Chamberlain NR703 Week 7 Assignment

Chamberlain NR703 Week 7 Assignment

Chamberlain NR703 Week 7 Assignment

Professional DNP Leadership Capacity Assignment NR703


NOTE: This assignment must use the provided Paper Template which is found in this Link (Word doc): Week 7 Assignment Paper Template.

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The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your leadership capacity to manage a practice change project. You will create a collective manuscript that incorporates the revised Week 2 and Week 5 assignments with an additional section that you will create this week.

This assignment will allow for the assimilation of professional leadership competencies in project management as a DNP-prepared nurse. Assignment content supports professional formation, communication, and dissemination skills relevant to the DNP-prepared nurse.

Please note that this is the third part of a 3-part assignment submitted in Weeks 2, 5, and 7. You have received feedback from your course faculty on the Week 2 and Week 5 assignments, which you should use to revise and prepare the Week 7 assignment.

NOTE: All NR703 assignments and their requirements should be discussed in relation to your proposed or hypothetical DNP practicum project.

Also Read:

NR703 Week 8 Reflection on Learning and Practice Readiness Discussion


Use the provided Week 7 Assignment Paper Template and include the following:

  1. Introduction: The organizing introduction is the first paragraph that does the following:
    1. Introduce the paper’s topic and establishes its importance.
    2. Present a clear purpose statement.
    3. Create a brief overview (outline statement) for the combined paper using the three primary Level 1 headings.
  2. Integrate the Week 2 corrected content under the first Level 1 heading, “Organizational Needs Assessment.”
    1. Don’t forget to include the discussions of Table 1 (Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification) and Table 2 (Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool). Both tables must be referred to in the paper’s content.
    2. Include the required level 2 headings (as they are on the template):Practice Gap
      1. Problem
      2. Practice Gap
      3. Practice Question
    3. Integrate the Week 5 corrected assignment content under the second Level 1 heading, “Leading the Practice Change Project,” using the following level 2 headings (Note: level 3 headings for sub-topics are recommended):
      1. Interprofessional Collaboration in Leading Project Teams
      2. Communicating Comportment in Project Management
      3. Leadership Ethics
    4. Create the content to place under the third Level 1 heading, “Leading Practice Change Teams with Innovation and Effective Management,” using the following level 2 headings:
      1. Leading Through Innovation
      2. Integrating Leadership and Management Models
      3. Managing Materials and Human Resources
    5. Conclusion
      1. Recap the paper’s purpose statement and brief overview (outline statement) for the combined paper using the three level 1 headings (don’t include “conclusion”).
      2. Draw major conclusions from the body of your paper.
      3. Summarize the paper’s relevance to the practice change project.
    6. References (minimum of 4 scholarly, peer-reviewed sources)
      1. Create a reference page.
      2. Include the references from the first two papers that you have used in this paper if they are still used.
      3. Ensure each reference has a matching citation.
      4. Support your paper by using evidence from at least four (4) scholarly peer-reviewed journal article sources (preferably research or systematic reviews) that are retrieved from the Chamberlain library databases. Do not use the internet, textbooks, government sources, or organizational websites for these four sources in this assignment. However, you may use other gray materials for additional sources if you need them.
    7. Attach the revised Table 1 (Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification) and Table 2 (Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool) from the Week 2 assignment as displayed on the Week 7 Assignment Template

Review the rubric for the grading criteria.

APA Guidelines

Use the current Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Manual) and the Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers: Graduate Programs (located in the APA Basics section of the Writing Center) to complete this assignment. Follow these guidelines when completing each component. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.

  1. Use the NR703 Week 7 Assignment Template provided to insert your content for this assignment.
    1. Link (Word doc): Week 7 Assignment Paper Template.
    2. Personalize the title page by adding your name and the session month and year of the course where indicated.
    3. The title is already provided for you in the template.
  2. Turn on Grammarly to check the correctness of the grammar and punctuation as you write. (Note: if you have not already done so, please download the free version at before the construction of the assignment.)
  3. Note: Because this assignment builds on the materials used in the Weeks 2 and 5 assignments as well as several discussions, similarities are expected; therefore, Turnitin will not be routinely used in this cumulative assignment. However, papers may be reviewed in Turnitin if the instructor deems it necessary.
  4. Use the following prescribed Level 1 and Level 2 headings, which are already provided in the template, for this paper (level 3 headings are encouraged where needed):
    1. Organizational Needs Assessment
      • Problem
      • Practice Gap
      • Practice Question
    2. Leading the Practice Change Project
      • Interprofessional Collaboration in Leading Project Teams
      • Communicating Comportment in Project Management
      • Leadership Ethics
    3. Leading Practice Change Teams with Innovation and Effective Management
      • Leading Through Innovation
      • Integrating Leadership and Management Models
      • Managing Materials and Human Resources
    4. Conclusion
Writing Requirements (APA format)
  • Length: 8-12 pages for accumulated paper (not including the  title page, references page, or tables)
  • Use the Week 7 Assignment Paper Template that is formatted with the following APA conventions
    • 1-inch margins
    • Double-spaced pages
    • 12-point Times New Roman
    • Headings & subheadings
    • Title page
    • Reference page
    • Table 1 and Table 2
    • In-text citations
  • Standard English usage and mechanics
  • CARE Plan paragraph development structure
  • Revisions based on course faculty feedback from Week 2 and 5 Assignments

Program Competencies

This assignment enables the student to meet the following program competences:

  1. Applies organizational and system leadership skills to affect systemic changes in corporate culture and to promote continuous improvement in clinical outcomes. (PO 6)
  2. Appraises current information systems and technologies to improve health care. (POs 6, 7)
  3. Creates a supportive organizational culture for flourishing collaborative teams to facilitate clinical disease prevention and promote population health at all system levels. (PO 8)

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

  1. Compare and contrast theories of organizational behavior and leadership. (PCs 2, 4; PO6)
  2. Investigate the role of advanced nursing practice in innovation and transformation to propose solutions impacting healthcare systems. (PCs 2, 4; PO 6)
  3. Differentiate attributes of effective leaders and followers in influencing healthcare. (PCs 2, 4; PO 6)
  4. Assimilate attributes for interprofessional collaboration across healthcare settings. (PC 6; PO 8)
  5. Formulate selected strategies for leadership and influence across healthcare systems. (PC 6; PO 8)

Due Date

  • By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday
  • Late Assignment Policy applies

Student Learning Resources

Click on the following tabs to view the resources for this week.

  • Required Textbooks
  • Required Articles
  • Additional Resources

Broome, M. E., & Marshall, E. S. (2021). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (3rd ed.). Springer Publishing Company.

  • Read Chapter 9

White, K., Dudley-Brown, S., & Terhaar, M. (2021). Translation of evidence into nursing and healthcare (3rd ed.). Springer Publishing Company.

  • Read Chapter 11

Learning Success Strategies

  • Reflect on previous discussions from NR715 and NR716 about the Global Burden of Disease (GBD), including pandemic responses, and consider how you, as a DNP-prepared nurse, will manage the problem in a practice setting.
  • Develop your ideas and thoughts through the interactive discussion. Review the discussion guidelines and rubric to optimize your performance.
  • You have access to a variety of resources to support your success. Click on the DNP Resources tab on the home page to access program and project resources.
  • Your course faculty is here to support your learning journey. Reach out for guidance with study strategies, time management, and course-related questions.

Interacting with Feedback

Each week your course faculty will provide feedback in the rubric and on any assignment you have submitted. Take a moment to review the following video on how to view rubric feedback in Canvas:

  • Link (video): Looking at FeedbackLinks to an external site.(2:26)

Review the following video on how to accept/reject track changes when viewing course faculty feedback on your assignment:

  • Link (video): Word: Track Changes and Comments(4:19)

W7 Chamberlain NR703 Week 7 Assignment Grading Rubric

W7 Assignment Grading Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Introduction

1. Introduce the paper’s topic and establish its importance.
2. Present a clear purpose statement.
3. Create a brief overview for the combined paper using the three primary Level 1 headings.

10 pts

Includes all requirements and provides an in-depth introduction.

9 pts

Includes 2 requirements and/or provides a sufficient introduction.

8 pts

Includes 1 requirement and/or provides a partial introduction.

0 pts

Provides an undeveloped introduction.

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Organizational Needs Assessment: Problem: Using the information that you gathered on the Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification (Table 1), describe the practice problem.

1. Describe a specific location (hospital unit, community health clinic, surgical suite, primary care practice).
2. Identify the key stakeholders (decision-makers).
3. Relate the practice problem identified by the stakeholders.

20 pts

Includes all requirements and provides an in-depth discussion in the assessment of the practice problem.

18 pts

Includes at least 2 requirements and/or provides a sufficient description of the problem.

16 pts

Includes at least 1 requirement and/or provides a partial description of the problem.

0 pts

Provides an undeveloped description of the problem.

20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap

Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap

1. In 1-2 organized paragraphs, summarize the Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification (Table 1).

2. Add the revised Table 1 to the paper after the reference list (use the Assignment Template). Table 1 must be referred to in this section’s content.

3. Add the revised Table 2 to the paper after the reference list (use the Assignment Template). Table 2 sources must be included in the reference list and cited in the paper.

20 pts

Includes all requirements and provides an in-depth summary of the Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification

18 pts

Includes 2 requirements and/or provides a sufficient summary of the Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification.

16 pts

Includes 1 requirement and/or provides a partial summary of the Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification.

0 pts

Missing both tables and/or provides an undeveloped or no summary of the Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification.

20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Question-Define and briefly explain the project’s intended population, evidence-based intervention, and measurable outcomes (PICOT).

1. Population. Describe the specific characteristics of the population.
2. Intervention. Based on the evidence in the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool (Table 2) initiated in previous courses, describe your evidence for an evidence-based intervention.
3. Comparison: State as “compared to current practice” for the purposes of this assignment.
4. Outcome. Create and explain specific outcome measurements based on the current evidence collected in the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool (attached as Table 2).
5. State the Practice Question.

20 pts

Includes all requirements and provides an in-depth summary of the practice question.

18 pts

Includes no fewer than 5 of the requirements and provides a sufficient summary of the practice question.

16 pts

Includes no fewer than 4 of the requirements and provides a partial summary of the practice question.

0 pts

Includes fewer than 4 of the requirements and/or provides an undeveloped summary of the practice question.

20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Leading the Practice Change Project: Interprofessional Collaboration in Leading Project Teams

Create an approach to implementing the practice change project with an interprofessional team, including a description of how you will manage the following challenges:
1. Creating a climate of mutual respect and shared values.
2. Facilitating team roles and flexibility to perform effectively.

20 pts

Includes both requirements and provides an in-depth analysis of implementing the project with an interprofessional team.

18 pts

Includes both requirements and provides a sufficient analysis of implementing the project with an interprofessional team.

16 pts

Includes at least 1 requirement and/or provides a partial analysis of implementing the project with an interprofessional team.

0 pts

Provides an undeveloped analysis of implementing the project with an interprofessional team.

20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Leading the Practice Change Project: Communication Comportment in Project Management

Create a guideline for your professional communication to serve you in the practice change project and future roles. Include the following:
1. Verbal and non-verbal communication competencies at a doctoral level:
i) Communicating leadership comportment
ii) Creating alignment of verbal and nonverbal messages
2. Written professional communication:
i) Writing with a leadership tone and style
ii) Using standard English
iii) Creating summary and synthesis in writing

20 pts

Includes all 5 components and provides an in-depth summary of professional communication.

18 pts

Includes at least 4 of the 5 components and/or provides a sufficient summary of professional communication.

16 pts

Includes at least 3 of the 5 components and/or provides a partial summary of professional communication.

0 pts

Includes fewer than 3 of the 5 components and/or provides an undeveloped summary of professional communication.

20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Leading the Practice Change Project: Leadership Ethics

Requirements: Discuss how you will create a consistent image of ethical comportment, including consideration of the following:
1. Balance an Ethic of Justice with an Ethic of Care in your leadership style.
2. Create a conflict resolution approach for the project team management of issues.
3. Lead social justice change within the project environment.

20 pts

Includes all requirements and provides an in-depth discussion of leadership ethics.

18 pts

Includes at least 2 requirements and/or provides a sufficient discussion of leadership ethics.

16 pts

Includes at least 1 requirement and/or provides a partial discussion of leadership ethics.

0 pts

Provides an undeveloped discussion of leadership ethics.

20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Leading Practice Change Teams with Innovation and Effective Management

1. Leading Through Innovation.

2. Integrating Leadership and Management Models.

3. Managing Materials and Human Resources.

40 pts

Includes all requirements and provides an in-depth discussion of leading practice change teams with innovation and effective management.

36 pts

Includes at least 2 requirements and/or provides a sufficient discussion of leading practice change teams with innovation and effective management.

32 pts

Includes at least 1 requirement and/or provides a partial discussion of leading practice change teams with innovation and effective management.

0 pts

Provides an undeveloped discussion of leading practice change teams with innovation and effective management.

40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Conclusion

1. Recap the paper’s purpose statement and brief overview criteria.
2. Draw major conclusions from the body of your paper.
3. Summarize the paper’s relevance to the practice change project.

10 pts

Includes all requirements and provides an in-depth summary in the conclusion.

9 pts

Includes at least 2 requirements and/or provides a sufficient summary in the conclusion.

8 pts

Includes at least 1 requirement and/or provides a partial summary in the conclusion.

0 pts

Provides an undeveloped summary in the conclusion.

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome References


1. Create the reference page that includes the references in Table 2.

2. Ensure each reference has a matching citation, & reference and citations are in the current APA style.

3. Support your discussion by using evidence from at least four (4) scholarly peer-reviewed journal article sources.

10 pts

Includes all requirements of the reference section, at least three scholarly references with matching citations, and the reference page is formatted without errors.

9 pts

Includes at least 2 requirements for the reference section and/or the reference page is formatted with 1-2 error types (patterns).

8 pts

Includes 1 requirement for the references and/or the reference page is formatted with 3-5 error types (patterns).

0 pts

Includes no requirements for the reference section and/or the reference page is formatted with 6 or more error types (patterns).

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA Style and Standards

1. Use the prescribed level 1 and level 2 headings, and add level 3 headings as appropriate to your content.
2. APA style is maintained in the template, and the assignment template is used.
3. Paper is 8-12 pages in length, excluding the title page, reference pages, and tables.

30 pts

Includes all requirements of APA style.

27 pts

Includes 2 requirements of APA style.

22 pts

Includes 1 requirement of APA style.

0 pts

Includes no requirement of APA style that conforms to the current APA manual.

30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Clarity of Writing

1. Standard English grammar, punctuation, spelling, & sentence structure conform to guidelines in the APA manual.
2. APA style/ mechanics/ grammar & Week 2 & 5 content corrections/ revisions were completed based on faculty feedback.
3. Organized and logical presentation of ideas in paragraphs (CARE Plan), sentences, and phrases.

30 pts

Includes all requirements and demonstrates an in-depth clarity of writing.

27 pts

Includes all requirements and demonstrates a sufficient clarity of writing.

22 pts

Includes no fewer than 2 requirements and/or demonstrates partial clarity of writing.

0 pts

Includes 1 or fewer requirements and/or demonstrates an undeveloped clarity of writing.

30 pts
Total Points: 250


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