Monitor and Control Assignment Paper

Monitor and Control Assignment Paper

Monitor and Control Assignment Paper

The need to enhance the quality of care for patients in a healthcare environment is critical as it focuses on optimal care outcomes. Project management allows a project manager to guide a project and ensure that it meets the set goals and objectives based on the allocated budget and high quality outcomes. Throughout its implementation, a project manager ensures that the required changes occur to keep the project in the right direction. Monitoring and controlling a project leads to success and attainment of expected changes (Giasson, 2019). The purpose of this essay is to describe the monitoring and control of the integration of new communication app for iPad for non-vocal alert patients.


Process of Monitoring and Control of the Project

As a project manager, one should see the broader picture and maneuver tasks to ensure that a project attains its end goal. The project manager must constantly monitor the project and take corrective measures where necessary and lead his or her team to the end goal. The implementation of communication apps based on iPad devices for patients who are not vocal is complex and requires multiple team members to have the job done. Monitoring and control are essential to attain effective communication between providers and patients (Nooshin et al., 2019). As the project manager, one needs to ensure that all patients in the facility who cannot communicate are considered while all providers undergo necessary familiarization with the apps for effective performance and data collection.

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The implementation of projects in healthcare settings is complex and requires managers to leverage existing tools to help them monitor and control all the processes. Through effective monitoring and control, the project manager can prevent project creep, delays, and unnecessary need for additional resources or costs. These tools help project managers with different components of a project. These include schedule, scope and budget. A monitor and control chart is an effective tool that visualizes the different components of a project and, any possible revisions or changes. The chart is essential as it keeps the project on track and assists the manager to attain expected outcomes. These project tools like the chart in the appendix ensures that patients with communication difficulty can still interact well with their providers to enhance the quality of care that they can attain in such settings (Giasson, 2019). As illustrated in the chart, project control and monitoring are essential for all team members to accomplish assigned tasks and get necessary resources for their project or initiative.


Project management is becoming more complex with project managers adopting different tools and approaches to attain expected outcomes and set goals and objectives. Project managers should have a vision and play an oversight role to see all components of a project. The utilization of certain tools can assist the managers to attain expected goals, ensure a project is within its set goals, and help them chart way forward based on the processes and available resources. The project control chart is a tool that allows a project manager to visualize different areas of a project that may need changes and correct them to attain the set goals.


Giasson, L., (2019). The best of both models: key components of a successful hybrid project

management office model in a health care organization. Health Care Manager, 38 (3),

247-252. DOI: 10.1097/HCM.0000000000000272.

Nooshin, Y., Leila, N., Ahmad, S., & Currie, K., (2019). Using statistical control charts: to

monitor duration-based performance of project. Journal of Modern Project Management,

6 (3), 88-103. DOI: 10.19255/JMPM01806

Appendix A (Attached to a professional paper)

 Project Monitoring and Controlling Template

Project Title: Implementation of Communication app for iPad for non-vocal patients


Knowledge Area

Monitoring and Controlling Frequency* Detailed Description of F or E Ratings**
  Process Outputs    
Integration Management Monitor and control work in the project

Integrated control of changes

Suggested corrective measures





Declined changes









The team was implementing a new technology that should be tweaked with existing systems as the project proceeded. The team realized the need for corrective measures to integrate the technologies for effective synchronization
Scope Management Validation of Scope

Control Scope

Recommended changes N  
Time Management Control of schedule Requested alterations F The integration of communication app was critical and the team; especially nurses, requested for more time to learn the new technology with emphasis on piloting schemes for a number of patients. The team also to consider new apps that were available in the market to compare and enhance the deliverables.

As a project manager, I had to gather all information and consult the management through scheduling more meetings for approval of the changes in plan and the need to train the staff better.

Cost Management Cost Controls Budgetary changes O  
Quality Management Quality Control Quality baseline compared to the practical deliverables E Getting good quality product that could meet organizational needs was critical. This required an iterative process of quality measurements to achieve the set goals, especially as it entailed implementation of a technological change or shift in communication
Human Resource Management Management of team & Expertise Getting teams to understand their roles and tasks F This was critical as nurses required effective skills on the use of the new technology and better understanding of the expected outcomes when interacting with patients.
Communication Management Monitor Communication

Report performance and submission 

Meetings to discuss progress

Emailed progress to all for discussion








The face to face meetings and emails to different team members were important in discussing the progress of the project and also training of all stakeholders.

The meetings also highlighted the need to document all events in the project to ascertain that it meets the set goals.

Risk Management Monitor and Control Risks Risk register updates/final report  


Procurement Management Administration of Procurements Documentation of procurements  



Frequency Key: N = Never, O = Occasional (1–4 times), F = Frequent (5–10 times), E = Excessive (more than 10 times)

*Record the number of times that you had to monitor and control each knowledge area during the project, using the frequency key above.

**Write a detailed description about any occurrences that happened more than five times or were rated frequent (F) or excessive (E).


Write a summary paragraph describing the results of the monitoring and controlling of processes and outputs that you conducted during your project.

The monitoring and controlling of the processes during the project had positive results or outcomes. These outcomes included adherence to the set timelines and schedule; except for more time that was requested in training nurses to understand how the novel technology works in the healthcare setting. The project team required effective communication and this lead to having meeting now and then to discuss different aspects of the entire implementation process while considering that many nurses were not technology-savvy due to age and insufficient training. One observation is that no changes or adjustments to the overall project occurred. The project scope ensured that no creep occurs to warranty additional resources. As my mentor was part of the administrative team, I had no option but wait for him and develop a contingent approach so that I could give project updates, especially since I was on a practicum in the facility. After interactions and progress reports by the management, it was evident that the facility would benefit immensely from the implementation of this initiative to help improve communication among patients and providers. Effective communication reduces susceptibility to adverse events that hinder patient safety. The use of all communication channels in the project was critical as it ensured that all stakeholders read from the same page for effective attainment of set goals.


The monitoring and controlling of processes and outputs is critical to the success of the project. It is the responsibility of the project manager (PM) to measure the progress toward achieving the objectives while monitoring any deviations from the plan and initiating immediate corrective action to avert negative consequences to the project. The project manager must make sure that the Is are dotted and the Ts are crossed.

To assist you, there is a template and sample of a monitoring and control document based on the project management knowledge areas in Course Resources

Complete all sections of the Monitor and Control document.
Documents are attached as appendices to a professional, scholarly paper following the guidelines for writing professional papers found in Course Resources.

Monitor and Control Documents

Guidelines with Scoring Rubric


The monitoring and controlling of processes and outputs is critical to the success of the project. It is the responsibility of the project manager (PM) to measure the progress toward achieving the objectives while monitoring any deviations from the plan and initiating immediate corrective action to avert negative consequences to the project. The project manager must make sure that the I’s are dotted and the T’s are crossed.

To assist you, there is a template and sample of a monitor-and-control document based on the project management knowledge areas on the assignment page.

Course Outcome

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to do the following.

CO 1: Apply leadership skills concepts of project management as an informatics nurse specialist in an organizational setting to implement successful project plans. (POs 4 and 5)

Due Date: Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 5

Total Points Possible: 100


  1. Complete all sections of the monitor-and-control document.
  2. Documents are attached as appendices to a professional, scholarly paper following the guidelines for writing professional papers found in Course Resources.
  3. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the current edition of the manual.

Preparing the paper

  1. All monitoring and controlling strategies used during the project must be identified in the monitor-and-control document.
  2. Ideas and information from professional sources must be cited correctly using the current edition of the APA manual.
  3. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing.


Category Points % Description
Monitor-and-control document: documents are attached as appendices to a professional, scholarly paper 95 95 All of the monitoring and controlling strategies used during the project must be identified in the monitor-and-control document.


Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, citations, and APA formatting 5 5 Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the current edition.
Total  100 100 A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.


Grading Rubric

Assignment Criteria Exceptional


Outstanding or highest level of performance



Very good or high level of performance



Competent or satisfactory level of performance

Needs Improvement


Poor or failing level of performance



Unsatisfactory level of performance


Possible Points =  95 Points







Monitor-and-Control Document 95 Points 84 Points 76 Points 36 Points 0 Points
The monitor-and-control document thoroughly reflects the monitoring and controlling strategies that were necessary for this project. All knowledge areas are addressed in the document, and all frequencies greater than 5 or rated as F or E are described. A summary is provided that addresses all process and control strategies used during the project. Documents are attached as appendices to a professional, scholarly paper. The monitor-and-control document adequately reflects the monitoring and controlling strategies that were necessary for this project. No more than half of the knowledge areas are addressed in the document, or some but not all frequencies greater than 5, or rated as F or E, are described. A summary is provided that addresses some but not all process and control strategies used during the project.


The monitor-and-control document barely reflects the monitoring and controlling strategies that were necessary for this project. Only one or two knowledge areas are addressed in the document, only one or two frequencies greater than 5 or rated as F or E are described, or no summary is provided.


No knowledge areas are addressed in the document. All frequencies greater than 5 or rated as F or E are not described, or no summary is provided that addresses all process and control strategies used during the project. The monitor-and-control document does not reflect the monitoring and controlling strategies that were necessary for this project.
Content Subtotal     _____of 95 Points

Possible Points =  5 Points

Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, citations, and APA formatting 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 0 Points
No grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, or citation errors and are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format, as expressed in the current edition One grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, or citation error that is consistent with formal academic writing and APA format, as expressed in the current edition Two grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, or citation errors that are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format, as expressed in the current edition Three grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, or citation errors; is not consistent with formal academic writing and APA format, as expressed in the current edition Four grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, or citation errors; is not consistent with formal academic writing and APA format, as expressed in the current edition
Format Subtotal   _____ of  5 points
Total Points     _____ of   100


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