Assignment: Nursing Informatics for Advanced Practice 

Assignment: Nursing Informatics for Advanced Practice 

Assignment: Nursing Informatics for Advanced Practice 

Use the table below to identify the Medical App for this assignment.
ICD10 Consult 2022

• Provide proof of download by attaching a screenshot of the device screen in JPEG or PDF format to the assignment upload tab (in addition to submitting this assignment). Following the general instructions below for smartphone devices (specific device instructions may vary):
• Android 4.0 and Newer: (Galaxy SIII, Galaxy S 4, Galaxy Note, HTC One, Nexus phones, Droid phones)
o Any Android phone running Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0) or later can easily take a screenshot. Hold the Power and Volume Down buttons together until the screen flashes and you hear the shutter sound. The screenshot image will appear in your Gallery app, usually inside the Screenshots folder
2. PART 2: Answer the Medical App Critical Appraisal questions thoughtfully and comprehensively. Use the criteria headings on this outline as the headings on your properly APA- formatted paper.

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o NAME: What is the name of the app?
o AUTHOR: Who created, developed, or maintains the app? Explain.
o ENDORSEMENT: Is the app licensed by the Food and Drug Administration, other government agency, or endorsed by an academic institution or medical professional organization? Explain.
o OPERATION: Which platform (mobile or web-based) is suitable for the app and why?
o AESTHETICS: Is the information displayed in a way that is easy to navigate? Is it easy to use? Can you use it without instructions? Explain.
o PURPOSE: What is the intended purpose or use of the app?
o CLINICAL DECISION MAKING: What influence does the app have on clinical decision making? Explain.
o SAFETY: Is there potential for patient harm? Explain.
o PRIVACY/SECURITY: Does the app have privacy statement or setting? Is there a clear privacy policy stating information will be encrypted and not shared with third parties? Does the app share information on social networks? Are users notified in the event of a breach of privacy and health information? Explain.
o USER: For whom is the app intended (providers, patients, or others)? Explain.
o DISTRIBUTION: Is it designed for local use or wider distribution? Explain.
o CREDIBILITY: How credible are the sources of information? How do you know? Explain.
o RELEVANCE: How current is the information in the app? When was the last update? Is the content consistent with evidence-based literature or best practices/standards of care? Explain.
3. PART 3: Provide one example of an appropriate patient or clinical scenario for this app. The example should include the following details:
o Patient Age-population (Pediatric, Adult, Geriatric)
o Clinical Setting (Hospital, Private Practice, Extended Living Facility)
o History of Present Illness and Diagnosis or Condition
o Provide a detailed description of the app in your example. When will the app be implemented (at the Point-of-care or elsewhere)? Who will use the app? What potential impact will it have on the scenario? Incorporate the critical appraisal information from Part 2. Provide two evidence-based scholarly articles as a reference to support clinical decision-making.
4. This assignment will be graded on the quality of the information, inclusion of one evidence-based scholarly resource, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, and organization based on the required components (see the paper headings and content details in Part 1).
5. The length of the paper is to be between 1,000 and 1,500 words, excluding title page and reference list.
6. Create this assignment using Microsoft (MS) Word. You can tell that the document is saved as a MS Word document because it will end in \”.docx.\”
7. APA 7th edition format is required in this assignment, explicitly for in-text citations and the reference list. Use 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins and double spacing. See the APA manual for details regarding proper citation. See resources under Course Resources, \”Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers\” for further clarification.
* Scholarly Sources: Only scholarly sources are acceptable for citation and reference in this course. These include peer-reviewed publications, government reports, or sources written by a professional or scholar in the field. The textbooks and lessons are NOT considered to be outside scholarly sources. For the threaded discussions and reflection posts, reputable internet sources such as websites by government agencies (URL ends in .gov) and respected organizations (often ends in .org) can be counted as scholarly sources. The best outside scholarly source to use is a peer-reviewed nursing journal.  The following sources should not be used: Wikipedia, Wikis, or blogs.  These websites are not considered scholarly as anyone can add to these. Please be aware that .com websites can vary in scholarship and quality.  For example, the American Heart Association is a .com site with scholarship and quality.  Points will be deducted from the rubric if the site does not demonstrate scholarship or quality. Current outside scholarly sources must be published within the last 5 years. 

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Assignment: Nursing Informatics for Advanced Practice Sample

The widespread incorporation of advanced healthcare information technologies translates to improved communication, accuracy, care coordination, and convenience. Alotaibi & Federico (2017) define healthcare information technology (HIT) as “the application of information processing involving computer hardware and software that deals with the storage, retrieval, sharing, and the use of health care information, data, and knowledge for communication and decision-making” (p. 1173). From this definition, it is valid to contend that HIT is consistent with effective data-sharing cultures, knowledge acquisition and translation, process accuracy, and care timeliness. Although healthcare information technologies consolidate multiple components, the prospect of using mobile applications is prevalent in the current healthcare systems. In this sense, mobile e-health applications are among the most disruptive technological innovations in recent decades, leading to a significant change in human-technology interactions (Kernebeck et al., 2020). While mobile e-health applications provide an advanced paradigm for improving care quality, convenience, and timeliness, this paper elaborates on the ICD-10 Consult 2022 App features that consolidate and avail all medical codes from the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Also, the paper provides an ideal scenario for utilizing the application.

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The Medical App Critical Appraisal Questions

Name and Author

The ICD 10 Consult 2022 is a mobile application that consolidates and avails the current International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-Clinical Modification (CM) resources, including codes and thousands of medical acronyms. It is essential to note that nursing professionals encounter many medical acronyms, terms, and diagnostic terms that prompt them to rely on books and coding reference materials for information retrieval. However, the ICD-10 Consult app provides healthcare professionals and medical students with the opportunity to access these codes and customize notes based on search results (Schoenberg, 2021). Dr. Evan D. Schoenberg, a director of Refractive Surgery and a certified ophthalmologist, developed this app to assist medical students and healthcare professionals access diagnostics and mobile-based references codes for diseases and conditions.

In 2008, Schoenberg founded Regular Rate and Rhythm, a software that maintains the ICD-10 Consult 2022 app and other mobile applications, including MediMath, Med Mnemonics, Perfect OB Wheel, Optics Clinical Calculator, and Med Abbreviations. The goal of Regular Rate and Rhythm Software is to “create glorious benign software for iPhone and iPod touch.” Glorious benign means mobile applications that solve clinical problems and simplify healthcare professionals’ lives.


ICD-10 Consult app is not yet an FDA- approved application. However, healthcare professionals and medical students use it to access simplified codes from the International Classification of Disease (ICD). For instance, the app provides access to the 10th edition/revision of the ICD codes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2022), the National Center for Statistics, under the authorization of the World Health Organization (WHO), developed and maintains the ICD-10 CM codes. As a result, the app’s ability to provide the most searchable, complete, and current ICD10-CM renders it credible for clinical use by students and healthcare professionals.

Operation and Aesthetics

The ICD-10 Consult app is primarily a mobile-based application compatible with iOS versions of 12.2 and above. In this sense, it is available in the App Store for iPads, iPhones, and macOS 11.0 and above. Unfortunately, the only version of the app available for android smartphones is the ICD-10 Consult 2021, which is compatible with Android OS 4.1 and above. Away from device compatibility, the app is suitable for faster information retrieval due to its interactive yet straightforward user interface. For instance, the app’s search bar enables users to customize notes to any code that appears seamlessly within search results, browse diagnosis by chapter, sections, and subsections, and convert ICD9 codes to ICD-10 by name and code numbers (Schoenberg, 2021). Also, the app allows users to access instant linkage within code descriptions and know whether a code is valid for reimbursement. These features render the app a profound tool for improving process efficiency, eliminating errors, and bolstering healthcare professionals’ knowledge of clinical diagnoses.


The purpose of the ICD-10 Consult app is to avail searchable, complete, and current ICD10-CM resources at healthcare professionals’ or students’ disposal. It enables users to access the latest version of ICD codes (revision 10) that encompasses updated codes relevant to daily clinical disease management interventions (Caskey et al., 2018). Finally, the app allows users to browse diagnoses by chapters, sections, and subsections, easing information retrieval and eliminating the need to flip through books and coding reference pages.

Clinical Decision Making

Clinical decision-making entails weighing up options, considering alternatives, and incorporating evidence into care practices to improve quality and patient safety (Nibbelink et al., 2018). It is essential to note that professional knowledge of ICD-10-CM is consistent with improved diagnoses and enhanced decisions for classifying and coding all symptoms and procedures. The ICD-10 Consult app provides access to medical codes by eliminating the need for revisiting books and other references materials (Schoenberg, 2021). As a result, the app resonates with accurate, timely, and informed clinical decisions.

Safety, Privacy, and Security

The app reserves users’ autonomy to control data privacy, safety, and security by eliminating any invasive procedure for data acquisition. For instance, the app does not ask for personal information unless when a genuine need arises. Further, the app’s server does not store or share personal information with anyone except to comply with the law, protect users’ rights, and develop products (Schoenberg, 2021). In case of an ongoing operation, the app’s server stores personal information after providing consent to data owners. The prospect of giving informed consent to app users applies when the app share information on social networks or in case of a breach of privacy and health information.

User and Distribution

The app intends to assist healthcare professionals and students in acquiring knowledge of medical codes, diagnoses, and disease symptoms. The app’s operational scope is global since the ICD-10 codes are universally accepted globally. For instance, its compatibility with iOS and Android smartphones renders it accessible at a wider distribution. Therefore, healthcare professionals and medical students from different countries can access the app and obtain the simplified version of ICD 10 codes locally and internationally.

Credibility and Relevance

The ICD-10 Consult app is a credible source of information regarding diagnoses, medical codes, procedures, and diseases symptoms. For instance, it relies massively upon the World Health Organization (WHO) data, including the latest ICD-10 code version. Undeniably, WHO is a reputable health organization in terms of data and knowledge provision. Secondly, it provides the latest information about clinical diagnoses, procedures, and disease symptoms. In this sense, it avails 2022 ICD-10 CM codes that became effective on October 1, 2021 (Schoenberg, 2021). As argued earlier, the knowledge of medical codes, disease symptoms, and clinical procedures encourages evidence-based practices by empowering healthcare professionals with the necessary competencies for making informed decisions. Consequently, the app enables users to access thousands of medical codes and practice guidelines in a manner that guarantees timeliness and flexibility.

Appropriate Patient or Clinical Scenario for this App

Mr. M is a nursing graduate who works as an intern in a regional hospital. He assists advanced practice registered nurses and physicians in delivering primary in the senior care department. Although he is eager and determined to complete the student-to-professional transition, she faces various challenges, including the upsurging cases of patient falls, overcrowding department, and the inconsistencies between theoretical knowledge and clinical practices. Often, he relies massively on collaboration with APRNs and physicians to complete delegated tasks while preventing errors. However, the underlying challenge is the need to familiarize himself with clinical procedures, medical terms, and diagnostic standards relevant to components of primary senior care, including pain management and early mobility protocols.

Although the department has multiple systems for information management, time constraints, the bulkiness of documented protocols, and the need for faster conformity with the organizational culture act as barriers to knowledge acquisition and effective transition for Mr. M. However, he owns an iPhone, and the hospital has a robust internet connection. As a result, he can leverage the opportunity to download the ICD-10 Consult 2022 app, which is compatible with iOS-powered devices such as iPhones, iPods, and macOS. After installing the app, Mr. M will enjoy the prospect of faster, more flexible, and more straightforward access to clinical procedures, disease symptoms, medical codes, and all diagnoses relevant to senior care.


The ICD-10 Consult 2022 app is compatible with iOS-powered devices such as iPads, iPhones, and macOS. This hap has a user-friendly interface and navigable search bar that enable users to access thousands of medical codes, diagnoses, clinical procedures, and disease symptoms. These considerations render the app ideal for enhancing the knowledge of nursing students and healthcare professionals. Consequently, the scenario provided reveals the rationale for installing this app to improve graduate-practitioner transition and bolster clinical decisions amidst complexities in delivering care for older adults.


Alotaibi, Y., & Federico, F. (2017). The impact of health information technology on patient safety. Saudi Medical Journal, 38(12), 1173–1180.

Caskey, R. N., Abutahoun, A., Polick, A., Barnes, M., Srivastava, P., & Boyd, A. D. (2018). Transition to international classification of disease version 10, clinical modification: the impact on internal medicine and internal medicine subspecialties. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1).

CDC. (2022, March 3). ICD – ICD-10-CM – International Classification of Diseases, (ICD-10-CM/PCS Transition.

Kernebeck, S., Busse, T. S., Böttcher, M. D., Weitz, J., Ehlers, J., & Bork, U. (2020). Impact of mobile health and medical applications on clinical practice in gastroenterology. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 26(29), 4182–4197.

Nibbelink, C. W., & Brewer, B. B. (2018). Decision-making in nursing practice: An integrative literature review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(5-6), 917–928.

Schoenberg, E. (2021). ‎ICD10 Consult 2022. App Store.

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