Assignment: Locating Credible Database and Research Foley Catheter Insertion and Care

Assignment: Locating Credible Database and Research Foley Catheter Insertion and Care

Assignment: Locating Credible Database and Research Foley Catheter Insertion and Care

Create a 1-2-page resource that will describe databases that are relevant to EBP around a diagnosis you chose and could be used to help a new hire nurse better engage in EBP.
Competency 1: Interpret findings from scholarly quantitative, qualitative, and outcomes research articles and studies.
Explain why the sources selected should provide the best evidence for the chosen diagnosis.
Competency 2: Analyze the relevance and potential effectiveness of evidence when making a decision.
Describe the best places to complete research and what types of resources one would want to access to find pertinent information for the diagnosis within the context of a specific health care setting.

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Competency 4: Plan care based on the best available evidence.
Identify five sources of online information (medical journal databases, websites, hospital policy databases, et cetera) that could be used to locate evidence for a clinical diagnosis.
Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead practice changes based on evidence.
Describe communication strategies to encourage nurses to research the diagnosis, as well as strategies to collaborate with the nurses to access resources.
Communicate using writing that is clear, logical, and professional with correct grammar and spelling using current APA style.
Based on this scenario:
You are supervising three nurses working on the medical-surgical floor of a local teaching hospital. This hospital is nationally recognized as a leader in education and has a computer lab with an online library where staff has access to medical research databases (that is, CINAHL, PubMed, Medline, and Cochrane library) and online sources of all hospital policies, procedures, and guidelines, and computers at nurse workstations that also have access to these resources. (For this scenario, use the Capella University Library to simulate the hospital’s online library.) You have given the nurses their patient assignments and you have all participated in shift report. A new nurse who just completed orientation and training a week ago approaches you and tells you that one of the assigned patients has a diagnosis he or she is very unfamiliar with. Knowing that patient-centered care based on best practices is imperative to positive patient outcomes, you want to assist this nurse to find research that can be utilized to provide the best care for this patient. Describe how you would communicate with this nurse to encourage him or her to research the diagnosis. Assume you will assist in the quest to locate evidence, then describe where you would go within the facility and what resources you would look for. These resources may include websites, journals, facility policies or guidelines, or any other sources of online information.

Create a list of at least five sources that could be used to find evidence, with the best source listed first, and explain why the sources you chose are best to find evidence for the diagnosis you chose and the clinical scenario. You are only evaluating the sources of evidence (database, website, policy database or website, et cetera). You are not actually completing a search and selecting evidence. Consider the following examples: a nursing journal in CINAHL may not be the best source of evidence for information on how to administer medications through a central-venous catheter, whereas a hospital policy database found on a website may not be the best source of information on caring for a patient with a rare chromosomal abnormality.

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Locating Credible Database and Research: Foley Catheter Insertion and Care

            The application of evidence-based practice (EBP) has a significant influence on the provision of value-driven care among baccalaureate nurses. In particular, EBP enables healthcare professionals to determine if their practices give the expected quality of care and clinical outcomes (Berghout et al., 2015). Healthcare practitioners strive to incorporate research into their clinical practices to improve the quality of primary care provided to patients with various health issues (Stevens, 2016). EBP entails locating, interpreting, and implementing the best available evidence during diagnosis, treatment, and management of various health conditions.

The scenario that was considered in this case involves a nurse supervising three nurses working in a local teaching hospital on the medical-surgical floor of this healthcare organization. The expertise of this healthcare organization in education is recognized nationally. In particular, the hospital has a well-equipped computer lab and an online library that facilitate the education process. Specifically, these resources enable the staff to access medical research information required for the provision of patient centred care (den Boer et al., 2017). Nonetheless, the nurse supervisor is not aware of aspects of evidence-based care that should highlight during the education program. This assessment will guide in developing appropriate communication strategies that a mentor can use to educate other nurse practitioners.

Communication Strategies for encouraging the use of Evidence-Based Research

            A nurse supervisor can be mandated to guide and mentor other nurse practitioners in healthcare facilities. The leader educates these practitioners on how to incorporate evidence-based research into their clinical practices to improve the quality and safety of patient care and the overall outcomes (Cramm & Nieboer, 2017). Additionally, the nurse leader is mandated to allocate nurses their patient assignments. However, new nurses are unfamiliar with the patient’s diagnosis assigned to them. Under such circumstances, a nurse leader should guide the nurse in utilizing evidence-based research to improve the quality and safety of patient care and overall clinical outcomes. According to Kuipers et al. (2019), utilizing evidence-based research to provide patient-centred care results in positive patient outcomes. Therefore, the nurse should be encouraged to research to come up with the best strategies for dealing with the patient in question. The communication with this nurse should be on a two-way basis where the practitioner is also permitted to present his or her issues without being interrupted. The nurse leader will understand the best way of assisting the nurse if she communicates her issues too. Therefore, the nurse will use the provided tactics and knowledge to research the diagnosis, thus providing quality patient-centred care to the patient.

The Best Places to Complete the Research

            The research can be completed using resources available in the healthcare organization. The hospital has a computer lab with an online library that is utilized by staff to access medical research databases. Nurse practitioners adhere to the hospital’s policies, procedures, and guidelines when using these online sources to research various patient diagnosis. Therefore, they use evidence-based research to provide patient-centred care to their clients, thereby improving the quality of care and overall clinical outcomes.

Identification of Resources for Evidence of Clinical diagnosis

            Nurse practitioners can access evidence for clinical diagnosis via online platforms in particular nursing databases. The identified databases include CINAHL, PubMed, Medline, and the Cochrane library. These sources provide credible and reliable information about the various patient diagnosis. They provide nurses with evidence-based information that can guide them during diagnosis, treatment, and management of various clinical conditions. Consequently, the newly trained nurse can rely on information from these resources for the management of unfamiliar diagnosis. The use of this information will enable the nurse to provide patient-centred care to the client despite being unfamiliar with the presented illness. Similarly, the nurse will search for information from these sources if faced with such incidents in her clinical practices in the future.

Explanation of why the Sources Provide the Best Evidence

            These sources are credible and reliable in providing information required by nurses in their clinical practices. These sources are authored by professionals in the field of nursing and health. Therefore, these authors understand evidence-based strategies for improving the quality of care and overall clinical outcomes. Additionally, the information contained in these sources is reviewed by a team of peers before being published. The reviewers ensure that information is highly reliable and credible to avoid errors that might occur during patient diagnosis. Therefore, these sources provide the nurse with the best information for handling the current unfamiliar diagnosis and others that might arise in the future.


            The use of evidence-based practices is the best approach for providing quality and safe patient care to clients. Additionally, EBP leads to positive patient outcomes. These results are achieved even if a nurse was not familiar with a particular nursing diagnosis before the treatment. Under such circumstances, a nurse leader communicates with the nurse practitioner to guide him or her on how to utilize evidence-based information during care delivery. Nursing databases, including CINAHL, PubMed, Medline, and Cochrane library, are the best sources for obtaining evidence-based research. The information from these sources is highly reliable since it is authored by highly competent professionals. Additionally, information is reviewed before it is published to ensure it meets the set standards to prevent misguiding healthcare professionals.


Berghout M, van Exel J, Leensvaart L, & Cramm J, M. (2015). Healthcare professionals’ views on patient-centered care in hospitals. BMC Health Serv Res; 15:385.

Cramm JM, & Nieboer AP. (2017). Validation of an instrument to assess the delivery of patient-centred care to people with intellectual disabilities as perceived by professionals. BMC Health Serv Res;17(1):472.

den Boer J, Nieboer AP, & Cramm JM. (2017). A cross-sectional study investigating patient-centred care, co-creation of care, well-being and job satisfaction among nurses. J Nurs Manag;25(7):577–84.

Kuipers, S.J., Cramm, J.M. & Nieboer, A.P. (2019). The importance of patient-centered care and co-creation of care for satisfaction with care and physical and social well-being of patients with multi-morbidity in the primary care setting. BMC Health Serv Res 19, 13.

Stevens, K., (2016). The Impact of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and the Next Big Ideas. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing; 18 (2):  4.

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