Discussion: Post Concepts and Theories in Nursing
Discussion: Post Concepts and Theories in Nursing
Nursing theories and models offer the foundation and basis of integrating certain nursing processes and practice. Nurses leverage these theories in different situations to offer practical interventions and guide their care practice. Margaret Newman developed her theory of health as expanding consciousness out of the need to cater to individuals whose health is not merely not having a diseases or disability (Smith, 2019). The theory advances that each individual in every circumstance, irrespective of how disordered and hopeless it may be, is a component of the universal process of consciousness.
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Newman in grand nursing theory expresses that nurse client relationships at times where there are disruptions, uncertainty, and unpredictability in the lives of the patients. What Newman implies is that at most times, patients encounter nurses during illnesses, trauma and even life losses. As the patients transition due to their conditions and situations, the nurse is there to provide them through their tribulations and concerns which have significant impact on their future. The nurse assists in guiding the patients through the health-associated planning, interventions, assessment and even post discharge management of their condition and transition (Kramer, 2018). The nurse is present when a patient is at their dire situation and helps them to restore and regain functioning to attain optimal health status.
The theorist advanced that the removal of pathology does not alter the individual’s pattern. Nurses relate to individuals whose situations show that the absence of disease or disability cannot occur because of their chronic conditions. These individuals face uncertainty, debilitation, loss and eventual demise linked to chronic diseases or conditions. The theory has expanded to include the health of all persons irrespective of their health status. Expanding consciousness process entails one becoming more aware of themselves, and finding greater purpose and meaning in life, and attaining new dimensions of connectivity with other individuals and the world (Rasheed et al., 2019). Nurses become a critical component of attaining self-awareness for patients and ensuring that they restore their functioning.
As a nurse, one encounters and evaluates a patient’s situation, and gets concerned as well as relate to the patient’s condition. Numerous circumstances arise for nurses in different care settings and practices, including working in emergency department where patients present with dire situations and require fast interventions. Some of the patients may not have health coverage yet they require life-saving interventions from nurses and physicians. I have many experiences in the emergency room about patients who are eager to get well and return to their optimal functioning.
A good example is a patient who presented to the emergency room with an asthmatic attack and we had to do a quick intervention to ensure that he regains his breathing. It was not easy but his acuity was so severe because, through his account after regaining consciousness, he had been postponing taking medications and sometimes would not bother to avoid allergic things or staying away from situations that exposed him to attacks. More interesting, the patient and his family were not keen on ensuring that he adheres to the recommended management practices. I was shocked about the admission but later on, learnt that these approaches were part of their religious practices. The 25-year old man believed that one day, he shall be cured of the asthma through miracle healing courtesy of prayers. Despite their perspective, we built relationships and this helped them to understand that nurses are never against patient’s preferences and needs. In fact, they act based on patient’s needs.
Kramer, D. (2018). Energetic modalities as a self-care technique to reduce stress in nursing
students. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 36(4), 366-373. doi: 10.1177/0898010117745436.
Rasheed, S. P., Younas, A., & Sundus, A. (2019). Self‐awareness in nursing: A scoping review.
Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28(5-6), 762-774. doi: 10.1111/jocn.14708.
Smith, M. C. (2019). Nursing theories and nursing practice. FA Davis.
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Discussion Question:
Newman pointed out that, “nurse client relationships often begin during periods of disruption, uncertainty, and unpredictability in patient’s lives†(Smith & Parker, 2015, p. 288). Explore what she means by this statement. Then, reflect on a patient that you cared for that you could apply her theory to. Provide details of the interaction and outcomes.
Your initial posting should be at least 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook.