NUR 608 Assignment: EBP Guideline/Position Statement Paper

NUR 608 Assignment: EBP Guideline/Position Statement Paper

NUR 608 Assignment: EBP Guideline/Position Statement Paper

In one paragraph, the student should:
1. Introduce the topic to the reader in 2-3 sentences to grab the reader’s attention.

-student should introduce Phenomenon of Interest (POI) topic to reader

2. Conclude this paragraph with a clear and concise statement informing the reader of the purpose or primary objective of the paper/discussion.

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Identified an appropriate POI using the criteria provided in the POI discussion area of the course by the due date listed on the schedule.

Discuss the significance of the POI selection to the APN’s role or practice area. Explain the differences among process, structural and outcome measures. Provide an example of one measure related to your POI. clearly identifying the type of measure in the example.

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This section should be fully supported with peer reviewed resources.

Identifies the criteria for P,I,C,O and includes a well written clinical question that includes PICO framework.

Constructs PICO Framework & clinical question in correct format for course assignment.

Student demonstrated understanding of critique by completing the appraisal tool as designated in the module directions. Completed appraisal tool is submitted with the paper.

Student demonstrated understanding
of analysis by including a full discussion on each of the following points:

1. Purpose/aim of the recommendation/position statement (1 point)

2. Recommendations or objectives of the guideline/position statement (1 point)

3. Who (authors, groups, organizations) developed the guideline or
position statement and what biases or funding did they receive. Did the authors, organization, groups have a valued interest in the guideline, why or why not? (2 points)

4. Describe if the information is credible and justify your answer (2 points)

5. Levels of evidence used to
support recommendations. Specifically identify and detail the number of resources used, study design and strength of research used to form the guideline or position statement (2 points)

6. Describe the overall influence the quality of evidence (answered in #5) has on the APN’s decision to implement or not implement this recommendation in practice. (1 point)

Students may have additional points deducted if the incorrect guideline, position statement or practice recommendation is selected for this assignment as these items can not be discussed appropriately.

All elements are well supported throughout discussion.

Student addresses how the guideline
or position statement impacts quality
improvement by addressing 2 of the
bio ethical principles: justice, autonomy, beneficence, or nonmaleficence. Student must demonstrate understanding of each principle and how it applies to guideline or POI.
Peer reviewed resources should be included in the discussion.

1. Summarize the major points of the paper in one (1) paragraph.

2. No new information or references should be included in this section.

Student included with the assignment:
Copy of the guideline or position statement with the assignment for full credit.
Selecting an incorrect “guideline or position statement” will result in additional points lost on the paper.

If you submit an update to a guideline or position statement than you must also submit the full and original guideline with this assignment.

Demonstrate Graduate Level Scholarship. Follows guidelines in the 7th Edition APA manual.
1. Formal, scholarly writing style, no first-person language.

2. Writing should be clear and concise.

3. Organize work by headings.

4. Full paper (except reference page, appendices and/or attachments) submitted to Turnitin with minimal similarity.

5. Correctly formatted title page included with page numbers formatted according to APA 7th edition standards.

6. Writing should be free of APA errors.

7. Paper to include a minimum of 2 peer-reviewed or scholarly references in addition to required EBP guideline and textbooks.

8. Citations and references follow APA 7th edition format. References should be current, within 5 years.

9. Writing should be free of grammatical and spelling errors.

10. Paper not to exceed 6 pages excluding title page, reference page and any appendices.

11. Follow all assignments instructions/directions.

12. Additional deductions may apply for late submissions, plagiarism or lack of scholarship and professionalism in the assignment.

A Sample Of This Assignment Written By One Of Our Top-rated Writers

EBP Guideline/Position Statement Paper

Nurse burnout is a significant clinical challenge facing nurses in the United States, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Jaber et al. (2022) reported a dramatic increase in mental health issues among healthcare workers, including stress, anxiety, depression, and burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic. The trend in mental health disorders is associated with a high workload due to increased demand for healthcare services or self-isolation among nurses who have tested positive for the Corona Virus. For this reason, the paper proposes an evidence-based intervention for reducing the high rate of nurse burnout.

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The phenomenon of Interest (POI)

            The phenomenon of interest is the high rate of burnout among nurses. The prevalence of nurse burnout has increased dramatically during the COVID-19 pandemic due to the high workload and working hours among nurses. The high burnout rate among the nurses results in adverse events, including medication errors. Additionally, nurse burnout has resulted in high turnover rates among the nurse, leading to nursing staff shortage, which raises nurse to patient ratio, nurses’ workload, and working hours. According to Havaei and MacPhee (2020), high nurses’ workload compromises the quality of patient care, resulting in adverse health outcomes. Hence, the high nurse-to-patient ratio, increased workload, and long working hours contribute to poor-quality care and adverse patient outcomes in the practice area.

Significance of the high Rate of Nurses’ Burnout

The phenomenon of interest is significant to the acute care setting since it proposes interventions for reducing the high rate of nurse burnout. Providing psychological support and counseling will enable the nurses to cope with job-related stress during the COVID-19, preventing burnout. Consequently, the high rate of job turnover among nurses will decrease, reducing nurse to patient ratio, high workload among nurses, and long working hours, which will improve the quality and safety of care, prevent adverse events, optimize health outcomes, and reduce overall healthcare cost in the nursing practice. According to Lee Adler et al. (2018), healthcare organization incurs considerable costs in treating health complications associated with safety issues and medication errors. Hence, preventing safety issues and inpatient harm through appropriate workload among nurses will eliminate extra treatment costs in the acute care setting.

Differences among Process, Structural, and Outcome Measures

Quality indicators are categorized into the process, structural, and outcome. Process measures portray the degree of compliance with actions implemented to attain QI project goals (Lorini et al., 2018). An example of a process measure is administering thrombolytic therapy to a patient within 90 minutes following the onset of clinical symptoms. Outcome measures focus on the patient’s health status. For this reason, outcome measures are considered the most pertinent among the three indicators of quality of care (Lorini et al., 2018). Post-MI 30-day mortality is an example of an outcome measure. Lastly, structural measures portray an organization’s capacity to provide quality care, including processes and systems (Lorini et al., 2018). An example of a structural measure includes cardiac catheterization laboratory availability 24 hours a day. An example of a quality measure related to the high rate of nurses’ burnout is the patient-to–emergency nurse ratio. The type of measure in the provided example is structural since it reflects the organization’s capacity.

The Criteria for P.I.C.O.T. Framework

            A PICOT framework provides the basis for resolving the high rate of nurse burnout in the practice setting. It was developed following a review of the existing literature on nurse burnout in various clinical settings. Thus, the PICOT framework was based on the evidence-based interventions presented in the reviewed articles. The proposed PICO framework is as follows.

Population (P): Nurses working in the acute care setting,

Intervention (I): Practicing stress management and accessing mental health resources safeguards,

Comparison (C): Compared to nurses that do not practice stress management or access mental health resources safeguards,

Outcome (O): Influence nurse burnout rates, care, and patient outcomes, and

Time (T): Within 30 days.

Clinical Question

The proposed clinical question is, “Among nurses working in the acute care setting (P), does practicing stress management and accessing mental health resources safeguards (I) compared to nurses that do not practice stress management nor accessing mental health resources safeguards (C) influence nurse burnout rates, care, and patient outcomes (O) within 30 days (T)?”

Critique of Guideline/Position Statement

  1. The primary purpose of the position statement is clearly stated. The position statement was developed in 2019 to evaluate the burnout reporting rate. Hence, the guideline was recently published and is relevant to nurse burnout.
  2. The main objective of preparing the guideline was to evaluate and report issues facing nurse leaders in acute care, including burnout, compassion satisfaction, and secondary trauma.
  • Highly competent and credible individuals developed the guideline. However, the authors did not receive funds to cater to guideline-related expenses, which were associated with biases in one healthcare system. The authors did not depict a valued interest in nurse burnout.
  1. The information presented in the guideline is highly credible. It was authored by knowledgeable, competent, and experienced individuals. The authors are holders of Ph.D. in nursing and registered nurses assigned leadership roles in their respective clinical settings. Additionally, the authors were guided by the Professional Quality of Life Scale while studying nurse burnout. They also interviewed a co-investigator via the phone to get the required information. The SPSS version 23 was used to analyze data collected during the study.
  2. Based on the John Hopkins Nursing EBP appraisal tool, this guideline’s evidence level is level IV. The authors collected data from 15 sources when conducting their research. They used mixed methods research design in their study. The strength of research that formed the guideline involves collecting data from recent peer-reviewed articles on various nursing-related topics.
  3. The level of evidence of the guideline is level IV, which portrays good quality. This quality encourages the APNs to adopt recommendations proposed in the guideline to resolve nurse burnout, which is a significant challenge in clinical practice. On the contrary, the APNs would not adopt the recommended guidelines to prevent nurse burnout in their clinical practice if the quality of the personal statement was low.

The Impact of the Guideline on the Quality of Care

            The guideline was primarily developed to provide nurse leaders and APNs with recommendations for resolving nurse burnout. According to Dall’Ora et al. (2020), nurse burnout is associated with reduced job performance, poor patient safety and quality of care, adverse events, and negative patient outcomes. The nurse leader would use recommendations proposed in the guideline to prevent nurse burnout and improve nurses’ job performance and motivation, which will result in high-quality healthcare services and positive health outcomes.

Additionally, preventing nurse burnout and improving the quality of care will contribute to adherence to ethical principles during care delivery. The first ethical principle is beneficence. This ethical guideline states that healthcare providers should focus on doing good to their patients. By providing high-quality care, nurses will be doing good for their patients. Another ethical principle influenced by preventing nurse burnout is nonmaleficence. The ethical principle of nonmaleficence holds that healthcare providers should harm their patients intentionally. Using the guideline to prevent burnout among nurses will prevent harm and safety issues that might occur when a nurse is experiencing burnout.


            Burnout is a significant challenge facing registered nurses in their respective clinical settings. It compromises nurses’ job performance, resulting in poor quality care and adverse patient outcomes. Safeguards should adopt evidence-based interventions, mainly practicing stress management and accessing mental health resources, to prevent burnout among nurses in the acute care setting. Additionally, nurse leaders should adhere to the recommendations proposed in the guideline to resolve nurse burnout, which will improve the quality of care in their respective clinical settings.


Dall’Ora, C., Ball, J., Reinius, M., & Griffiths, P. (2020). Burnout in nursing: a theoretical review. Human Resources for Health, 18(1), 1-17.

Havaei, F., & MacPhee, M. (2020). The impact of heavy nurse workload and patient/family complaints on workplace violence: An application of human factors framework. Nursing Open, 7(3), 731-741.

Jaber, M. J., AlBashaireh, A. M., AlShatarat, M. H., Alqudah, O. M., Du Preez, S. E., AlGhamdi, K. S., … & Abo Dawass, M. A. (2022). Stress, Depression, Anxiety, and Burnout among Healthcare Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-sectional Study in a Tertiary Centre. The Open Nursing Journal, 16(1). DOI: 10.2174/18744346-v16-e2203140.

Lee Adler, D. Y., Li, M., McBroom, B., Hauck, L., Sammer, C., Jones, C., … & Classen, D. (2018). Impact of inpatient harms on hospital finances and patient clinical outcomes. Journal of patient safety, 14(2), 67. Doi: 10.1097/PTS.0000000000000171

Lorini, C., Porchia, B. R., Pieralli, F., & Bonaccorsi, G. (2018). Process, structural, and outcome quality indicators of nutritional care in nursing homes: a systematic review. BMC health services research, 18(1), 1-14.

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