MPH509 Community-Based Participatory Research All Modules Discussions

MPH509 Community-Based Participatory Research All Modules Discussions

MPH509 Community-Based Participatory Research All Modules Discussions

MPH509 Community-Based Participatory Research All Modules Discussions

MPH509 Community-Based Participatory Research

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MPH509 Community-Based Participatory Research All Modules Discussions

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Module 1 Discussion

Concepts of Dialogue

Why is dialogue, as described by Freire, a critical component of CBPR? How might Freire’s concept of dialogue relate to your understanding of self-reflection?


MPH509 Community-Based Participatory Research

Module 2 Discussion

Case Study Reflection

Review the article on Henry Clark from Module 2 Readings and look at the Richmond Environmental Justice Movement Case Study MPH509 Community-Based Participatory Research All Modules Discussions.

Case Study: Richmond, CA Environmental Justice Movement: (Links to an external site.)

Respond to the following questions after reading the article.

Jones attributes institutional racism to historical events that established socioeconomic inequities between Whites and people of color MPH509 Community-Based Participatory Research All Modules Discussions. Jones does not explicitly state what these “discrete historical events” are.

What are some historical events that might have contributed to current structural and systemic factors that continue to reinforce socioeconomic inequity?

What kind of racial microaggression do you think Henry Clark might experience and why? What role could “alternative epidemiology” play in Richmond’s environmental justice efforts? MPH509 Community-Based Participatory Research All Modules Discussions

MPH509 Community-Based Participatory Research

Module 3 Discussion

Community Assessment Tools

Choose either the Santilli et al or Crabtree et al article from the assigned readings. How did the authors use community assessment tools to tackle a public health issue relevant to the community? What role did local knowledge play in the implementation of the project and its outcomes?

MPH509 Community-Based Participatory Research

Module 4 Discussion

Trust, Collaboration, and Community-Based Participatory Research

Describe the influence of trust in community-based participatory research (CBPR). What role does race play in influencing relationships and partnerships in CBPR projects? What strategies could be employed to strengthen collaborations and improve participation in CBPR projects? MPH509 Community-Based Participatory Research All Modules Discussions

MPH509 Community-Based Participatory Research

Module 5 Discussion

Emerging Participatory Perspective

Action researchers are concerned with contributing to “the ongoing revision of the Western disposition…and to move toward an emerging participatory perspective.”  What does it mean to have an emerging participatory perspective?

MPH509 Community-Based Participatory Research

Module 6 Discussion

CBPR Outcomes and Evaluation

Please review the readings and prepare the following discussion:

  • From this week’s readings, choose either the Cambodian girls in Long Beach project; the transgender health project; or DeMarco’s “Silencing the Self” to address in our discussion.

Choose three propositions that fit the best with the project’s outcomes. Label the subject of your initial post using the reading selection and your first/last name.

As part of your initial post, answer the following questions.

Why did you choose these propositions?

How do they relate to the study and its outcomes?

Create a 2 x 2 table. Label the top of the table, Internal Evaluation and External Evaluation. Label the side of the table, Participatory Evaluation and Non-Participatory Evaluation. (See sample table below, and review page 388 from the Israel et al reading.) MPH509 Community-Based Participatory Research All Modules Discussions

Use this 2 x 2 table as a decision matrix to help you decide what kind of evaluation you would conduct for this study.

In your initial post, address the following.

List the pros and cons for each kind of evaluation.

Articulate why you chose the kind of evaluation that you did.

How does your choice of evaluation relate to the propositions that you chose?

Attach your 2 x 2 table as a PowerPoint slide for the rest of the class to view with your initial post.

When responding to classmates’ posts, find those classmates who chose the same article as you. Please review their proposition choices, 2 x 2 tables, and related discussions. Then, respond to each other’s commentary about your work. The idea for this assignment is to create dialogue and shared learning about CBPR outcomes and evaluation. In your review of their work, please address the following questions.

How were their decisions similar to or different from yours?

When your classmates’ proposition choices and evaluation decisions differed from yours, how would you resolve these differences (as if you were in a real-life CBPR project) to reach consensus and still have meaningful propositions and a robust evaluation process?

In instances where you reached the same conclusions, how would you work together to expand the propositions and evaluation processes?

What else could you include in the propositions and the evaluation process?

MPH509 Community-Based Participatory Research

Module 7 Discussion

CBPR Reflection

Reflect and share your perspective on the following questions.

Why is it important that CBPR projects/programs become involved in policy advocacy and change? Please use examples from the readings where CBPR approaches supported community-based policy advocacy and change.

What are some of the tensions between the community and the academy in advocating for policy change? How does CBPR help communities consider or think differently about problems affecting them?

In reviewing the readings, what are some of the strategies used by the CBPR projects to address the opposition to their work/policy advocacy? Please describe the effectiveness of these strategies. (Please pick three projects to discuss.)

MPH509 Community-Based Participatory Research

Module 8 Discussion

Group Policy Activity: Part 5 – Mock Legislative Visit Presentation Reflection

Review your classmates’ presentations posted in Module 7 Group Policy Part 5 Mock Legislative Visit Discussion. Consider the following questions and share your responses here. Only an initial post is required, but responses to other classmates’ posts are encouraged. MPH509 Community-Based Participatory Research All Modules Discussions

How did your classmates’ presentations help you better understand the policy issue they addressed? What kinds of strategies and processes did they use to make the case for their policy?

What questions or concerns do you have regarding this policy change?

Play the devil’s advocate: What would your argument be against this policy? Then, consider the alternative: How would you help your classmates argue against the opposition?

How feasible is it to implement this policy? What unintended consequences do you see as a result of this policy? What are the fiscal implications and political viability of this policy? MPH509 Community-Based Participatory Research All Modules Discussions

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