Building Leadership Capacity Discussion NR703

Building Leadership Capacity Discussion NR703

Building Leadership Capacity Discussion NR703

NR703 Week 1 Building Leadership Capacity



The purpose of this discussion is to examine your leadership skills, determine your leadership gaps, explore developmental opportunities, and differentiate between a leader’s strengths and a manager’s skills.

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Reflect on your personal and professional experience using the lessons in Week 1, your NR703 Self-Reflection: Performance Behaviors of Transformational Leaders, and the Strengths-to-Strategy Plan results. Address the following:

  1. Describe and give examples of your two strongest leadership competencies and two most significant leadership gaps, weakness, or developmental opportunities. (1 paragraph)
  2. Describe and explain how your leadership strengths differ from management skills or behaviors. (1 paragraph)
  3. Describe how you will integrate emotional intelligence into your leadership identity and how this may impact the characteristics of your followers. (1 paragraph)

Construct your responses using the CARE Plan method.

Please click on the following link to review the DNP Discussion Guidelines on the Student Resource Center program page:

  • Link (webpage): DNP Discussion GuidelinesLinks to an external site.
Program Competencies

This discussion enables the student to meet the following program competences:

  1. Applies organizational and system leadership skills to affect systemic changes in corporate culture and to promote continuous improvement in clinical outcomes. (PO 6)
  2. Appraises current information systems and technologies to improve health care. (POs 6, 7)
  3. Creates a supportive organizational culture for flourishing collaborative teams to facilitate clinical disease prevention and promote population health at all system levels. (PO 8)

Also Read:

NR703 Week 2 Transformative Leader Presence Discussion

Organizational Needs Assessment NR703

Course Outcomes

This discussion enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

  1. Compare and contrast theories of organizational behavior and leadership. (PCs 2, 4; PO 6)
  2. Differentiate attributes of effective leaders and followers in influencing healthcare. (PCs 2, 4; PO 6)
  3. Formulate selected strategies for leadership and influence across healthcare systems. (PC 6; PO 8)

Due Dates

  • Initial Post: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Wednesday
  • Follow-Up Posts: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday

Sample Building Leadership Capacity Discussion NR703 Student AT

Mar 8, 2023Mar 8 at 6:39pm

According to Squazzo (2019), an effective leader is defined as someone with effective communication, strong relationship-building skills, adaptability, innovation, and accountability.  My two strongest leadership competencies include adaptability and effective communication.  An example of effective communication as a nurse practitioner working in the hospital or critical care setting is the ability to coordinate care across a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals. 

Each of these professionals has their own role and responsibilities, and in order to work effectively with different team members, one may need to adjust a communication style in order to better collaborate with a team member (Marshall and Broome, 2021).  My two biggest areas to develop as a leader include lack of focus and taking on too many tasks when leading a team. 

An example of taking on too many tasks can include managing too large of a caseload while also taking on administrative tasks or completing paperwork.  This in turn can lead to a lack of focus, burn-out, and reduced job satisfaction. Sometimes I find myself saying “yes” to too many tasks and spreading myself too thin to do an effective job at the tasks.

Leadership and management are often used interchangeably, but they are distinct concepts. According to Lush (2021), management is about planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling resources to achieve specific objectives, while leadership is about influencing people to follow a vision, inspiring them to give their best, and creating an environment that enables them to achieve their full potential. While both management and leadership are important for the success of an organization, they require different skills and behaviors. 

Management is more focused on the operational aspects of an organization, while leadership is more about inspiring and motivating people toward a common goal (Lush, 2021). As a leader, this focus is more on inspiring and motivating people toward a common goal, while a manager focuses on planning, organizing, and controlling resources to achieve specific objectives (Lush, 2021). Both skills are necessary for the success of an organization, and a good leader should also have strong management skills and vice versa

Integrating emotional intelligence (EI) into leadership identity involves developing self-awareness, empathy, and self-regulation (Goleman, 1998; Maqbool et al., 2017).  Leaders who have a high degree of emotional intelligence are better able to understand their own emotions and those of others, communicate effectively, manage conflict, and build strong relationships (Goleman, 1998; Maqbool et al., 2017).

Maqbool et al. (2017) found that emotional intelligence, along with project managers’ competencies and transformational leadership, significantly impacted project success. Emotional intelligence was found to be positively associated with project success, suggesting that leaders who possess high levels of EI are more likely to lead successful projects (Goleman, 1998; Maqbool et al., 2017).


Goleman, D. (1998). Working with emotional intelligence. Bantam Books.

Marshall, E. S., & Broome, M. E. (2021). Frameworks for becoming a transformational leader. In M. E. Broome & E. S. Marshall (Eds.), Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (3rd ed). Springer Publishing Company.

Lush, M. (2021). The leadership versus management debate: What’s the difference? The Institute of Management New Zealand.

Maqbool, R., Ye, S., Manzoor, N., & Rashid, Y. (2017). The impact of emotional intelligence, project managers’ competencies, and transformational leadership on project success: An empirical perspective. Project Management Journal, 48(3), 58-75.

Squazzo, J. D. (2020). Defining moment for leadership: How CEOs are leading successfully. Healthcare Executive, 35(6), 20-22.

NR703 WEEK 1 Building Leadership Capacity Discussion Resources

Punctuation Image Description

Watch the following video for a tutorial on Grammarly:

  • Link (video): How to Use Grammarly – Beginner’s GuideLinks to an external site.(10:37)

The APA Basics section of the Writing Center contains several resources such as APA paper templates and guidelines.

  • Link (webpage): APA BasicsLinks to an external site.

Week 1 References

  • Baumgardner, A. (2017, May 11). Collaborative artistic leadership: 3 tips on leveraging strengths to enhance the power of your team.Astrid Baumgardner Coaching & Training.
  • Broome, M. E., & Marshall, E. S. (Eds.). (2021). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader(3rd ed). Springer Publishing Company.
  • Goleman, D. (1998). Working with emotional intelligence. Bantam Books.
  • Marshall, E. S., & Broome, M. E. (2021). Frameworks for becoming a transformational leader. In M. E. Broome & E. S. Marshall (Eds.), Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader(3rd ed). Springer Publishing Company.
  • Lush, M. (2021). The leadership versus management debate: What’s the difference? The Institute of Management New Zealand.
  • Maqbool, R., Ye, S., Manzoor, N., & Rashid, Y. (2017). The impact of emotional intelligence, project managers’ competencies, and transformational leadership on project success: An empirical perspective. Project Management Journal, 48(3), 58-75.
  • Sharma, S., & Sharma, S. (2019). Self-assessment for image building. IUP Journal of Soft Skills, 13(2), 49-54
  • Toor, S., & Ofori, G. (2008). Leadership versus management: How they are different, and why. Leadership and Management in Engineering, 8(2), 61-71.

Lesson 1 Assessing Leadership Strengths

Assessing Leadership Strengths

There are several leadership assessments, tools, and reflection methods available to help you reflect on your skills, abilities, and talents in leadership. Many also focus on management skills, and some reveal personality characteristics.

Assessing your leadership strengths is an important first step to discovering your leadership gaps and developing a plan to bridge those gaps. One area of distinction to make is that management skills and leadership strengths differ in focus. However, both are incorporated in transformational leadership roles from the executive suite to the bedside. A transformational leader cultivates leadership behaviors and management practices to create a role that transforms people and environments.

The following table shows how leadership strengths and management skills combine to create transformational leadership.

Management Skills, Leadership Strengths, & Transformational Leadership
Leadership Strengths Management Skills Transformational Leadership
Drives innovation Drives policy Supports but validates policy using evidence and creative innovation
Guides, influences, motivates Organizes, schedules Strategically guides
Motivates, coaches, trusts Plans, budgets, evaluates Empowers teams to perform
Develops intuition and insight Develops analytic abilities Develops analytical insight
May not have developed management skills May not have developed leadership strengths Develops both management skills and leadership strengths
Power from leadership strengths Power from position and authority Power from influence
Enables Orders Guides
Develops personal agency Develops organizational agency Creates positive agency for both the team and the organization
Ethic of Care persona Ethic of Justice persona Balances the Ethics of Justice and Care in one leadership personality
Care-based Rules-based Change-based
Vision-focused Resource-focused Outcome-focused
Internal locus of control External locus of control Informed internal locus of control
Situational awareness Policy awareness Emotional intelligence

Now, stop for a moment and consider the leadership strengths you have just examined. Think also about the skillset of a manager. Although both leadership and management strengths and skills tend to cross over in transformational leadership, alone they do define distinct characteristics worth consideration.

NR703 Self-Reflection: Performance Behaviors of Transformational Leaders

The NR703 Self-Reflection: Performance Behaviors of Transformational Leaders helps you define your transformational leadership strengths and talents. Through this reflection, you can better develop effectiveness as a leader.

Click on the following link and reflect on this representative list of leader and manager performance behaviors while thinking about the Strengths-to-Strategy interactive that follows in the next section of this lesson. You can use this reflection to evaluate your overall leadership effectiveness. Then, focus on just the leadership strengths that you feel are your strongest and weakest for the Strengths-to-Strategy Interactive.

  • Link (Word doc): NR703 Self-Reflection: Performance Behaviors of Transformational LeadersLinks to an external site.

NR703: Week 1 | Self-Reflection

Self-Reflection: Performance Behaviors of Transformational Leaders

Strength Category & Performance Behaviors

Leading Strengths

Creates a Behavioral Vision

  • Behaviors reflect vision
  • Generates an image of healthy team integration
  • Inspires personal goal achievement
  • Creates a desirable image for the future

Imagines innovations

  • Courage to experiment
  • Takes calculated risks to change
  • Accepts suggestions for new ideas
  • Drives innovation & synthesis of ideas

Empowers People

  • Trusts others to act
  • Encourages individuals to take action
  • Builds confidence
  • Creates a collaborative culture
  • Reacts with situational awareness

Demonstrates Personal Ethics/Morals

  • Operates with caring (Leadership Ethic of Care)
  • Known for personal integrity
  • Does the right things when no one is watching
  • Does the right thing even if directed otherwise
  • Respects and values people
  • Exercises self-awareness & self-management (emotional intelligence)

Builds Relationships

  • Demonstrates relationship behaviors
  • Exercises social awareness & management (emotional intelligence)
  • Delivers honest but constructive communication
  • Embraces diversity & connects people
  • Reaches out to make connections
  • Adapts with Positivity

Influences Others

  • Launches events into action
  • Exhibits calmness in change
  • Inspires allegiance
  • Motivates commitment
  • Direction is future-focused

Managing Skills

Represents Organizational Vision

  • Uses positive vision language
  • Interprets the vision of the future for each individual
  • Projects the big picture
  • Promotes organizational goal achievement

Demonstrates the Workplace Standards

  • Drives organizational policy
  • Makes policy and procedure
  • Understands the business
  • Has professional (technical) expertise

Creates Organization

  • Organizes, schedules, orders, strategizes
  • Plans, budgets, evaluates (employee management tasks)
  • Directs work routines
  • Adapts to change through complexity & resolves chaos
  • Achieves strategic and operational goals

Demonstrates Organizational Ethics

  • Operates with fairness (Leadership Ethic of Justice)
  • Enforces regulations and rules fairly
  • Acts on organizational values over personal values
  • Creates a positive organizational culture

Communicates to Create Best Outcomes

  • Challenges the status quo
  • Engages evidence-based practice
  • Translates science to bridge practice gaps
  • Collaborates with interprofessional efficiency
  • Embraces & encourages change


  • Delegates authority
  • Authorizes decision-making
  • Empowers problem-solving
  • Promotes individual development


  • Gives honest complements
  • Avoids empty praise
  • Acknowledges efforts
  • Gives public acclaim appropriately

After completing the reflection, consider your findings as you watch this video clip.

Reflect on Your Leadership Strengths (0:50)

The practical results of any leadership reflection are discovered when you apply them to those you lead. Therefore, self-reflection should focus on how best to use those results to modify your own leadership personality and behaviors. Throughout this course, you will have the opportunity to reflect on yourself as a leader in relation to different leadership topics and concepts. So, keep your mind open to change. Use the results from your NR703 Self-Reflection: Performance Behaviors of Transformational Leaders to reflect on your personal Johari window (Sharma & Sharma, 2019).

Johari Window Interactive Transcript

When you leave this course, we hope you will find that you have matured as a leader, regardless of your current role, through self-reflection and explorations—keep an open mind and be ready to change as you explore your leadership “windows”!

Leveraging Strengths as a Practice Scholar

One of the strengths of leadership is the ability to leverage skills and talents—both in yourself and in others. By developing your own Strengths-to-Strategy plan, you can better assess where strengths can be applied to compensate for areas that require development. The same dynamic can be applied to those for whom the leader manages.

Leaders also leverage the strengths of others and their teams. Astrid Baumgardner (2017) is a successful career coach who offers three tips to leverage the strengths of the team to achieve the best outcomes:

  • Know the strengths of your team members
  • Have a strengths conversation at the outset of your project
  • Allocate roles based on the strengths of your teammates (para. 8)

By knowing your strengths as a leader and the leadership strengths of your team, you can create your leadership Strengths-to-Strategy plan by identifying the following:

  • Your leadership strengths
  • Areas of opportunities for growth, improvement, and development in leadership (i.e., leadership gaps/shortcomings/weaknesses)
  • Strategies to turn these opportunities into strengths
  • Strategies for leveraging the strengths of others

An important Strengths-to-Strategy plan uses your strengths to leverage others’ strengths to provide a full complement of skills. Likewise, leveraging others’ strengths through delegation can often strengthen your own leadership gaps. As a leader, you may use this tool to create a Strengths-to-Strategy plan to support professional formation in others that you lead.

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