Assignment: Government Project and Interest Groups
Assignment: Government Project and Interest Groups
Interest groups play a major role in politics by giving a voice to the concerns of their members and promoting their agenda. They can also be very effective in getting their members to vote or support certain candidates. Interest groups can be divided into two categories: economic and social (Cooperman & Crowder-Meyer, 2020). Economic interest groups are made up of people who share a common interest in protecting their economic interests, such as businesses, labor unions, and agricultural organizations. Social interest groups are made up of people who share a common interest in promoting social values, such as civil rights organizations and environmental groups. The purpose of this assignment is to address the questions on Republican National Coalition for life PAC interest group.
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The interest group selected is Republican National Coalition for life PAC. The Republican National Coalition for Life PAC (RNC for Life) is a pro-life political action committee dedicated to electing pro-life Republicans to office. The group was founded in 1992 by Phyllis Schlafly in the United States, Bonhomme Avenue, St. Louis, MO (Stobb, 2018). The RNC for Life was formed to supports a variety of pro-life initiatives, including opposing abortion, promoting abstinence education, and advocating for adoption over abortion. The group also opposes taxpayer funding of abortions and euthanasia, and supports measures that protect the rights of unborn children.
The Republican National Coalition for life PAC interest group is based in the United States, Bonhomme Avenue, St. Louis, MO. The current president/Chairman of this interest group is Hon. Marylin Shannon while the executive director is Colleen Parro. The Republican National Coalition for Life PAC is a political action committee formed with the purpose of electing pro-life Republicans to public office (Stobb, 2018). The group supports candidates who identify as pro-life and who pledge to protect unborn children and their mothers, as well as promote measures that uphold the sanctity of life. The RNCCL also seeks to increase awareness among voters of the Republicans’ strong record on life issues, and aims to mobilize grassroots support for pro-life candidates and initiatives. By working together, the RNCCL hopes to help make the Republican Party the party of life in America. The Republican National Coalition for Life PAC have 100,000 members who contribute in different capacities (Stobb, 2018). The Republican National Coalition for Life PAC supports a number of issues, chief among them being the defunding of Planned Parenthood. It justifies this position by highlighting the many scandals that have rocked Planned Parenthood in recent years, from allegations of selling fetal tissue to Medicaid fraud. The RNCCL also supports legislation that would protect unborn children who are capable of feeling pain, as well as bills that would prohibit abortions after 20 weeks gestation. Finally, the RNCCL advocates for crisis pregnancy centers, which offer alternatives to abortion for women who are facing unplanned pregnancies.
The RNC for Life PAC opposes abortion on the grounds that it is the taking of a human life. Additionally, the RNC for Life PAC opposes taxpayer funding of abortions and believes that parents should be notified if their minor daughter is seeking an abortion (Stobb, 2018). The RNC for Life PAC justifies its position on these grounds: first, that abortion is the taking of a human life; second, that taxpayers should not have to fund something they believe to be morally wrong; and third, that parents should be involved in their daughter’s decision to have an abortion.
The Republican National Coalition for Life PAC has supported and opposed a variety of legislation in recent years. Some of the most notable pieces of legislation that the PAC has supported include the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (Cooperman & Crowder-Meyer, 2020). The PAC has also opposed a number of bills, including the Affordable Care Act and the repeal of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. The National Coalition for Life PAC endorsed only three candidates during the 2016 Republican Presidential primary. They were Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Carly Fiorina.
Interest groups play a major role in politics by giving a voice to the concerns of their members and promoting their agenda. The interest group selected is Republican National Coalition for life PAC (Cooperman & Crowder-Meyer, 2020). The Republican National Coalition for Life PAC (RNC for Life) is a pro-life political action committee dedicated to electing pro-life Republicans to office. The RNC for Life PAC opposes abortion on the grounds that it is the taking of a human life. The Republican National Coalition for Life PAC has supported and opposed a variety of legislation in recent years.
Cooperman, R., & Crowder-Meyer, M. (2020). Standing on Their Shoulders: Suffragists, Women’s PACs, and Demands for Women’s Representation. PS: Political Science & Politics, 53(3), 470-473.
Stobb, M. (2018). Republican National Coalition for Life.
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Government Project/Interest groups
Interest groups play a very important part in American politics. They represent the wishes and interests of everyday citizens like you and me as well as large multinational corporations. Interest groups are effective because they can combine the motivation, energy, and financial resources of many. Interest groups perform various functions but most importantly they attempt to influence the government. The purpose of this project is to focus on several interest groups so we can learn what they are, what they represent and how they operate.
For this paper you will research an interest group. This is the interest group I choose(Republican National Coalition for life PAC…
Answer the following questions about the interest group you chose. This needs to be typed (Times New Roman, 12 font, single spaced with one-inch margins).
The paper must answer all of the following questions:
- What is your interest group?
- Where is the interest group based?
- Who is the current President of the group?
- When, where and why was it founded? Who founded it?
- What is the purpose, issue of your interest group?
- How many members does your interest group have?
- What issues does it support? How does it justify (defend) that position?and What issues does it oppose? How does it justify (defend) that position?
- What legislation has it supported and opposed in recent years?
- What presidential candidates has it endorsed, if any?
Each question will count as 10 points each and grammar/following directions will be counted as 10 points.