Assignment: HLT 306v topic 4 Influence of Patient Education in Healthcare 

Assignment: HLT 306v topic 4 Influence of Patient Education in Healthcare

Assignment: HLT 306v topic 4 Influence of Patient Education in Healthcare

Assessment Description
Write a short (50-100-word) paragraph response for each question. This assignment is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.

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Define negotiation as it applies to patient education.
Explain how the change in the patient’s status through the years has affected patient education.
List the pros and cons of negotiation.
Describe the general conditions that would be included in a patient contract.
Discuss old age and the baby boomer.
List several generational, religious, and cultural differences between the 30-year-old health care professional and the elderly patient.
Explain some of the barriers to patient education of the elderly and discuss their special needs.
List ways to best approach patient education of the elderly.
Discuss some cultural and religious beliefs about death that you have encountered.
Explain why it is important to discuss death and dying with the elderly patient and what the impact is on all involved.
Explain how to teach a patient with a life-threatening illness.

HLT 306v topic 4 Influence of Patient Education in Healthcare Sample

Negotiation As It Applies to Patient Education.

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Negotiations are fundamental to patient-centered quality care. A negotiation can be defined as discussions or interactions between distinct parties to arrive at a mutual agreement or decision (Koch et al., 2018). During patient education, the healthcare professional holds discussions with the patient regarding the patient’s illness, health behaviors, and treatment options. Through shared decision-making, both parties decide on the best practice approaches that put into consideration the patient’s beliefs, values, and preferences. The healthcare interventions implemented thereafter meet the patient’s expectations and wishes.

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The Change In the Patient’s Status Through the Years  and Patient Education.

There has been a notable revolution in patient education within the healthcare setting. This transformation may be attributed to increased health literacy, technological advancement, and patient advocacy. The recommendations of a patient-centered approach have led to the proactive engagement of patients in their healthcare decision-making through patient education. The mode of delivery of patient education has also changed with the integration of digital education into conventional face-to-face education. The utilization of both approaches has led to improved access to patient education, decreased disparities among the diverse patient population, and improved quality of patient care (Giuliani et al., 2020). Acceptance of patient education over the years has resulted in patients who are more educated and informed about their health and empowered to actively take part in their treatment. This change has also led to more patient autonomy, and self-managed and shared informed clinical decision-making.

Pros and Cons of Negotiation.

A negotiation has both strengths and weaknesses. The pros of negotiations are that it does not require formality, are convenient, and increase satisfaction since both parties are involved in decision-making.  A negotiation also improves the patient-provider partnership and collaboration, enhances patient engagement, and leads to amicable conflict resolution surrounding clinical dilemmas (Clay-Williams et al., 2018). However, a strained patient-provider relationship, discordance in cultural, religious, and social positions, and unrealistic patient expectations can impede a successful negotiation (Koch et al., 2018). Unwillingness to negotiate and poor communication skills can also prevent adequate negotiation.

The General Conditions That Would be Included In a Patient Contract.

Patient involvement in healthcare has led to the use of patient contracts to signify agreements in the desired treatment plan. The general conditions that are included in a patient contract include details of the parties involved, prescribed and forbidden behavior, any incentives, consequences, medication and treatment prescriptions, action plans, expected benefits and hazards of treatment, schedules for prescribed activities, possible facilitators and barriers to the successful implementation of treatment, distinct responsibilities of parties involved in the agreement, and desired outcomes among others (Gallagher et al., 2022). A patient contract is beneficial, especially in the management of chronic medical conditions, and requires collaborative efforts between the patient and healthcare professional for successful implementation.

Old Age and the Baby Boomer.

Age is a significant determinant of health. Old age has serious health and economic implications due to a predisposition to numerous chronic medical conditions and age-related health deterioration. Baby boomers are individuals born between the years 1946 and 1964 and currently constitute the aging population (Miyawaki et al., 2020). These individuals form a majority of the aging patient population with more chronic diseases, disabilities, cognitive decline, and health decline in general (Miyawaki et al., 2020). There is a need to formulate strategies that ensure adequate quality care is delivered to this population to meet their health needs.

Generational, Religious, and Cultural Differences Between the 30-year-old Healthcare Professional and the Elderly Patient.

Religion and culture are important considerations in healthcare. The religious and cultural values and characteristics associated with different generation affects an individual’s definition and perception of health (Hoonpongsimanont et al., 2018). Culture and religion have a fundamental role in elderly patients such as a source of strength, comfort, and hope in challenging clinical situations, and bringing a sense of community and belonging (Malone et al., 2018). The healthcare professional may not have a strong cultural standing in a multicultural society. The patient’s needs may not be holistically met due to generational, religious, and cultural discordance. There is thus a need for the healthcare professional to possess religious and cultural competence to provide culturally and religiously sensitive patient care.

The Barriers to Patient Education of the Elderly and Their Special Needs.

Barriers to effective patient education of the elderly exist. They include ignorance and negative attitudes of elderly patients that are challenging to change, limitations in understanding resulting from a physical and functional impairment, low health literacy level, and caregivers being the primary gatekeepers of their health (Kime et al., 2020). Addressing these barriers will ensure an effective targeted elderly patient education. Elderly patients have varying special needs stemming from functional, physical health, and cognitive impairment. This includes needs from chronic medical conditions and disabilities.

Ways to Best Approach Patient Education of the Elderly.

Strategies to ensure effective patient education of the elderly can be integrated into patient care. These include adjustment of the depth and breadth of information conveyed based on the patient’s comprehension level and capacity to follow the given instructions, giving a summary of key information only, repetition of explanations, confirmation of the patient’s understanding through questioning, utilization of graphic pictures and real-life objects to enhance comprehension, and involving the patient’s family in patient education (Kim et al., 2020). Any concerns of the patient should be appropriately addressed including existing social, cultural, and religious gaps in care.

Cultural and Religious Beliefs About Death Encountered

The cultural and religious diversity of the population leads to varying beliefs about death. Christians for example, believe that only God has the authority to bring life to an end and that there is eternal life after death (Choudry et al., 2018). The hope of resurrection and communion with God through the forgiveness of sins makes death a fearless experience for Christians.

Why It Is Important to Discuss Death and Dying With The Elderly Patient and The Impact

Open discussions regarding death and dying form the basis for quality end-of-life care. The benefits of these discussions include the facilitation of informed decision-making regarding end-of-life care, maintenance of patient autonomy through advanced directives, improved quality of end-of-life care,  better control of pain and other symptoms, and reduction of emotional stress (Sutherland et al., 2019). Discussions surrounding death and dying also help the patient’s family to understand and accept the situation of the patient as well as provide support during the grieving process. Shared decision-making will also minimize clinical dilemmas surrounding the end-of-life care. The healthcare professional will also provide care that meets the patient’s wishes and expectations while guaranteeing comfort and dignity during death.

Teaching a Patient With a Life-Threatening illness.

A life-threatening illness can be devastating to patients and their families. Teaching a patient about their critical condition will require empathy and understanding from the healthcare professional. There is a need to determine the patient’s understanding and perspective on their critical situation. This will give room for a meaningful discussion regarding the illness, its prognosis, available treatment options, and expected outcomes (Giuliani et al.,2020). The healthcare provider will also need to inform the patient when medical interventions become futile and further aggressive treatment may harm the patient. This will guide decisions on whether to continue life-sustaining interventions. Concerns of the patient should be addressed based on practice guidelines to guide informed decisions about patient care.


Choudry, M., Latif, A., & Warburton, K. (2018). An overview of the spiritual importances of end-of-life care among the five major faiths of the United Kingdom. Clinical Medicine, 18(1), 23-31.

Clay-Williams, R., Johnson, A., Lane, P., Li, Z., Camilleri, L., Winata, T., & Klug, M. (2018). Collaboration in a competitive healthcare system: negotiation 101 for clinicians. Journal Of Health Organization And Management, 32(2), 263-278.

Gallagher, E., Alvarez, E., Jin, L., Guenter, D., Hatcher, L., & Furlan, A. (2022). Patient contracts for chronic medical conditions. Canadian Family Physician, 68(5), e169-e177.

Giuliani, M., Papadakos, T., & Papadakos, J. (2020). Propelling a New Era of Patient Education into Practice—Cancer Care Post–COVID-19. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, 108(2), 404-406.

HOONPONGSIMANONT, W., Sahota, P., Chen, Y., Patel, M., Tarapan, T., & Bengiamin, D. et al. (2018). Physician professionalism: definition from a generation perspective. International Journal Of Medical Education, 9, 246-252.

Kim, M., & Oh, S. (2020). Nurses’ Perspectives on Health Education and Health Literacy of Older Patients. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 17(18), 6455.

Koch, R., Joos, S., & Ryding, E. (2018). NEGOTIATING HEALTH: patients’ and guardians’ perspective on “failed” patient-professional interactions in the context of the Swedish health care system. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1).

Malone, J., & Dadswell, A. (2018). The Role of Religion, Spirituality and/or Belief in Positive Ageing for Older Adults. Geriatrics, 3(2), 28.

Miyawaki, C., Bouldin, E., Taylor, C., & McGuire, L. (2020). Baby Boomers as Caregivers: Results From the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System in 44 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, 2015–2017. Preventing Chronic Disease, 17.

Sutherland R. (2019). Dying Well-Informed: The Need for Better Clinical Education Surrounding Facilitating End-of-Life Conversations.

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