Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to create NCLEX-style questions based on the learning objectives you created in the Topic 3 assignment
Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to create NCLEX-style questions based on the learning objectives you created in the Topic 3 assignment
Formative and summative assessments should align with learning objectives for the lesson and provide instructors with a variety of ways to measure learning. Instructors also have the responsibility to create a test blueprint before creating the assessment to guide them in item writing.
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The purpose of this assignment is to create NCLEX-style questions based on the learning objectives you created in the Topic 3 assignment. Create a summative assessment that consists of five NCLEX-style questions. All questions should be leveled based on Bloom’s taxonomy and align with the learning objectives.
Create five NCLEX-style questions based on your learning objectives.
Provide the Bloom’s taxonomy level and rationale for each of the five NCLEX-style questions.
Please include answers to the questions and rationale for each question