Assignment: Strategic Plan Summary
Assignment: Strategic Plan Summary
Assess the culture of the organization for potential challenges in incorporating the nursing practice intervention. Use this assessment when creating the strategic plan. Discuss with your preceptor the culture of your organizations and what are the potential problems.
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Write a strategic plan (150-250 words) defining how the nursing practice intervention will be implemented in the capstone project change proposal.
The organization culture must be based on a hospital in Miami, FL.
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Strategic Plan Summary
Organizational culture determines how healthcare institutions and professionals initiate, implement, evaluate, and sustain change. According to Machen et al. (2019), an institutional culture entails shared attitudes, behaviors, and values that influence the execution of daily activities. When implementing change and quality improvement interventions, these elements of organizational culture determine the level of team cohesion, individual motivation, and the presence of barriers and facilitators to the intervention plan. Consequently, the organization’s culture should align with quality improvement interventions to guarantee successful change implementation and sustenance.
While using a medication error prevention plan as a quality improvement initiative, unsupportive organizational culture can pose various challenges. Elements of norms, values, and behaviors that compromise a contingency plan for preventing medication errors include exposure to established hierarchies that hinder communication about medication safety, litigation and punitive responses to mistakes, the pressure to conform with the culture, and bureaucratic reporting systems (Machen et al., 2019). It is essential to address these barriers before implementing a contingency plan for preventing and reducing the prevalence of medication errors.
Inevitably, the change implementation team face restraining factors when dismantling and addressing elements of unsupportive organizational culture. For instance, employees’ unwillingness to participate in the change process, the fear of the “unknown,” and the complexities of navigating the status quo are problems that hinder change. As a result, it is essential to incorporate evidence-based interventions for initiating, implementing, and sustaining change. In the context of a plan for preventing medication errors, the implementation team can apply Kotter’s eight-step change model, which consists of various strategies for initiating, enacting, and anchoring new approaches to the institutional culture. According to Carman et al. (2019), the eight steps for change management include creating a climate of change, establishing a sense of urgency, building partnerships through stakeholder involvement, creating inspirational visions and strategies, enabling employees through communicating the change vision, empowering employees, generating short-term wins, producing more change, and anchoring new approaches in the culture. These approaches are vital in eliminating restraining factors for change and creating a supportive culture.
Carman, A. L., Vanderpool, R. C., Stradtman, L. R., & Edmiston, E. A. (2019). A change-management approach to closing care gaps in a federally qualified health center: A rural Kentucky case study. Preventing Chronic Disease, 16(E105).
Machen, S., Jani, Y., Turner, S., Marshall, M., & Fulop, N. J. (2019). The role of organizational and professional cultures in medication safety: A scoping review of the literature. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 31(10).