NURS4050 Narrative Script

NURS4050 Narrative Script


In primary care practice, care coordination addresses patients’ specific needs. It achieves this goal by organizing patient care activities to meet patients’ unique needs, sharing information, and ensuring that crucial participants are actively involved in care coordination. The purpose of this presentation is to explore the fundamental principles of care coordination. Particular attention is on effective strategies for collaborating with patients and families as partners. The presentation further examines change management aspects that affect patient experience, the rationale for coordinated care plans based on ethical decision making, and how health care policy impacts outcomes and patient experiences. The last section describes the nurse’s role in care coordination and continuum.

Effective Strategies for Collaborating with Patients and Their Families

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Empowerment strategies: Patients and families are valuable partners in collaborative practice. In any situation, care outcomes depend on the strategies that health care professionals use to collaborate with patients. A Collaborative approach requires empowered partners through patient education. Verbal education or using educational materials improves knowledge of a patient’s condition, vital in encouraging patients to engage health care providers (Menear et al., 2020). The other crucial strategy is ensuring access to personal health information. Access to information and interaction through secure online platforms such as portals improves communication (Goodridge et al., 2018). Behavior change interventions should also be a priority area in collaborative practice. A fitting example is health coaching to increase readiness and commitment to change.

Engagement in care planning: Besides patient empowerment, collaboration outcomes also improve when patients and families are engaged in care planning. Personalized care plans are achieved through negotiated discussions between patients and health care professionals (Menear et al., 2020). Self-management support includes care and encouragement that improves patients’ and their families’ understanding of the condition and treatment plans. They ensure that families understand their roles in illness management and patients can make informed decisions, including engaging in healthy behaviors (Bombard et al., 2018). Peer supports are a valuable resource for patient encouragement since peers include people with lived experience of the patient’s condition. Shared decision-making denotes a process where patients, families, and health care professionals make joint decisions based on the patient’s values and preferences, evidence, and clinical judgment.

Optimizing the patient, family engagement process- The primary objective of care coordination is promoting patient-centeredness and enabling patients to make informed choices. Achieving this objective requires health care professionals to ensure that all partners are motivated and supported to engage in the collaborative practice. As a result, supportive care environments are vital to enable clinicians and staff to adapt to cultural shifts when necessary. Enlisting patients and families imply recognizing that health care professionals’ decisions alone cannot respond to all patients’ diverse needs. Nurse leaders should empower and energize staff to understand and embrace family participation in care. Patient education and shared decision-making encourage patients to collaborate in care.

Aspects of Change Management affecting Patient Experience

Shifting to collaborative practice is akin to organizational change, which requires diligence and commitment to manage effectively. One of the dominant change management aspects affecting patient experience is communication. A collaborative practice thrives when communication between care partners is optimal (Bombard et al., 2018). The other important aspect is stakeholder engagement. All the influential partners must be involved when developing care plans and other activities whose outcomes affect overall patient experience. Change models, barriers to change, and readiness are other dominant aspects. Health care providers should adopt care models that facilitate transition effectively and prioritize patient-centeredness. Care teams must also develop mechanisms to address barriers to ensure they are ready to engage and support patients and families as situations necessitate.

Aspects of Change Management Continued

The other influential aspect is leadership support. Leaders energize and support the staff to shift to health care models that optimize health outcomes. They support practice change through resources such as communication technologies to enable health care professionals to reach, educate, and engage patients in care plans. Caregivers’ competencies, respect, and empathy determine their knowledge and motivation to engage patients and promote patient-centered care. Adequacy of information implies that health care providers are adequately informed on what to do in different situations. Training empowers health care staff and should be a priority when significant cultural shifts are involved in health care processes.

Coordinated Care Plans Based on Ethical Decision-Making

Rationale for Ethical Decision-Making

Regardless of the situation that health care professionals are handling, ethical decision-making should be prioritized. In agreement with Charlotte (2018), unethical practice can be distressing hence the need for health care professionals to choose the correct action for each unique situation. Ethical decision-making enables health care professionals to maintain a supportive, honest practice. In care coordination, trust and integrity dominate ethical practice. Ethical decision-making also plays a vital role in patient protection. It guides health care professionals to avoid processes and interventions that can harm patients. Importantly, ethical practice means doing the right thing, freeing nursing practice from costly ethical and legal implications.

Underlying Assumptions Guiding Decision-Making

When making ethical decisions, health care professionals are guided by different assumptions based on their beliefs, attitudes, and specialties. A dominant underlying assumption when making ethical decisions is autonomy. Charlotte (2018) explained that health care professionals guided by autonomy in decision-making recognize and support patients’ decisions. The other assumption is that health care decisions should promote the principle of non-maleficence. Therefore, health care professionals must select the least harmful option (Charlotte, 2018). Compassionate care promotes the principle of beneficence. Health care professionals must also consider patients as an uninformed population and help them to make correct decisions. All patients should be treated fairly irrespective of their conditions.

Impact of Health Care Policy Provisions

The health practice follows many policies, mostly government Acts and regulations. Provisions under such policies seek to regulate specific aspects of care to improve patient experience. Care coordination involves massive information exchange about patient’s condition, needs, and personal data. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) obliges health care professionals to protect patients’ sensitive information (, 2021). Patients also need access to health information to make informed decisions. The Interoperability and Patient Access final rule obliges health care providers to give patients access to their data when they need it and in formats enabling them to best use it (, 2020). Information sharing enables health care professionals and patients to make quick and informed decisions leading to timely and highly satisfactory care.

Nurse’s Role in Care Coordination and Continuum

Care coordination and continuum cannot succeed without nurses’ active engagement. They play a crucial role by monitoring and evaluating each unique case to provide comprehensive care. After assessing patients’ needs, nurses collect a lot of data that is shared with colleagues, patients, and families. Sharing such information denotes sharing knowledge since it includes patients’ conditions and appropriate interventions. Information sharing also facilitates care transitions as patients move from one department to another and from hospitals to homes. As they collaborate with colleagues, patients, and families, nurses understand patients’ needs and evidence-based interventions in more detail. Such knowledge enables them to personalize care plans, a key objective in collaborative practice.


The best way to conclude this presentation is by summarizing the key points. Overall, it is evident that care coordination improves patient outcomes. It improves patient experience and satisfaction by treating them as valuable partners in health practice. For care coordination to succeed in health care settings, nurse leaders should support and empower nurses. Effective collaboration between health care professionals, patients, and families requires combining different strategies. Patient education, personalized care, and shared decision-making are reliable strategies for promoting collaboration. The role of nurses is critical in every step. They optimize care coordination outcomes by sharing knowledge and collaborating with colleagues, among other strategies as situations oblige.



Bombard, Y., Baker, G. R., Orlando, E., Fancott, C., Bhatia, P., Casalino, S., …&Pomey, M. P. (2018). Engaging patients to improve quality of care: A systematic review. Implementation Science13(1), 1-22.

Charlotte, D. (2018). Ethical decision making.Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!, 16(2), 4-5. (2020).Interoperability and Patient Access fact sheet. (2021).Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.

Goodridge, D., Henry, C., Watson, E., McDonald, M., New, L., Harrison, E. L., Scharf, M., Penz, E., Campbell, S., & Rotter, T. (2018). Structured approaches to promote patient and family engagement in treatment in acute care hospital settings: Protocol for a systematic scoping review. Systematic Reviews7(1), 35.

Menear, M., Dugas, M., Careau, E., Chouinard, M. C., Dogba, M. J., Gagnon, M. P., …&Légaré, F. (2020). Strategies for engaging patients and families in collaborative care programs for depression and anxiety disorders: A systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders263, 528-539.

Develop a 20-minute presentation for nursing colleagues highlighting the fundamental principles of care coordination. Create a detailed narrative script for your presentation, approximately 4-5 pages in length, and record a video of your presentation
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Complete the following:
• Develop a video presentation for nursing colleagues highlighting the fundamental principles of care coordination. Include community resources, ethical issues, and policy issues that affect the coordination of care. To prepare, develop a detailed narrative script. The script will be submitted along with the video.
Note: You are not required to deliver your presentation.
Presentation Format and Length
Create a detailed narrative script for your video presentation, approximately 4-5 pages in length. Include a reference list at the end of the script.
Supporting Evidence
Cite 3-5 credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications to support your video. Include your source citations on a references page appended to your narrative script. Explore the resources about effective presentations as you prepare your assessment.

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