Define Negotiation as it Applies to Patient Education Assignment

Define Negotiation as it Applies to Patient Education Assignment

Define Negotiation as it Applies to Patient Education Assignment

            Negotiation connotes a patient-centered method that entails a mutual agreement between a clinician and patient regarding the patient’s healthcare and personal needs, lifestyle, and treatment plan (Hultstrand et al., 2020). The major aim of negotiation in patient care is to find common ground on a particular patient issue.  Negotiation helps in sharing ideas and informing decisions that could lead to personalized care. Ultimately, negotiation helps healthcare professionals and patients to reach an understanding and also helps in changing the delusions of a patient and enhancing compliance with treatment.

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Explain how the change in the patient’s status through the years has affected patient education   

Through the years, patient education has significantly affected the patients’ status. The ideas of awareness and autonomy have increasingly gained meaning as patients advance in status. A person learns more about potential health issues that he or is likely to encounter. As a result, many often research a lot on health to avoid contracting diseases. The shift in patient status also motivates clinicians to enhance their interaction with patients. Moreover, healthcare providers have also adopted advanced patient education to counteract the increased patient awareness. List the pros and cons of negotiation The pro includes the facilitation of personalized patient support, quick information exchange, enhanced patient privacy, and confidentiality, provides an opportunity for asking relevant questions, and enables understanding of the patient’s expectations. The cons of negotiation include the inability to assure successful outcomes. It also reduces the involvement of patients because of potential poor communication skills in patients. This can lead to an imbalance of power during negotiation (Hultstrand et al., 2020). Describe the general conditions that would be included in a patient contract A patient contract entails various conditions date of taking the information, the parties involved and their responsibilities in healthcare delivery, security requirements, the attendance indicating time for coming for an appointment, and regulations for protecting patient’s confidentiality and integrity. The contract must also define the price policies, patient cooperation status, insurance reimbursement, and consideration. The contract should also put an obligation on patients to act positively and ensure that health providers should not exploit the patients. Discuss old age and the baby boomer Baby boomers are individuals who were born after the Second World War ended. Currently, these people are old and aged 55 years and above and they represent the biggest population of the US’s old generation. The majority of this population has retired or approaching retirement. Among the present economic issues in healthcare, baby boomers have overwhelmed the healthcare industry due to their numerous medical needs. As such, the healthcare system needs to take responding measures (Mossburg, 2018). List several generational, religious, and cultural differences between the 30-year-old health care professional and the elderly patient The 30-year-old health care professional and the elderly patient have numerous differences in the generational, cultural, and religious aspects. The 30-year-old health care professional heavily depends on technologies and can easily establish vibrant social bonds with people across diverse background while the elderly patients are more conformists, believers in cultural norms, needs direct instructions, and maintain strong family bonds. The 30-year-old health care professional does not often value traditional practices as opposed to elderly patients. Unlike the young generation, elderly patients tend to believe in religious practices for healing and they pray and meditate to attain their health objectives. Explain some of the barriers to patient education of the elderly and discuss their special needs Elderly people face several barriers to patient education such as transportation, minimized attention, and inability to engage in active dialogue. They are also rigid and always unwilling to accept new ideas. They are also unresponsive to healthcare providers’ concerns. Their special needs entail mobility concerns, hearing issues, and hypertension. The elderly people are also traditionalists and require delicate care. Clinicians should provide culturally competent and individualized care to elderly people (Chen et al., 2018). List ways to best approach patient education of the elderly The ways to best approach patient education of the elderly include taking cognizance of their cultural perspectives and attributes, involving their family members, and incorporating their religious ideas. Clinicians should also uphold a positive attitude toward patients when providing patient education. The clinician should also be attentive and stop being authoritative. Instead, clinicians should strive to remain patient when dealing with the elderly to achieve positive outcomes. Clinicians should also recognize and address the social factors that may affect education. Instructions should also be given to elderly patients at a pace that fits their level (Chen et al., 2018). Discuss some cultural and religious beliefs about death that you have encountered Different religions and cultures treat death differently. Some people believe that death is the way to heaven. The majority of elderly people, especially Christians have a positive perspective about death. Some people also consider death as a taboo that should be cleansed to avoid more deaths in the family or community. Some cultures also consider death as a curse when two or more people in the same family die concurrently. Explain why it is important to discuss death and dying with the elderly patient and what the impact is on all involved  Discussing death and dying with elderly patients is critical in helping the elderly patients to manage their time appropriately, stay close to their families, and make appropriate arrangements before death. It also provides the opportunity to explain to the elderly death and the meaning of the death. Discussing death with the elderly also prepares them psychologically for death and makes them not fear death. This understanding will impact the elderly positively and motivate them to emphasize a common goal (Sjöberg et al., 2021). Explain how to teach a patient with a life-threatening illness

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Define Negotiation as it Applies to Patient Education Assignment

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            When teaching a patient with a life-threatening illness, the first step is to seek informed consent and remind the patient about the essence of medical practices and therapy. The patient will learn about his or her purpose in the world and make them discover opportunities to hang on. The clinician should strive to inspire hope and provide evidence about the potential positive results of the treatment. Moral support is also critical at this point in a patient’s life. Ultimately, the patent should accept the situation and look for better health practices (Sjöberg et al., 2021).


Chen, X., Hay, J. L., Waters, E. A., Kiviniemi, M. T., Biddle, C., Schofield, E., … & Orom, H. (2018). Health literacy and use and trust in health information. Journal of health communication, 23(8), 724-734.

Hultstrand, C., Coe, A. B., Lilja, M., & Hajdarevic, S. (2020). Negotiating bodily sensations between patients and GPs in the context of standardized cancer patient pathways–an observational study in primary care. BMC health services research, 20(1), 1-12.

Mossburg, S. E. (2018). Baby boomer retirement: Are you up to the challenge?. Nursing Management, 49(3), 13-14. DOI: 10.1097/01.NUMA.0000530428.53528.f2

Sjöberg, M., Edberg, A. K., Rasmussen, B. H., & Beck, I. (2021). Documentation of older people’s end-of-life care in the context of specialized palliative care: a retrospective review of patient records. BMC Palliative Care, 20(1), 1-12.

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Assessment Description
Write a short (50-100-word) paragraph response for each question. This assignment is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.

Define negotiation as it applies to patient education.
Explain how the change in the patient’s status through the years has affected patient education.
List the pros and cons of negotiation.
Describe the general conditions that would be included in a patient contract.
Discuss old age and the baby boomer.
List several generational, religious, and cultural differences between the 30-year-old health care professional and the elderly patient.
Explain some of the barriers to patient education of the elderly and discuss their special needs.
List ways to best approach patient education of the elderly.
Discuss some cultural and religious beliefs about death that you have encountered.
Explain why it is important to discuss death and dying with the elderly patient and what the impact is on all involved.
Explain how to teach a patient with a life-threatening illness.

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Define Negotiation as it Applies to Patient Education Assignment

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