Educational Technology Comparison Essay 

Educational Technology Comparison Essay 

Educational Technology Comparison Essay

Learning Management Systems (LMSs) have become integral tools in the field of education, providing educators and students with a platform to facilitate teaching and learning activities. This paper aims to compare two versions of LMSs, namely Brightspace and Moodle, focusing on their common features, divergences, benefits, limitations, and assumptions (Bond et al., 2020).  The comparison allows educators to make informed decisions about integrating the selected technology, in this case, LMSs, into a specific nursing education program. By examining the impact of LMS integration on learning and performance, the paper highlights the potential benefits such as increased accessibility, greater efficiency, enhanced student involvement, timely evaluation and feedback, and data-driven decision-making. However, it is essential to consider the currency of information and avoid biases when making comparisons and implementing educational technology.

Comparison Between Two Versions of a Similar Technology

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Common features in Learning Management Systems (LMSs): Brightspace and Moodle, to s, include grade monitoring, discussion forums, and content management. However, there are several areas where they diverge. Brightspace is renowned for its intuitive course design tools and user-friendly UI. Both instructors and students can enjoy a contemporary, attractive experience (Bond et al., 2020). Educators can efficiently monitor student development because of the platform’s powerful analytics and reporting features. Additionally, Brightspace expands its usefulness by integrating with other outside programs and resources. Moodle provides more customization possibilities and freedom in course creation because it is an open-source platform. A sizable developer community continuously contributes plugins and extensions to it. Moodle is appropriate for various educational environments because of its widespread use worldwide and support for many languages. Through tools like wikis, blogs, and forums, it places a focus on collaboration and encourages community involvement.

Certain aesthetically pleasing features or modest interface variations that have little or no impact on teaching and learning outcomes are examples of non-essential characteristics. Furthermore, many administrative aspects may not significantly affect direct education. Research and user review back up the claimed benefits of these technologies. According to Hernon et al. (2023), LMSs increase learner engagement and outcomes, enable communication and cooperation, and improve access to educational materials. Quantitative statistics on improved completion rates, improved student achievement, and favorable feedback from instructors and students about improved teaching and learning experiences are all examples of evidence.

The Benefits and Limitations of this Type of Comparison

Comparing similar instructional tools has some advantages. First, it gives educators a thorough awareness of all available options, empowering them to decide wisely based on their unique needs. Comparing features, benefits, and capabilities allows educators to determine which technology best supports their teaching and learning goals. By recognizing the benefits and drawbacks of each technology, this kind of comparison enables educators to maximize the benefits and lessen the drawbacks (Hernon et al., 2023). Comparing similar technology also helps educators develop their critical analysis and evaluation skills. They can evaluate the precise traits and qualities required for efficient teaching and learning and spot any optional or insignificant components. This encourages a targeted approach to technology integration and ensures that the selected technology aligns with the desired educational results.

This kind of comparison, nevertheless, has significant drawbacks. First, because educational technologies are continually growing, their features and capacities are subject to change over time. Therefore, it is essential to consider information currency and ensure the comparison is based on the most recent data (Huang, 2019). Second, prejudices and preferences that are not objective can affect the comparison. Teachers may be prejudiced because of their prior knowledge or familiarity with a certain technology. It is crucial to approach the comparison with an open mind to support conclusions and consider objective data and user feedback.

Assumptions Underlying My Comparison

The comparison of educational technology is predicated on the premise that the tools under consideration have comparable functions and serve comparable aims. These presumptions impact decision-making because they serve as a foundation for assessing and choosing the best technology for particular teaching and learning requirements. Making educated decisions, identifying strengths and limitations, and fostering critical thinking abilities are all advantages of this kind of comparison (Bond et al., 2020).  However, the ever-evolving nature of technology and the possibility of individual biases influencing judgments are limitations. Making judgments based on the comparison requires careful consideration of the comparison’s assumptions, advantages, and limits.

How the Selected Technology can be Incorporated into a Specific Nursing Education Program.

Several steps can be taken to integrate a certain piece of technology, like Learning Management Systems (LMSs), into a particular nursing education program: Needs analysis: Determine the precise requirements and objectives of the nursing education program. Find out how technology may help and improve the program’s teaching, learning, and assessment. Technology selection: Based on the program’s needs, select an appropriate learning management system (LMS), taking into account things like cost, scalability, technical support, and ease of use.  Instruction and support: Educate faculty members and students on how to use the LMS effectively. Provide workshops, tutorials, and documentation to ensure everyone is familiar with the features and functionalities. Creating course materials on the LMS, such as lecture notes, multimedia resources, quizzes, and homework assignments. Ensure the information is accessible to all students and complies with the program’s learning objectives (Kowitlawakul et al., 2022).


Collaboration and engagement: Encourage student connection and involvement by utilizing the LMS’s collaboration capabilities. Establish discussion boards, group projects, and virtual gatherings to promote peer-to-peer learning and teamwork. Assessments and feedback: To assign quizzes, tests, and assignments, use the LMS’s assessment tools. Utilize the LMS grade book to give students timely feedback and grades. For precise and effective evaluation, use customizable assessment options and rubrics. Monitoring and tracking: Use the analytics and reporting tools of the LMS to measure completion rates, keep track of learner development, and pinpoint areas that need improvement. Make informed judgments about instructional tactics and interventions using this data.

Impact Learning and Performance

Increased accessibility: Students have access to course materials, resources, and conversations at any time and from any location, encouraging flexibility and taking into account various learning preferences. Greater efficiency and organization: The LMS streamlines course management duties, including content delivery, grading, and communication, saving instructors’ time and lessening their administrative workload. Enhanced student involvement: Interactive LMS features like discussion boards and group projects promote active participation and peer-to-peer learning, which boosts motivation and engagement.

The LMS’s customization and adaptive learning pathways make individual training and addressing different student needs possible. Timely evaluation and feedback: The LMS supports effective assessment and timely feedback, allowing students to monitor their development and make adjustments. This encourages a cycle of ongoing learning and helps the development of skills (Bond et al., 2020).   Data-driven decision making: The analytics and reporting features of the LMS offer insightful information about student performance, enabling teachers to pinpoint students’ strong and weak points and make data-driven instructional decisions.


Comparing two versions of a similar technology, such as Learning Management Systems (LMSs) like Brightspace and Moodle, provides educators with valuable insights for decision-making. Evaluating their features, benefits, and limitations helps educators determine which technology aligns best with their teaching and learning goals. While Brightspace excels in user-friendly design and integrations, Moodle offers more customization options and a strong support community. However, it is essential to consider the currency of information and avoid biases when making comparisons. Integrating the selected technology into a nursing education program involves needs analysis, technology selection, instruction and support, course material creation, collaboration and engagement, assessments and feedback, and monitoring and tracking. This integration can enhance accessibility, efficiency, student involvement, individualized learning, timely evaluation and feedback, and data-driven decision making in the program.


Bond, M., Buntins, K., Bedenlier, S., Zawacki-Richter, O., & Kerres, M. (2020). Mapping research in student engagement and educational technology in higher education: A systematic evidence map. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 17(1), 1-30

Hernon, O., McSharry, E., MacLaren, I., Dunne, R., & Carr, P. J. (2023). The use of educational technology in undergraduate and postgraduate nursing and midwifery education: A scoping review. Computers, Informatics, Nursing: CIN, 41(3), 162–171.

Huang, R. (2019). Educational technology a primer for the 21st century. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

Kowitlawakul, Y., Tan, J. J. M., Suebnukarn, S., Nguyen, H. D., Poo, D. C. C., Chai, J., Wang, W., & Devi, K. (2022). Utilizing educational technology in enhancing undergraduate nursing students’ engagement and motivation: A scoping review. Journal of Professional Nursing: Official Journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 42, 262–275.



Note: Each assessment in this course builds upon the work you have completed in previous assessments. Therefore, complete the assessments in the order in which they are presented.

When comparing educational technologies and evaluating their suitability for particular teaching and learning situations, it is important to determine how nurse educators will use the technology and how well it fits into the organization’s existing nursing education strategy. Successful integration of new or updated technology into the nursing education environment depends on how well you understand the role of technology in education and training. When considering new technologies, it is sometimes easy to let a product’s impressive but non-value-added bells and whistles influence decision making, which could have an adverse impact on learning outcomes.

This assessment provides an opportunity for you to examine the capabilities of a selected type of educational technology, how it is used in specific educational settings, and how it can be integrated into an existing nursing education program.

Note: Complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.


Whether your needs assessment identified shortfalls in the use of current educational technology, the need for an upgrade to existing technology, or the need for new technology, you know that knowledge of current technologies is key to making informed decisions when considering improvements to existing educational programs. Consequently, you have decided to examine the features, capabilities, and benefits of comparable educational technologies you are either planning to incorporate into your educational program now or would consider as a potential future acquisition.

To prepare for the assessment, you are encouraged to identify two similar educational technologies for comparison and the teaching and learning situations this type technology is best suited for. In addition, you may wish to review the assessment requirements and scoring guide to ensure you understand the work you will be asked to complete.

Note: As you revise your writing, check out the resources listed on the Writing Center’s Writing Support page.

The following resources are required to complete the assessment.


Use this template for your technology comparison:

Comparing Technologies Template [DOCX].


Compare two versions of a similar technology that can be used for teaching, learning, or assessment in nursing education. Then, determine which teaching and learning situations the technology is best suited for and how it can be incorporated into a specific nursing education program.

For example:

E-learning technologies, such as Storyline, Articulate, and Captivate.

Technologies for presenting lectures or classroom activities remotely, such as Adobe Connect and GoToMeeting.

Learning management systems (LMSs) for managing coursework, e-learning, and tracking learner progress, such as Brightspace, Taleo, and PeopleSoft Enterprise Learning Management, Health Stream, Net Learning.

Online courserooms, such as Blackboard, Canvas, and Moodle.

Technologies for assessing learning outcomes, such as e-portfolios, testing software, and surveys.

Technologies to enhance learner interactivity, such as gamification and virtual reality technologies.

Presentation technologies, such as PowerPoint and Prezi.

High-, medium-, and low-fidelity simulation equipment or software, such as simulation manikins and body-part models.

The technology comparison requirements, outlined below, correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. In addition, be sure to note the requirements below for document format and length and for citing supporting evidence.


Compare the features, capabilities, and benefits of two similar educational technologies.

What characteristics or attributes of the technology are non-essential or have little or no effect on teaching and learning?

What evidence supports claims about the benefits of this technology?

What are the assumptions underlying your comparison? What influence do they have on decision making?

Explain the benefits and limitations of this type of comparison.

Justify your conclusions.

Determine which teaching and learning situations the technology is best suited for.

Justify your conclusions.

Explain how your selected teaching, learning, or assessment technology can be incorporated into a specific nursing education program.

How will incorporation of this technology affect learning and performance?

Support assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence.

Is your supporting evidence clear and explicit?

How or why does particular evidence support a claim?

Will your reader see the connection?

Did you summarize, paraphrase, and quote your sources appropriately?

Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

Write with a specific purpose and audience in mind.

Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards and APA formatting requirements.

Document Format

Use the Comparing Technologies Template.

Supporting Evidence

Cite 3–5 credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications to support your analysis.

Additional Requirements

Proofread your change proposal, before you submit it, to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your analysis.


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