Assignment: NURS 5051 Module 06 Week 11 Create a 1-page fact sheet that your healthcare organization could hypothetically use to explain the health or nursing informatics policy/regulation you selected. Your fact sheet should address the following:

Assignment: NURS 5051 Module 06 Week 11 Create a 1-page fact sheet that your healthcare organization could hypothetically use to explain the health or nursing informatics policy/regulation you selected. Your fact sheet should address the following:

Assignment: NURS 5051 Module 06 Week 11 Create a 1-page fact sheet that your healthcare organization could hypothetically use to explain the health or nursing informatics policy/regulation you selected. Your fact sheet should address the following:

To Prepare:

Review the Resources on healthcare policy and regulatory/legislative topics related to health and nursing informatics.

Consider the role of the nurse informatics in relation to a healthcare organization’s compliance with various policies and regulations, such as the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA).

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Assignment: NURS 5051 Module 06 Week 11 Create a 1-page fact sheet that your healthcare organization could hypothetically use to explain the health or nursing informatics policy/regulation you selected. Your fact sheet should address the following:

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Research and select one health or nursing informatics policy (within the past 5 years) or regulation for further study.

The Assignment: (1 page not including the title and reference page)

Create a 1-page fact sheet that your healthcare organization could hypothetically use to explain the health or nursing informatics policy/regulation you selected. Your fact sheet should address the following:

Briefly and generally explain the policy or regulation you selected.


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Address the impact of the policy or regulation you selected on system implementation.

Address the impact of the policy or regulation you selected on clinical care, patient/provider interactions, and workflow.

Highlight organizational policies and procedures that are/will be in place at your healthcare organization to address the policy or regulation you selected. Be specific.

Use APA format and include a title page, in-text citations, and reference page.

Use the Safe Assign Drafts to check your match percentage before submitting your work.

Required Readings:

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2022). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Chapter 8, “Legislative Aspects of Nursing Informatics: HIPAA, HITECH and Beyond” (pp. 161–181)

American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (2018). MACRA/MIPS: The transition from fee-for-service to quality-based reimbursementLinks to an external site.. Retrieved from

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (n.d.). MACRALinks to an external site.. Retrieved January 18, 2019, from (2018a). Health IT legislationLinks to an external site.. Retrieved from to an external site. (2018b). Meaningful use and MACRALinks to an external site.. Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Laws & RegulationsLinks to an external site.. Retrieved September 27, 2018, from

plesse follow the rubric


Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreate a 1-page fact sheet that your healthcare organization could hypothetically use to explain the health or nursing informatics policy/regulation you selected. Your fact sheet should address the following:· Briefly and generally explain the policy or regulation you selected.· Address the impact of the policy or regulation you selected on system implementation.
25 to >22.0 pts


A fully developed and detailed Fact Sheet is provided for the Assignment….Using the literature and course resources:…The response accurately and thoroughly explains in detail the policy and regulation selected….The response accurately and thoroughly explains in detail the impact of the policy or regulation selected on system implementation.

22 to >19.0 pts


A developed Fact Sheet is provided for the Assignment….Using the literature and course resources:…The response explains the policy or regulation selected….The response explains the impact of the policy or regulation selected on system implementation.

19 to >17.0 pts


The response is missing one or two of the required topics or topics are superficially addressed.

17 to >0 pts


The response is missing three or more required topics or the topics are superficially addressed.
25 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome· Address the impact of the policy or regulation you selected on system implementation.· Address the impact of the policy or regulation you selected on clinical care, patient/provider interactions, and workflow.

25 to >22.0 pts


Using the literature and course resources:…The response accurately and thoroughly explains in detail the impact of the policy or regulation selected on system implementation….The response accurately and thoroughly explains in detail the impact of the policy or regulation selected on clinical care, patient/provider interactions, and workflow.

22 to >19.0 pts


Using the literature and course resources:…The response explains the impact of the policy or regulation selected on system implementation….The response explains the impact of the policy or regulation selected on clinical care, patient/provider interactions, and workflow.

19 to >17.0 pts


The response elements are superficially addressed.

17 to >0 pts


The response is incomplete or missing.
25 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome· Highlight organizational policies and procedures that are/will be in place at your healthcare organization to address the policy or regulation you selected. Be specific.
25 to >22.0 pts


Using the literature and course resources:…Specific and accurate response thoroughly highlights in detail the organizational policies and procedures that are/will be in place at a healthcare organization to address the policy or regulation selected.

22 to >19.0 pts


Using the literature and course resources:…Accurate response highlights the organizational policies and procedures that are/will be in place at a healthcare organization to address the policy or regulation selected.

19 to >17.0 pts


The response elements are superficially addressed.

17 to >0 pts


The response is incomplete or missing.
25 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResources

10 to >8.0 pts


Assignment includes: 3 or more peer-reviewed articles and 2 or more course resources.

8 to >7.0 pts


Assignment includes: 2 peer-reviewed articles and 2 course resources.

7 to >6.0 pts


Assignment includes: 1 peer-reviewed article and 1 course resource.

6 to >0 pts


Assignment includes: 1 or no resources.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Fact Sheet:The Fact Sheet is professional; images are appropriately attributed; images are clear. The Fact Sheet text is readable. Fact Sheet flows well and is presented in a logical order.

5 to >4.0 pts


Fact sheet is professional with proper attribution, clear images and readable text presented in a logical manner.

4 to >3.0 pts


Fact sheet is professional with proper attribution, clear images and readable text presented in a logical manner 80% of the time.

3 to >2.0 pts


Sixty to seventy nine percent of the Fact Sheet follows these guidelines: Fact sheet is professional with proper attribution, clear images and readable text presented in a logical manner.

2 to >0 pts


Sixty percent or less of the Fact Sheet follows these guidelines: Fact sheet is professional with proper attribution, clear images and readable text presented in a logical manner.
5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards:Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation
5 to >4.0 pts


Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.

4 to >3.0 pts


Contains a few (1-2) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

3 to >2.0 pts


Contains several (3-4) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

2 to >0 pts


Contains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.
5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – APA:The reference list and image attribution list follow correct APA format.
5 to >4.0 pts


Uses correct APA format with no errors.

4 to >3.0 pts


Contains a few (1-2) APA format errors.

3 to >2.0 pts


Contains several (3-4) APA format errors.

2 to >0 pts


Contains many (≥ 5) APA format errors.

5 pts

Total Points: 100

A Sample Of This Assignment Written By One Of Our Top-rated Writers

Contemporary Nursing Practice

       Nursing practice has undergone significant transformation over time. Unlike the past, current nurses can perform complex roles, which increase their autonomy in practice. Nursing specialties provide nurses the opportunities to offer advanced care to specific populations. Evidence-based practice ensures nurses provide high-quality, safe and efficient care to their patients. Therefore, this essay examines the evolution of nursing, comparison of ADN and BSN roles, communication and collaboration in nursing, and importance of evidence-based practice to nursing.

How Nursing Practice Has Changed Over Time

       Nursing practice has changed over time. Unlike in the past, nurses currently are highly trained and equipped with essential knowledge and skills needed for them to be critical thinkers and be able to handle complex situations. The advanced training for nurses has enabled them to function independently unlike in the past when they relied on physicians in the decision-making processes. Nurses in the modern world are also sophisticated in other areas of service provision such as advocacy, legislation, leadership and management. Current nurses are empowered and supported to advocate for health equity and adoption of policies that advance the profession. Current nurses are also equipped with competencies to use technology in the provision of patient care services. They incorporate technologies to ensure efficiency, quality, and patient-centeredness in the care process (Bryant et al., 2020; Hansen-Turton & Rothman, 2022). Nurses can now collaborate with other healthcare providers efficiently using healthcare technologies to improve patient outcomes.

Comparison of Associate (ADN) and Baccalaureate (BSN)

       ADNs and BSNs differ based on some areas of their practice competencies. While BSNs are trained to be professional nurses, ADNs are trained on the technical aspects of nursing practice. BSNs enjoy a wide scope of practice, which includes clinical practice, nursing education, research, and management. This makes BSNs more versatile in their areas of focus, which can include nursing leadership, research, management, clinical practice, and working with communities to improve their health-related outcomes. ADNs’ scope of practice appears limited compared to that of the BSNs. For instance, they largely provide basic patient care such as recording vital signs and patient education. Despite the differences, both ADNs and BSNs are trained to provide care that meets the universally accepted standards of nursing care (Curtis, 2020). Therefore, BSNs have an upper hand in terms of their scope of practice and opportunities in the healthcare industry as compared to ADNs.

Specific Client Situation

       The care given by a BSN prepared and ADN prepared nurse would differ when caring for a patient with uncontrolled hypertension. While both nurses will provide care that meets the minimum expected nursing standards, one will observe some differences in their approach to care. Both nurses will perform a comprehensive patient assessment. However, the ADN nurse will largely focus on addressing the patient’s immediate needs. A BSN prepared nurse will be likely to offer holistic care. The nurse will go an extra mile to identify patient factors that affect treatment adherence and approaches to address them. A BSN nurse might also be largely involved in an interdisciplinary team that is caring for the patient. The nurse recognizes the importance of interprofessional collaboration for the realization of sustainable outcomes in the patient’s treatment. An ADN nurse will be likely to provide care under healthcare team’s direction (Curtis, 2020). They might not be actively involved in interprofessional decision-making.

Significance of Applying Evidence-Based Practice to Nursing

       Evidence-based practice is an important part of nursing in the modern world. Evidence-based practice focuses on the use of best available evidence, professional expertise, and patient’s values and preferences in the decision-making processes. Evidendence-based practice improves patient outcomes. The use of best available evidence, informed by professional expertise and patient preferences ensure the adoption of patient-centered approaches that optimize health outcomes (Alqahtani et al., 2020). The interventions reduce the risk of complications in disease management and improve patient satisfaction, engagement, and treatment adherence.

Evidence-based practice also improves safety and quality in the care process. The use of best evidence in the care process eliminates and reduces the risk and rate of adverse events, errors, and complications, which could worsen patient health status. Evidence-based practice also promotes efficiency. Reduction in, prevention errors, and adverse events lower the costs patients and healthcare organizations incur. The academic preparation of the RN nurse supports the application of evidence-based practice to their role. This can be seen in their training, which focuses on equipping RN nurses with knowledge and skills in nursing research, translation of evidence into practice, use of critical thinking, and interprofessional collaboration to improve care outcomes (Alatawi et al., 2020).

How Nurses Today Communicate and Collaborate with Interdisciplinary Teams

       Nurses communicate and collaborate with interdisciplinary teams to improve care outcomes. One of the approaches to communication and collaboration between nurses and interdisciplinary teams is the use of healthcare technologies to coordinate patient care. Nurses utilize healthcare technologies such as telehealth to collaborate virtually with other members of the interdisciplinary teams in undertaking roles such as patient assessment, planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating treatment outcomes (Zhou et al., 2021).

Nurses are also part of the interdisciplinary teams involved in direct patient care in their clinical settings. They collaborate with other healthcare providers such as physicians, social workers, and physical therapists to determine the appropriate care that patients require for their optimum health and wellbeing. Nurses provide valuable inputs that will influence treatment decisions for their patients. The nurses’ role in interdisciplinary teams supports safer and more effective client outcomes. Nurses stay with patients in most of their time compared to other healthcare providers. As a result, they have a better understanding of the needs of their patients (Campbell et al., 2020). Their inputs in interdisciplinary teams ensure the provision of patient-centered care that optimize safety, quality, efficiency and patient outcomes, including patient satisfaction and empowerment.


       In summary, nursing has undergone significant evolution since the past decades. The scope of practice for BSNs differs from that of the ADNs. The approaches to care by BSNs and ADNs also differ. Evidence-based practice is important in nursing. Academic preparation of the RN BSN supports evidence-based practice application. Nurses are a crucial part of the interdisciplinary teams involved in patient care.


Alatawi, M., Aljuhani, E., Alsufiany, F., Aleid, K., Rawah, R., Aljanabi, S., & Banakhar, M. (2020). Barriers of Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Profession: A Literature Review. American Journal of Nursing Science, 9(1), 35.

Alqahtani, N., Oh, K. M., Kitsantas, P., & Rodan, M. (2020). Nurses’ evidence-based practice knowledge, attitudes and implementation: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(1–2), 274–283.

Bryant, K., Aebersold, M. L., Jeffries, P. R., & Kardong-Edgren, S. (2020). Innovations in Simulation: Nursing Leaders’ Exchange of Best Practices. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 41, 33-40.e1.

Campbell, A. R., Layne, D., Scott, E., & Wei, H. (2020). Interventions to promote teamwork, delegation and communication among registered nurses and nursing assistants: An integrative review. Journal of Nursing Management, 28(7), 1465–1472.

Curtis, S. B. (2020). Novice ADN and BSN: Comparative Study of Behavioral Intention for Practice Change [PhD Thesis, Capella University].

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources on healthcare policy and regulatory/legislative topics related to health and nursing informatics.
  • Consider the role of the nurse informaticist in relation to a healthcare organization’s compliance with various policies and regulations, such as the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA).
  • Research and select one health or nursing informatics policy (within the past 5 years) or regulation for further study.

The Assignment: (1 page not including the title and reference page)

Create a 1-page fact sheet that your healthcare organization could hypothetically use to explain the health or nursing informatics policy/regulation you selected. Your fact sheet should address the following:

  • Briefly and generally explain the policy or regulation you selected.
  • Address the impact of the policy or regulation you selected on system implementation.
  • Address the impact of the policy or regulation you selected on clinical care, patient/provider interactions, and workflow.
  • Highlight organizational policies and procedures that are/will be in place at your healthcare organization to address the policy or regulation you selected. Be specific.
  • Use APA format and include a title page, in-text citations, and reference page.
  • Use the Safe Assign Drafts to check your match percentage before submitting your work.

Required Readings:

  • McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2022). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning
  • Chapter 8, “Legislative Aspects of Nursing Informatics: HIPAA, HITECH and Beyond” (pp. 161–181)
  • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (n.d.). MACRALinks to an external site.. Retrieved January 18, 2019, from

plesse follow the rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreate a 1-page fact sheet that your healthcare organization could hypothetically use to explain the health or nursing informatics policy/regulation you selected. Your fact sheet should address the following:· Briefly and generally explain the policy or regulation you selected.· Address the impact of the policy or regulation you selected on system implementation.
25 to >22.0 pts


A fully developed and detailed Fact Sheet is provided for the Assignment….Using the literature and course resources:…The response accurately and thoroughly explains in detail the policy and regulation selected….The response accurately and thoroughly explains in detail the impact of the policy or regulation selected on system implementation.

22 to >19.0 pts


A developed Fact Sheet is provided for the Assignment….Using the literature and course resources:…The response explains the policy or regulation selected….The response explains the impact of the policy or regulation selected on system implementation.

19 to >17.0 pts


The response is missing one or two of the required topics or topics are superficially addressed.

17 to >0 pts


The response is missing three or more required topics or the topics are superficially addressed.

25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome· Address the impact of the policy or regulation you selected on system implementation.· Address the impact of the policy or regulation you selected on clinical care, patient/provider interactions, and workflow.
25 to >22.0 pts


Using the literature and course resources:…The response accurately and thoroughly explains in detail the impact of the policy or regulation selected on system implementation….The response accurately and thoroughly explains in detail the impact of the policy or regulation selected on clinical care, patient/provider interactions, and workflow.

22 to >19.0 pts


Using the literature and course resources:…The response explains the impact of the policy or regulation selected on system implementation….The response explains the impact of the policy or regulation selected on clinical care, patient/provider interactions, and workflow.

19 to >17.0 pts


The response elements are superficially addressed.

17 to >0 pts


The response is incomplete or missing.

25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome· Highlight organizational policies and procedures that are/will be in place at your healthcare organization to address the policy or regulation you selected. Be specific.
25 to >22.0 pts


Using the literature and course resources:…Specific and accurate response thoroughly highlights in detail the organizational policies and procedures that are/will be in place at a healthcare organization to address the policy or regulation selected.

22 to >19.0 pts


Using the literature and course resources:…Accurate response highlights the organizational policies and procedures that are/will be in place at a healthcare organization to address the policy or regulation selected.

19 to >17.0 pts


The response elements are superficially addressed.

17 to >0 pts


The response is incomplete or missing.

25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResources
10 to >8.0 pts


Assignment includes: 3 or more peer-reviewed articles and 2 or more course resources.

8 to >7.0 pts


Assignment includes: 2 peer-reviewed articles and 2 course resources.

7 to >6.0 pts


Assignment includes: 1 peer-reviewed article and 1 course resource.

6 to >0 pts


Assignment includes: 1 or no resources.

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Fact Sheet:The Fact Sheet is professional; images are appropriately attributed; images are clear. The Fact Sheet text is readable. Fact Sheet flows well and is presented in a logical order.
5 to >4.0 pts


Fact sheet is professional with proper attribution, clear images and readable text presented in a logical manner.

4 to >3.0 pts


Fact sheet is professional with proper attribution, clear images and readable text presented in a logical manner 80% of the time.

3 to >2.0 pts


Sixty to seventy nine percent of the Fact Sheet follows these guidelines: Fact sheet is professional with proper attribution, clear images and readable text presented in a logical manner.

2 to >0 pts


Sixty percent or less of the Fact Sheet follows these guidelines: Fact sheet is professional with proper attribution, clear images and readable text presented in a logical manner.

5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards:Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation
5 to >4.0 pts


Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.

4 to >3.0 pts


Contains a few (1-2) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

3 to >2.0 pts


Contains several (3-4) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

2 to >0 pts


Contains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.

5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – APA:The reference list and image attribution list follow correct APA format.
5 to >4.0 pts


Uses correct APA format with no errors.

4 to >3.0 pts


Contains a few (1-2) APA format errors.

3 to >2.0 pts


Contains several (3-4) APA format errors.

2 to >0 pts


Contains many (≥ 5) APA format errors.

5 pts
Total Points: 100

Hansen-Turton, T., & Rothman, N. L. (2022). 15 – Health policy for advanced practice nurses: The nurse-led care evolution and policy implications for improving services for populations experiencing disproportionate health disparities. In D. Seibert, B. Malone, & P. DeLeon (Eds.), Shaping Nursing Healthcare Policy (pp. 181–195). Academic Press.

Zhou, Y., Li, Z., & Li, Y. (2021). Interdisciplinary collaboration between nursing and engineering in health care: A scoping review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 117, 103900.

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Assignment: NURS 5051 Module 06 Week 11 Create a 1-page fact sheet that your healthcare organization could hypothetically use to explain the health or nursing informatics policy/regulation you selected. Your fact sheet should address the following:

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