MN553 Full Course Assignments: Case Study (Unit 4,3,6 &9)

MN553 Full Course Assignments: Case Study (Unit 4,3,6 &9)

MN553 Full Course Assignments: Case Study (Unit 4,3,6 &9)

Your patient is a 23-year-old female. She presents with coughing and wheezing which she stated started about three weeks ago. She is currently 25 weeks pregnant. Her last prenatal visit was one month ago in another state. She has an appointment with the prenatal care provider next week, however her respiratory symptoms brought her to your office today.

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History – Chickenpox as a child. Asthma as a child, diagnosed at age 8 for which she used a SABA when needed. She has not had the need to use an inhaler since she was 19. She takes only her prenatal vitamin. No other acute or chronic problems. She advises you that she is up to date on all immunizations except she has not had a flu shot (it is October).
Social – Non-smoker, no drug use. She relocated to your state two weeks ago to get away from an abusive domestic situation. She has no support network in this area and has not yet found employment. She has no medical insurance.

HPA – Non-productive cough x 3 weeks. Wheezing audible from across the room. She states it is like this all day and wakes her from sleep every night. She reports that she is fatigued even in the morning. No other complaints.

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PE/ROS – Pt appears disheveled but clean. Wheezing in all lung fields. T 98, P 82 regular, R 28 no stridor. FH 130 regular. The remainder of the exam is WNL.

02 98% and FEV 70%


  1. Construct a narrative document of 4-5 pages (not including cover page or reference page)
  2. Diagnose the patient based on the above findings and provide your rationale for how you arrived at the diagnosis.
  3. Develop a treatment plan specifically for this patient, pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic.
  4. Describe community resources (using your own community) currently available in your state/city to support this patient.
  5. Provide a communication plan that you will use to ensure the patient is an active participant in the treatment plan. Refer to therapeutic communication concepts.
  6. Utilize national standards, your pharm and/or patho book, and medical or advanced practice professional sources. Do not use patient-facing sources or general nursing texts.
  7. Use references to support your concepts. Utilize correct APA formatting (7th edition) and mechanics of professional communication.

Rubric Title: MN553 Unit 4 Assignment Rubric

Assignment Criteria Level III Level II Level I Not Present
Criteria 1 Level III Max Points Points: 10 Level II Max Points Points: 8 Level I Max Points Points: 6 Not Present 0 Points
Diagnosing the patient An accurate diagnosis with correct staging is providedRationale for arrival at the diagnosis with support from national guidelines is provided An accurate diagnosis is provided with staging that may not be correctRationale for the diagnosis is provided without support An accurate diagnosis is provided with staging that may not be correctRationale for the diagnosis is provided without support Does not meet the criteria
Criteria 2 Level III Max Points Points: 10 Level II Max Points Points: 8 Level I Max Points Points: 6 Not Present 0 Points
Providing pharmacologic intervention Correct medications are prescribed to treat the diagnosisRational for medications prescribed adheres to national guidelines 50% of correct medications are prescribedRational to support prescribed medications is provided and adheres to national guidelines Less than 50% of the correct medications are prescribedRational to support the prescribed medications is not present or does not adhere to national guidelines Does not meet the criteria
Criteria 3 Level III Max Points Points: 5 Level II Max Points Points: Level I Max Points Points: Not Present 0 Points
Providing non-pharmacologic interventions Five or more non-pharmacologic interventions are provided Three or four non-pharmacologic interventions are noted One or two non-pharmacologic interventions Does not meet the criteria
Criteria 4 Level III Max Points Points: 10 Level II Max Points Points: 7 Level I Max Points Points: 0 Not Present 0 Points
Writing a communication plan A communication plan which includes principles of therapeutic communication is developed A communication plan that does not include principles of therapeutic communication is developed Does not meet the criteria Does not meet the criteria
Criteria 5 Level III Max Points Points: 10 Level II Max Points Points: 7 Level I Max Points Points: 4 Not Present 0 Points
Community Resources Three or more local community resources are provided Two local community resources are provided One local community resource is provided or:Resources are provided but they are not local to the community Does not meet the criteria
Criteria 6 Level III Max Points Points: 10 Level II Max Points Points: 8 Level I Max Points Points: 6 Not Present 0 Points
College-level academic writing Professional, peer-reviewed, advanced practice references are usedGrammar and mechanics of writing demonstrate graduate level workAdheres to page number requirements The majority of references used are professional, peer-reviewed and advanced practiceErrors in grammar or mechanics of writing are present but do not interfere with readabilityAdheres to page number requirements The majority of references used are professional, peer-reviewed and advanced practiceErrors in grammar or mechanics of writing are present but do not interfere with readabilityDoes not adhere to page number requirements Does not meet the criteria
Maximum Total Points 55 44 33 0
Minimum Total Points 45 points minimum 34 points minimum 1 point minimum 0

MN553 Unit 3 Assignment

Part 1

Choose a drug that is used for the GI system. Write a legal prescription for the drug for a fictitious patient. You are the provider. Be sure your prescription includes all legally correct patient information, provider information, medication information as well as any special instructions to the pharmacist. Your writing Assignment should include all the legal elements of a prescription.

Part 2

Write a 250-300 word paper to describe the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drug as well as specific patient education about the chosen drug. Reference your work using correct APA formatting. Utilize correct professional writing including grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. Directions


Assignment Criteria Level III Level II Level I Not Present
Criteria 1 Level III Max Points Points:10 Level II Max Points Points: 8 Level I Max Points Points: 6 Not Present 0 Points
Part 1 –Patient/provider information All legally required patient and provider information is provided More than 50% of patient or provider information is provided Less than 50% of provider or patient information is provided Does not meet the criteria
Criteria 2 Level III Max Points Points:10 Level II Max Points Points: 8 Level I Max Points Points: 6 Not Present 0 Points
Part 1 – Legal attributes of a written prescription for medication All required information to prescribe a drug is present More than 50% of the information necessary to prescribe a drug is present Less than 50% of the information necessary to prescribe a drug is present Does not meet the criteria
Criteria 3 Level III Max Points Points: 10 Level II Max Points Points: 8 Level I Max Points Points: 6 Not Present 0 Points
Part 2 –drug kinetics, dynamics and education for a chosen medication Displays complete understanding of the kinetics, dynamics and education of the chosen drug More than 50% of the kinetic, dynamics and education information is present Less than 50% of the kinetic, dynamics and education information is provided Does not meet the criteria
Criteria 4 Level III Max Points Points: 5 Level II Max Points Points: 4 Level I Max Points Points: 3 Not Present 0 Points
College-level academic writing Professional, peer-reviewed, advanced practice references are usedGrammar and mechanics of writing demonstrate graduate level work The majority of references used are professional, peer-reviewed and advanced practice focusedErrors in grammar or mechanics of writing are present but do not interfere with readability The minority of references are peer-reviewed or advanced practice focusedErrors in grammar or mechanics of writing interfere with readability. Does not meet the criteria
Criteria 5 Level III Max Points Points: 5 Level II Max Points Points: 4 Level I Max Points Points: 3 Not Present 0 Points
Citations and Formatting There is a strong attempt to cite all sources using APA style. Minor paper formatting errors may occur. Minor in-text citation errors may occur. All authorship is clear and retrievable. There is an overall attempt at APA formatting and citation style. Errors in formatting of citation or sources are present. All sources have some form of citation and all citations have a matching source. Citations generally make authorship clear. There is some attempt to use citation and referencing. There are both in-text citations and reference listings present. Major errors in citations or source formatting are present.Citation or source information may be missing or incorrect. Authorship may be unclear. Does not meet criteria
Maximum Total Points 40 32 24 0
Minimum Total Points 33 points minimum 25 points minimum 1 point minimum 0

MN553 Unit 6 Assignment Case Study

Mr. Smith brings his 4-year-old son to your primary care office. He states the boy has been ill for three days. Mr. Smith indicates that he would like antibiotics so he can send his son back to pre-school the next day.

History – Child began with sneezing, mild cough, and low grade fever of 100 degrees three days ago. All immunizations UTD. Father reports that the child has had only two incidents of URI and no other illnesses.

Social – non-smoking household. Child attends preschool four mornings a week and is insured through his father’s employment. No other siblings in the household.

PE/ROS -T 99, R 20, P 100. Alert, cooperative, in good spirits, well-hydrated. Mildly erythemic throat, no exudate, tonsils +2. Both ears mild pink tympanic membrane with good movement. Lungs clear bilaterally. All other systems WNL.

Do not consider COVID-19 for this patient diagnosis.

For the assignment, do the following:

  1. Diagnose the child and describe how you arrived at the diagnosis (i.e. how you ruled out other diagnoses).
  2. Provide a specific treatment plan for this patient, pharmacologic and/or nonpharmacologic.
  3. Provide a communication plan for how the family will be involved in the treatment plan.
  4. Provide resources that Mr. Smith could access which would provide information concerning your treatment decisions.
  5. Utilize national standards, your pharm and/or patho book and medical or advanced practice professional sources. Do not use patient-facing sources or general nursing texts to support your diagnosis and treatment.
  6. Use references to support your concepts. Utilize correct APA formatting and mechanics of professional communication.

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Unit 6 Assignment Criteria Level III Level II Level I Not Present
Criteria 1 Level III Max Points Points: 8 Level II Max Points Points: 6.4 Level I Max Points Points: 4.8 Not Present 0 Points
Making a correct diagnosis An accurate diagnosis is providedRationale for arrival at the diagnosis with support from literature An accurate diagnosis is providedRationale for the diagnosis is provided without support from literature An accurate diagnosis is provided Rationale for the diagnosis is not provided Does not meet the criteria
Criteria 2 Level III Max Points Points: 12 Level II Max Points Points: 9.6 Level I Max Points Points: 7.2 Not Present 0 Points
Developing a treatment plan A correct and specific pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment plan for the case study patient is provided A specific treatment plan is provided for the case study patient but is missing less than 50% of pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment. A specific treatment plan is provided for the case study patient but is missing more than 50% of pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment. Does not meet the criteria
Criteria 3 Level III Max Points Points: 8 Level II Max Points Points: 6.4 Level I Max Points Points: 4.8 Not Present 0 Points
Providing the patient or family with resources Three or more patient resources to assist with understanding the treatment plan are provided Two patient resources to assist with understanding the treatment plan are provided One patient resource to assist with understanding the treatment plan is provided Does not meet the criteria
Criteria 4 Level III Max Points Points: 7 Level II Max Points Points: 5.6 Level I Max Points Points: 4.2 Not Present 0 Points
Developing a communication plan A communication plan which includes principles of therapeutic communication is included A communication plan that does not include principles of therapeutic communication is provided Does not meet the criteria Does not meet the criteria
Criteria 5 Level III Max Points Points: 10 Level II Max Points Points: 8 Level I Max Points Points: 6 Not Present 0 Points
College-level academic writing Professional, peer-reviewed, advanced practice references are usedGrammar and mechanics of writing demonstrate graduate level workAdheres to page number requirements The majority of references used are professional, peer-reviewed and advanced practiceErrors in grammar or mechanics of writing are present but do not interfere with readabilityAdhere to page number requirements The minority of references used are professional, peer-reviewed and advanced practiceErrors in grammar or mechanics of writing are present Which interferes with readabilityDoes not adhere to page number requirements Does not meet the criteria
Criteria 6 Level III Max Points Points: 10 Level II Max Points Points: 8 Level I Max Points Points: 6 Not Present 0 Points
Citations and Formatting Includes a strong attempt to cite all sources using APA style. Minor paper formatting errors may occur. Minor in-text citation errors may occur. All authorship is clear and retrievable. Includes an overall attempt at APA formatting and citation style. Errors in formatting of citation or sources are present. All sources have some form of citation and all citations have a matching source. Citations generally make authorship clear.  Major errors in citations or source formatting are present. Citation or source information may be missing or incorrect.Authorship may be unclear. Does not meet the criteria
Maximum Total Points 55 44 33 0
Minimum Total Points 45 points minimum 34 points minimum 1 point minimum 0

MN553 Unit 9 Assignment Case Study: Prescribed Drugs with CAMs

Case Study: Prescribed Drugs with CAMs

Mr. X, a 42-year-old male presents to your primary care practice today complaining of low back pain.

History – Mr. X states that he has had chronic low back pain since he had a skiing accident about 10 years ago. Three days ago, he felt a pulling sensation in his lower back after moving some boxes. The pain intensity increased over the subsequent 24 hours and is now steady, aching in nature, at 3-4 out of 10. Mr. X also has Type2 diabetes, which is well controlled on metformin with a HGA1c of 5.6. He has a history of DVT 4 months ago for which he takes Coumadin, INR is WNL. He is followed by a specialist for this problem. He recently started taking two OTC products; kava kava for what he describes as “anxiety” and CoEnzyme Q10 on the advice of a friend.

Social – Mr. X is a smoker, 1 pack per week for 15 years. No alcohol or drug use. He is employed as an accountant and has medical insurance. He is divorced.
PE/ROS – Complains of low back stiffness and pain on movement with occasional spasms related to moving in certain directions. You note he has mild difficulty getting onto the exam table but gait is normal. He denies weakness/numbness/tingling of legs, no radiation, no change in bowel or bladder habits. BMI 27. All range of motion of the back is decreased by 25%. Straight leg lift is negative bilaterally, DTR intact. All other systems WNL.


Metformin 1000mg ER one tab daily – Type II Diabetes controlled

Coumadin 5 mg. daily – Hx of DVT – Controlled

Kava Kava 50 mg. tid – Self-medication for anxiety

CoQ10 – 200 mg. daily. – Self-medication for unknown reason

  1. Provide a diagnosis for the patient and your rationale for the diagnosis
  2. Provide a treatment plan specifically for this patient, pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic.
  3. Comment on the use of OTC products in relation to Mr. X’s current chronic and acute disease diagnoses and medications. Include drug-drug interactions and side effect profiles.
  4. Provide an education plan for Mr. X
  5. Present this Assignment as a PowerPoint presentation with between 12 and 16 slides (not including opening slide and resource slide).
  6. You will use the Narrative notes section of the presentation to include the majority of your evidentiary support of your treatment choices and education of family complete with in-text citations using APA formatting,

Your writing Assignment should:

  • follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
  • utilize APA 7th edition formatting.


Assignment Criteria Level III Level II Level I Not Present
Criteria 1 Level III Max Points Points: 8 Level II Max Points Points: 6.4 Level I Max Points Points: 4.8 Not Present 0 Points
Correctly diagnosing the patient A correct diagnosis is provided with supportive rationale from literature A correct diagnosis is provided without rationale Does not meet the Criteria Does not meet the criteria
Criteria 2 Level III Max Points Points: 12 Level II Max Points Points: 9.6 Level I Max Points Points: 7.2 Not Present 0 Points
Prescribing a treatment plan An appropriate and specific treatment plan for the case study patient is provided with rationale from literature for treatment choices. A specific treatment plan is provided for the case study patient but is missing less than 50% of pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment with rationale from literature for treatment choices A specific treatment plan is provided for the case study patient but is missing more than 50% of pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment with rationale from literature for treatment choices; OrRationale for treatment choices from literature are not provided Does not meet the criteria
Criteria 3 Level III Max Points Points: 11 Level II Max Points Points: 8.8 Level I Max Points Points: 6.6 Not Present 0 Points
Over-the-counter medication use discussion A thorough discussion of the kinetics and dynamics of OTC products is provided and a rationale for including or excluding them from the treatment plan is provided. Kinetics and dynamics of OTC products are discussed and are related to the patient’s current meds/conditions but specific direction regarding continued use is not included Kinetics and dynamics of OTC products are discussed but not related to the patient’s current meds/conditions. Does not meet the criteria
Criteria 4 Level III Max Points Points: 8 Level II Max Points Points: 6.4 Level I Max Points Points: 4.8 Not Present 0 Points
Education plan A thorough education plan for the treatment plan is provided which includes principles of therapeutic communication. An education plan is provided which provides more than 50% of necessary information for the treatment plan and includes principles of therapeutic communication An education plan is provided but contains less than 50% of necessary information and includes principles or therapeutic communication ORPrinciples of therapeutic communication are not included Does not meet the criteria
Criteria 5 Level III Max Points Points: 8 Level II Max Points Points: 6.4 Level I Max Points Points: 4.8 Not Present 0 Points
College-level academic writing Professional, peer-reviewed, advanced practice references are usedGrammar and mechanics of writing demonstrate graduate level workAdheres to page number requirements The majority of references used are professional, peer-reviewed and advanced practiceErrors in grammar or mechanics of writing are present but do not interfere with readabilityAdheres to page number requirements The minority of references used are professional, peer-reviewed and advanced practiceErrors in grammar or mechanics of writing are present Which interferes with readabilityDoes not adhere to page number Does not meet the criteria
Criteria 6 Level III Max Points Points: 8 Level II Max Points Points: 6.4 Level I Max Points Points: 4.8 Not Present 0 Points
Citations and Formatting There is a strong attempt to cite all sources using APA style. Minor paper formatting errors may occur. Minor in-text citation errors may occur. All authorship is clear and retrievable. There is an overall attempt at APA formatting and citation style. Errors in formatting of citation or sources are present. All sources have some form of citation and all citations have a matching source. Citations generally make authorship clear. Major errors in citations or source formatting are present. Citation or source information may be missing or incorrect. Authorship may be unclear. Does not meet the criteria
Maximum Total Points 55 44 33 0
Minimum Total Points 45 points minimum 34 points minimum 1 point minimum 0

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