DNP 805 Topic 1 Individual Success Plan 

DNP 805 Topic 1 Individual Success Plan


Individual Success Plan (including Pre, Mid, and Post Conference documentation)

Course #­­­­ __DNP-805A_______

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DNP 805 Topic 1 Individual Success Plan 

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Target Practice Hours 50 (DNP with an Emphasis in Educational Leadership Practicum Courses. The Educational Leadership courses require learners to complete a total of 150 practicum hours over three courses, with each course requirement set at 50 hours (DNP-836, 836A, DNP 837, 837A, DNP 838, 838A).

The practicum hours associated with the Educational Leadership emphasis courses are in addition to the Direct Practice Immersion hour requirement and do not count towards the 1,000 required hours needed towards graduation.




















Complete Contact Information


Learner Information GCU
Phone Number:    
Course Faculty GCU
Phone Number:    
Mentor/Preceptor  Information Practice Setting
Phone Number:    

Updates and Modifications to this Individual Success Plan:  Always check the DC Network for updated versions of this plan for each course.


Use this form to develop your Individual Success Plan (ISP) for each course, starting in DNP-805 through graduation. An individual success plan maps out what you, the DNP Learner, need to accomplish in order to be successful in your current course and overall program of study. You will also share this document with your mentor, preceptor, or content expert (CE) at the beginning of week one (like a pre-conference) and by the end of week eight of each course (like a post-conference).

In addition to the ISP, all DNP learners in DNP-836, 836A, DNP-837, 837A, DNP-838, and 838A will schedule a mid-conference between the faculty, mentor (preceptor), and learner before week five.  This mid-conference document is located at the end of the ISP and will be uploaded into the week five dropbox Learners will type their names, and the mentor, preceptor, or CE will need to electronically sign with software that uses a displayed digital identifier or written signature.

For you to successfully complete and graduate from the DNP Program, you must meet the following programmatic requirements: (1) completion of required practice immersion hours, (2) completion of work associated with all DNP and GCU program competencies, (3) successful defense and completion of your Direct Practice Improvement Project including signature by the Dean. DNP Learners who are deficient in hours or have a final manuscript deemed “not ready” for Dean’s review at the end of the program may require additional extension courses to meet programmatic requirements prior to Dean’s approval.

It is your responsibility to obtain the practicum hours, log them correctly, ensure they are signed off, and upload a copy to the week eight (8) drop-box in order to receive a letter grade.  


ISP Table Requirements

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment as it pertains to deliverables due in this course:

  • Review the DNP Program Milestones document in the DC Network – Doctoral Program – DNP Program Materials – Folder – DPI Milestones. Please see the DNP Program Timeline in the DC Network for a quick overview.
  • Determine what practice experiences you plan to seek in order to address each course objective. Include the estimated number of associated practice immersion hours. Learners will apply objectives and concepts from each of their courses to reflect upon, critically examine, and improve current practice and are required to integrate scholarly readings to develop case reports that demonstrate increasingly complex and proficient practice.
  • Use the ISP to develop a personal plan for completing your practice immersion hours and self-assess how you will meet the GCU DNP Domains & Competencies (Appendix A) related to that course. Show all the major milestones (if applicable) and deliverables. ISPs do not earn practice hours, nor does telephone conference time or time spent with the mentor (unless there is National Emergency). Add your pre-, mid-, and post-conference dates and times to this document to ensure you have scheduled the time properly.

The table below should address the following programmatic requirements: (1) completion of required practice immersion hours, (2) completion of work associated with all DNP and GCU program competencies, (3) successful defense, and completion of your Direct Practice Improvement Project, if applicable to the current course.




Application Based Learning Course Assignments


Challenges (list under assignment)

Number of Planned Immersion Hours Associated with each Assignment/Project Site Date


 Review Course Objectives and GCU DNP Domains & Competencies.

Create a plan for the practice experiences you plan to seek in order to address each course objective. Consider how each assignment may relate back to your current project concept.

Self-Assessed GCU DNP Domains & Competencies (see appendix) Actual Practice Immersion Hours Completed Associated with each assignment (blank until end-of-course) Date Complete
        Individual Success Plan 0 03/02/2022 The aim is to create an Individual Success Plan (ISP) in partnership with faculty to devise a strategy for accomplishing the specified particular deliverables in order to achieve the stated requirements.

Three key requirements are targeted: a) successful completion of the predefined practice immersion hours, b) successful completion of the work related to program competencies, and 3) work related to the Direct Practice Improvement Project’s successful completion.

Topic 1 DQ1 2 03/10/21 Encompasses choosing ethical standards, laws, and regulations relating to health care technology and its informatics section. An explanation of why you’re in favor or opposed to it will be given next. In all spheres of healthcare, advocate for social justice, equity, and ethical policies.   14/09/21
Topic 1 DQ2 2   .


The selection of competences linked with information theories as they relate to human aspects becomes critical in this competency.



The important elements necessary for the theory’s fulfillment will be analyzed, as well as the associated communication.

Topic 2 Assignment: emerging technologies 3   Assembles a PowerPoint presentation describing a clinical problem and a technology that can help solve it. Additionally, the presentation should highlight the technology’s potential limitations and strengths, as well as patient education regarding the technology. Utilize information technology and research methods to handle data effectively in order to generate, evaluate, and apply evidence that results in improved health care.    
Topic 2 DQ1 2   A discussion of the utility of electronic health records and its impact on patient safety and quality outcomes. A discussion of the potential benefits and drawbacks of electronic health records. • How informatics contributes to the creation and evaluation of novel practice approaches informed by nursing theories and theories    
Topic 2 DQ2 2   Analyses of a new practice workflow designed to involve patient encounters and enhance collaboration with the health care team, as well as the incorporation of electronic health data into practice. Additionally, the modifications that will be required in the event of a change in the setting should be mentioned. Analyze and convey essential factors affecting the selection, implementation, and assessment of health information systems and patient care technology    
Topic 3 assignment: Using CPOE and CDSS 3   A list of clinical difficulties involving specific medications will be created, and a computerized provider order input tool will be used to create a clinical decision support system that will be incorporated into the practice’s EHR. Create and implement processes/strategies for assessing practice outcomes, practice patterns, and systems of care on an individual, aggregate, and population level in comparison to national benchmarks.    
Topic 3 DQ 1 2   A description of how the integration of CPOE and CDSS into the EHR can be beneficial for a certain patient population. Additionally, one aspect of CPOE or CDSS that can be modified to increase effectiveness will be presented. Utilize information technology and research methods to handle data effectively in order to generate, evaluate, and apply evidence that results in improved health care.    
Topic 3 DQ 2 2   Selected clinical or pharmacological problem and discussion of how CDSS and/or CPOE technologies can assist in making care decisions in that area. Utilize information technology and research methods to handle data effectively in order to generate, evaluate, and apply evidence that results in improved health care.    
Topic 4 Assignment: HER Database and Data management 3   The prerequisite is to develop a clinical database, integrate a clinical problem with database technologies, and obtain a deeper understanding of the components and how they contribute to clinical outcomes improvement. I intend to accomplish this by identifying a clinical issue affecting a patient that can be improved through database management. Following that, a description of the data required to manage the situation via EHR will be provided. I will next discuss methods to combine health care providers and databases to improve outcomes. Following that, each data entry will be described. Develop, select, implement, and evaluate programs that track patient outcomes, care systems, and quality improvement, including consumer usage of health information technologies.    
Topic 4 DQ1 2   Selection of a particular patient population and a list of potential database components. Following that, a description of each element will be presented. • Demonstrate the conceptual ability and technical proficiency necessary to establish and implement an evaluation plan that includes data extraction from practice information systems and databases.


Topic 4 DQ2 2   Describe the type of integration data that the population described in topic 4 DQ 1 would require and how the EHR database may facilitate integration across administrative and clinical systems. Demonstrate the conceptual competence and technical proficiency necessary to establish and implement an evaluation plan that includes data extraction from practice information systems and databases.    
Topic 5 DQ1 2   Selection of a clinical problem and creation of a data mining-responsible clinical inquiry. Specific data mining approaches will then be discussed, along with their logic. Extraction of data from massive data sets    
Topic 5 DQ2     Determination of the constituents of the formulated clinical inquiry and identification of the area within the hypothetical database where the relevant information can be extracted Synthesize concepts in order to design, implement, and evaluate treatments aimed at improving the management of individual, aggregate, and population health.    
Topic 6 Assignment: Telehealth 3   Compose a paper describing a telehealth technology that can be used in current practice. Additionally, a mind map and summary will be included. Determine how business, finance, economics, and health policy principles can be used to build and implement effective plans for practice-level and/or system-wide initiatives to improve the quality of health care delivery through the use of informatics.    
Topic 6 DQ1 2   A description of the telehealth technology that will be used remotely by a patient who is about to be discharged, as well as the method through which I will communicate with the patient. Determine how business, finance, economics, and health policy principles can be used to build and implement effective plans for practice-level and/or system-wide initiatives that use informatics to improve the quality of health care delivery.    
Topic 6 DQ 2 2   A review of existing telehealth deployment tactics, including its advantages and disadvantages. Following that, an application of the method in a specific care setting will be explored. Demonstrate the conceptual competence and technical proficiency necessary to establish and implement an evaluation plan that includes data extraction from practice information systems and databases.    
Topic 7 assignment: A case report 4   Writing a case report to demonstrate the abilities and personal knowledge acquired during the course and to resolve a practice problem highlighted during the course. This will be performed by the creation of a problem statement and description of the disease process, as well as a review of the literature and a description of the conditions or case. Before closing, at the very least a technology that might be employed as a solution to the problem will be discussed.  

Utilize information technology and research methods to handle data effectively in order to generate, evaluate, and apply evidence that results in improved health care.

Topic 7 DQ1 2   A description of a technology that I use on a daily basis and love using, as well as an explanation of the parts or characteristics that contribute to its necessity, enjoyment, or ease of use. Additionally, a description of its deficient aspects will be provided. Utilize information technology and research methods to handle data effectively in order to generate, evaluate, and apply evidence that results in improved health care.    
Topic 7 DQ2 2   A description of a technology that I use on a regular basis but despise using, as well as an explanation of the characteristics or features that contribute to the technology’s frustration or difficulty in usage. Following that, a description of one of its modifiable elements will be discussed. Utilize information technology and research methods to handle data effectively in order to generate, evaluate, and apply evidence that results in improved health care.    
Topic 8 assignment: Evaluation of healthcare technology 4   A choice of a technology that has already been discussed in class, together with an explanation of how the aspect will be evaluated or measured. Three elements will then be provided for evaluating the user-technology interface, followed by performance assessment utilizing human factors or the user-technology interface. Develop, select, implement, and evaluate programs that track patient outcomes, care systems, and quality improvement, including consumer usage of health information technologies.    
Topic 8DQ1 2   Select a technology or application that has the potential to significantly improve patient outcomes and engagement in a certain group. Following that, an explanation of the most valuable component and ways to improve the technology will be provided. Create and implement processes/strategies for assessing practice outcomes, practice patterns, and systems of care on an individual, aggregate, and population level in comparison to national benchmarks.    
Topic 8 DQ2 2   A explanation of how to use a range of health care technology alternatives to develop a strategy for managing patients as they transition from acute care to home care and finally into the community. The various cultural, societal, and organizational elements that could effect the plan will be discussed, as well as strategies for addressing them. Create and implement processes/strategies for assessing practice outcomes, practice patterns, and systems of care on an individual, aggregate, and population level in comparison to national benchmarks.    



By typing in his/her signature below, the learner agrees to have read, understood, and be accountable for the instructions, assignments, and hours are shown above and that all questions have been satisfactorily answered by the faculty and/or program lead. Additionally, the learner agrees to provide the mentor, preceptor, or content expert (depending on the course) with a copy of the syllabus for the course at or before the time of signature Mentors, preceptors, or content experts will sign digitally or by wet ink upon initial receipt and at the end of the course to confirm that assignments have been complete with your guidance.

Learner Signature:
Mentor/Preceptor Signature [Upon Starting the Course: DUE WEEK 1]
Mentor/Preceptor Signature [Upon Completion of Course: DUE WEEK 8]

Digital signatures with identifiers are accepted or wet ink.

For the Mentor (Preceptor): By initialing below, I signify that I have received the following information from my student and/or through preceptor orientation training before the course:


_____ Copy of or link to Graduate Field Experience Manual                          _____ I understand I must complete the course-specific evaluations


_____ Copy of or link to the University Policy Handbook                                 _N/A_ Instructions for GCU Practicum/Clinical Tracking System (N/A until                                                                                                                                                                           11/2020)


_____ Faculty Contact Information

Mentor-Faculty-Student Conference and Evaluation Information

A pre- and post-conference or evaluation between students and their mentors (preceptors) are mandatory for students enrolled in the educational emphasis courses DNP- 836, 836A, DNP-837, 837A, DNP-838, 838A.  This will be considered completed using the Individual Success Plan. Conferences may be conducted face-to-face or via technology. A signature (Electronic with a digital identifier or wet signature) is required from the mentor (preceptor) during the pre- and post-conference periods. The ISP is to be uploaded into the appropriate drop boxes by the due date.


A mid-term conference evaluation between students, faculty, and mentors (preceptors) is mandatory for students enrolled in all Educational Emphasis courses DNP- 836, 836A, DNP-837, 837A, DNP-838, 838A.  Conferences may be conducted face-to-face or via technology. A copy of this signed document will be uploaded into the course shell no later than the end of week five in the project courses.


Overall Course and Student Specific Objectives: These objectives should be discussed during each conference, as students are responsible for completing all experiences as mandated for the program.


A pre-conference: This meeting is intended for the student and mentor (preceptor) to review course and student-specific learning objectives: the roles, responsibilities, and expectations of student and mentor (preceptor) during the practicum experience.   All faculty and mentor (preceptor) information will be given to each party per the student.  Any course or program information requested by the mentor (preceptor) will be provided by the student. During this meeting, the student and mentor (preceptor) will discuss the course and practicum goals, including any projects that are to take place. The faculty will review the submitted document and need to approve proposed projects at this time. The faculty will also send an introductory email to the mentor (preceptor).


A mid-term conference will occur no later than week five. This meeting is intended for the student, faculty, and mentor (preceptor) to discuss student progress toward meeting the course goals and practicum hours.  The faculty member will meet with the preceptor to conduct the student’s midterm evaluation (virtually). The mentor (preceptor) will meet with the student to review the evaluation form (in person or virtually). If there are areas that need improvement, the faculty will meet with the student to complete a remediation form.


A post-conference evaluation will occur at the end of the practicum experience. This is intended for the student and mentor (preceptor) to review and evaluate the completion of the ISP.  The mentor/preceptor will validate that all areas are at “meets expectations” on the mentor evaluation form located in Typhon or Lopestracker prior to progression. The learner will upload the ISP, Mentor evaluation, faculty evaluation, and signed off Time Logs into the course drop boxes by week 8. Failure to upload required documents will result in an incomplete grade, which may convert to a failing grade for the course if not rectified.


Mid-term conference: Student-Faculty-Mentor (preceptor)

Review progress towards meeting course goals/objectives to include and update on the required 50 practicum hours for the course.  Please include the rationales provided by the student at the mid-term conference:



Practicum updates: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Concerns: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Preceptor Signature: ________________________________________  Date: _______________


Student Signature: ________________________________________      Date: _______________



Please upload to the week five dropbox as indicated in the syllabus




GCU DNP Domains & Competencies

  1. University’s Mission Critical Competencies

How does this Individual Success Plan support the GCU Mission?

MC1: Effective Communication:  Courses require students to engage in active discussion and expression of scholarly ideas in a variety of formats. Emphasis is placed on the dissemination of findings that impact health outcomes.

MC2: Critical Thinking:  Courses require students to utilize and refine critical thinking skills by analyzing, synthesizing, integrating, and evaluating scientific evidence. Furthermore, students are expected to apply scientific evidence to practice improvement.

MC3: Responsible Leadership:  Courses require students to develop and refine leadership skills. Students must demonstrate accountability to self and others.  Courses require collaboration, health care advocacy, and systems thinking.

MC4: Global Citizenship: Global citizenship is incorporated into all courses when preparing responsible nursing leaders to appreciate the cultural, social, economic, and political trends affecting care delivery for disenfranchised or vulnerable populations. The focus is on reducing health disparities and fostering an environment of equitable health for all populations.

MC5: Christian Worldview:  A Christian Worldview is expressed through weaving together values and ethics throughout the program. Students are encouraged to engage with populations from the foundation of a Christian worldview and to understand the effect of various worldviews and cultures on current healthcare systems.


  1. Domains and Competencies

How does this Individual Success Plan support the DNP Domains and Competencies?

Domain 1 – Scientific Underpinnings for Practice: Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s Doctor of Nursing Practice program will be able to:




1.1:  Integrate nursing science with knowledge from ethics, the biophysical, psychosocial, analytical, and organizational

sciences as the basis for the highest level of nursing practice.

1.2:  Apply science-based theories and concepts to determine the nature and significance of health and health care delivery phenomena.

1.3:  Employ science-based theories and concepts to describe the actions and advanced strategies to enhance, alleviate, and ameliorate health and health care delivery phenomena as appropriate.

1.4:  Develop and evaluate new practice approaches based on nursing theories and theories from other disciplines.


Domain 2 – Leadership and Transformational Change: Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s Doctor of Nursing Practice program will be able to:


2.1:  Employ principles of business, finance, economics, and health policy to develop and implement effective plans for practice-level and/or system-wide practice initiatives that will improve the quality of health care delivery.

2.2:  Demonstrate leadership, influence, and advocacy in the development and implementation of institutional, local, state, federal, and/or international health policy.

2.3:  Employ consultative and leadership skills to lead intra-professional and interprofessional teams in the analysis and resolution of complex practice and organizational issues to create change in health care and complex healthcare delivery systems.

2.4:  Provide leadership in the evaluation and resolution of policy, ethical, and legal issues within healthcare systems.


Domain 3 – Systems Management: Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s Doctor of Nursing Practice program will be able to:


3.1:  Demonstrate the conceptual ability and technical skills to develop and execute an evaluation plan involving data extraction from practice information systems and databases.

3.2:   Evaluate current consumer health information sources for accuracy, timeliness, and appropriateness.

3.3:  Analyze and communicate critical elements necessary to the selection, use, and evaluation of health information systems and patient care technology.

3.4: Design, select, use, and evaluate programs that monitor outcomes of care, care systems, and quality improvement, including consumer use of health care information systems.


Domain 4 – Population Management: Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s Doctor of Nursing Practice program will be able to:


4.1:  Analyze epidemiological, biostatistical, environmental, and other appropriate scientific data related to individual, aggregate, and population health.

4.2:  Synthesize concepts to develop, implement, and evaluate interventions to improve individual, aggregate, and population health management.

4.3:  Cultivate a mindset that is sensitive to the cultural, legal, and ethical differences among stakeholders.

4.4:  Advocate for social justice, equity, and ethical policies within all healthcare arenas.

4.5:  Develop and evaluate care delivery models and/or strategies for improved individual, aggregate, and population health management.


Domain 5 – Analytic Foundations for Practice: Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s Doctor of Nursing Practice program will be able to:


5.1: Apply analytic methods to critically appraise existing literature and other evidence to identify and implement health care best practices.

5.2:  Design and implement processes/strategies that evaluate outcomes of practice, practice patterns, and systems of care for an individual, aggregate, and populations against national benchmarks.

5.3:  Design, direct, and evaluate quality improvement methodologies to promote safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered care.

5.4:  Disseminate and apply relevant findings from evidence-based practice and research to enhance practice guidelines and enrich practice leading to improved healthcare outcomes.

5.5:  Employ information technology and research methods to appropriately manage data for the creation, evaluation, and application of evidence that leads to improved health care.



Nurse Educator Core Competency

Competencies for the Academic Nurse Educators 

  1. Nurse Educator Core Competencies

How does this Individual Success Plan show you will meet the NLN Nurse Educator Core Competencies?

Competency I: Facilitate Learning

Nurse educators are responsible for creating an environment in the classroom, laboratory, and clinical settings that facilitate student learning and the achievement of desired cognitive, affective, and psychomotor outcomes.


Competency II: Facilitate Learner Development and Socialization

Nurse educators recognize their responsibility for helping students develop as nurses and integrate the values and behaviors expected of those who fulfill that role.


Competency III: Use Assessment and Evaluation Strategies

Nurse educators use a variety of strategies to assess and evaluate student learning in the classroom, laboratory, and clinical settings, as well as in all domains of learning.


Competency IV: Participate in Curriculum Design and Evaluation of Program Outcomes

Nurse educators are responsible for formulating program outcomes and designing curricula that reflect contemporary health care trends and prepare graduates to function effectively in the health care environment.


Competency V: Function as a Change Agent and Leader

Nurse educators function as change agents and leaders to create a preferred future for nursing education and nursing practice.


Competency VI: Pursue Continuous Quality Improvements in the Nurse Educator Role

Nurse educators recognize that their role is multidimensional and that an ongoing commitment to develop and maintain competence

in the role is essential.


Competency VII: Engage in Scholarship

Nurse educators acknowledge that scholarship is an integral component of the faculty role, and that teaching itself is a scholarly activity.

Competency VIII: Function Within the Educational Environment

Nurse educators are knowledgeable about the educational environment within which they practice and recognize how political, institutional, social, and economic forces impact their role.

The Individual Success Plan (ISP) assignment in this course requires your collaboration with the course faculty early on to establish a plan for successful completion of mutually identified and agreed-upon specific deliverables for your programmatic requirements. Programmatic requirements are (1) completion of required practice immersion hours, (2) completion of work associated with program competencies, and (3) work associated with completion of your Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) Project.

A pre-conference meeting is required for DNP-815A, 840A, 830A, 955A, 960A, 965A. A pre-conference meeting is intended for the learner and preceptor/mentor to review course- and learner-specific learning objectives: the roles, responsibilities, and expectations of the learner and preceptor/mentor during this practice immersion experience. All faculty and preceptor/mentor information will be given to each party by the learner. Any course or program information requested by the preceptor/mentor will be provided by the learner. During this meeting, the learner and preceptor/mentor will discuss the course and practice immersion goals, including any projects that are to take place. The faculty will review the submitted document and must approve proposed projects at this time. The faculty will also send an introductory email to the preceptor/mentor.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment as it pertains to deliverables due in this course.

Locate and download Individual Success Plan (ISP) and Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) timeline documents in the DNP PI Workspace.
Review the DNP Program Milestones document in the DNP PI Workspace and identify which domains, competencies, and milestones apply to this course. Note: Not all courses have milestones.
Determine what practice immersion experiences you plan to seek in order to address each competency. Include how many hours you plan to set aside to meet your goals. Learners will apply concepts from each of their core courses to reflect upon, critically examine, and improve current practice and are required to integrate scholarly readings to develop case reports that demonstrate increasingly complex and proficient practice.
Use the ISP to develop a personal plan for completing your practice immersion hours and how competencies will be met. Show all of the major milestones and deliverables in the timeline.
Within the ISP, ensure you identify specific deliverables which can include the following: individualized DNP practice immersion contracts; comprehensive log of practice immersion hours applied to doctoral-level learning outcomes; learner evaluations; preceptor/mentor evaluations; current and updated CV; scholarly activities; GCU DNP competency self-assessment; reflective journal; course goals and plan for how competencies and practice immersion hours will be met; faculty and preceptor/mentor approvals of course goals and documented practice immersion hours; and DPI Project milestones.
While an ISP is required, unless you have a mentor, a mentor signature is not required for DNP-801A, 805A or DNP-810A. A preconference and a postconference/evaluation between learners and preceptors/mentors are mandatory for all learners enrolled in all DNP courses (from DNP-815A on). Conferences may be conducted face-to-face or via technology. A copy of the wet-ink or digitally (digital identifier) signed document must be uploaded into the classroom no later than the end of Topic 1.
Overall course- and learner-specific objectives: These objectives should be discussed during each conference, as learners are responsible for completing all experiences as mandated for the program.
Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to the beginning to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
Learners will submit this assignment using the assignment dropbox in the digital classroom. In addition, learners must upload this deliverable to the Learner Dissertation Page (LDP) in the DNP PI Workspace for later use.

Identify the specific deliverables you will complete throughout this course from those defined above with your faculty. Update your faculty/chair with any revisions or changes to the ISP.
List the challenges you expect to encounter as you continue the practice immersion hour and competency requirements throughout this course. How might you overcome these challenges?
Complete the Contact Information table at the beginning of the ISP resource, and type in your signature (learner only) and the date on which you completed the table. Read the information in the ISP document, including the following: Learner Expectations, Derivation of the ISP, and Instructions for Completing the ISP.
Follow the instructions and complete the ISP.

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