Developing Advocacy Goals (SMART) Paper

Developing Advocacy Goals (SMART) Paper

Developing Advocacy Goals (SMART) Paper

The population served by school nurses in Chicago is diverse. This ranges from young kindergarten students to teenagers. The school is urban and accommodates students from all sociocultural backgrounds. 

The school’s healthcare system boasts several strengths. These include health education, collaboration, and preventive care. The school has mastered providing children with comprehensive health education, covering nutrition and mental health issues. This has only been made possible by the school and community efforts. The community members are also allowed to help the school in decision-making on matters of health policy. The school also partners with community organizations and local hospitals to engage students in health promotion activities and enhance preventive care. The collaboration between the community and the school has improved the health status of the students and the community. 

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A number of challenges face the healthcare system. These include the need for mental health support, increased funding, and chronic illness management. The school needs increased funding for mental health services such as counseling and mental health awareness campaigns. Students with chronic illnesses need personalized care, so these services should be availed. These needs must be addressed to realize a near-perfect healthcare system.

The school nurse has a vital role in advocating for good healthcare services. The school nurse has to advocate for the student’s health and well-being by raising awareness, promoting policies that support their needs, and partnering with various stakeholders. To address health-related issues and establish an atmosphere conducive to learning and optimal health, the nurse must actively engage parents and community organizations.


In this school, community partners frequently visit to deliver information and engage students in activities to improve student health. Many groups actively collaborate with the school to promote health education and general student well-being. Local hospitals and other community-based organizations are among these community partners. This is in addition to the school’s recognition of the necessity of linking students and families with accessible community healthcare services and resources. Referral systems and health education programs are examples of this.


  1. Increase Mental Health Support and Awareness

Objective: Collaborate with local mental health groups to conduct training on mental health for teachers, parents, and students, such as stress management and resilience development.

  1. Enhance Healthcare Access for Minority Students

Objective: Advocate for the establishment of a school-based health facility that will provide comprehensive healthcare services, including primary care, to children who face socioeconomic challenges

SMART Goals 

  1. By the end of December 31, 2023, increase mental health literacy among 80% of teachers and parents by hosting monthly mental health workshops with guest speakers from local mental health groups.
  2. By the end of December 31, 2023, form a collaboration with a local healthcare provider to provide monthly on-site medical and dental clinics, delivering free or low-cost healthcare treatments to at least 500 students from minority groups.

As a school nurse, one should be committed to advocating for the student’s health and well-being. Establishing these SMART goals addresses the specified needs and ensures that the school community has the assistance it requires to prosper academically and physically.


Community health needs assessment & strategic implementation plan. (2021).

ECHO-Chicago: Serious Mental Illness-Winter 2020 | Center for Continuing Medical Education. (2020, April 29).

School health – HAN – Chicago Health Alert Network. (2022). HAN.


Discussion Topic Module One
The purpose of this discussion is to develop advocacy goals (SMART) based on the analysis of your community demographics and identified needs.
Clear goals and specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound (SMART) objectives need to be formulated at the beginning of any advocacy work.
The Module Topic: Post a summary of a community assessment using the following instructions:
• Locate and choose 3 sources of data that describe the demographic landscape (think broadly Social Determinants of Health) of the population you serve (Data Source examples: Community Health Needs Assessment; State School Report Card, U.S. Census).
• Use the questions in Selekman et al., 2019) to guide your assessment. You are assessing your school community’s strengths, resources, and needs. (Ch. 7, Selekman); refer to Box 7-2, p. 129,

Create a post that includes the following details:
• Share with your group where you practice along with a description of your population and your practice setting.
• Select and share the top 3 strengths and top 3 needs identified.
• Share your knowledge of the school nurse’s role in advocacy.
• Based upon your assessment, develop goals related to Advocacy for your school community that you will set for the upcoming year.
• Share these two (2) SMART goals related to Advocacy for your school community for the upcoming year.


Nursing 417 Discussion Grading Rubric – 2023 – ORIGINAL and REPLY Posts

Critical Thinking,

Connection to Topic and Learning Community

·         Post is rich in context, full of thought, insight and analysis. Responds to all topic instruction details.

·         Extensive connection to topic in discussion questions.

·         Considers the needs of the community and presents creative approaches to the topic.

·         Reads ALL Peer Posts in your group

Original post:  30-35 

Reply post:  22–25

·         Substantial information, thought, insight, and analysis has taken place. Responds to most of topic instruction details.

·         Clear connections to topic.

·         Presents relevant viewpoints for consideration to the community.

·         Reads 90% or more of peer posts

Original post: 23-29

Reply Post: 19–21

·         Generally competent, but information is thin missing most of topic instruction details.

·         Adequate connections to topic with vague generalities

·         Minimally considers the needs of the group

·         Marginal efforts to become involved with group.

·         Reads 80% of peer posts


Original Post: 18-23 Points
Reply post:  16-20

·         Rudimentary or no analysis or insight is displayed. Does not respond to topic instructions.

·         No connections are made to the topic.

·         Does not consider the needs of the group

·         Does not make effort to participate in learning.

·         Reads < 50% of peer posts.


Original Post: 0-17 

Reply Post:  0-15

APA Format




·         Post titled correctly (your name-team#-module#-ORIGINAL or REPLY post)

·         Few APA and grammatical errors (0-2 total)

·         Posts to both Assignments AND Discussions tabs (Original)

·         Cites 2 sources from required reading/resources

·         Resources cited in-text & listed at end.

3 Points

·         Post titled correctly

·         3-4 APA and grammatical errors.

·         Posts to both Assignments AND Discussions tabs (Original)

·         Cites 2 sources from required reading/resources

·         Resources cited in-text and listed at end.

2 Points

·         Post titled nearly correctly

·         5 or more APA or format errors

·         Does not post to both Assignments and Discussions (Original)

·         Cites 1 source from required reading/resources

·         Resources cited in-text and listed at end.

1 Point

·         Post is not correctly titled.

·         Does not use APA format.

·         More than 5 Grammatical errors that interfere with understanding of content

·         Frequent direct quoting.

·         (PLAGIARISM results in 0 for entire post, not just this section)

·         No sources cited.

0 Points


(NOT counting references)

·         325 – 700 words for original post

·         200-350 words for reply posts

2 Points

·         Less than 325 words or more than 700 words for original post

·         < 200 words for reply posts

1 Point

  ·         Under 325 words or > than 750 words – original post

·         Under 150 words or over 350 for reply posts

0 Points

*Timeline* All original/leader posts due by 11:59pm on Wednesday (Except WEEK 1)

and worth 40 points each.

Reply posts are specific to module directions

Due by 11:59pm on Saturdays

and worth 30 points (total)/wk

  ·         PLAGIARISM

·         LATE POST – not completed by 11:59pm on due date,

0 Points for entire post

  TOTAL in 4 categories FINAL SCORE = Original post – 40 points Reply posts – 30 points



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