Helping win top management support through campaign where
  • Embracing the plan

Audience’s Role and Importance

  • The audience are importance because they:
  • Are directly affected by the improvement
  • Are integral part of the
  • Their response and perception towards the plan significantly determines its success.
  • By embracing their roles in the plan, the audience’s work could benefit by:
  • Recording minimal medication
  • Gaining credibility and trust from their
  • Increasing the overall

New Process and Skills Practice

•     “Five Rights” of medication administration can encourage skill development and process understanding.

  • Right patient
  • Right drug
  • Right dose
  • Right route
  • Right time
  • These guides are accepted and recognized for safe medication (Martyn et al., 2019).

New Process and Skills Practice

  • Further processes and skill practice include:
  • Role play by providers to ensure effective practice of medication
  • Provide rigorous activities related to medication labels, and medication orders to stimulate critical
  • Provide questions worksheets to be completed at specified

Soliciting Feedback

•     Feedback can be solicited by:
  • Asking for
  • Conducting feedback surveys at the end of
  • Performing exploratory audience
  • Asking

•     Integrating the feedback for future reference:

  • Respond to feedbacks
  • Making the necessary
  • Compile the
  • The presented agendas and outcomes are relatable and necessary in prevention of medication errors.

Conclusion on NURSFPX4020 Capella Assessment 3 Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation.

  • The proposed improvement plan is tailored to work in the best interest of patient
  • The involved audience have pertinent roles and significance that makes them more impactful in the
  • Strategic processes and skills practice are necessary for effective medication
  • Soliciting audience feedback is an integral process and aids in making the appropriate future improvements. NURSFPX4020 Capella Assessment #3: Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation.

References on NURSFPX4020 Capella Assessment 3 Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation.

  • CDC, (2017) Medication Safety
  • Farzi, S., Irajpour, A., Saghaei, M., & Ravaghi, H. (2017). Causes of medication errors in intensive care units from the perspective of healthcare Journal of research in pharmacy practice, 6(3), 158.
  • Hughes, R. G., & Ortiz, E. (2015). Medication errors: why they happen, and how they can be prevented. Journal of infusion nursing, 28, 14-24.
  • Kasemsap, (2017). The perspectives of medical errors in the health care industry. In Impact of medical errors and malpractice on health economics, quality, and patient safety (pp. 113-143). IGI Global.
  • Martyn, -A., Paliadelis, P., & Perry, C. (2019). The safe administration of medication: Nursing behaviours beyond the five-rights.
  • Nurse Education in Practice, 37, 109–114.

NURSFPX4020 Capella Assessment 3: Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation SCORING GUIDE

Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.


List clearly the purpose and goals of an in-service session for nurses.
  • Does not list the purpose and goals of an in-service session for nurses.
  • Lists with insufficient clarity the purpose and goals of an in-service session for nurses.
  • Lists clearly the purpose and goals of an in-service session for nurses.
  • Lists clearly the purpose and goals of an in-service session for nurses, with purpose and goals that are relevant and achievable within the in-service session.
Explain the need and process to improve safety outcomes related to a specific organizational issue.
  • Does not describe the need and process to improve safety outcomes related to a specific organizational issue.
  • Describes a safety improvement outcome, but the described need for the improvement or process to achieve improvement is unclear or irrelevant.
  • Explains the need and process to improve safety outcomes related to a specific organizational issue.
  • Explains the need and process to improve safety outcomes related to a specific organizational issue, with reference to specific data, evidence, or standards to support the explanation.
Explain audience’s role in and importance of making the improvement plan successful.
  • Does not describe the audience’s role in and the importance of making the improvement plan successful.
  • Describes the audience’s role in the improvement plan but does not clearly address how the audience is important to the success of the improvement plan.
  • Explains the audience’s role and the importance of making the improvement plan successful.
  • Explains the audience’s role and importance of making the improvement plan successful, using persuasive and transparent communication to improve buy-in.
Create resources or activities to encourage skill development and process understanding related to a safety improvement initiative.
  • Does not list resources or activities.
  • Lists resources or activities, but their relevance to skill development or process understanding related to a safety improvement initiative is unclear.
  • Creates resources or activities to encourage skill development and process understanding related to a safety improvement initiative.
  • Creates resources or activities to encourage skill development and process understanding related to a safety improvement initiative, explaining their value.
Communicate with nurses in a respectful and informative way that clearly presents expectations and solicits feedback on communication strategies for future improvement.
  • Does not communicate with nurses in a respectful and informative way that clearly presents expectations and solicits feedback on communication strategies for future improvement.
  • Communicates with nurses without clarifying expectations or soliciting feedback or does not communicate respectfully.
  • Communicates with nurses in a respectful and informative way that clearly presents expectations and solicits feedback on communication strategies for future improvement.
  • Communicates with nurses in a respectful and informative way that clearly presents expectations and solicits feedback on communication strategies for future improvement.
  • Presentation slides and speaker notes are free from errors that impact clarity or persuasiveness.

Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation Scoring Guide

List clearly the purpose and goals of an in-service session focusing on safe medication administration for nurses. Does not list the purpose and goals of an in-service session focusing on safe medication administration for nurses. Lists with insufficient clarity the purpose and goals of an in-service session on safe medication administration for nurses. Lists clearly the purpose and goals of an in-service session on safe medication administration for nurses. Lists clearly the purpose and goals of an in-service session on safe medication administration for nurses, with purpose and goals that are relevant and achievable within the in-service session.
Explain the need and process to improve safety outcomes related to medication administration. Does not describe the need and process to improve safety outcomes related to medication administration. Describes a safety improvement outcome for medication administration, but the described need for the improvement or process to achieve improvement is unclear or irrelevant. Explains the need and process to improve safety outcomes related to medication administration. Explains the need and process to improve safety outcomes related to medication administration, with reference to specific data, evidence, or standards to support the explanation.
Explain audience’s role in and importance of making the improvement plan focusing on medication administration successful. Does not describe the audience’s role in and importance of making the improvement plan focusing on medication administration successful. Describes the audience’s role in the improvement plan focusing on medication administration but does not clearly address how the audience is important to the success of the improvement plan. Explains audience’s role and importance of making the improvement plan focusing on medication administration successful. Explains audience’s role and importance of making the improvement plan focusing on medication administration successful, using persuasive and transparent communication to improve buy-in.
Create resources or activities to encourage skill development and process understanding related to a safety improvement initiative on medication administration. Does not list resources or activities related to safe medication administration. Lists resources or activities related to safe medication administration, but their relevance to skill development or process understanding related to a safety improvement initiative is unclear. Creates resources or activities to encourage skill development and process understanding related to a safety improve initiative on medication administration. Creates resources or activities to encourage skill development and process understanding related to a safety improve initiative on medication administration, explaining their value.
Slides are easy to read and error free. Detailed speaker notes are provided. Speaker notes are clear, organized, and professionally presented. Slides are difficult to read with multiple editing errors. No speaker notes provided. Slides are easy to read with few editing errors. Speaker notes are sufficient to support the slides. Slides are easy to read and error free. Detailed speaker notes are provided. Slides are easy to read and clutter free. Slide background is “visually” pleasing with a contrasting color for the text and may utilize graphics. Detailed speaker notes are provided.
Organize content with clear purpose or goals and with relevant and evidence-based sources (published within 5 years). Does not organize content with clear purpose or goals. PowerPoint slides do not support main points, assertions, arguments, conclusions, or recommendations. Sources are not relevant or evidence-based (published within 5 years). Organizes content with clear purpose or goals. PowerPoint slides do not consistently support main points, assertions, arguments, conclusions, or recommendations with relevant and evidence-based sources (published within 5 years). Organizes content with clear purpose or goals and with relevant and evidence-based sources (published within 5 years). Organizes content with clear purpose or goals. PowerPoint slides support main points, assertions, arguments, conclusions, or recommendations with relevant and evidence-based sources (published within 5 years).

NURSFPX4020 Capella Assessment 3 Resources:

Leadership Competencies

• American Organization of Nurse Executives. (2015). Nurse executive competencies [PDF]. Retrieved from
• The AONE nurse executive competencies may be a helpful resource as you design your presentation, especially with regard to communication and collaboration.

Evidence and Value-Based Decision Making

Zadeh, R., Sadatsafavi, H., & Xue, R. (2015). Evidence-based and value-based decision making about healthcare design: An economic evaluation of the safety and quality outcomes. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 8(4), 58–76.

• This article presents a model for taking different decision-making approaches to improve outcomes.

Facilitating Learning

Fewster-Thuente, L. (2014). A contemporary method to teach collaboration to students. Journal of Nursing Education, 53(11), 641–645.

This article may give you some ideas for a skills practice activity to include in your Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation.

• Green, J. K., & Huntington, A. D. (2017). Online professional development for digitally differentiated nurses: An action research perspective. Nurse Education in Practice, 22, 55–62.

Green and Huntington highlight five elements that are key to effective online professional development in this article describing an action-research project involving RNs in clinical settings.

• Moradi, K., Najarkolai, A. R., & Keshmiri, F. (2016). Interprofessional teamwork education: Moving toward the patient-centered approach. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 47(10), 449–460.

The study discussed in this article involved the development of a framework of interprofessional framework competencies on which curricula and assessment tools could be based. Such an approach may be useful for you to consider as you develop your presentation.

• Rakhudu, M. A., Davhana-Maselesele, M., & Useh, U. (2016). Concept analysis of collaboration in implementing problem-based learning in nursing education. Curationis, 39(1), 1–13.

In their effort to better understand and define collaboration in terms of problem-based learning, the authors observed the increasing importance of interprofessional collaboration to nursing education and other aspects of the health care profession.

• Capella Writing Center
• Introduction to the Writing Center.
• Access the various resources in the Capella Writing Center to help you better understand and improve your writing.

Assessment 3: Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation APA Style and Format

• Capella University follows the style and formatting guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, known informally as the APA manual. Refer to the Writing Center’s APA Module for tips on proper use of APA style and format.

Capella University Library

• BSN Program Library Research Guide.
• The library research guide will be useful in guiding you through the Capella University Library, offering tips for searching the literature and other references for your assessments.


Refer to these helpful Campus resources for PowerPoint tips:

• Capella University Library: PowerPoint Presentations.
• Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations [PPTX].

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