Discussion: Discuss differences and similarities between the literature review and literature synthesis in a scholarly project.
Discuss differences and similarities between the literature review and literature synthesis in a scholarly project. How will you synthesize the literature in your project paper?
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Discussion Literature Review Sample
Literature review and literature synthesis are terms often used interchangeably in research. Their similarities and differences guide their appropriate applications in scholarly projects and quality improvement initiatives. These activities both require an understanding of the field of interest and a thorough examination of the research in the interest area. My DNP project focuses on an educational intervention among home health nurses (licensed practical nurses and registered nurses) to improve wound care. The goal is to develop the educational intervention using available evidence to ensure its efficacy and efficiency. This discussion explores the similarities and differences between literature review and literature synthesis and discusses literature synthesis for the DNP project.
A literature review differs from a literature synthesis in several ways. Mauer and Venecek (2022) state that a literature review summarizes and evaluates existing research on a particular topic, providing an overview of studies, findings, and methodologies. Discussion Literature Review A literature synthesis goes beyond summary and integrates and combines findings from multiple studies to draw new insights and conclusions. A literature review is often descriptive, focusing on a summary, while a synthesis is analytical and interpretative, identifying patterns, relationships, and overarching themes (Flemming & Noyes, 2021). A literature review results in a comprehensive summary of existing knowledge, including suggestions for future research, while a literature synthesis produces a new understanding or perspective after combining findings from various studies. A researcher thus selects literature synthesis or review based on the objectives/end goal. Literature review and literature synthesis are similar in multiple ways, including structure. The basic structure includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. Literature review and synthesis both involve critical analysis of literature, evaluating quality, relevance, and contributions of the various studies discussed (Mauer & Venecek, 2022). They also require a good understanding of the literature in the field and a thorough examination of the literature.
The project focuses on educating home health nurses to improve wound care. Discussion Literature Review Buchholz and Dickins (2022) outline a literature synthesis process for scholarly activity in healthcare that includes categorization, studies’ analysis, and comprehensive narrative presentation. To synthesize literature in the DNP project, I will categorize the literature into themes on common topics and findings. I will also compare and contrast the studies within each study to identify themes and gaps. I will then combine findings from the different studies to create a cohesive narrative, highlighting contradicting and complementing funding. Lastly, I will draw conclusions and new insights to advance the topic’s understanding. The information developed will help make vital decisions for the DNP project, including efficacy and appropriacy.
Discussion Literature Review References
Buchholz, S. W., & Dickins, K. (2022). Literature review and synthesis: A guide for nurses and other healthcare professionals (Eds.) Springer Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1891/9780826152145
Flemming, K., & Noyes, J. (2021). Qualitative evidence synthesis: where are we at? International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 20, 1609406921993276. https://doi.org/10.1177/1609406921993276
Mauer, B., & Venecek, J. (2022). Writing the Literature Review. Strategies for Conducting Literary Research, 2e. Discussion Literature Review