NR602 Week 5: Activity: iHuman Case 3 Assignment
NR602 Week 5: Activity: iHuman Case 3 Assignment
NR602 Week 5: Activity: iHuman Case 3 Assignment
The iHuman assignments provide students with an opportunity to experience clinical scenarios that are relevant to the lesson content through virtual patient encounters. iHuman is a highly interactive and a dynamic way to enhance your learning. NR602 Week 5: Activity: iHuman Case 3 Assignment
Activity Learning Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:
- Utilize interactive simulation technology to reinforce assessment and diagnostic reasoning skills in the care of a woman or pediatric patient (CO4). NR602 Week 5: Activity: iHuman Case 3 Assignment
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Due Date
Students need to complete the first attempt of the assigned iHuman case by Wednesday 11:59pm MT. Faculty will provide feedback to the student by Friday of the same week. The student has the option of 1 additional attempt to improve their score by Sunday 11:59pm MT at the end of week 5. There will only be a total of 2 attempts max per each iHuman assigned case.
Assignment submission is expected from students on time. The amount of points that may be earned for an assignment will be reduced by 10% for each day it is submitted beyond the due date and hour. Assignments will be accepted up to three days late with the specified penalty; after that time, a zero will be recorded for the assignment. NR602 Week 5: Activity: iHuman Case 3 Assignment
In the case that an emergency prevents them from submitting an assignment on time, students may petition their teacher for a waiver of the late submission grade reduction. The instructor will consider the student’s explanation for the request and reach a conclusion based on the merits of the appeal. The decision will take the student’s overall course performance into consideration. Students should continue showing up to class, engaging in discussions, and working on other assignments while the appeal is being reviewed. NR602 Week 5: Activity: iHuman Case 3 Assignment
Total Points Possible: 75 Points
NR602 Week 5: Activity: iHuman Case 3 Assignment Requirements
- Complete the week 5 module content prior to starting the iHuman assignment.
- Access iHuman by clicking the link provided below. Clicking the blue bar will launch the activity in a new browser window.
- Complete the case titled Case 3.
- This week, a 16-year old female who comes to the clinic for difficulty breathing after minimal exertion and a cough for three weeks. The cough started with a runny nose and congestion, however the other symptoms resolved after one week and the cough has persisted.
- Once you complete the case, click “Submit.”
- You will submit your iHuman Case Study completion score sheet to the corresponding iHuman submission assignment.
In NR602, iHuman assignments will be assessed on the following areas: History Taking, Physical Exam, Differential Diagnoses, Rank diagnoses, MNM (must not miss) Diagnoses, Order tests, Final Diagnosis, Management Plan. A score of 80% or better is your target with this assignment. You will have (2) two attempts; the highest score of two attempts will be taken as the final grade. NR602 Week 5: Activity: iHuman Case 3 Assignment
NR602 Week 5: Activity: iHuman Case 3 Assignment Week 5: References
- Adibelli, Z., Songu, M., & Adibelli, H. (2011). Paranasal sinus development in children: A magnetic resonance imaging analysis. American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy, 25(1), 30-35.
- Burns, C.E. (2020). Pediatric Primary Care (7th ed.). Saunders Elsevier
- Craig, J., Lancaster, G., Taylor, S., Williamson, P., & Smyth, R. (2002). Infrared ear thermometry compared with rectal thermometry in children: a systematic review, 360(9333), 603-609.
- Ettinger, A. S., Ruckart, P. Z., & Dignam, T. (2019). Lead Poisoning Prevention. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 25, S1-S2. doi:10.1097/phh.0000000000000902 NR602 Week 5: Activity: iHuman Case 3 Assignment
- Hay, W., Levin, M., Deterding, R., & Abzug, M. (2018). Current diagnosis and treatment: Pediatrics (24th ed.). McGraw Hill. NR602 Week 5: Activity: iHuman Case 3 Assignment
- Kliegman, R., Stanton, B., St. Geme, J., & Schor, N. (2015). Nelson textbook of pediatrics (20th ed.). Elsevier Saunders. NR602 Week 5: Activity: iHuman Case 3 Assignment
- Lieberthal, A. S., Carroll, A. E., Chonmaitree, T., Ganiats, T. G., Hoberman, A., Jackson, M. A., … & Schwartz, R. H. (2013). The diagnosis and management of acute otitis media. Pediatrics, 131(3), e964-e999.
- Marcdante, K., & Kliegman, R. (2019). Nelson essentials of pediatrics (8th ed.). Saunders.
- Mitchell, R. B., Archer, S. M., Ishman, S. L., Rosenfeld, R. M., Coles, S., Finestone, S. A., … & Lloyd, R. M. (2019). Clinical practice guideline: tonsillectomy in children (update). Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 160(1_suppl), S1-S42.
- Pryluma, R., Siegrist, C., Chlibek, R., Zemlickova, H., Vackova, M., Smetana, J.,… Schuerman, L. (2009). Effect of prophylactic paracetamol administration at time of vaccination on febrile reactions and antibody responses in children: two open-label, randomized controlled trials. Lancet, 374, 1339-1350.
- Society of Pediatric Nurse (2007). Position statement for measurement of temperature/fever in children. Retrieved from,126/index.pdf
- Sullivan, J., Farrar, H. (2011). Fever and antipyretic use in children, Pediatrics, 127 (3), 580-587
- Quintero, D., Brueck, N., & Kump, T. (n.d.) Cystic fibrosis management: A partnership with primary care providers. Retrieved from
- USPSTF (2011). Vision screening for children 1 to 5 years of age: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement. Pediatrics, 127(2), 340-346. NR602 Week 5: Activity: iHuman Case 3 Assignment