Assignment: Community Health Nursing: COVID-19 Vaccine

Assignment: Community Health Nursing: COVID-19 Vaccine

Assignment: Community Health Nursing: COVID-19 Vaccine

Submit an essay of the developed action plan for a community educational project. The project plan should include 2 (two) goals and objectives based on your topic from Healthy People 2020, an implementation plan for implementing these activities, a budget (if necessary, not required), a justification for the project, a description of where and when the plan will be implemented, and a description of the teaching materials which will be utilized during the execution of the project. Then recommend nursing actions/interventions to improve the health concern and achieve your stated goals and objectives. Discuss potential public and private partnerships that could be formed to implement your recommendations and create a timeline (i.e. 3 month, 6 month) for potential expected outcomes.

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Community Health Nursing: COVID-19 Vaccine

Healthcare promotion through educational programs emerges as a fundamental tool for improving health literacy, empowering community members to assimilate health initiatives, and promoting healthy behaviors. According to Steel & Lloyd (2021), health literacy is a predictor of empowerment and a critical determinant of health. Community-based educational programs entail acquiring skills, knowledge, competencies, and motivation to embrace healthy behaviors and make informed decisions regarding self-management interventions. For example, an educational program for obesity aims at improving people’s awareness of risky behaviors, such as physical inactivity and unhealthy diet plans. It promotes preventive behaviors and activities like physical exercise and healthy diets. Amidst the need to foster community health literacy and encourage positive behaviors, this paper elaborates on a community education program for the COVID-19 vaccine in the underserved rural population of Washington state.

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An Overview and Justification of the Community Educational Project

The COVID-19 pandemic poses a significant threat to global and national healthcare systems since it is a relatively new coronavirus variant characterized by rapid transmission patterns. This factor complicates interventions for intercepting the disease’s transmission and prevalence. Asres & Umeta (2022) argue that the pandemic’s emergence has resulted in global health, social, and political crises. In this sense, the disease has led to a massive increase in mortality rates, disruptions of socio-economic activities, an enormous economic burden, overwhelmed healthcare institutions, and deprivation of livelihoods.

Amidst the need to prevent the disease’s transmission and further exacerbation of COVID-related adverse effects, governments and the scientific community recommend personal protection and self-management activities, including wearing masks, social distancing, and using alcohol-based hand sanitizer (Asres & Umeta, 2020). Equally, governments enforced travel restrictions, partial or complete lockdowns, and school closures as policy interventions to curtail the disease’s transmission. Although these interventions slowed the disease progression, their rigidity and the presence of loopholes in their enforcement necessitated more evidence-based approaches for containing the pandemic and promoting herd immunity.

Amidst the urgent need to develop comprehensive measures for containing and reducing COVID-19 progression, researchers and medical scientists embarked on a daunting endeavor to develop and test vaccines. According to Kaim et al. (2021), the World Health Organization (WHO) perceived vaccination as the most effective and efficient way of containing disease and restoring the state of normalcy. By the end of 2021, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as well as other drug agencies across the world, had approved many COVID-19 vaccines after undergoing successful clinical trials.

Although developing more effective COVID-19 vaccines is ongoing, the problem of vaccine hesitancy and resistance creates disparities in vaccine coverage and acceptance. Asres & Umeta (2022) contend that vaccine hesitancy is one of the significant threats to public health since it compromises attempts to curtail diseases’ progression and the attempts to achieve herd immunity. The primary causes of Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy are safety concerns, the proliferation of myths and conspiracies, and complacency. Equally, limited access to vaccination clinics and services due to geographical constraints contributes to disproportionate vaccine coverage. As a result, implementing an educational program targeting populations in rural areas is a profound strategy for improving people’s health literacy, encouraging vaccine acceptance, promoting herd immunity, and enhancing vaccine coverage.

Goals and Objectives of the Project Plan

The goals and objectives of the project plan include improving people’s knowledge and awareness of the importance of COVID-19 vaccination, debunking the proliferating myths and conspiracies about COVID-19 vaccines, and contributing to herd immunity by promoting positive perceptions and beliefs regarding the immunization process. These goals are consistent with the objectives for Healthy People 2030 regarding vaccination. According to Healthy People 2020 (n.d.), the strategic goals for vaccination include increasing the proportion of people with vaccination records in an information system (IID-D02) and increasing the rate of adults aged 19 years or older who get recommended vaccines (IID-D03). Further, Healthy People 2030 (n.d.) ascertains that teaching and educating people about the importance of vaccines, sending vaccination reminders, and eliminating barriers to vaccine accessibility increase communities’ vaccination rates.

A Description of Location and Time for the Project Implementation

The target population for the educational program is people living in rural counties in Washington state, specifically Ferry County, which ranks among the least healthy counties in Washington. According to County Health Rankings and Roadmaps (2020), residents of this county grapple with various poor social determinants of health (SDOH), including unemployment (11.7%), income inequality, uninsurance, limited opportunities for physical activity, and low rates of flu vaccinations (17%). These factors render this county a viable Target for the education program for the COVID-19 vaccine. The estimated time for implementing this project plan is two months. Educators will educate eight groups of audience. Each group will complete a week-long education session.

A Description of Teaching Materials for the Execution of the Project

The teaching materials for the project include PowerPoints, brief modules, infographics, online messages, and tutorials. According to Kaim et al. (2021), a concise educational program on COVID-19 vaccination should focus on various learning themes, including characteristics of vaccines, their developments, potential side effects, conspiracies about vaccines, and the current health guidelines and recommendations on vaccines. Undoubtedly, these teaching materials can cover these topics to enlighten the audience about COVID-19 vaccines and improve their knowledge and awareness.

Nursing Interventions to Improve the Health Concerns and Achieve the Stated Goals and Objectives

Nurses play an active role in addressing vaccine hesitancy and resistance by educating community members, providing statistical justifications for the importance of COVID-19 vaccines, and debunking myths and misconceptions about COVID-19 vaccines. Barria (2021) argues that nurses must promote health and vaccine acceptance through evidence-based approaches, including allowing the adequate transmission of information and fostering effective communication regarding how vaccines can mitigate COVID-19 ramifications. Finally, they should be ideal role models for promoting COVID-19 vaccines by getting vaccinated and adhering to other preventive interventions.

Potential Public and Private Partnerships for Implementing the Recommendations

Building partnerships between healthcare stakeholders is a prerequisite for successfully implementing quality improvement initiatives and elements of positive change. When implementing an educational program for the COVID-19 vaccine, it will be vital to collaborate with public and private partners, including the state’s department of health, the county government, expert offices, community-based organizations, and healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses, social workers, and community volunteers. The primary objective of forming public and private partnerships is to enhance the project’s scope and impacts by bolstering resource mobilization, accountability, and sustainability.

A Timeline for Potential Expected Outcomes

Besides forming partnerships with dedicated stakeholders, setting timeliness is a profound process that allows project implementers to ensure project objectivity, concision, and accountability. As a result, the estimated time for implementing this project is two months, with bi-weekly evaluations using Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model. According to Heydari et al. (2019), Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model assesses the effectiveness of educational programs at four levels: response, learner’s learning outcomes, change in behavior and improvement, and the ultimate impact of the training sessions (results). The bi-weekly assessments will unearth aspects of the project’s processes and outcomes. However, it will be vital to conduct summative evaluations after the completion of the project to evaluate its Impacts on Covid-19 vaccine acceptance.


Covid-19 vaccines provide ideal opportunities for improving herd immunity and preventing the disease’s progression and transmission—however, vaccine hesitancy and resistance challenge vaccine coverage and acceptance. As a result, implementing an educational program targeting populations in rural areas emerges as a profound strategy for improving people’s health literacy, debunking myths and conspiracies about vaccines, and promoting healthy behaviors. An educational program should focus on enlightening the audience about the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination, potential side effects, development strategies, safety, and the rationale for debunking myths, misconceptions, and conspiracies. Finally, it is crucial to provide learning materials and adopt teaching strategies that align with the audience’s learning needs.


Asres, F., & Umeta, B. (2022). COVID-19 vaccines: Awareness, attitude, and acceptance among undergraduate university students. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 15(1).

Barría P, R. M. (2021). Nursing and its essential role in the vaccination against COVID-19: New challenge in a pandemic scenario. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 39(3).

County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. (2020). Washington.

Healthy People 2030. (n.d.). Vaccination. Retrieved October 18, 2022, from

Kaim, A., Siman-Tov, M., Jaffe, E., & Adini, B. (2021). Effect of a concise educational program on COVID-19 vaccination attitudes. Frontiers in Public Health, 9.

Steel, A., & Lloyd, I. (2021). Community education and health promotion activities of naturopathic practitioners: Results of an international cross-sectional survey. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, 21(1).

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