BHA FPX 4112 Assessment 1 Instructions: Health Production Function

BHA FPX 4112 Assessment 1 Instructions: Health Production Function Example

The Supply and Demand of Health Care

Access to quality healthcare services is a constitutional right and a subject of economic scrutiny. In this sense, it is essential to incorporate principles of demand and supply to determine efficiency, effectiveness, values, and consumer preferences regarding healthcare. Another justification for embracing health economics is to account for national and global expenditures for healthcare services, equipment, and infrastructure.

Since everybody has the right to access quality care, countries invest massively in addressing social determinants of health that influence populations’ willingness to pay for healthcare services and insurance premiums. Despite these justifications, economists face a daunting endeavor when integrating standard principles of demand and supply to healthcare because it sometimes circumvents these guidelines due to underlying factors that influence accessibility, affordability, and quality.

As a result, this paper compares supply and demand for healthcare services and an automobile while emphasizing current legislative trends and the impacts of different reimbursement models on services demand and supply.

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BHA FPX 4112 Assessment 1 Instructions: Health Production Function

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Demand and Supply for Healthcare Services Compared to Automobiles

Demand refers to the consumers’ desire to purchase goods and services alongside their willingness to pay the price for specific goods or services. On the other hand, supply entails the number of goods or services available to customers at a given price when other factors are constant. When discussing demand and supply for a particular good or service, it is essential to consider price/cost as the primary factor influencing an individual’s purchase power.

However, it is fundamental to approach the demand and supply for healthcare as uniquely different from other consumer entities like automobiles due to various distinctive features. According to Folland, Goodman & Stano (2017), demand and supply for healthcare services are partially consistent with the normal economic principles due to the presence of uncertainties, prominence of insurance, the problem of information, restrictions on competition, government subsidies, and public provisions, and the ever-expanding roles of non-profit firms.

Factors Influencing the Demand for Healthcare Services and Automobiles.

Price and income

As noted earlier, the demand for healthcare services often circumvents the standard principles of economics. In this sense, factors influencing consumers’ willingness to pay for services extend beyond the service price. Folland, Goodman & Stano (2017) contend that healthcare differs from other goods because consumers do not respond to financial incentives (p. 42).

However, price matters when it comes to accessibility to healthcare services because people are willing to access more services when they become less costly in terms of out-of-pocket expenses. At this point, government incentives and insurance premiums significantly lower out-of-pocket costs, increasing demand for quality care services.

When considering how prices influence demand for healthcare services, it is clear that similar trends manifest in the automobile industry since the demand for care increases with decreased price and vice versa. In this, the inverse relationship between price and demand is consistent in almost all consumer goods, including healthcare services and automobiles.

Another similarity between healthcare services and automobiles is the role of personal income in determining individual purchase power. When income increases, customers are more willing and able to pay for healthcare services and insurance premiums. Similarly, increased income translates to higher demand for the expensive automobile if other factors are constant.

Complements and Substitutes

Complements are related goods or services whose changes influence the demand for complementary goods or services (Ghorban, 2021). Consumers’ access to various complementary services is common in healthcare because they guarantee care coordination and quality. For example, the demand for contact lenses may influence the number of optometrist visits at a given time.

It is essential to consider the demand for complementary goods such as fuel and spare parts before settling on a specific automotive model in the automobile industry. To sum up the synergies between complementary goods and services, it is possible to argue that an increase in price for a good or service translates to decreased demand for its complement in a perfect market.

Similarly, the availability of substitute goods and services determines the demand for healthcare services and automobiles. In this sense, a substitute is a good or a service that offers similar characteristics and satisfy the same wants. Substitutes include generic drugs and service providers providing similar services in the healthcare sector. In the automobile industry, substitutes may be competing for car models that claim market share by providing many sought-after features.

According to Ghorban (2021), people are willing to demand a substitute product if it proves more effective than its alternatives. As a result, an increase in price for a product or service will prompt customers to favor alternatives, increasing their demand. The inverse relationship between the price of one product or service and the subsequent demand for its alternative (s) applies to healthcare and automobiles.

Individual preferences

Individual perceptions of quality significantly influence demand for healthcare services and automobiles. When purchasing a car, it is possible to evaluate quality measures such as fuel consumption, technology, energy efficiency, and safety factors. In this sense, such factors influence individual willingness to pay for a particular model.

In the healthcare sector, patients’ perceptions of quality rely massively on care coordination, timeliness, proceed efficiency, and the plausibility of achieving positive medical outcomes and improved health. Other healthcare quality indicators are service price, accessibility, and policies for improving healthcare services. When services and goods satisfy individual preferences, customers become more interested in making purchases, increasing their demand.

Comparing and Contrasting the Similarities and Differences of the Demand Curve of these Two Industries

A demand curve illustrates healthcare services and automobiles in a hypothetical market for a given period. In this sense, it is possible to determine the interactions between factors that influence customers’ ability to pay for services or goods. When comparing the demand curve for healthcare services and automobiles, it is essential to note the similarities and differences between the two industries.

As earlier stated, the healthcare sector sometimes circumvents these basic principles of economics because of the underlying factors such as the role of government in controlling prices, insufficient information by customers, insurance, and the perception of health as an investment. However, the two Industries share various factors that influence demand.

Similarities in demand curves for healthcare services and automobiles

An increase in price for healthcare services or automobiles reduces demand making the curve shift to the left side. Similarly, an increase in income enables consumers to pay for cars or healthcare services, increasing their demand. Therefore, the curve shifts to the right upon increased customer income. Finally, an increase in price for substitutes services and goods increases the demand for alternatives, making their curves shift to the right.

Differences in demand curves for healthcare services and automobiles

Although price, substitutes, complements, and income influence the demand for healthcare services, there are exceptions where these factors do not influence the demand for services. According to Folland, Goodman & Stano (2017), patients may ignore the impact of increased prices for healthcare services because health is an investment rather than an expense.

In this sense, people are willing to pay for services regardless of their prices when the need arises. This factor renders healthcare services inelastic, meaning the demand curve would not shift to the left even after increasing the price of services. Conversely, the automobile industry is highly elastic, meaning customers make trade-offs and consider options following upsurging prices that make the demand curve shift to the left.

Supply for Healthcare Services vs. Supply for Automobiles

Supply refers to the number of goods and the nature of services available to customers at a given price for a particular time. Healthcare providers such as drug manufacturers and caregivers determine supplies depending on various factors, including technological change, inputs price, industry size, insurance coverage, and prices of production-related goods (Folland, Goodman & Stano, 2019, p. 61).

On the other hand, technological changes, input prices, and production-related goods determine the supply of automobiles. Although these industries share factors that influence the supply of goods and services, the healthcare sector contains additional aspects, including coinsurance and indemnity insurance that reduce out-of-pocket expenses, affecting the subsequent supplies.

Similarities and Differences of Supply Curves for Healthcare Services and Automobiles

Advanced technologies, inputs prices, and production-related goods result in increased supply to maximize profit. An increase in supply makes the supply curve shift to the right and vice versa. Healthcare services are prone to advancing technologies that lead to increased supply and enhanced services. Also, increasing inputs prices in labor and processes prompt health organizations to increase supply to match these developments. Similarly, these trends consistently determine the supply of automobiles.

However, healthcare services are prone to exogenous factors that alter the movement of the supply curve. For instance, coinsurance and indemnity insurance reduce out-of-pocket expenses, increasing the supply, shifting the curve towards the right. Another factor that increases the supply for healthcare services is the improvement of transport and communication systems that allow people to access services and vice versa.

Current Legislative Trends that Influence the Demand and Supply for Healthcare Services

Medicare and Medicaid are the most prominent policies determining the demand and supply for healthcare services in the United States. According to Guth, Garfield & Rudowitz (2020), studies show that Medicaid and Medicare increase access to care, enhance health outcomes, strengthen providers’ capacity, and guarantee financial security by reducing out-of-pocket expenses. As stated earlier, reducing out-of-pocket expenses by subsiding care services through insurance premiums increases demand for quality care while strengthening providers’ capacity to provide quality care.

More significantly, Medicaid expansion policies proposed by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 are fundamental in addressing the problem of uninsured and underinsured populations. As a result, these policy priorities consistently increase the supply and demand for quality care services by guaranteeing access to coinsurance and comprehensive coverage for various health services.

Although Medicare and Medicaid legislation increases demand and supply for healthcare services, some states are yet to expand Medicaid, meaning they still grapple with the high rate of uninsured and underinsured populations. According to Shrank et al. (2020), states face various challenges implementing ACA provisions, including high premium rates, stagnant wages, growing national debts, and strained local budgets. These constraints contribute to difficulties when paying for insurance premiums.

Eventually, uninsured people affect demand and supply for healthcare services by increasing uncompensated care. Although the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) of 1986 requires healthcare organizations to provide emergency care to patients regardless of their insurance status and ability to pay, high rates of uninsured patients lead to increased uncompensated costs that reduce organizational capacity to provide quality care.

Reimbursement Methods that Influence the Supply and Demand for Healthcare Services

In the United States, employers, private insurance companies, national and state governments, and patients are the main payers of healthcare services. In this sense, employers, the national government, and states reimburse healthcare services through various models, including, Beveridge system (national health model), the Bismarck system (social insurance model), and private insurance. On the other hand, uninsured patients pay for healthcare services primarily through the out-of-pocket model (Crowley et al., 2020). These reimbursement models have varied effects on the supply and demand for healthcare services.

The national health insurance model entails a scenario where the government acts as a single-payer to provide universal coverage. This system improves demand and supply for healthcare services by creating affordable premiums that enable people to access quality care. On the other hand, the Bismarck system entails compulsory enrollment insurance plans that cover employees. It contributes to financial security, access to quality care, and high demand for reliable services. Finally, private insurance and out-of-pocket models allow people to purchase insurance premiums from their income. These reimbursement models are expensive and inefficient for people of low income, reducing their demand for healthcare services.


The demand and supply for healthcare services rely massively upon various endogenous and exogenous factors, including government policies, insurance, consumer preferences, income, prices, and the availability of complements and substitutes. Unlike other consumer goods and products such as automobiles, healthcare services are prone to uncertainties, lack of consumer information, non-profit motives, restrictions on competition, and consumer ignorance. These factors affect the supply and demand curves for healthcare services. When considering the effects of these factors, it is possible to understand the role of current policies such as Medicare and Medicaid on the demand and supply for healthcare services.


Crowley, R., Daniel, H., Cooney, T., & Engel, L. (2020). Envisioning a better U.S. Health care system for all: Coverage and cost of care. Annals Of Internal Medicine, 172(2_Supplement), S7.

Folland, S., Goodman, A., & Stano, M. (2017). The economics of health and health care (8th ed.). Routledge.

Ghorbani, A. (2021). Demand for Health and Healthcare. Healthcare Access, 1-10.

Guth, M., Garfield, R., & Rudowitz, R. (2020). The effects of Medicaid expansion under the ACA: Updated findings from a literature review (pp. 1-100). KFF.

Shrank, W., DeParle, N., Gottlieb, S., Jain, S., Orszag, P., Powers, B., & Wilensky, G. (2021). Health costs and financing: Challenges and strategies for a new administration. Health Affairs, 40(2), 235-242.

BHA FPX 4112 Assessment 1 Instructions

Write a 2-4-page executive summary recommending resource investment in a program based on its potential to deliver positive health and economic outcomes.

As a health care professional, you must have a foundational, high-level understanding of health care economics:

One part of this foundation comes from understanding:

The basic laws of economics as they apply to the health care industry.

How the health care system creates unique economic challenges and burdens on all stakeholders.

Another part of this foundation comes from understanding:

The history and trends in health care economics around such topics as the role of the government and government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid.

Trends in patient payments.

The resulting changes in health care expenditures, as well as areas for improvement in the health care system (Feldstein, 2012).

Another key is understanding the concepts and processes involved in the production of health care: Multiple inputs influence health and wellness.

Medical care is only one input, although a significant one.

The health production function and decision rules for allocating health care resources is a key component of the first assessment in this course. For this assessment, think about the ways in which health production efficiency, both technical and economical, can help drive decisions on the allocation of resources (inputs) to drive improved patient health and results (outcomes) (Feldstein, 2012).


Feldstein, P. J. (2012). Health care economics (7th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Analyze historical perspectives and current trends in the health care industry.

Describe the current state of a health care organization with regards to alignments to historical health care industry trends. Explain how a health care organization needs to change to better align itself with current trends in the health care industry.

Competency 3: Analyze the evolving economic reimbursement trends, methods, and technology.

Analyze two current programs in a health care setting with regards to the inputs required to operate and its outputs with regards to health outcome rates and patients served.

Competency 4: Analyze how economic and stakeholder influences affect operational planning and decision making.

Propose whether to reallocate, maintain, or increase funding for current programs based upon available resources and projects outputs. Explain how opinions and agendas of stakeholders influence decisions related to the funding of programs in a health care setting.

Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is

consistent with expectations for health care professionals.

Write following APA style for in-text citation, quotes, and references.

Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.

Professional Context

The ability to research, examine, and determine the most efficient ways to allocate resources in order to produce to best health outcomes is a key competency for health care economic professionals. In the complex field of health care, there will always be multiple ways and multiple programs in which an organization can invest resources.

It is the health care economics professional’s responsibility to examine the cost of the inputs in comparison to the historic or projected output of health and then make recommendations regarding investment. Looking at investment is not always entirely about the amount of positive outputs—technical efficiency, economic efficiency, and stakeholder priorities will all also play a part (Feldstein, 2012). Being able to not only understand and crunch the numbers, but also navigate these other considerations, is vital in becoming an effective health care economics professional.


You are a health care economics professional with specific expertise in using a health production function to allocate resources. A member of the Board of Directors has asked you to prepare an executive summary that will help the board understand the current practices of the organization and where the organization should align itself in light of current and emerging trends.

Additionally, you have been asked to analyze the inputs and outputs of two current programs in the organization in order to make allocation recommendations about how to best utilize the available resources to achieve the best possible outputs for the programs.


This assessment has three main parts:

The first part is your examination of the organization’s current practices and alignments with historical health care trends, as well as how the organization needs to change to align itself with current and emerging

  1. The second part is your analysis of two existing programs that could be candidates for further investment (Note: You may use two program examples from your textbook, your own research, or your own organization as the context for your analysis and this executive ).
  2. The third part is your proposal on how to allocate resources for the two programs, as well as a brief explanation of how the views of the stakeholders influenced your decision making

If you have not already, it may be helpful to complete the formative activity to check your understanding of the economic concepts relevant to this assessment.

Economic Elements in Health Care | Transcript.

Consult the scoring guide to make sure you are meeting the communication criteria and achieving your desired rubric level.

Part I: Current State of Organization and Potential Changes to Align with Trends

Describe the current state of a health care organization with regards to alignments to historical health care industry trends. (Competency 1)

For this, use either an organization that you currently or previously had worked for, have researched as an organization you would like to work for in the future, or one that was present in the textbook or other research you conducted.

Explain how a health care organization needs to change to better align itself with current trends in the health care industry. (Competency 1)

Continue using the organization that you described to meet the first scoring guide criteria.

Part II: Analysis of Current Programs

Analyze two current programs in a health care setting with regards to the inputs required to operate and its outputs with regards to health outcome rates and patients served. (Competency 3)

As noted in the instructions above, you may use program examples from your textbook, your own research, or your own organization. Be sure you choose examples for which you can report the inputs, outputs, and approximate patients served.

Part III: Resource Allocation and Stakeholder Reflections

Propose whether to reallocate, maintain, or increase funding for current programs based upon available resources and projects outputs. (Competency 4)

Use the two programs you analyzed in Part II. It will be helpful to cite evidence (literature, your textbook, or current health improvement initiatives [like those being pursued via your state’s Department of Health] to help support your proposals.

Explain how opinions and agendas of stakeholders influence decisions related to the funding of programs in a health care setting. (Competency 4) Make explicit reference to the stakeholders and their statements in the Scenario section for this assessment, or to specific examples from your current or former career experiences.

Additional Requirements

Written Communication: Prepare an executive summary free of errors that detract from the overall message. Writing must be clear, precise, and scholarly, with concepts that flow in a logical order.

References: Cite at least three references from peer-reviewed journals, in addition to your text.

Length: Submit a 2–3-page executive summary, not including any title or reference page.

APA: Use correct APA style and formatting. You may find it helpful to use the following: APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX].

APA Style Paper Template [DOCX].

APA Style and Format.

Assessment 2 Instructions: The Supply and Demand of Health Care

Write 7-9 pages that compare different models of supply and demand, as well as analyze how legislation and reimbursement methods impact supply and demand for health care.

As we take a closer look at the demand side of economics, we will consider how need versus demand is different and how this impacts planning and policy in the health care environment. Demand is typically initiated by the patient; however, provider involvement significantly impacts demand. Since the patient is dependent on the provider for expertise and medical opinion, there is a risk that demand will be increased. This is unique to the health care industry since consumers are not typically as dependent on the supplier of a service in other industries when making a purchase.

Another important driver of demand is the insurance company. Patients initiate the health care service but are not responsible to pay the bill—and this has the potential to skew the demand curve. This is one of the ideas behind high-deductible health care and the effort to control the consumption of services by making the patient responsible for a higher percentage of the overall bill. Finally, you will be offered an opportunity to think about the implications of free medical care and how that may impact the demand for health care services.

Like the demand curve, the health care field presents unique and interesting challenges to the supply of health care. You will be introduced to the concept of economic efficiency and the impact of inefficiencies on cost. The production function will be further explored, which is the relationship between the output of a product or service compared to the resources used to produce it (Feldstein, 2012). Competition, market structure, market performance, and public policies as they relate to the supply of health care services will be discussed as well.

The evolution of health care insurance has impact aspects health care economics such as price competition, medical loss ratios, and risk. As you prepare to complete the assessment consider the role that copays, coinsurance, and deductibles play on the demand curve and reflect on your opinions related to the effectiveness of high-deductible health plans in controlling the demand of health care services.


Feldstein, P. J. (2012). Health care economics (7th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Analyze historical perspectives and current trends in the health care industry.

Explain current legislative trends that influence the supply and demand of health care. Competency 2: Assess the United States health care system from an economic perspective.

Compare and contrast the demand of health care services with the demand of an automobile.

Compare and contrast the supply of health care services with the supply of an automobile. Competency 3: Analyze the evolving economic reimbursement trends, methods, and technology.

Analyze reimbursement methods that influence the supply and demand of health care services.

Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.

Write following APA style for in-text citation, quotes, and references.

Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.


The basic economic laws of supply and demand do not work the same way in the health care industry as they do in other industries. A few of the contributing issues include: demand cannot be restricted to only those with an ability to pay since health care is considered a basic human right (need versus demand), demand is increased due to a third party (insurance or government) that pays for the service, and our supply is limited based on a highly skilled human resource variable (physicians).


In this assessment, you will consider these contributing issues and others that you identify in your research as they relate to the free market. Compare and contrast the laws of supply and demand of the health care industry with that of the automobile industry and explain how the economic structure of the health care industry is different from other industries. Reviewing the following media pieces may help to solidify your understanding of the economic concepts and industries relevant to this assessment.

Health Care Supply and Demand | Transcript. Supply, Demand, & Reimbursement | Transcript.

Also, make sure to consult the scoring guide to make sure you are meeting the communication criteria and achieving at your desired rubric level.

  1. Compare and contrast the demand of health care services with the demand of an automobile (Competency 2).
    1. Identify the key contributing factors that determine demand of health care
    2. Identify the key contributing factors that determine demand of an
    3. Compare and contrast the similarities and differences of the demand curve of these two
  2. Compare and contrast the supply of health care services with the supply of an automobile (Competency 2).
    1. Identify the key contributing factors that determine supply of health care
  1. Identify the key contributing factors that determine supply of an
  2. Compare and contrast the similarities and differences of the supply curve of these two
  1. Explain current legislative trends that influence the supply and demand of health care (Competency 1).
    1. Explain how Medicare and Medicaid impact supply and demand of health care
    2. Discuss the impact of the uninsured population on the supply and demand of health care
  2. Analyze reimbursement methods that influence the supply and demand of health care services (Competency 3).
    1. Identify the stakeholders who pay for health care
    2. Analyze the impact of different reimbursement methodologies and payment models on the supply and demand of health care
  3. Write following APA style for in-text citation, quotes, and references (Competency 5).
    1. Determine the proper application of APA formatting requirements and scholarly writing
    2. Assess the relevance and credibility of information
  4. Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics (Competency 5).
    1. Apply the principles of effective
    2. Determine the proper application of the rules of grammar and
Submission Requirements

Written Communication: Prepare an assessment free of errors that detract from the overall message, with writing that is clear, precise, and scholarly. Concepts flow in a logical order.

References: Cite at least three references from peer-reviewed journals, in addition to your text.

Length: Submit 7–9 pages.

APA: Use correct APA style and formatting. You may wish to use or consult the following: APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX].

APA Style Paper Template [DOCX]. APA Style and Format.


Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.

Assessment 3 Instructions: National Health Insurance in the United States

Create an 8-12-slide PowerPoint that presents a potential pathway and plan to implement a national health insurance program in the United States.

As you explore the physician services market and the hospital market, you will have an opportunity to explore concepts such as supplier-induced demand and cost shifting. The efficiency of physician and hospital services will be explored, as well as price competition of both physicians and hospitals. Since the price that a hospital or physician charges for services is rarely paid, you will have the opportunity to think about the relevance of price and why we even have prices today.

National health insurance is a highly debated topic in the United States. This assessment focus on creating an outline for a plausible national health insurance program, which will bring into consideration a number of factors, such as financing structure of national health insurance, and think about the advantages and disadvantages of a single-payer system, employee mandates, and refundable tax credits.

You will have an opportunity to look at our neighbor, Canada, and compare the Canadian health system to that of the United States. What are some of the benefits of the Canadian health care system and do those benefits outweigh the costs, such as longer wait times? As you finalize your assessment you will pick a side—for or against—national health insurance.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Analyze historical perspectives and current trends in the health care industry.

Explain how legislation has supported or failed to support national health insurance in the United States.

Competency 2: Assess the United States health care system from an economic perspective.

Analyze the implications of national health insurance on access, utilization, technological advancements, cost, and growth in the United States.

Competency 3: Analyze the evolving economic reimbursement trends, methods, and technology.

Explain the necessary reimbursement changes that would be required to transition to national health insurance in the United States.

Competency 4: Analyze how economic and stakeholder influences affect operational planning and decision making.

Explain the necessary operational changes that would be required to transition to national health insurance in the United States.

Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.

Write following APA style for in-text citation, quotes, and references.

Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.


For almost a century, the U.S. health care system has been a hot topic of debate and a central issue in all political agendas. Many argue that the United States should have national health insurance, similar to Canada, so care is accessible to everyone. Others argue that national health insurance leads to longer wait times and decreased quality.


In this assessment, you will consider everything you have learned in this course, including the history of the U.S. health care system, reimbursement methodologies, technology, and operational concerns. Make an argument, grounded in research, for whether or not the United States should implement national health insurance. Reviewing the media piece National Health Care Trade-Offs | Transcript before beginning your assessment may help you to better understand what areas of a national health insurance program you believe are most important, as well as the trade-offs needed to pursue your priorities.

Also, make sure to consult the scoring guide to make sure you are meeting the communication criteria and achieving at your desired rubric level.

Create an 8–12 slide PowerPoint within the context of a brown bag session for colleagues at your current organization or an organization for which you would like to work. The goal of this session is to share innovations and ideas on a truly national health insurance system in the United States, as well as the legislative, economic, and logistical considerations and trade-offs of your plan.

Include the following in your PowerPoint:

  1. Explain how legislation has supported or failed to support national health insurance in the United (Competency 1)
    1. Discuss the impact of Medicare and Medicaid on the health care
    2. Determine the feasibility of expanding Medicare and Medicaid into a national health insurance available for all
  2. Analyze the implications of national health insurance on access, utilization, technological advancements, cost, and growth in the United (Competency 2)
    1. Identify access, utilization, technology, cost, and growth concerns resulting from national health
    2. Analyze the pros and cons of national health insurance in the United States and determine the feasibility of national health insurance in the United States based on the pros and
    3. Explain the necessary reimbursement changes that would be required to transition to national health insurance in the United (Competency 3)
      1. Apply the reimbursement methods of national health insurance to the United States health care
      2. Determine the feasibility of those reimbursement methods in the United States health care
    4. Explain the necessary operational changes that would be required to transition to national health insurance in the United (Competency 4)
  1. Apply the operational practices of national health insurance to the United States health care
  2. Explain how the practices of physicians, hospitals, insurers, patients, and the government would each change to transition to national health
  3. Determine the feasibility of those operational changes in the United States health care
  1. Write following APA style for in-text citation, quotes, and (Competency 5)
    1. Determine the proper application of APA formatting requirements and scholarly writing
    2. Assess the relevance and credibility of information
  2. Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and (Competency 5)
    1. Apply the principles of effective
    2. Determine the proper application of the rules of grammar and

Submission Requirements

Written and visual communication: Ensure content is clear, with correct spelling, grammar, and syntax, and well organized to support orderly exposition of content. The writing and visuals should enhance the message. Avoid errors that detract from the message.

PowerPoint slide formatting:

Write each slide, except the title and references slides, with a bold headline and up to seven bullet points. Use as few words in each bullet point as needed to convey your message. Think of them as subheadings. Enter all details and supporting information in the Notes area below the slides.

Length: Compose 12–18 slides.

References: Cite at least three current scholarly or professional resources.

APA formatting: Use APA style for references and citations. Remember to use in-text citation just as you would in a paper-style written assignment. You may find it helpful to consult the following resources:

APA Style and Format.


Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.


TRANSCRIPT National Health Care Trade- Offs


As the debate over rising health care costs in the U.S. continues, different parties argue for different solutions. Some call for more competition among private health insurance companies. Others say that a national health care system administered  by  the government is the right path. Still others argue for a blend of these options.

With any of these solutions, there are tradeoffs between cost, access, and other factors. To solve one problem – say, higher premiums – is often to exacerbate another, such as longer wait times for care.

Knowledge Check

After reading each action statement, select which factors would be most effected.

Question 1 of 9

I want lower premiums for patients!

  1. Costs
  2. Premiums
  3. Provider Costs
  4. Access to Care
  5. Amount of Care

Your answers are a, b, d and e. The correct answers are b and d.

Access to Care: Lower premiums could result in less access to certain types of care. This could be a result of lower premium plans not providing or limiting coverage for  certain health care services, thus limiting access because patients cannot afford the care.


Question 2 of 9

I Want the Government to be Able to Negotiate Lower Prices for Patients!

  1. Costs
  2. Premiums
  3. Provider Costs
  4. Access to Care
  5. Complexity of Delivery Your answers are a, b and

The correct answers are b, d and e.


Access to Care: Lower prices for patients could limit access to certain types of care as providers stop or limit their supply of more expensive care.

Complexity of Delivery: Lower prices for patients may also limit the complexity of care delivered, as complex care is typically more expensive care.


Question 3 of 9

I Want to Give Access to Health Care to Everyone!

  1. Costs
  2. Premiums
  3. Wait Times
  4. Number of Patients
  5. Number of Providers


Your answers are a, b, h and i.


The correct answers are c, d and e.


Wait Times: In general, if the supply of providers remains level, wait times will go up. This is especially true in a large number of insured individuals are added at the same time. However, if the number of providers grows over time to meet the insured population size, wait times will start to decrease.


Question 4 of 9

I Want to Give Maximum Access to Different Type of Care!

  1. Costs
  2. Premiums
  3. Provider Costs
  4. Number of Patients
  5. Number of Providers Your answers are h and

The correct answers are b, d and e.


Premiums: Providing patients with increased access and choice is likely to drive premiums up in the short-term because both providers and payers will be less able to predict demand and costs. In the long run, if the insured patient base grows suf ciently premiums could start to come down.


Question 5 of 9

I Want Better Health Outcomes!

  1. Costs
  2. Premiums
  3. Provider Costs
  4. Access to Care
  5. Wait Times


Your answers are d and g.


The correct answers are b, c and e.


Premiums, Provider Costs, and Wait Times: Better  health  outcomes typically  requires more care and more time. This is re ected in the increased cost for providers (more care per individual)  and  wait times (more  time  spent treating  an  individual). As a  result of this, premiums would also likely rise in response to the increased cost being incurred by


providers. In the long run these could start to come back down as ef ciencies are innovated and the people in the system are healthier.


Question 6 of 9

I Want the Maximum Number of Providers to Participate!

  1. Costs
  2. Premiums
  3. Provider Costs
  4. Access to Care
  5. Number of Providers Your answers are d and

The correct answers are b and e.


Premiums: These are likely to arise initially as more choice of providers results in less demand and cost certainty for providers and payers. Premiums could start to lower if enough new patients join the health care system.


Question 7 of 9

I Want to Encourage More Preventative Care!

  1. Costs
  2. Premiums
  3. Provider Costs
  4. Access to Care
  5. Amount of Care

Your answers are a, c, d and e. The correct answers are b and e.


Premiums: While it is generally true that preventative care could help lower premiums, there are situations where premiums could actually rise. For example, if the cost of preventative care exceeds the cost savings from fewer acute treatments.

Amount of Care: While the amount of care in a prevention focused system is likely to

rise initial, it may go down in the  long  run. With  more  preventative  care, you are investing dollars earlier in the cycle of prevention. If  it’s effective, this will yield  a  lower cost per patient. If not, it will result in more preventative care and not reduce acute care later.


Question 8 of 9

I Want to Encourage Innovation!

  1. Costs
  2. Premiums
  3. Provider Costs
  4. Competition
  5. Quality of Care


Your answers are a, b, c, j and k. The correct answers are a, d and e.

Costs: Initially, costs would rise as the industry invested in more research and development of medical device and care innovations. At a certain point of innovation the costs would start to decline as savings from the new technology or processes started to be realized.

Question 9 of 9

I Want Insurance to Be Private!

  1. Costs
  2. Premiums
  3. Provider Costs
  4. Access to Care
  5. Amount of Care

Your answers are a, b, c, d and e.


The correct answers are b and d.


Access to Care: The reduction in access to care will not be true of everyone. It will be more true of lower-income people who are unable to afford private insurance.



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