Module 6 Discussion: Schizophrenia from a Patient’s Point of View
Module 6 Discussion: Schizophrenia from a Patient’s Point of View
Think about a client with schizophrenia that you know about from personal, work or clinical experience, or from news media or other sources. Describe the individual.
What are the positive and/or negative symptoms?
What are the person’s struggles? What treatments have been tried and failed? What works?
If you were that person, what would you like to tell your nurse about yourself, your needs, and your fears?
Please provide evidence from professional sources to support your information. Include examples of your prior experience with a client who was having a problem with delusions and/or hallucinations.
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Schizophrenia from a Patient’s Point of View
Schizophrenia is a complicated and chronic mental health condition, which is characterized by various symptoms, including hallucinations, delusions, impaired cognitive ability, and disorganized speech or behavior. The encountered client, R.H is a 70yo Caucasian Female who presented to the psychiatric clinic accompanied by her daughter. The client seems to experience hallucinations and delusions. She claimed that she could hear some people calling her outside when left alone at home and they could disappear upon opening the for them. She further reported that some people were following her one day when she was returning home from the supermarket. One of her delusions involves believing that she gave birth to other kids with her ex-husband but she no longer lives with them. She claimed that the ex-husband gave the children away for adoption. Additionally, she believes that all children in the neighborhood are her children who were given out by her ex-husband. Her daughter reported reduced interest in engaging in daily activities or socializing with others. The client further reported impairments in attention, executive function, and working memory. Consequently, R.H struggles in remembering a past events, places, dates, and names of family members. The daughter reported that her mother forgets the names of close family members.
The client was administered Risperdal 2 mg twice daily to manage the presented symptoms. This treatment option was ineffective since the client reported initial symptoms upon returning to the clinic after 4 weeks. Her daughter reported that impaired cognitive ability and disorganized speech or behavior were the most rampant symptoms. Consequently, the client was prescribed a combined treatment, including Risperdal 2 mg twice daily and talking therapy. A combination of medication and talk therapy was preferred due to its effectiveness in managing Schizophrenia symptoms (Ganguly et al., 2018). The client reported improvement in cognitive and behavioral symptoms after taking the treatment for four weeks.
Ganguly, P., Soliman, A., & Moustafa, A. A. (2018). Holistic management of schizophrenia symptoms using pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment. Frontiers in public health, 6, 166.