Assignment: Group ASE-C-POP chart

Assignment: Group ASE-C-POP chart

Assignment: Group ASE-C-POP chart

Weight: 30%


You will research and identify any actual/potential medication issues and create a plan to solve these issues using the ASE-C-POP framework Assignment: Group ASE-C-POP chart. It is suggested you read the following article, as it will assist you in understanding the aspects of this framework:

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Also, see next page for further guideline on what ASE-C-POP headings refer to:


Your submission MUST use the ASE-C-POP chart template provided to you in the group assignment folder blackboard:

Chart Specifications:

· Your submission must fit into the two-page framework using the following specifications:

· Margins must be kept at the set size within template provided

· Times New Roman Font

· No smaller than 11-point font size

· You MAY resize the individual sections, e.g. if you require more space for your therapeutic plan, that cell can be made larger – as long as the ENTIRE chart fits on two A4 pages (this does NOT include your references)

Assignment: Group ASE-C-POP chart

· QUT NUMBERED REFERENCING MUST BE USED – please access instructions of how to use this referencing style via the library.





Please refer to the assignment rubric on the following page for a more detailed breakdown of how marks will be awarded for this assignment.

It is important for you to note that you do not start with 100% and lose marks; you start with zero and EARN marks based on your submission Assignment: Group ASE-C-POP chart.

Marking Rubric – Assessment 2 –ASE-C-POP Chart (25% weight) – Semester 2, 2017 Patient Case chosen by the Student Team: Mary or Dennis (circle)

0 % 25% Requires Improvement 50% Benchmark 75% Proficient 100% Accomplished
Overall submission presentation/language


Did not follow assignment instructions, chart did not fit onto two A4 pages, margins changed, smaller than size 11 Times New Roman font used Template used correctly. Little/no use of professional language, many spelling or grammatical errors. Template used correctly. Some use of professional language, some spelling or grammatical errors. Template used correctly. Good use of professional language, very few spelling or grammatical errors. Template used correctly. Excellent use of professional language, no spelling or grammatical errors.
Identified therapeutic issues (actual & potential problems) of the case scenario, by sourcing & applying up-to-date pharmacotherapeutic & clinical knowledge.


Did not follow assignment instructions or no problems discussed. Poor understanding & description of the actual & potential problems. No distinction between actual & potential problems. Some understanding & description of actual & potential problems. Some distinction between actual & potential problems. Good understanding & description of actual & potential problems. Good distinction between actual & potential problems. Excellent understanding & description of actual & potential problems. Excellent distinction between actual & potential therapeutic problems.
Demonstrated therapeutic decision-making and a therapeutic plan using Quality Use of Medicines (QUM) principles [30%] Did not follow assignment instructions or no management plan devised that addressed QUM issues in this patient. Information factually incorrect or confusing & inadequate & results in significant and/or immediate patient harm. Poorly devised management plan that does not address QUM issues for this patient. Information is factually incorrect or confusing or inadequate & results in patient harm. Management plan devised that adequately addresses most QUM issues in this patient. Information is rarely factually incorrect or inadequate but should not result in patient harm. Management plan devised that addresses all QUM issues in this patient, with some justification of prioritisation. Information is factually correct & accurate. Articulated various options prior to presentation of chosen therapeutic plan. Management plan devised that addresses all QUM issues for this patient with excellent justification of problem/s, Information is factually correct & accurate. Concise & direct & convincing. Articulated various options prior to presentation of chosen therapeutic plan.
Therapeutic Plan Identifies opportunities for collaboration to improve patient care with a multi-professional context [10%] Did not follow assignment instructions or demonstrated no opportunities for collaboration between other health disciplines. Demonstrated some opportunities for collaboration between other health disciplines in an attempt to improve patient care. Demonstrated good opportunities for collaboration between other health disciplines to improve patient care. Demonstrated a very good description of opportunities for collaboration between other health disciplines to improve patient care. Demonstrated an excellent description of opportunities for collaboration between other health disciplines to improve patient care.
Appropriate and up-to-date In-text Referencing and Reference list in QUT Numbered Referencing Style


Assignment: Group ASE-C-POP chart

Did not follow assignment instructions, or Failure to use QUT numbered referencing & Reference List and/or irrelevant, imprecise or inaccurate referencing. Some evidence of a QUT numbered reference List, with mostly limited references and mostly inaccurate referencing. Good evidence of an overall comprehensive QUT numbered Reference List with up-to-date references, relevant, appropriate, with mostly precise and accurate referencing with some errors. Strong evidence of an overall comprehensive QUT numbered Reference List that is up-to-date, relevant, appropriate; and precise and accurate referencing with few errors. Strong evidence of a comprehensive QUT numbered Reference List that is up-to-date, relevant, appropriate; and precise and accurate referencing with no errors.

Assessors’ Notes: Did the team submit their framework within the TWO PAGE TEMPLATE PROVIDED? Y/N – if NO: zero marks

Hard copy of team contract submitted? Y/N; Which Student submitted? …………………. WORKSHOP DAY & TIME: Room Location: TEAM NUMBER:

Assessor 1 initials: ……Grade Awarded: Assessor 2 Initials: …… Grade Awarded: FINAL GRADE:

Assignment: Group ASE-C-POP chart

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Assignment: Group ASE-C-POP chart

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