NRS 465 Topic 2 & 3 DQ 1 & 2 Discussion
NRS 465 Topic 2 & 3 DQ 1 & 2 Discussion NRS 465 Topic 2 & 3 DQ 1 & 2 Discussion Topic 2 DQ 1 Assessment Description Once you have selected a topic for your capstone project, you will…
A Haven of Academic Excellence
A Haven of Academic Excellence
NRS 465 Topic 2 & 3 DQ 1 & 2 Discussion NRS 465 Topic 2 & 3 DQ 1 & 2 Discussion Topic 2 DQ 1 Assessment Description Once you have selected a topic for your capstone project, you will…
NUR 634 Topic 9 DQ 1 & 2 Discussion NUR 634 Topic 9 DQ 1 & 2 Discussion Topic 9 DQ 1 Assessment Description Select one neurological condition or disorder. Then complete the following: Briefly discuss the condition Describe the…
NRS 445 Topic 1 Assignment: Literature Evaluation Table NRS 445 Topic 1 Assessment Description The purpose of this assignment is to refine the PICOT question you developed in the discussion forum this week and begin evaluating literature that you will…
Week 7 Discussion: Project Implementation Plan Week 7 Discussion: Project Implementation Plan Purpose The purpose of this discussion is to share a summary of your project implementation plan and changes you may have made to this plan during your time…
Week 6 Assignment 1: DNP Project Education Plan Week 6 Assignment 1: DNP Project Education Plan Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate competency in defining an education plan for your DNP project. The focus of this assignment…
Week 6 Discussion: The DNP Project: The Planned Educational Offering Week 6 Discussion: The DNP Project: The Planned Educational Offering Purpose The purpose of this discussion is to describe the planned educational offering for the DNP practice change project and…
Week 5 Discussion: Leading Change, Self-Assessment, and Professional Development Plan Week 5 Discussion: Leading Change, Self-Assessment, and Professional Development Plan Purpose The purpose of this discussion is to complete a self-assessment of your readiness for project implementation and identify a…
Week 4 Assignment 1: DNP Project Manuscript: Data Collection and Analysis Plan, Barriers, Facilitators, Ethical Considerations, Resources, and Budget Week 4 Assignment 1: DNP Project Manuscript: Data Collection and Analysis Plan, Barriers, Facilitators, Ethical Considerations, Resources, and Budget Assignment 1…
Week 4 Discussion: Project Adherence and Intervention Fidelity Week 4 Discussion: Project Adherence and Intervention Fidelity Purpose The purpose of this discussion is to share your plan for adherence and intervention fidelity during the project implementation. The primary emphasis of…
Week 3 Discussion: The DNP Practice Change Project: The Data Collection and Analysis Plan Week 3 Discussion: The DNP Practice Change Project: The Data Collection and Analysis Plan Purpose The purpose of this discussion is to identify your plan for…