Benchmark- Personal Worldview Essay

Benchmark- Personal Worldview Essay


Benchmark- Personal Worldview

A personal worldview comprises the basic assumptions or concepts we have of the world. Our worldviews provide structure to our thoughts and actions that shape our lives. Such a view answers critical issues like the meaning of life, whether we perceive things around us as good or evil or believe in a higher power. In addition, the views we hold shape our leadership philosophy and style that help us adapt to different environments and apply mechanisms to reinforce, encourage, and inspire others (Leshkevich & Motozhanets, 2021). Whereas Leadership is a complex multi-directional influence relation, it is shaped by our worldview that influences the direction of life we adopt in Leadership and practice. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore a personal model of leadership and personal worldview.

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My Personal Leadership Model

I tenaciously subscribe to the servant leadership model: servant Leadership is a leadership philosophy whose goal is to serve. A servant leader shares power, puts the followers’ needs first and helps people develop and perform. In addition, servant Leadership is based on the idea that leaders prioritize serving the greater good (Pawar et al., 2020). Leaders with this style serve their team and organization first. They don’t prioritize their objectives. Servant leadership seeks to achieve a vision by providing substantial support to employees. Further, a servant leader feels responsible for helping people learn, grow, feel purposeful, motivated, energized, and contribute at their highest level.

To put it plainly, servant Leadership has features of humility, forethought, lowliness to learn from people at all stages of an institution. Similarly, a servant leader has the following features that are of critical importance and makes it stand out distinctly: The main ones are the ability to listen, empathize, be persuasive, ability to conceptualize, and commit to the growth of people.

Comparison between Servant Leadership, Transformational, Laissez-faire and Charismatic Leadership

Compared to other leadership styles, servant Leadership is based on the idea that leaders prioritize serving the greater good. Leaders with this style serve their team and organization first. They don’t prioritize their objectives and seek to achieve a vision by providing vital support to employees or followers. Furthermore, servant leaders put followers rather empowering, nurturing, and empathizing with them while helping them develop their full potential and serving the greater good, including society and the organization (Pawar et al., 2020). On the other hand, transformational Leadership refers to a leader operating with staff teams beyond their immediate self-interests to identify needed improvement or change.

Moreover, the charismatic leadership style relies on the charm and persuasiveness of the leader. Charismatic leaders are driven by their convictions and commitment to their cause. On the other hand, Laissez-faire, compared with servant leadership, is where a leader has an attitude of trust and reliance on employees (Nielsen et al., 2019). A laissez-faire leader does not micromanage or get too involved nor gives clear guidance. However, laissez-faire leaders let their employees use their creativity, resources, and experience to help them meet their goals.


How My Model of Leadership Prepared Me to Use Strategies Effectively.

My leadership model of a servant leader has helped me lead diverse teams, especially in listening and understanding what other members of the groups say or need (Pawar et al., 2020). Servant leadership skills and culture to share power and responsibilities, and putting the needs of the followers or team members first helps me and the teams develop and perform highly.

Before I initiate or implement a series of projects, changes, or improvements, I sell my idea to the teams, listen to what they have to say, and make them be part of the change or the idea before implementing the change or improvement. The inclusivity and communication of the ideas to the diverse members’ foster collaboration in implementing projects of maintaining my staff during the COVID-19 pandemic and merging different stakeholders, programs, and departments to manage both the team and the pandemic and patients.

There has been a paradigm shift in how we work with the pandemic as people are increasingly adopting meetings on virtual platforms. Virtual teams are critical, especially in the face of the Covid-19 world pandemic. My servant leadership culture allows me to work in teamwork. The proceeds of the culture are better work-life balance, increased productivity, and access to a pool of global talent (Maes & Weldy., 2017). Collaboration and teamwork are critical to better services and improved performance. However, working as a team can be challenging, especially if the employees have not bought into the idea. Therefore, it is essential to encourage employees to embrace teamwork (Weizenegger et al., 2020). In addition, trusting and empowering the team members has been a critical element in facilitating the diverse team to embrace teamwork and to foster interdisciplinary collaboration in maintaining the staff and mergers.

Pandemic escalates so fast to an ever-growing segment of the global population, not to mention within the workplace set-up. The priority of every organization in the period of such a pandemic would be to protect the health of its staff and stakeholders. Leadership becomes critical in terms of giving direction. My leadership model of servant leadership has helped me as a leader to show leadership. The crucial element of servant leadership is collaboration and consultation-involving the rest in decision making. To go about this is to species the leadership skills with good art of communication across the system effectively.

Maintaining staff during such a crisis poses a significant challenge to many organizations, especially when extreme measures are taken to help protect lives. Effective communication with employees is vital to maintain them. Implementing flexible and remote work options is essential. Servant leadership style has helped me to be able to share up-to-date and relevant crucial information geared towards the curbing of the spread of the pandemic.

Personal Worldview: Part B

My worldview is made out of my primary life assumptions and concepts about the world. The worldviews provide me with the basic structures of thoughts and actions that pattern my life(Leshkevich & Motozhanets, 2021).The prominent influencers on my worldview are family, educational values, and age. I believe in family and education values. Family is the basic unit of societal life. It encompasses both the nuclear and extended, and guided by religion; the human family is one in God-our Father, hence the concept that we are here for each other. As for education, the core value of education is to help us know how to live in our environment. As for age, for many, it would mean just a number, but to me, age also includes a person’s maturity and level of understanding of what constitutes life. These views are premised under the pillar of religious and spiritual convictions that have shaped my leadership philosophy as a healthcare provider.

How Religious, Spiritual, and Cultural Elements Influence My Leadership philosophy of practice

As a nurse who daily interphases with patients with myriad health issues, religion offers me personal harmony and a deeper meaning of what life is in terms of a holistic, unique leadership culture. My religious and spiritual belief has fostered my social caring and strengthened my practice values, thus resulting in moral leadership behavior. My spiritual contemplative and mindfulness meditation has elevated my awareness of the practice environment and my self-understanding, thus leading to a higher level of moral reasoning. I believe my cherished cultural and spiritual servant leadership principle has structured life and shaped my professional practice (Hannam & Biesta, 2019). As a Catholic believer, I understand my God-given purpose for life. This has enabled me to maximize my practice leadership and reach my potential, thus finding the reason for life, the purpose of my professional calling, obeying God, and serving humanity with life and Integrity.

How My Professional Leadership Behaviors Inspire People

My effective clinical Leadership ensures a high-quality health care system that consistently provides safe and efficient care in my current clinical settings. I have subscribed to a servant leadership approach and theories relevant to practice and inspire others. Nursing is a patient-centered occupation; hence even the patients give feedback that indicates they appreciate the level of care and management offered them under my leadership style of inclusivity. Leadership is crucial for success. Nurse managers’ leadership approach is essential in nurses’ job satisfaction and retention (Huberts, 2018). As such, the collaborative nature of my Leadership has seen satisfaction and retention of the patients and the staff.


A personal worldview comprises the basic assumptions or concepts of the world. The worldviews provide structure to our thoughts and actions that shape our lives, informing our professional Leadership and practice. Servant Leaders have the main object to serve. Hence the culture of servant Leadership is critical in maintaining staff and mergers, especially during a pandemic. In addition, religious, spiritual, and cultural beliefs fostered social caring and strengthened practice values, thus resulting in moral leadership behavior.



Hannam, P., & Biesta, G. (2019). Religious education, a matter of understanding? Reflections on the final report of the Commission on Religious Education. Journal of Beliefs & Values, 40(1), 55-63.

Huberts, L. W. J. C. (2018). Integrity: What it is and Why it is Important. Public Integrity, 20(sup1), S18-S32.

Leshkevich, T., & Motozhanets, A. (2021). Worldview through the Prism of Personal Life-Meaning Orientations. Philosophia, 49(4), 1619-1629.

Maes, J. D., & Weldy, T. G. (2018). Building effective virtual teams: Expanding OD research and practice. Organization Development Journal, 36(3).

Nielsen, M. B., Skogstad, A., Gjerstad, J., & Einarsen, S. V. (2019). Are transformational and laissez-faire leadership related to state anxiety among subordinates? A two-wave prospective study of forwarding and reverse associations. Work & Stress, 33(2), 137-155.

Pawar, A., Sudan, K., Satini, S., & Sunarsi, D. (2020). Organizational Servant Leadership. International Journal of Educational Administration, Management, and Leadership, 63-76.

Waizenegger, L., McKenna, B., Cai, W., & Bendz, T. (2020). An affordance perspective of team collaboration and enforced working from home during COVID-19. European Journal of Information Systems29(4), 429-442.

As a nurse leader, it is important to understand a variety of leadership models and styles. This will help you adapt to different settings and apply strategies to support and inspire others. It may also be necessary to apply models in different professional settings to satisfy certification requirements. Write a 1,250-1,500 word paper about your personal model of leadership, including the following:

Model of Leadership: Part A

– Describe your personal model of leadership. ” My personal leadership model is more servant and trying to learn transformational”

– Compare your personal leadership model to servant leadership, transformational leadership, and at least one other model of leadership.

– How does your personal model of leadership prepare you to employ strategies for effectively leading diverse teams and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration as you implement your leadership project? “My leadership project is trying to maintain staff during a pandemic and merger”

Personal Worldview: Part B

– Describe your personal worldview. Include the religious, spiritual, and cultural elements that you think most influence your personal philosophy of practice and attitude towards leadership. “my religious beliefs are catholic but I try very hard to not to mix region with work”

– Describe how your professional leadership behaviors inspire others.

Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed resources (published within the last 5 years) as evidence to support your views.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

MSN Leadership in Health Care Systems

6.3: Employ strategies for effectively leading diverse teams and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration.

6.7: Model professional leadership behaviors to motivate and inspire others.

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