Assignment: NR718 Week Leading Evidence-Based Practice Change

Assignment: NR718 Week Leading Evidence-Based Practice Change

Assignment: NR718 Week Leading Evidence-Based Practice Change



The purpose of this assignment is to develop competency in writing a grant proposal for the National Practice Problem idea you identified in Week 3. You will continue to build on the practice problem and the evidence-based intervention in this part of the assignment. This assignment focuses on the second part of a grant proposal:

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Data Collection Instruments

Outcomes (Evaluation Plan)

Data Collection Method

Protection of Participants


Continue writing the grant proposal and include the following required content:

Introduction: Provide a brief introduction that describes the following:

Introduce the paper’s purpose and the importance of the practice change project.

Describe the intended accomplishments and long-term project goals.

Provide a brief and defining statement of what will be discussed in the paper.


Provide a synthesis of evidence to support the evidence-based intervention for the selected problem. Include 3 current Level I, II, or III peer-reviewed primary research studies and/or systematic reviews.

Synthesis of the literature (maximum of 2 paragraphs)

Use a synthesis of research evidence when writing this section of the paper.

Synthesize the main themes and salient points that emerge from a synthesis of research evidence.

Compare and contrast the main points from a synthesis of research evidence.

Presents an overarching synthesis of evidence about the intervention.

Provides objective rationale for the intervention based on the literature.

Includes a minimum of three peer-reviewed research studies that support the intervention. Enter these on the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool.

Data Collection Instruments

Describe the data collection instrument(s) you intend to use to measure the outcomes of the project. If collecting the data from the EHR, discuss the details of who will collect the data, how, and the specific data to be collected. Include the data about the reliability and validity for surveys and questionnaires if used.

Data Collection Methods

Describe the method or process for data collection including how often measurements will be taken. Describe how, when, where, and who will collect the data.

Outcomes (Evaluation Plan)

Explain the primary outcome for your evidence-based intervention.

Explain how the success of the project will be evaluated when it is fully implemented. This is a discussion about the outcome and the relationship between project success and the outcome(s).

Protection of Participants

Examine potential risks to the participants.

Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool

Include 3 Level I, II, or III research articles or systematic reviews.

Complete all sections completely and identify the quality and levels of evidence.

Insert your completed Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool as an Appendix.

APA Guidelines

Use the current American Psychological Association (APA Manual) and the Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing a Professional Papers (located in the APA Basics section of the Writing Center) to complete this assignment. Follow these guidelines when completing each component. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.

Use the APA Paper Template (located in the Writing Center) to format this assignment.

Turn on Grammarly to check the correctness of the grammar and punctuation as you write. (Note: if you have not already done so, please download the free version at before construction of the assignment.)

Construct a title page using the APA paper template (Example: The Nurse Educator and Leading Social Change).

Use the following prescribed Level I headings for the paper:

Title of paper for introduction header


Data Collection Instruments

Data Collection Method

Outcomes (Evaluation Plan)

Protection of Participants

Appendix Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool

Writing Requirements (APA format)

Length: 3-4 pages (not including title page or references page)

1-inch margins

Double-spaced pages

12-point Times New Roman or 11-point Arial font

Headings and subheadings

In-text citations

Title page

Reference page

Standard English usage and mechanics

Organized presentation of ideas

Program Competencies

This assignment enables the student to meet the following program competencies:

Integrates scientific underpinnings into everyday clinical practice. (POs 3, 5)

Applies organizational and system leadership skills to affect systemic changes in corporate culture and to promote continuous improvement in clinical outcomes. (PO 6)

Uses analytic methods to translate critically appraised research and other evidence into clinical scholarship for innovative practice improvements. (POs 3, 5)

Appraises current information systems and technologies to improve health care. (POs 6, 7)

Analyzes health care policies to advocate for equitable health care and social justice to all populations and those at risk due to social determinants of health. (POs 2, 9)

Translates a synthesis of research and population data to support preventative care and improve the nation’s health. (PO 1)

Leads others in professional identity, advanced clinical judgment, systems thinking, resilience, and accountability in selecting, implementing, and evaluating clinical care. (POs 1, 4)

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

Identify advanced practice leadership competencies. (PCs 2, 4, 5; POs 2, 6)

Apply various strategies to improve access to quality, cost-effective healthcare. (PCs 5, 7, 8; POs 1, 4, 9)

Utilize translation science to affect evidence-based practice change to impact quality and safety of patient care. (PCs 1, 3; POs 3, 5)

Translate research into clinical practice to provide optimal wellness and disease prevention throughout the patient population. (PCs 1, 3, 5, 7, 8; POs 1, 3, 4, 9)

Critically appraise research as it applies to evidence-based practice to provide the most current and effective care to patient populations. (PCs 1, 3, 5, 8; POs 3, 4, 9)

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Week 5 Assignment Grading Rubric

Week 5 Assignment Grading Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction

Requirements: Provide a brief introduction that describes:

1. Introduce the paper’s purpose and the importance of the practice change project.

2. Describe the intended accomplishments and long-term project goals.

3. Provide a brief and defining statement of what will be discussed in the paper.

20 pts

Includes all requirements and provides an excellent introduction.

18 pts

Includes all requirements and provides a very good introduction.

16 pts

Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides a basic introduction.

0 pts

Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides a poor introduction.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInterventions/Approach


Synthesis of the literature (maximum of 2 paragraphs)

1. Use a synthesis of research evidence when writing this section of the paper.

2. Synthesize the main themes and salient points that emerge from a synthesis of research evidence.

3. Compare and contrast the main points from a synthesis of research evidence.

4. Presents an overarching synthesis of evidence about the intervention.

5. Provides objective rationale for the intervention based on the literature.

6. Includes a minimum of three peer-reviewed research studies that support the intervention. Enter these on the Johns Hopkins Individual Summary Tool.

30 pts

Includes all requirements and provides an excellent description of the interventions/approach.

27 pts

Includes all requirements and provides a very good description of the interventions/approach.

24 pts

Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides a basic description of the interventions/approach.

0 pts

Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides a poor description of the interventions/approach.

30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeData Collection Instruments


1. Describe the instruments you intend to use to measure the outcomes of the project.

2. If collecting the data from the EHR, discuss the details of who will collect the EHR data and the specific data to be collected.

3. Include the data about the reliability and validity testing for surveys and questionnaires if used.

20 pts

Includes all requirements and provides an excellent description of the instrument(s).

18 pts

Includes all requirements and provides a very good description of the instruments.

16 pts

Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides a basic description of the instruments.

0 pts

Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides a poor description of the instruments.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeData Collection Methods


1. Describe the method or process including how often measurements will be taken. Describe how, when, where, and who will collect the data.

30 pts

Includes all requirements and provides an excellent discussion of the data collection.

27 pts

Includes all requirements and provides a very good discussion of the data collection.

24 pts

Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides a basic discussion of the data collection.

0 pts

Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides a poor discussion of the data collection.

30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOutcome and Process Measures (Evaluation Plan)


1. Explain the primary outcomes for your evidence-based intervention.

2. Explain how the success of the project will be evaluated when it is fully implemented.

30 pts

Includes all requirements and provides an excellent discussion of the outcome and process measures.

27 pts

Includes all requirements and provides a very good discussion of the outcome and process measures.

24 pts

Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides a basic discussion of the outcome and process measures.

0 pts

Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides a poor discussion of the outcome and process measures.

30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProtection of Participants


1. Examine potential risks to the participants.

20 pts

Includes all requirements and provides an excellent discussion of the protection of participants.

18 pts

Includes all requirements and provides a very good discussion of the protection of participants.

16 pts

Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides a basic discussion of the protection of participants.

0 pts

Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides a poor discussion of the protection of participants.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAppendix


1. Include three Level I, II, or III research studies.

2. Complete all sections completely and identify the quality and the levels of evidence.

3. Insert your completed Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool as an Appendix.

10 pts

Includes all requirements and provides an in-depth summary tool.

9 pts

Includes all requirements and provides a sufficient summary tool.

8 pts

Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides a partial summary tool.

0 pts

Includes fewer than all requirements and/or an undeveloped completed summary tool.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences


1. Identify and list scholarly sources on the reference pages.

2. Identify and list other scholarly sources used in the paper on the reference pages.

3. List scholarly sources in alphabetical order.

4. Use correct hanging-indent format.

10 pts

Includes all requirements and provides excellent references.

9 pts

Includes all requirements and provides very good references.

8 pts

Includes fewer than all requirements and provides basic references.

0 pts

Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides poor references.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Style and Organization for Scholarly Papers


1. Use prescribed Level I headers as described in the assignment guidelines.

2. Reference and citations are in current APA style.

3. Paper length is 3-4 pages, excluding title and reference pages.

10 pts

Includes all requirements and provides excellent APA style and organization.

9 pts

Includes all requirements and provides very good APA style and organization.

8 pts

Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides basic APA style and organization.

0 pts

Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides poor APA style and organization.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity of Writing


1. Use of Standard English usage and mechanics

2. No spelling or typographical errors

3. Organized presentation of ideas

20 pts

Includes all requirements and demonstrates excellent clarity of writing.

18 pts

Includes all requirements and provides very good clarity of writing.

16 pts

Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides basic clarity of writing.

0 pts

Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides poor clarity of writing.

20 pts

Total Points: 200


Assignment: NR718 Week Leading Evidence-Based Practice Change Sample

Depression-related suicide is a critical issue demanding immediate attention and effective interventions to mitigate its devastating impact. This project aims to reduce the incidence of depression-related suicide and improve patient outcomes pertaining to depression and suicide risk through the implementation of evidence-based practices. The significance of this practice change project cannot be overstated, given the widespread prevalence of depression, which affects millions globally, leading to immense personal suffering and imposing a substantial burden on healthcare systems and society (World Health Organization, (2021). Suicide, often resulting from untreated or inadequately managed depression, is a leading global cause of death. Consequently, addressing depression-related suicide is pivotal for enhancing public health and overall well-being. This paper will delve into the interventions and approaches employed in the practice change project, outlining the data collection instruments, evaluation plan, data collection method, and participant protection measures.

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Interventions and Approach

A systematic review and meta-analysis by Miller et al. (2021) emphasized the effectiveness of standardized depression screening tools, such as the Kessler psychological distress scale (K6+) and PHQ-9, in identifying individuals at risk of depression-related suicide. The study underscored the importance of early detection and intervention in reducing suicide rates. This suggests that implementing these screening tools in primary healthcare settings can be crucial in identifying individuals who may require immediate support.

Furthermore, Saini et al. (2020) conducted a randomized controlled trial highlighting educational programs’ significance for healthcare professionals, specifically nurses, in suicide prevention. The study demonstrated that these programs can enhance healthcare professionals’ knowledge and attitudes toward suicide, empowering them to identify and manage at-risk individuals. Additionally, Mann et al. (2021) found that evidence-based interventions, such as psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy, have a substantial impact on reducing the incidence of depression-related suicide and improving overall patient well-being. Healthcare systems can effectively address depression-related suicide, enhance public health, and improve the overall well-being of individuals suffering from depression by adopting these interventions and approaches.

Data Collection Instruments

A team of healthcare professionals, including nurses, will collect the data. The team will be responsible for administering the Kessler psychological distress scale (K6+), patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9), and the Columbia suicide severity rating scale (C-SSRS) to patients identified as at risk of depression-related suicide. The data collected will include demographic information, screening results, patient outcomes, and the incidence of depression-related suicide. The reliability and validity of the surveys and questionnaires will be ensured by employing established and validated instruments such as the PHQ-9 and the C-SSRS, which have been extensively tested and shown to be reliable and valid measures for assessing depression and suicide risk.

Data Collection Methods

Data collection will occur within the healthcare facility where the intervention is implemented. The project team of healthcare professionals, such as nurses, psychologists, and psychiatrists, will collect data. They will administer the Kessler psychological distress scale (K6+), patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9), and the Columbia suicide severity rating scale (C-SSRS) to patients identified as at risk of depression-related suicide. These measurements will be taken at specific intervals, such as during initial patient screenings, follow-up assessments, and periodic monitoring throughout the project’s duration. Nurses’ adherence to evidence-based practices will be assessed through ongoing observation, chart audits, and staff surveys. The data collection process will be consistent, coordinated, and closely monitored to ensure accurate and comprehensive data for evaluating the effectiveness of the interventions and making informed decisions for continuous improvement.

Outcomes (Evaluation Plan)

The primary outcome of evidence-based interventions is to decrease the occurrence of suicide related to depression by identifying individuals who are at risk through standardized screening tools. The program will be monitored and evaluated to assess the proposed evidence-based intervention’s effectiveness in addressing depression-related suicide. The project team will gather data on the frequency of depression-related suicide within the healthcare organization before and after implementing the evidence-based practices. This will allow for a comparison that will help determine the intervention’s effectiveness in reducing such incidents.

Protection of Participants

Potential risks to the participants in this change project include psychological distress and emotional discomfort that may arise during the screening process and discussions about depression and suicide. Participants at risk of depression-related suicide may experience heightened vulnerability and require additional support and resources. Furthermore, there is a potential risk of breach of confidentiality if sensitive patient information is not adequately protected. To ensure the protection of participants, ethical considerations will be addressed. Informed consent will be obtained from participants, clearly explaining the project’s purpose, procedures, potential risks, and benefits (Bhandari, 2021). Confidentiality and privacy measures will also be implemented to safeguard participant information. Healthcare professionals involved in data collection and interventions will be appropriately trained and supported to handle sensitive issues and provide the necessary support to participants.


Bhandari, P. (2021, October 18). A guide to ethical considerations in research. Scribbr.

Mann, J. J., Michel, C. A., & Auerbach, R. P. (2021). Improving suicide prevention through evidence-based strategies: A systematic review. American Journal of Psychiatry, 178(7).

Miller, P., Newby, D., Walkom, E., Schneider, J., Li, S. C., & Evans, T.-J. (2021). The performance and accuracy of depression screening tools capable of self-administration in primary care: A systematic review and meta-analysis. The European Journal of Psychiatry, 35(1), 1–18.

Saini, V., Gehlawat, P., & Gupta, T. (2020). Evaluation of knowledge and competency among nurses after a brief suicide prevention educational program: A pilot study. Journal of Family Medicine & Primary Care, 9(12), 6018–6022.

WHO. (2021, June 17). Suicide. Who. Int; World Health Organization: WHO.

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