Assignment: MN505 M1-1 Interpret Epidemiologic Data on Morbidity and Mortality Related to Acute and Chronic Disease States

Assignment: MN505 M1-1 Interpret Epidemiologic Data on Morbidity and Mortality Related to Acute and Chronic Disease States

Assignment: MN505 M1-1 Interpret Epidemiologic Data on Morbidity and Mortality Related to Acute and Chronic Disease States

This competency assessment assesses the following Outcome(s):

MN505M1-1 Assignment: Interpret epidemiologic data on morbidity and mortality related to acute and chronic disease states.

Individual Screening

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Assignment: MN505 M1-1 Interpret Epidemiologic Data on Morbidity and Mortality Related to Acute and Chronic Disease States

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Individual Screening

Review the clinician provider guidelines and recommendations of the United States Preventive Services Task Force A and B Recommendations.

For the MSN-prepared nurse, knowledge of epidemiology and its application to preventive screening guidelines is important in many clinical areas: administrative, education, and nurse practitioner fields. Consider you are working in a clinic and need to order a preventive screening on a patient for one of the conditions listed below. While this is a preventive measure, it also can be a diagnostic tool in other circumstances. For this assignment, the screening is a secondary prevention measure.

Please select one screening below. Your screening methodology must come from the United States Preventive Services Task Force guidelines.

Condition and Screening

  • Identify and define the condition and type of screening. Screening choice is one from the assignment directions.

Epidemiology of Condition

  • Include a correct definition of the condition and defines the epidemiology of the condition in the United States through three statistical terms.
  • Include the correct mortality and related morbidity statistics in numerical format.
  • Address trends using terms such as increasing, larger, or less. Includes related disparities and population rate comparison (i.e., racial, sex, age, etc.)


  • Incorporate USPSTF guideline development methodology process into the methodology section of the paper.
  • Discuss the population for the guideline using age, sex, or related characteristic, for the screening.
  • Include information on two risk factors addressed in the guideline methodology.
  • Justify the screening based on these risks using statistical rationale.
  • Explain and support measures of the screening.


  • Provide a summation of the USPSTF guideline recommendation.
  • Include population characteristic/s, screening type, and interval.
  • Include most current recommendations.

Critical Analysis

  • Conduct a literature review of support used in the guideline. May include alternative studies found in more recent literature that supports or offers alternative views.
  • Cite four studies in the analysis.


Provide a summary conclusion of the screening guideline, general benefit to the individual and why it is important.

Format expectations:

  • Follows all assignment directions.
  • Introduction and conclusion are included.
  • Information in paragraphs and paper organized to convey the content to the reader.
  • Paper length paper should be 3–4 pages of content.
  • Follows APA in paper format, reference page, in-text citations, or headings.
  • Uses four or more credible peer-reviewed sources.

Master’s-prepared nurse educators, leaders, nurse practitioners, and all specialty nursing fields contribute to health promotion in populations across the life span. You will demonstrate understanding and correct interpretations of preventive screening guidelines. You should be able to apply this knowledge to your specialty focus related to health promotion and epidemiology.

Minimum Submission Requirements

  • This assessment should be a Microsoft Word minimum 3- to 4-page document, in addition to the title and reference pages.
  • Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. Your submission should be highly organized, logical, and focused.
  • Your submission should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.
  • Your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.
  • Your submission must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
  • A separate page at the end of your submission should contain a list of references in APA format. Use your textbook, the Library, and the internet for research.
  • Be sure to include references for all sources and to cite them using in-text citations where appropriate. Your sources and content should follow current APA citation style. Review the writing resources for APA formatting and citation found in Academic Tools. Additional writing resources can be found within the Academic Success Center.
  • Your submission should:
    • include a title page;
    • be double-spaced;
    • be typed in Times New Roman, 12-point font; and
    • be free of spelling or punctuation errors.

Competency Assessment Rubric

All competency criteria must be met to earn a B grade and pass this Course Outcome.

A predefined number of mastery criteria must be met to earn an A grade, indicating mastery of the Course Outcome. See the CLA and Grade Criteria Chart below.

 Condition and screening
Condition and type of screening is appropriate.
Condition and type of screening is clearly defined.
 Epidemiology of condition
Epidemiology of condition is present.
Epidemiology of condition is well addressed; comprehensive and appropriate.
Methodology with screening measures and support are applied to a population addressing risks and related factors.
Methodology with screening measures and support are properly applied to a specific population addressing risks and related factors.
 United States Preventive Services Task Force followed
Guidelines are identified and relate to the screening population, and some features per directions.
Guidelines are identified and are relevant to the screening population, and key features per directions.
 Critical Analysis
Conducts a preliminary literature review of the support used in the guideline.
Conducts a thorough literature review of the support used in the guideline.
Total Competency Criteria:
Total Mastery Criteria:

CLA and Grade Criteria Chart

CRITERIA CLA Score Grade Points
Meets all competency criteria and 50%-100% of mastery criteria 5 A 1000
Meets all competency criteria and 0%-49% of mastery criteria 4 B 850
Meets 75%-99% of competency criteria 3 Not Yet Competent* 0
Meets 50%-75% of competency criteria 2 Not Yet Competent* 0
Meets 1%-49% of competency criteria 1 Not Yet Competent* 0
Meets 0 competency criteria 0 Not Yet Competent* 0
No submission NA Not Yet Competent* 0

*Not Yet Competent grades convert to an F at term end

*If work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned for revision without being scored. If the work submitted does not meet the minimum submission requirements by the end of the term you will receive a failing score.


MN505 M2-2 Assignment: Apply a theory or model of health-related concepts to a community intervention.

Community Needs and Health Screening Initiative


For this assignment, you will pick one recommended screening from United States Preventive Task Force A and B Recommendations.

An initiative is a project, an event, so something in the community is ideal. Workplace location for employees is fine too. Please include the following suggested level one headings so content is clear and easily identified.

Theory or Conceptual Model

  • Identify a health promotion program theory or conceptual model and describe.
  • Explain how the model or theory applies to the initiative is present.

Population Screening Purpose

  • Identify the screening topic as an A or B preventive screening from the USPSTF.
  • Include two components of topic related community statistics numerically (e.g., mortality, prevalence).
  • Describe target population characteristics.
  • Include age and sex or risk factor and matches the guidelines.
  • Clarify the county and or neighborhood of the population.
  • Provide descriptions on the local population to be screened, including three components: number of persons in the county possibly affected based on sex, age, and racial diversity of the county or state.
  • Include current rates of screening or factors that would impact the need for screening.

Location/ Setting

  • Demonstrate details of the community or workplace event, including three components: type of area or building, time, and day (e.g., Monroe County Senior Center at 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. 4/20/21).
  • Include reasoning and explanation of appropriateness.

Screening Activity

Screening activity plan meets the preventive guidelines process, is descriptive, and includes:

  • Education component description
  • Measures tested
  • Shows evidence the tests are aligned with guideline recommendations
  • Demonstrates possible positive measure/ normal and abnormal ranges
  • Follow up and referral content process included
  • Three clear and measurable outcome goals are included
  • Explanation of how each outcome is affected by the activity


Detailed cost analysis to perform screening is provided in table form includes the six following line items but not limited to a table containing:

  • Testing instrument costs with source for pricing
  • Staff costs- as appropriate for screening
  • Rental cost- estimate
  • Simple supply costs
  • Any attendee cost
  • Total

(May use volunteer staff but not donations of items. Cost analysis for feasibility needs demonstrated.) Cost analysis total and summary statement should be included.


Provide a summary of your screening, general benefit to the community, and why it is important. A person should be able to read your paper and understand fully what you are screening, where, when, the costs, and how it is supported in the guideline. Ideally, a person would be able to duplicate your screening initiative based on the clarity you present.

Format expectations:

  • Follows all assignment directions.
  • Introduction and conclusion are included.
  • Information in paragraphs and paper organized to convey the content to the reader.
  • Paper length paper should be 3–4 pages of content.
  • Follows APA in paper format, reference page, in-text citations, or headings.
  • Uses four or more credible peer-reviewed sources.

Master’s-prepared nurse educators, leaders, nurse practitioners, and all specialty nursing fields are contributors to health promotion in populations across the life span. This assignment is focused on preventive screening applications in the community, workplace, or school settings. You should be able to apply this knowledge to their specialty focus related to health promotion and epidemiology.

Minimum Submission Requirements

  • This assessment should be a Microsoft Word 3–4 pages of content in document, in addition to the title and reference pages.
  • Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. Your submission should be highly organized, logical, and focused.
  • Your submission should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.
  • Your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.
  • Your submission must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
  • A separate page at the end of your submission should contain a list of references in APA format. Use your textbook, the Library, and the internet for research.
  • Be sure to include references for all sources and to cite them using in-text citations where appropriate. Your sources and content should follow current APA citation style. Review the writing resources for APA formatting and citation found in Academic Tools. Additional writing resources can be found within the Academic Success Center.
  • Your submission should:
    • include a title page;
    • be double-spaced;
    • be typed in Times New Roman, 12 -point font; and
    • be free of spelling or punctuation errors.

Competency Assessment Rubric

All competency criteria must be met to earn a B grade and pass this Course Outcome.

A predefined number of mastery criteria must be met to earn an A grade, indicating mastery of the Course Outcome. See the CLA and Grade Criteria Chart below.

 Conceptual model
A health promotion theory or conceptual model chosen.
A health promotion theory or conceptual model chosen and applied to initiative.
 Population Screening purpose
Reason for screening population is noted via community statistics/ assessment data and supported in the guideline.
Reason for screening population is explained in detail via community statistics/ assessment data and supported in the guideline.
Setting for screening is provided and is appropriate for community or workplace preventive intervention.
Setting for screening is provided with details, and is appropriate for community or workplace preventive intervention.
 Screening Activity with Explanation of Outcome/Goals
Screening activity plan is included and lists some components.
Screening activity plan is descriptive and includes all components
Cost analysis to perform screening is provided including table and components.
Detailed cost analysis to perform screening is provided including table and components.
Summary includes components in directions including general benefit to the community.
Summary includes components in directions including general benefit to the community and why it is important.
Total Competency Criteria:
Total Mastery Criteria:

CLA and Grade Criteria Chart

CRITERIA CLA Score Grade Points
Meets all competency criteria and 50%-100% of mastery criteria 5 A 1000
Meets all competency criteria and 0%-49% of mastery criteria 4 B 850
Meets 75%-99% of competency criteria 3 Not Yet Competent* 0
Meets 50%-75% of competency criteria 2 Not Yet Competent* 0
Meets 1%-49% of competency criteria 1 Not Yet Competent* 0
Meets 0 competency criteria 0 Not Yet Competent* 0
No submission NA Not Yet Competent* 0

*Not Yet Competent grades convert to an F at term end

*If work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned for revision without being scored. If the work submitted does not meet the minimum submission requirements by the end of the term you will receive a failing score.

MN505M3-3 Assignment Paper: Analyze health promotion and illness prevention risk factors in a multicultural context.

PC-4.3: Apply concepts of multiculturalism and diversity to become an agent of change.

Health Statistics and Populations


Consider you are preparing for a project to evaluate multicultural impact and diversity within a health condition. You will select a health topic of interest such as breastfeeding, domestic violence, or juvenile diabetes that affects a specific population such as older adults, women of reproductive age, or race diversity related to a condition. Locate health statistics for your selections. You must include national and state data, and may also include local county or city data if available.

Access the Assignment Grid. Follow the guide directions in the left-hand column of the grid for each section. Research content regarding concepts of multiculturalism and diversity, and include interventions that address health disparities.

Population of Interest and Condition

  • Identify and define a health condition or event.
  • Define the population by gender, age, and health status.
  • Identify cultural aspects in the literature review.

Search Process

  • Detail the search process and summarize three components of health sources used in the project.
  • Include names of journals, organizations, and agencies for health statistics.
  • Include state and national resources.
  • Include search criteria such as keywords and date ranges of sources.

Health Information

  • Document relevant health information obtained from the search, including four components of the topic: clinical health information, associated risk factors, significant statistics, and local and national epidemiological trends related to change in the US and global settings.

Research Findings

  • Demonstrate disparities statistically.
  • Address two evidence-based clinical interventions that are designed to reduce the specific disparities in the examined population.
  • Include two multicultural aspects of these interventions.
  • In the literature application, demonstrate concepts of multiculturalism and diversity to become an agent of change.
  • Include two clinical guidelines or evidence-based management/treatment of the overall health topic to support your stance.


You will provide a summation of your review. Examples of concepts may include personal beliefs and values, the benefits of diverse perspectives, the importance of tolerance, etc. Provide examples of how to bridge cultural differences and build effective relationships for improved health outcomes on the topic.

Tab 2

Format Expectations

  • Follows all assignment directions.
  • Information is inputted in the provided grid.
  • Information within sections is organized to convey the content to the reader.
  • Content grid should be 3–4 pages of information.
  • May be single-spaced. Bulleting may be used. Contains less than two APA errors in paper format, reference page, in-text citations, or headings.
  • Includes a title page and reference page.
  • Uses six or more credible peer-reviewed sources.

Carefully consider the directions in each section of the table. There should be substantive information in the last two sections particularly. Do not alter the left-hand column.

Master’s-prepared nurse educators, leaders, nurse practitioners, and all specialty nursing fields contribute to health promotion in populations across the life span. This assignment is focused on the analysis of epidemiological and health information, including illness prevention, risk factors disparities, and intervention. Students should be able to integrate these concepts in a multicultural context to their specialty focus related to health promotion and epidemiology.

Competency Assessment Rubric

All competency criteria must be met to earn a B grade and pass this Course Outcome.

A predefined number of mastery criteria must be met to earn an A grade, indicating mastery of the Course Outcome. See the CLA and Grade Criteria Chart below.

 Population of interest and condition
A population of interest and health condition or event are represented. The population and condition are present.
A population of interest and health condition or event are clearly represented. The population and condition are clearly defined.
Search process
The search process is summarized. Heath sources are presented.
The search process is detailed and summarized clearly. Heath sources are presented along with details of the students search process, such as keywords and date ranges of sources
 Health information
Relevant health information obtained in the search is documented. Information is accurate.
Relevant health information obtained in the search is well documented. Information is accurate and current.
 Research findings
Research findings and evidence of health disparities based on examined population are noted and documented. Interventions and examples are included.
Research findings and evidence of health disparities based on examined population are fully explained and well documented. Interventions and examples are included and well detailed.
Examples present of how to bridge cultural differences and build relationships for improved health outcomes on the topic.
Detailed examples present of how to bridge cultural differences and build effective relationships for improved health outcomes on the topic.
Total Competency Criteria:
Total Mastery Criteria:

CLA and Grade Criteria Chart

CRITERIA CLA Score Grade Points
Meets all competency criteria and 50%-100% of mastery criteria 5 A 1000
Meets all competency criteria and 0%-49% of mastery criteria 4 B 850
Meets 75%-99% of competency criteria 3 Not Yet Competent* 0
Meets 50%-75% of competency criteria 2 Not Yet Competent* 0
Meets 1%-49% of competency criteria 1 Not Yet Competent* 0
Meets 0 competency criteria 0 Not Yet Competent* 0
No submission NA Not Yet Competent* 0

*Not Yet Competent grades convert to an F at term end

*If work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned for revision without being scored. If the work submitted does not meet the minimum submission requirements by the end of the term you will receive a failing score.


MN505M4-4 Assignment Paper: Develop An Evidence-Based Health Promotion Program To Reduce Health Risks Of A Vulnerable Population.

This competency assessment assesses the following Outcome(s):

MN505M4-4: Develop an evidence-based health promotion program to reduce health risks of a vulnerable population.

Immunization Presentation


For this assignment you are creating a PowerPoint® presentation. Your presentation audience is the community.

Master’s-prepared nurse educators, leaders, nurse practitioners, and all specialty nursing fields contribute to health promotion in populations across the life span. This assignment is focused on child and adolescent immunization, health information, epidemiology, and surrounding influences. This is not on a singular immunization but pediatric immunization education for a community audience.

Presentation Content and Slides:

  • Content slides: 12–14 are required.
  • Each slide’s speaker notes must have two paragraphs of content. Each slide should have substantive content on the slide and further information in the speaker notes.
  • Include bulleted and professional graphics.


  • Content on slides should include three components of information: immunity, herd immunity, and types of immunity related to vaccination.

Effects of Immunization

  • Content on slides should include three components of information on the effects of immunization: individual, community, and worldwide.


  • Content on slides should include components of information: pediatric vaccination trends, related disease trends, including statistics for conditions prevented with pediatric vaccinations.


  • Content on slides should include at least four documented myths about vaccinations with published information to debunk.

Pediatric Schedule

  • Content on slides should include a pediatric vaccination schedule for infants, children, and teens.

Legal, Ethical and Cultural Issues

  • Content on slide should include three components on slides: legal, ethical, and cultural considerations of pediatric vaccinations.

Format Expectations:

  • Include a title slide, conclusion slide, and reference slide (do not count toward total content slide number).
  • Use at least four credible resources.
  • There is no audio or voice in this assignment.
  • Presentation is a professional design and style; succinct, not overly wordy; with appropriate text and visual appeal; and accurate and complete content.
  • Use appropriate APA formatting and citation style.

Submit your assignment to the Competency Assessment Dropbox.

  • Save a copy of your work.
  • Confirm that your assignment file uploaded correctly.
  • This assessment should be a PowerPoint file and follow the formatting directions within the assessment, in addition to the title and reference slides.
  • Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. Your submission should be highly organized, logical, and focused.
  • Your submission should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.
  • Your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.
  • Your submission must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
  • A separate page at the end of your submission should contain a list of references in APA format. Use your textbook, the Library, and the internet for research.
  • Be sure to include references for all sources and to cite them using in-text citations where appropriate. Your sources and content should follow current APA citation style. Review the writing resources for APA formatting and citation found in Academic Tools. Additional writing resources can be found within the Academic Success Center.

MN505 M4 Competency Assessment Rubric

All competency criteria must be met to earn a B grade and pass this Course Outcome.

A predefined number of mastery criteria must be met to earn an A grade, indicating mastery of the Course Outcome. See the CLA and Grade Criteria Chart below.

Content on slides and speaker notes on: herd immunity, types of immunity related to vaccination.
Comprehensive content on slides and speaker notes on: herd immunity, types of immunity related to vaccination.
Effects of Immunization
Content on slides and speaker notes on: individual, community and worldwide effects of immunization.
Comprehensive content on slides and speaker notes on: individual, community and worldwide effects of immunization.
Content on slides and speaker notes on: vaccination trends, and disease statistics for those conditions prevented with vaccination.
Comprehensive content on slides and speaker notes on: vaccination trends, and disease statistics for those conditions prevented with vaccination.
Content on slides and speaker notes on: common vaccination myths and published support to debunk.
Comprehensive content on slides and speaker notes on: common vaccination myths and published support to debunk.
 Immunization schedule
Pediatric vaccination schedule is included in slides.
Pediatric vaccination schedule is included in slides and speaker notes.
 Legal, ethical, and cultural considerations
Content on slides and speaker notes on: legal, ethical and cultural considerations.
Comprehensive content on slides and speaker notes on: legal, ethical and cultural considerations.
Total Competency Criteria:
Total Mastery Criteria:

CLA and Grade Criteria Chart

CRITERIA CLA Score Grade Points
Meets all competency criteria and 50%-100% of mastery criteria 5 A 1000
Meets all competency criteria and 0%-49% of mastery criteria 4 B 850
Meets 75%-99% of competency criteria 3 Not Yet Competent* 0
Meets 50%-75% of competency criteria 2 Not Yet Competent* 0
Meets 1%-49% of competency criteria 1 Not Yet Competent* 0
Meets 0 competency criteria 0 Not Yet Competent* 0
No submission NA Not Yet Competent* 0

*Not Yet Competent grades convert to an F at term end

*If work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned for revision without being scored. If the work submitted does not meet the minimum submission requirements by the end of the term you will receive a failing score.

MN50M5-5 Assignment: Evaluate Interprofessional Health Promotion Resources.

This competency assessment assesses the following Outcome(s):

MN50M5-5: Evaluate interprofessional health promotion resources.

Diverse Populations, Age, and Interprofessional Health Promotion Resources

This paper is a 3- to 4-page project that analyzes interprofessional resources on one health topic for the adult population throughout the adult lifespan.

What interprofessional resources exist for the topic? Also, consider using terms such as multidisciplinary and team-based care in your search related to the topic.

The adult lifespan, young, middle, and older adult, by ages/ranges in adulthood, should be addressed clearly via the epidemiology of the condition. Are there interventions that benefit the outcome? Epidemiological support and evidence-based practice guidelines should be included in the paper.

Topic Defined Throughout the Adult Life Span

  • Define topic. Definition should include content related to young, middle, and older adults and should not include teen or childhood content.


  • Define the epidemiology of the condition in the United States via three epidemiology terms numerically.
  • Define statistics by young, middle, and older adults or by specific age ranges in adulthood.


  • Explain one clinical management guideline with 2–3 criteria considerations.

Interprofessional Collaboration

  • Provide 4–5 specific examples of interprofessional roles and functions for the collaborative management of the condition.
  • Include two studies addressing interprofessional collaboration.


  • Summarize the general interprofessional collaborative content related to the topic and the benefit to populations.
  • Include why it is important.

Tab 2

Format Expectations:

  • Follows all assignment directions.
  • Introduction and conclusion are included.
  • Information in paragraphs and paper organized to convey the content to the reader.
  • Paper length paper should be 3–4 pages of content.
  • Follows APA in paper format, reference page, in-text citations, or headings.
  • Uses four or more credible peer-reviewed sources.

Resources on interprofessional collaboration should be clear and supported with evidence-based sources. Analysis of interprofessional collaboration covers all aspects of nursing. Master’s-prepared nurse educators, leaders, nurse practitioners, and all specialty nursing fields contribute to health promotion in populations across the life span. This assignment is focused on the adult. You should choose a topic that affects your area of specialty focus as it relates to health promotion and epidemiology.

Minimum Submission Requirements

  • This assessment should be a Microsoft Word, 3–4 pages of content in document, in addition to the title and reference pages.
  • Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. Your submission should be highly organized, logical, and focused.
  • Your submission should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.
  • Your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.
  • Your submission must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
  • A separate page at the end of your submission should contain a list of references in APA format. Use your textbook, the Library, and the internet for research.
  • Be sure to include references for all sources and to cite them using in-text citations where appropriate. Your sources and content should follow current APA citation style. Review the writing resources for APA formatting and citation found in Academic Tools. Additional writing resources can be found within the Academic Success Center.
  • Your submission should:
    • include a title page;
    • be double-spaced;
    • be typed in Times New Roman, 12-point font; and
    • be free of spelling or punctuation errors.

MN50M5-5 Competency Assessment Rubric

Competency Assessment Rubric

All competency criteria must be met to earn a B grade and pass this Course Outcome.

A predefined number of mastery criteria must be met to earn an A grade, indicating mastery of the Course Outcome. See the CLA and Grade Criteria Chart below.

Topic is defined as it affects adults throughout the lifespan.
Topic is clearly defined as it affects adults throughout the lifespan.
Epidemiological information and statistics are included in the paper.
Epidemiological information and statistics are included in the paper, accurately and applied appropriately.
Addresses interventions via clinical management guideline.
Addresses interventions via clinical management guideline and specifics.
 Interprofessional Collaboration
Several examples of resources for interprofessional collaboration with studies.
Several examples of resources for interprofessional collaboration with studies; clear, well developed and supported with evidence-based support.
General interprofessional collaborative benefit to populations.
General interprofessional collaborative benefit to populations and why it is important.
Total Competency Criteria:
Total Mastery Criteria:

CLA and Grade Criteria Chart

CRITERIA CLA Score Grade Points
Meets all competency criteria and 50%-100% of mastery criteria 5 A 1000
Meets all competency criteria and 0%-49% of mastery criteria 4 B 850
Meets 75%-99% of competency criteria 3 Not Yet Competent* 0
Meets 50%-75% of competency criteria 2 Not Yet Competent* 0
Meets 1%-49% of competency criteria 1 Not Yet Competent* 0
Meets 0 competency criteria 0 Not Yet Competent* 0
No submission NA Not Yet Competent* 0

*Not Yet Competent grades convert to an F at term end

*If work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned for revision without being scored. If the work submitted does not meet the minimum submission requirements by the end of the term you will receive a failing score.

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Assignment: MN505 M1-1 Interpret Epidemiologic Data on Morbidity and Mortality Related to Acute and Chronic Disease States

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