MSN FPX 6021: Quality Improvement Presentation Poster

MSN FPX 6021: Quality Improvement Presentation Poster

MSN FPX 6021: Quality Improvement Presentation Poster

Poster Voice-Over Transcript

Biopsychosocial Concepts for Advanced Nursing Practice I

Change strategy Foundation

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Hello, and welcome to this presentation. This presentation provides direction and additional information on the quality improvement method selected to implement change strategies in diabetes care. According to Chireh et al. (2019), diabetic patients often suffer comorbid depression and diabetes-related distress due to the exhausting and overwhelming demands related to diabetes self-management lifestyles. Over 50% of diabetic patients have confirmed feeling overwhelmed and unable to take care of their mental health after the diagnosis. In addition, most patients also blame their selves in case of diabetes self-management deficiencies leading to diabetes complications such as amputations, which further affects their health and quality of life negatively. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (n.d.) notes that only 25%-50% of diabetic patients who suffer from comorbid mental illnesses are diagnosed and treated (CDC, n.d.). Untreated mental illnesses negatively affect diabetes management, clinical outcomes, and overall quality of life. 

Quality Improvement Method  

The DMAIC or six sigma model is one of the most used quality improvement frameworks to guide project implementation, which will also be used in this change strategy implementation. According to Khan et al. (2023), the framework has five steps; define, measure, analyze, improve, and control. The define stage entails identifying the problem, and the outcomes that the team will work towards achieving. The measure change will entail determining the processes and inputs that will have the largest variations on the outcomes, developing a data collection plan and collecting the data. The analysis stage will entail analyzing the data collected to identify the parts causing the outcome variations. The define stage entails deciding on a solution or a solution plan/developing the implementation and monitoring plans for the solution. Finally, the control stage involves sustaining the change/outcomes achieved in the previous stage, and the transition solutions if they are needed.

Evidence Supporting the QI Method

According to Kollipara et al. (2021), the lean six sigma quality improvement model can be used to effectively implement interventions aimed at improving diabetes care. The study applied the method and realized an improvement in the number of patients with poor glycemic control. Khan et al. (2023) also note a sustained change and improvement after implementing a diabetes intervention using the six sigma model. The intervention in the study entailed increasing the frequency of measuring HbA1c levels among hospitalized patients with diabetes. Based on this evidence, the proposed change strategy implementation can also be successful in increasing the accessibility of mental health care services among patients with diabetes and sustaining the change.

Limitations of the DMAIC QI method

 There are several limitations to the use of the DMAIC model. First and foremost, the DMAIC model may not be completely effective for care institutions that depend on creativity since it is somewhat rigid. Secondly, Ahmed (2019) notes that without the required skills and awareness, the implementation team may make a mistake of following the quality improvement implementation framework and in the process, forget the essential part, which is finding a solution for the current problem, and implementing the solution to enhance continuous improvement. Additionally, the DMAIC method is lengthy and requires time, which may be a major constraint in a project whereby the solution is required within a short time. The method also required a lot of resources to implement the change strategy; thus, the need galvanize adequate resources to enhance implementation success. More so, using the framework and the interprofessional approach together may require additional time, thus slowing down solution implementation.

Potential Challenges in Implementation

According to Tlapa et al. (2022), the potential difficulties in implementing change using the DMAIC quality improvement method include time and resources restrictions, unavailability of nurses trained to offer mental care services to patients with diabetes, and the inability of diabetic patients to meet the related costs due to gaps in the health system and sociodemographic factors. These challenges should be addressed to ensure the successful implementation of the strategy. They can be overcome by seeking recourses support from the executive leaders, training the implementation team adequately, employing nurses who have training in mental health care, and improving the affordability of care to enhance equity.


Assumptions Knowledge Gaps and Areas of Uncertainty

Implementation of the change strategy using the DMAIC quality improvement model is based on the assumptions that the team is adequately prepared and equipped to address the biopsychosocial issue, that the team will work together in collaboration, the required resources will be available, and that the institution will support the solution and sustain continuous change. Additionally, insufficient data gathered during the measure change may lead to inappropriate conclusions, thus developing an inappropriate solution, Khan et al. (2023) note that further analysis on whether diabetic patients will readily use the provided mental care services would inform the change strategy implementation based on their needs and preferences.

Interprofessional Benefits

Implementing the change strategies will benefit the interprofessional team, and the team’s contribution will also lead to its success. The proposed change strategy will require the input of several professionals to work together. The team will include endocrinologists, nurses, nutritionists, doctors, psychiatric nurses and doctors, community health workers and social workers who will contribute to monitoring and evaluating the change implementation. Working as a team will help ensure that all the patient’s needs in diabetes care have been considered and addressed. Interprofessional collaboration will also enhance patient safety and promote holistic patient care since all aspects of care will be considered. The interprofessional team will also be able to identify gaps in patient safety by incorporating the contribution of each team member. 

Overall Project Benefits     

The overall project benefits include the fact that the interprofessional approach in implementing the change strategy will enhance the provision of holistic care to diabetes patients, including improving the accessibility of mental health care services. Therefore, diabetic patients will manage their condition more effectively, and thus prevent complications and improve their quality of life. Using the DMAIC quality improvement framework, the team will work together to contribute to the implementation and evaluate the outcomes of implementing the change strategy for diabetes patients. Additionally, quality improvement will be an ongoing process to ensure all diabetic patients receive equitable and safe care that is continuous and able to meet all their needs, including mental health needs.


Ahmed S. (2019). Integrating the DMAIC approach of Lean Six Sigma and theory of constraints toward quality improvement in healthcare. Reviews on Environmental Health, 34(4), 427–434.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (n.d.). Diabetes and Mental Health. Accessed April 21st 2023 from 

Chireh, B., Li, M., & D’Arcy, C. (2019). Diabetes increases the risk of depression: A systematic review, meta-analysis and estimates of population attributable fractions based on prospective studies. Preventive Medicine Reports, 14, 100822.  

Khan, S. A., Demidowich, A. P., Tschudy, M. M., Wedler, J., Lamy, W., Akpandak, I., Alexander, L. A., Misra, I., Sidhaye, A., Rotello, L., & Zilbermint, M. (2023). Increasing Frequency of Hemoglobin A1C Measurements in Hospitalized Patients With Diabetes: A Quality Improvement Project Using Lean Six Sigma. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 19322968231153883. Advance online publication.

Kollipara, U., Rivera-Bernuy, M., Putra, J., Burks, J., Meyer, A., Ferguson, S., Nelson, C., Mutz, J., Mirfakhraee, S., Bajaj, P., Kermani, A., Fish, J. S., & Ali, S. (2021). Improving Diabetes Control Using Lean Six Sigma Quality Improvement in an Endocrine Clinic in a Large Accountable Care Organization. Clinical Diabetes: A Publication of the American Diabetes Association, 39(1), 57–63.

Tlapa, D., Franco-Alucano, I., Limon-Romero, J., Baez-Lopez, Y., & Tortorella, G. (2022). Lean, Six Sigma, and Simulation: Evidence from Healthcare Interventions. Sustainability, 14(24), 16849. 


Guiding Questions: Quality Improvement Presentation Poster
This document is designed to give you questions to consider and additional guidance to help you successfully complete the Quality Improvement Presentation Poster assessment. You may find it useful to use this document as a pre-writing exercise, as an outlining tool, or as a final check to ensure that you have sufficiently addressed all the grading criteria for this assessment. This document is a resource to help you complete the assessment. Do not turn in this document as your assessment submission.
Propose quality improvement methods to promote continuous improvement related to a specific biopsychosocial consideration.
• Have you proposed specific quality improvement (QI) methods?
o Have you explained the key aspects of the QI methods?
• How will the QI methods help promote continuous improvement?
o What challenges or difficulties might you encounter in promoting continuous improvement?
 How could you work to mitigate these challenges or difficulties?
• How are the proposed QI methods related to your specific biopsychosocial consideration?
o What challenges or difficulties might you encounter in adapting the QI methods to ensure they effectively address your specific biopsychosocial consideration?
 How could you work to mitigate these challenges or difficulties?
Evaluate specific evidence that supports the quality improvement methods proposed.
• What evidence suggests the quality improvement methods proposed will be appropriate and effective for the project?
• Which pieces of evidence that you cited will be most valuable and relevant for your project?
o How does the evidence support and inform the specific QI approach and application?
Explain how the project is grounded in successful change strategies.
• What change strategies informed the development or identification of the proposed quality improvement methods?
o What are the key aspects of these change strategies?
o How have these change strategies been implemented successfully in other projects, especially QI projects with characteristics similar to yours?
o How are these change strategies appropriate, relevant, and built into this QI project?
Analyze the way in which interprofessional teamwork will improve the effectiveness or efficiency of the quality improvement project.
• Which teams or role groups will be working interprofessionally on your QI project?
• How will interprofessional teamwork improve the effectiveness of your QI project?
o Why is interprofessional teamwork likely to lead to the effectiveness improvements that you described?
• How will interprofessional teamwork improve the efficiency of your QI project?
o Why is interprofessional teamwork likely to lead to the efficiency improvements that you described?
Communicate quality improvement considerations to relevant stakeholders in a way that is clear, concise, and compelling for the audience.
• Is your poster clearly presented?
• Does your poster include all the sections described in the assessment instructions?
o Quality Improvement Methods.
o Evidence Supporting QI Methods.
o Change Strategy Foundation.
o Interprofessional Team Benefits.
o Overall Project Benefits.
• Is the writing for your abstract clear and professional?
o Is your writing free from errors?
o Is your abstract 100–250 words?
Integrate relevant sources to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.
• Did you use 5–7 sources in your assessment?
o Are the sources you used no more than five years old?
• Are your sources cited in APA format?


Quality Improvement Presentation Poster Scoring Guide

Propose quality improvement methods to promote continuous improvement related to a specific biopsychosocial consideration. Does not explain quality improvement methods. Explains quality improvement methods, but does not fully address if they will promote continuous improvement, or it is unclear how the methods are related to a specific biopsychosocial consideration. Proposes quality improvement methods to promote continuous improvement related to a specific biopsychosocial consideration. Proposes quality improvement methods to promote continuous improvement related to a specific biopsychosocial consideration. Acknowledges potential difficulties and discusses how those challenges will be met.
Evaluate specific evidence that supports the quality improvement methods proposed. Does not describe specific evidence that supports the quality improvement methods proposed. Describes specific evidence related to the quality improvement methods proposed, but does not attempt to evaluate the evidence or how it supports the methods proposed. Evaluates specific evidence that supports the quality improvement methods proposed. Evaluates specific evidence that supports the quality improvement methods proposed. Identifies knowledge gaps, unknowns, missing information, unanswered questions, or areas of uncertainty (where further information could improve the analysis).
Explain how the project is grounded in successful change strategies. Does not describe a change strategy. Describes a change strategy, but does not explain it related to the project. Explains how the project is grounded in successful change strategies. Explains how the project is grounded in successful change strategies. Acknowledges potential difficulties and discusses how those challenges will be met.
Analyze the way in which interprofessional teamwork will improve the effectiveness or efficiency of the quality improvement project. Does not analyze interprofessional teamwork strategies. Analyzes interprofessional teamwork strategies, but either does not address how those strategies will improve effectiveness or efficiency, or does not relate the strategies to the project. Analyzes the way in which interprofessional teamwork will improve the effectiveness or efficiency of the quality improvement project. Analyzes the way in which interprofessional teamwork will improve the effectiveness or efficiency of the quality improvement project. Identifies assumptions upon which the analysis is based.
Poster is presented in a way that is clear, concise, and compelling for the audience. Does not communicate quality improvement considerations to relevant stakeholders in a way that is clear, concise, and compelling for the audience. Communicates quality considerations in a way that is not consistently clear and concise, or in a way that is not relevant or compelling for the audience. Communicates quality improvement considerations to relevant stakeholders in a way that is clear, concise, and compelling for the audience. Communicates quality improvement considerations to relevant stakeholders in a way that is clear, concise, and compelling for the audience. The structure of the communication enables the audience to grasp complex concepts and encourages buy-in.
Integrate relevant sources to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style. Does not integrate relevant sources to support assertions; does not correctly format citations and references using current APA style. Sources lack relevance or are poorly integrated, or citations or references are incorrectly formatted. Integrates relevant sources to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style. Integrates relevant sources to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style. Citations are free from all errors.


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