Completion Document and Lessons Learned Paper

Completion Document and Lessons Learned Paper

Completion Document and Lessons Learned Paper

The closing phase of a project is a critical part that requires an effective analysis and succession planning. The project manager must consider many variables and the direction of the project, especially who assumes the responsibility of the newly implemented initiatives, the characteristics of the individual to take over and how to attain the continuation of the new practice (Giasson, 2019). The focus of this paper is describing the completion and closure of the implementation of a communication app using iPad for patients that are not verbally alert and effective in communication in a hospital setting. The paper highlights lessons learned and anticipates the future success of the app for effective communication.


Project Succession Planning

As the project nears its conclusion, the project managers should consider an individual to assume responsibility of running the communication apps to enhance communication among the different stakeholders in the facility. Succession planning enables the creation of a strategy to maintain the productivity induced by the planned change to attain long-term success. The new project manager should have charisma to continue a positive transformation and influential role to all stakeholders.

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The plan to transition the responsibility to another person involves identification, development and overseeing of possible candidates who possess necessary attributes to manage a change project. In this case, it is not only the department heads of individuals that can assume the overall responsibilities but an individual that has mentorship qualities to enable others follow the provisions of the new communication apps (Project Management Institute, 2018). The most effective candidate to manage communication would be the nurse manager, who was my mentor as she demonstrates the greatest accomplishments and potential during the project’s phases and understands the entire unit.

Qualities of the Prospective Project Manager

The eventual success of this initiative requires an individual who possesses managerial and leadership attributes. Desirable characteristics include determination, goal-oriented, people-focused, and cultural-competence as well as enhanced ability to use evidence-based practice (EBP) interventions. The individual should have interpersonal skills and effective communication abilities that can influence the execution of the rest of the program (Helton, 2020). Effective management and leadership enable team members to understand that the program is functioning to meet its specific goals and objective as well as empowerment and provision of leadership support for a better vision. Therefore, both leadership and managerial attributes create a sense of respect and inspiration for all stakeholders to attain the set goals and tackle any possible hurdles or challenges. The nurse manager must also demonstrate ability to communicate at both lower and higher levels based on resiliency to handle the daily expectations and attributes as well as tackle potential challenges (Sensmeier, 2019). Through these attributes, the unit and the management of the entire organization will be assured of the project’s success.

Development of an Effective change culture

Evidence-based practice (EBP) implores stakeholders to develop patient-centered approaches to care delivery to enhance quality outcomes. Communication is a critical aspect of any project and creating a culture that supports EBP and effective interactions among the different stakeholders is critical to attaining the set project goals. Creating a change culture among employees in such settings is critical to ensuring that they are empowered to innovate and use new innovative approaches in care management.

Innovation leads to new competencies and abilities. Therefore, it is important to have a culture that supports change with a view of providing optimal patient care, improving safety, and reducing medication errors (Tucker, 2020). The implementation of the communication apps would lead to better interactions among the different players, enhance competency, and patient safety as well as quality care outcomes for patients and attainment of treatment goals by providers in the facility.


Conclusively, the primary milestones segregated into minor tasks and responsibilities ensured that team members engaged in the project attained set phase goals. These milestones offer a guidebook for team members to achieve the determined objectives as set by the critical success factors and mitigate risks as highlighted by the risk assessment tools like the risk register. Risks like project creep allow the stakeholders to develop effective interventions to reduce their potential negative effects on the project. The facility and its management should ensure that the project has sufficient resources to continue so that they can gauge its impacts on patients’ safety, experience, and overall quality outcomes. Vital lessons learned through this project demonstrate that project managers are a critical component of overall success based on their attributes and abilities to steer them to success.


Giasson, L., (2019). The best of both models: key components of a successful hybrid project

management office model in a health care organization. Health Care Manager, 38 (3),

247-252. DOI: 10.1097/HCM.0000000000000272.

Helton, J. (2020). How good leaders inspire innovation. Healthcare Financial Management,

74(6), 62-63. doi: 10.15171/ijhpm.2018.122

Project Management Institute (PMI). (2018). A guide to the project management body of

Knowledge (PMBOK guide). Newtown Square, PA, USA: Project Management Institute.

Sensmeier, J. (2019). Cultivating a culture of innovation. Nursing Management, 50(11), 6-12.

DOI: 10.1097/01.NUMA.0000602800.19443.68.

Tucker, C. A. (2020). Succession planning for academic nursing. Journal of Professional

Nursing, 36(1), 334-342. DOI: 10.1016/j.profnurs.2020.02.002.

Wilson, R., Cochrane, D., Mihailidis, A., & Small, J. (2020). Mobile apps to support caregiver-

resident communication in long-term care: systematic search and content analysis. JMIR aging, 3(1), e17136. DOI: 10.2196/17136

Appendix A

Completion Document Template

Project: Communication apps using iPad for alert nonverbal patients

Date: April/June

Project Sponsor: Hospital

Project Manager: Students

Four Measures of Success and Expected Outcomes

The first measure of success through this initiative would be effective communication and interaction between nurses and the targeted patients; the alert nonverbal patients. The second measure of success is better unit communication among nurses and other healthcare providers in the facility. The third measure of success would be effective deployment, use, and evaluation of the communication apps to improve care in the unit. The fourth measure of success will be a reduction in ineffective communication incidents by close to 90% in the initial two months of the implementation.

Expected Outcomes

  • The expected outcomes from this project include improved and patient-sensitive communication between providers and patients by over 70%.
  • The second outcome is increased inter-professional collaboration and multidisciplinary approach to patient needs based on the deployment of the communication apps.
  • The third expected outcome is the development of better interactions between patients and providers aimed at reduction adverse events and improving patient safety as well as quality of care in the facility.
  • The project expects to improve overall workplace environment and organizational culture not just for the nurses in the unit but all providers working with the patients and their families. The project aims at integration of evidence-based practice interventions in a majority of its communication areas and better interactions.

Major Project Milestones (with due dates)

Milestones Estimated

Completion Date


Completion Date

1. Designing & Approval 4/7/2022 4/8/2022
2. Initiation and Requirements collection 4/10/2022 4/12/2022
3. Planning and Stakeholder Involvement 4/19/2022 4/21/2022
4. Implementation 5/15/2022 5/20/2022
5. Evaluation and Monitoring 6/1/2022 6/4/2022
6. Closing of the Project 6/5/2022 6/5/2022
7. Managing Transition 6/6/2022 Onwards/ End of August.

Project Sponsor           ________________                Date ________

Project Manager          ________________    Date ________

Appendix B (Attach to a professional paper)

Lessons Learned 

Project: Communication apps using iPad for alert nonverbal patients

Date: April/June 2022

Project Sponsor: Hospital organization

Project Manager: Student

Project Dates: April/June 2022                                              Final Budget: $ 50,000

  • Discuss in complete sentences how well the project met the goals of scope, time, and cost.
  1. a) Scope-The scope of the communication app initiative was to address communication challenges encountered by nurses when dealing with patients that are not verbally alert. The scope was based on measurable objectives and goals. The project manager and team formulated justification, implementation model, identified required resources, highlighted assumptions and challenges. The project scope met the goals through responses to these aspects.
  2. b) Time- Time was a concern as the project was to be implemented within two-months with the initial days entailing effective planning and approval from the management. This helped in adhering to the set timelines and set objectives by all players. The project was well defined using the work breakdown structure and the complimentary Gantt chart to identify major and minor tasks required to attain the set objectives. Most of these tasks occurred simultaneously.
  3. c) Cost- There was little variance to the project cost as its overall expenses were within the planned budgetary allocations in getting the communication apps and training the requisite nursing staff.
  • Reflect on the success criteria, and explain how you did or did not meet each criterion.

a). Critical success factors determine if the project will be successful in attaining the set goals or it will fail. The success criteria entailed implementing the communication apps to enhance communication between nurses and the targeted patients. If the alert nonverbal patients can communicate well, then it would lead to better interactions and development of care plans that consider patient needs.

b). The next success criterion was to establish a communication culture that leverages interpersonal skills and effective use of technological devices like the iPad tool, to enhance both professional and patient care communication. The project met this criterion as nurses worked with patients and used the technology devices to develop communication plans.

c). Inter-professional collaboration would imply that patients understand the suggested treatment interventions from the multidisciplinary team.

  • What were the lessons your project team learned from participating in this project?

a). The project team and managers learned a host of lessons from their participation in this initiative. Firstly, that team work is a core aspect of effective project planning, execution and control to attain set goals and objectives. Teamwork requires effective communication, possession of attributes to enhance a common approach, and determination to overcome hurdles in execution of the respective role and above all, a collective responsibility and common purpose.

b). The team also learned the importance of organizational and managerial support from leaders and managers in any facility. The team learned that support allows the allocation of resources and mentorship opportunities that lead to attainment of effective goals. Getting support from staff who were not involved directly in the program was essential as it demonstrated the need to work together to attain set goals.

c). The determination to attain set goals and having necessary attributes were also evident and learned by the team members. The implication is that the project offered a host of opportunities for all to understand its essence in the organization to attain quality outcomes.

  • Describe two to three examples of things that went right with this project.

a). The initiation phase is one of the things that went right in this project as the team followed all requirements and protocols to attain approval of the project charter. The initiation of the project entailed engagement of stakeholders to offer their perspectives and designing of the entire app to suit the organizational needs.

b). The second success was the determination of critical success factors that would define its success or failure. This was right because it ensured that the project attained its set goals and objectives. For instance, it was clear that the project goal was to improve communication by installing the communication app by iPad.

c). The third aspect that was a success in the project was keeping to the timelines and avoidance of any project creep. The team ensured that all tasks within the set time frame are completed as scheduled to avoid project creep

  • Describe two to three examples of things that went wrong with this project.

One of the things that did not go well in this project was limited adherence to timelines as most of the activities went beyond the set time. Secondly, attaining acceptance of the project, especially from nurses in other units was a challenge in the initial stage. However, this was addressed as the team embarked on execution of the project to attain set objectives and goals. 

  • Describe the areas that could be improved.

Improvement of this project would entail a consideration of different aspects that include adherence to the timelines, effective and timely training of all staff in the facility to attain expected outcomes and need to use an effective change model that would lead to the incorporation of all major players. Further areas to be improved include communication plan, an effective analysis of risks of the project, especially data safety and integrity as well as increased levels of collaboration among all stakeholders.

  • Based on your experience with this project, what will you do differently in your next project?

a). In future projects, I believe that it would be important to cultivate an effective change environment, prepare all stakeholders, and develop mechanisms that are acceptable to all stakeholders in implementation of such initiatives. The project demonstrates the need to focus on set goals implying that future projects must have definitive goals and objectives. I would also develop a better communication plan and ensure that approvals and project charter are inclusive of all players.


This assignment helps the student work through project closure. Through the closing process, the project manager secures the acceptance of the project’s final products or services from the stakeholders and customer. A completion document is created that verifies the milestones while reflecting on what the project team learned while working on this project; the lessons learned help us improve future projects.

To assist you, there are completion document and lessons-learned templates in Course Resources.
There is a worksheet and sample guidelines.

Completion Document and Lessons Learned

Guidelines and Scoring Rubric


This assignment helps the student work through project closure. Through the closing process, the project manager secures the acceptance of the project’s final products or services from the stakeholders and customer. A completion document is created that verifies the milestones while reflecting on what the project team learned while working on this project; the lessons learned help us improve future projects.

To assist you, there are completion document and lessons learned template on the assignment page in your course.

Course Outcome

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to do the following.

CO 3: Exemplify professional values and scholarship that support the role of a student in a practicum setting through the implementation of a scholarly project. (PO 4)

Due Date: Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 6

Total Points Possible: 100


  1. Complete the completion document and lessons-learned form.
  2. Documents are attached as appendices to a professional, scholarly paper following the guidelines for writing professional papers found in Course Resources
  3. There are at least three measures of success or expected outcomes and four milestones
  4. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the current edition of the manual.


  1. Verify your project’s milestones and finish the completion document and lessons-learned form.
  2. Ideas and information from professional sources must be cited correctly using the current edition

of the APA manual.

  1. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing.
Category Points % Description


Documents are attached as appendices to a professional, scholarly paper

48 48 The completion document thoroughly reflects the strategies necessary to close this project. There are at least three measures of success or expected outcomes and four milestones listed.


Documents are attached as appendices

48 48 The lessons-learned form reveals thoughtful reflection on the project and a very detailed listing of excellent lessons that will help in future projects.
Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations, APA formatting 4 4 Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format, as expressed in the current edition.
Total 100 100 A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.


Assignment Criteria Exceptional


Outstanding or highest level of performance



Very good or high level of performance



Competent or satisfactory level of performance

Needs Improvement


Poor or failing level of performance



Unsatisfactory level of performance


Possible Points = 96 Points







Completion Document 48 points 42 Points 38 points 19 Points 0 Points
 The completion document thoroughly reflects the strategies necessary to close this project. There are at least three measures of success or expected outcomes and four milestones listed. Documents are attached as appendices.


The completion document adequately reflects the strategies necessary to close this project. There are two measures of success or expected outcomes and four milestones listed. The completion document barely reflects the strategies necessary to close this project. There are fewer than two measures of success or expected outcomes and fewer than four milestones listed. The completion document barely reflects the strategies necessary to close this project. There is only one measure of success or expected outcomes and fewer than four milestones listed. The completion document does not reflect the strategies necessary to close this project. There are no measures of success or expected outcomes and fewer than four milestones listed.
Lessons Learned 48 points 42 Points 38 points 19 Points 0 Points
The lessons-learned form reveals thoughtful reflection on the project and a very detailed listing of excellent lessons that will help in future projects.


The lessons-learned form reveals partially thoughtful reflection on the project and a partially detailed listing of excellent lessons that will help in future projects.


The lessons-learned form reveals minimally thoughtful reflection on the project and a minimally detailed listing of excellent lessons that will help in future projects.


The lessons-learned form does not reveal thoughtful reflection on the project and a minimally detailed listing of excellent lessons that will help in future projects.


The lessons-learned form does not address lessons learned.
Content Subtotal     _____of 96 Points

Possible Points = 4

Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, citations, and APA formatting 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1Points 0 Points
No grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, or citation errors and is consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the current edition of the manual One grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, or citation error and is consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the current edition of the manual Two grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, or citation errors but is consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the current edition of the manual Three grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, or citation errors and is not consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the current edition of the manual Four grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, or citation errors and is not consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the current edition of the manual
Format Subtotal   _____ of  4 Points
Total Points     _____ of 100 Points


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