Project: Nursing Shortage

Project: Nursing Shortage


Project: Nursing Shortage

            The project focuses mainly on the development of appropriate mitigating strategies to solve the nursing shortage facing most healthcare centers. For this to be possible, it will be necessary to first identify the root cause of the problem and possible effective solutions through research by interviewing those who are directly impacted such as the registered nurses (Tappen, 2022). As such, the purpose of this paper illustrates the research method that will be utilized including the target population, study site, sampling, and data collection strategies in addition to ethical consideration and implementation strategies of the proven intervention.

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Population and Sampling

            In this project, the target population willcomprise professional registered nurses working in the medical and surgical wards providing patient care in a targeted hospital. The inclusion criteria require all the nurses to have five yearsof working experience in the respective hospital. Previous studies show that nursing shortage is mainly experienced in the medical and surgical ward, where nurse to patient ratio is required to be at a minimum of 1:3 (Marć et al., 2019). As such, this population will be able to give adequate information regarding the challenges that they encounter within their working environment in relation to turnover rates.

Research Setting

            The project will be conducted in the medical and surgical wards in the selected hospitals within the United States.

Sampling and Sampling Technique

            This project will utilize non-probability sampling. The sample population will be selected by a non-randomized method meaning that it will not be possible to estimate the probability of each participant being included in the study (Tappen, 2022). Convenient and purposive sampling strategies will be utilized to identify professional registered nurses from medical and surgical wards.


Recruitment Process

During the recruitment process, the nurse manager will be consulted to ensure that only nurses who meet the inclusion criteria will be utilized in this study. The inclusion criteria comprise of professional registered nurses with at least five yearsof working experience and must be at least 30 years old. Both male and female nurses interested in the study will be selected (Oermann et al., 2021).

Data Collection

The interview guide will be utilized to collect the relevant information needed to respond to the research question. The researchers will utilize unstructured face-to-face interviews given their interactive and conversational nature appropriate when handling a target population of professionals like nurses (Tappen, 2022). The participants will be given enough time to tell their stories regarding the research topic during the interview. The interviews will mainly revolve around one main question, “how does nursing shortage affect your practice, and what are the possible solutions you would like to propose?” Audiotapes will be used to record the response of participants, which will be stored in a safe place to uphold the participants’ confidentiality.Additional questionnaires will be provided for the study participants to fill, providing additional information regarding their thoughts and beliefs on how the nursing shortage can be resolved.

Ethical Considerations

According to the guiding principles for ethical research, the researcher must ensure that the study being conducted does not harm the participant.In the recruitment and data collection process, the researcher will ensure that they avoid the use of intrusive and insensitive questions which might undermine the autonomy of the participants (Oermann et al., 2021). Permission to conduct the study must be obtained from the Research Ethical Committee of the hospital. Several ethical principles based on human rights will be observed through the study. The first ethical principle is respect for persons, where participant autonomy will be observed at all stages of the project. The second principle is beneficence, where the researcher will make sure that all participants are protected from discomfort and harm. The third principle is justice, where all the participants will be treated fairly during the selection and data collection process. The researcher will also be fair in upholding participants’ right to privacy and respect. The last principle is self-determination, where all the participants will be adequately informed about the project and allowed to sign the consent certificate to ensure that they agreed to take part in the project willingly.

Implementing Evidence-Based Change in Practice

For effective implementation of the evidence-based change into clinical practice, the Kurt Lewin change model will be utilized. The first step will involve unfreezing, where I will identify all the affected stakeholders, and inform them about the impact of nursing shortage on nursing practice and patients care to create the perception that the change is needed (Choi,2021). The affected stakeholder includes patients, nurses, physicians, healthcare administrators, and the hospital’s board of directors among others. The second step will involve the changing process, where the healthcare organization transitions into the new state of being by implementing the proposed change. The recommended course of action will mainly entail the development of communication programs, investment in nursing education, promoting a positive working environment, and improving the healthcare system through new regulations and policies. The last step, refreezing, basically involves the act of stabilizing, solidifying, and reinforcing the change initiative to promote its incorporation into the culture of the organization for optimal benefit. This will involve continuous reminders on the needs of implementing the above mention strategies through weekly memos and brochures.

Gaining Stakeholders Buy-in

To ensure that all the stakeholders get and stay on board with this project, I will utilize a six-step approach. The first step will be to gain an understanding of what motivates each stakeholder. I will then focus on telling the stakeholders the truth about the impact of the project, rather than only what they want to hear (Tappen, 2022). Thirdly, I will ensure that all stakeholders are aware of their contributions to the project. I will then reaffirm the project goals and communicate its progress throughout the implementation process. Finally, I will remain consistent and provide positive feedback once the project has been implemented and tested.


The nursing shortage is one of the main common issues impacting the process of care delivery in most healthcare organizations globally. As such, it was necessary to carry out a study to determine the actual causes and impact of nursing shortage for the development of appropriate interventions to curb the problem.  The project will utilize interview guides to collect relevant information from professional registered nurses. Once the mitigating strategies have been developed, Lewin’s Change Management Model will be utilized to promote the implementation of appropriate strategies aimed at promoting employee retention rate and minimizing the turnover rate, this problem can be dealt with once and for all.



Choi, S. (2021). Evidence-Based Research in Nursing Science: A Reproducible Framework. Western Journal of Nursing Research43(9), 828-833.

Marć, M., Bartosiewicz, A., Burzyńska, J., Chmiel, Z., & Januszewicz, P. (2019). A nursing shortage–a prospect of global and local policies. International nursing review66(1), 9-16.

Oermann, M. H., Barton, A., Yoder-Wise, P. S., & Morton, P. G. (2021). Research in nursing education and the institutional review board/ethics committee. Journal of Professional Nursing37(2), 342-347.

Tappen, R. M. (2022). Advanced nursing research: From theory to practice. Jones & Bartlett Learning.ISBN: 9781284231755

(continuation for assignment 1 and assignment 2 ) FROM 2 PREVIOUS PAPERS
In the final project, you will be presenting a plan for an evidence-based research project. The final project information is only a plan for research. You will not be implementing or evaluating any part of your plan. In assignment 1, you identified and defined a problem at your organization or in your practice. You also conducted a literature review. In assignment 2, you chose an evidence-based change in practice or intervention that you could use to address the identified problem. You also wrote a research question, a hypothesis, and chose a theory that can be used to guide your project.

In this 3-4-page APA formatted assignment you are asked to discuss your sampling methodology, the study site, and the population from which you will be recruiting for your sample. Discuss the recruitment process and ethical considerations you must address when choosing your sample and collecting your data. Discuss your plan for gathering data (if you are planning to use a survey make sure you choose an established survey tool and discuss the reliability and validity of the survey, if you are planning a qualitative study discuss your proposed data collection questions). Provide a detailed description of how you will implement your evidence-based change in practice or intervention (if you are doing an educational intervention do not forget to add a content outline and learning objectives). Make sure to address all stakeholders that may be impacted by your evidence-based change or intervention. Finally discuss how you will ensure by-in from the stakeholders.

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