Assignment: The Inclusion of Nurses in the Systems Development Life Cycle
Assignment: The Inclusion of Nurses in the Systems Development Life Cycle
In preparation of filling this role, develop a 2- to 3-page role description for a graduate-level nurse to guide his/her participation on the implementation team. The role description should be based on the SDLC stages and tasks and should clearly define how this individual will participate in and impact each of the following steps:
Planning and requirements definition
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Design of the new system
Post-implementation support
Use APA format and include a title page and reference page.
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The Inclusion of Nurses in the Systems Development Life Cycle
A graduate-level nurse guides team members in implementing a new project in a healthcare organization. The leader plays a significant role in the five phases of SDLC stages, including planning and requirements definition, analysis, design of the new system, implementation, and post-implementation support. This discussion focuses on the participation of the graduate-level nurse in the five and its impact on the implementation process.
A nurse participates in the first phase of SDLC, planning and requirements definition. Planning involves calculating the required material costs and labor, setting the project’s duration and target goals, and selecting the project’s teams (Mustaquim & Nyström, 2015). Additionally, requirements definition involves determining the system’s requirements and its application in a healthcare organization. The nurse plays a significant role in planning and requirement definition since he or she understands the desired system based on current clinical issues. Nurses understand clinical issues faced in medical facilities since they spend most of their time with patients while providing direct care (Butler et al., 2018). Therefore, involving the nurse in this phase ensures that the proposed change project addresses current concerns.
Secondly, the nurse participates in the analysis phase, where feasibility studies are conducted to evaluate whether an organization has the required resources, including financial and human resources. Involving the nurse in this SDLC stage has a significant impact since nurses understand the organization’s resources, thereby enabling the project team to decide if implementing the change project in the medical facility will be successful in resolving the current clinical issue. According to Fadi et al. (2018), new interventions effectively address current clinical issues in a healthcare organization.
The nurse also participates in the design phase, which involves determining how a system application will work. The design has various aspects, including architecture, user interface, communication, programming, and platforms. Involving the nurse in implementing this software will positively impact since he or she will select the most appropriate features for the proposed system based on its intended application in the healthcare organization.
More so, the nurse will be involved in the implementation phase, which involves the actual writing of the program, coding process, documentation, testing, and deployment (Mcmurtrey, 2015). Involving the nurse in this stage is beneficial since he or she tests whether the system effectively addresses the current challenge in a healthcare organization. The nurse reports any issues to the developer who addresses them, thus enhancing the new system’s efficacy.
Finally, the nurse participates in the post-implementation support phase, which is the last SDCL stage. Users are likely to discover some errors that were not identified while testing the system. These errors need to be resolved to enhance the efficacy of the system. Involving the nurse in this phase is important since he or she is likely to identify some errors while using the system during care delivery. Additional features are also included in this phase to improve the efficacy of the software.
Overall, graduate-level nurse plays a significant role in guiding team members in implementing a new project. The nurse participates in the five phases of SDCL, including planning and requirements definition, analysis, design of the new system, implementation, and post-implementation support. Involving the nurse in this process enhances the new project’s success since nurses understand the medical facility and current clinical issues faced by healthcare providers.
Butler, R et al. (2018). Estimating Time Physicians and Other Health Care Workers Spend with Patients in an Intensive Care Unit Using a Sensor Network. The American Journal of Medicine; 131: (8): 10-15.
Fadi, M et al. (2018). The effectiveness of interventions designed to increase clinical practice guidelines and best practices among musculoskeletal professionals: a systematic review. BMC Health Services Research; 18 (435):1-7.
Mcmurtrey, M. (2015). A Case Study of the Application of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in 21st Century Health Care: Something Old, Something New? Research Gate
Mustaquim, M., & Nyström, T. (2015). A System Development Life Cycle for Persuasive Design for Sustainability. In: MacTavish, T., and Basapur, S. (ed.), Persuasive Technology: 10th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2015, Chicago, IL, USA, June 3-5, 2015, Proceedings (pp. 217-228). Cham: Springer International Publishing.