N 492 Module 8 Assignment: Community Health Assessment

N 492 Module 8 Assignment: Community Health Assessment

N 492 Module 8 Assignment: Community Health Assessment

Write a 2000-2500 word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely address each bullet point. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least three (3) sources in your essay. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page do not count toward the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.

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Based on the assignments throughout this course address the following:

Describe the population that is being assessed.

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What is/are the race(s) of this population within the community?

Are there geographically boundaries for this group? If so, what are they?

Does this community exist within a certain city or county?

Are there general characteristics that separate this group from others?

Education levels, birth/death rates, age of deaths, insured/uninsured?

Where is this group located geographically…? Urban/rural?

Why is a community assessment being performed? What purpose will it serve?

How will information for the community assessment be collected?

Describe the results from:

Windshield Surveys

Participant Observation

Informant Interviews

Focus Groups


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Instructions & SpecificationsSubmissionsRubric

Start by reading and following these instructions:

Study the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully.

Consider the discussion and the any insights you gained from it.

Review the assignment rubric and the specifications below to ensure that your response aligns with all assignment expectations.

Create your assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, and check your spelling.

The following specifications are required for this assignment:

Length: 2000 -2500 words; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner.

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count toward the minimum word count for this assignment.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly sources to support your claims.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).

Filename: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the assignment number (for example, “RHall Assignment 1.docx”)

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Describe the population that is being assessed

The population that is focused on is the teenage population in Arizona. Arizona boasts a diverse and rapidly growing population, with an estimated 7,276,316 residents in 2021, making it one of the fastest-growing states in the United States (United States Census Bureau, 2022). The demographic composition reflects a rich tapestry where various ethnicities contribute to the state’s vibrant culture. As of 2022, the number of individuals below 14 years was 22.5%, making up a large bulk of the population. Those aged between 15 and 24 years were 14.3%. Therefore, the number of individuals below 24 years is approximately 36.8% of the entire population (United States Census Bureau, 2022). Yet, it is saddening that the bulk of these young individuals have immersed themselves in drug abuse and have failed to be productive. This population diversity extends beyond racial and ethnic lines to include a mix of age groups, contributing to Arizona’s dynamic social fabric.

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What is/are the race(s) of this population within the community?

Arizona’s population is a mosaic of diverse races, contributing to the state’s vibrant cultural landscape. In 2021, non-Hispanic Whites formed a significant majority at 77.50%, showcasing their prevalent influence. Hispanic individuals, constituting 22.50%, add a rich layer to the demographic composition (Statistical Atlas, 2022). Beyond these major groups, African Americans make up 4.30%, and American Indian and Alaska Native populations contribute 4.408%, reflecting Arizona’s commitment to preserving indigenous heritage (Statistical Atlas, 2022). The state’s demographic tapestry extends further, with various other races adding to its dynamic character. This racial diversity fosters a multicultural environment, promoting a blend of traditions, perspectives, and experiences that collectively shape Arizona’s unique identity.

Are there geographical boundaries for this group? If so, what are they?

While Arizona’s diverse racial composition enriches its cultural fabric, these groups are not evenly distributed across the state, and geographic boundaries often influence their concentrations. Non-Hispanic Whites predominantly reside in urban and suburban areas, especially in and around Phoenix, Tucson, and Flagstaff. Hispanic communities are notably concentrated in southern regions, reflecting historical migration patterns and proximity to the U.S.-Mexico border. African American populations tend to be more concentrated in urban centers, particularly Phoenix and Tucson. American Indian and Alaska Native communities have a significant presence in reservation lands, such as the Navajo Nation, Hopi Reservation, and others, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and respecting tribal boundaries.

Understanding these geographical distinctions is crucial for comprehending the socio-cultural dynamics within Arizona. While racial and ethnic groups contribute collectively to the state’s diversity, recognizing the regional concentrations offers valuable insights into community dynamics, resource distribution, and potential variations in healthcare and educational needs. Appreciating the intersection of geography and demographics allows a more detailed understanding of Arizona’s complex and multifaceted societal landscape.

Are there general characteristics that separate this group from others?

A few common traits that define Arizona’s teenage population and differentiate it from other age groups exist. Adolescence is a crucial developmental stage that usually lasts from the ages of 15 to 24 and is characterized by unique opportunities and obstacles. Teens’ increased receptivity to outside stimuli while navigating peer interactions, cultural norms, and self-discovery is one of their distinguishing traits. During this time, people are frequently searching for their identity, autonomy, and independence, which encourages experimentation and taking risks.

Like everywhere else, Arizona’s teenage population faces unique difficulties with schooling, work, and social integration. The educational system becomes essential when kids move from high school to a university or the workforce. Because of peer pressure and the need to try new things, drug and alcohol consumption are prevalent among this group, which is a worrying trend. During this formative time, having access to educational resources, mental health help, and positive role models becomes essential. In addition, technology has a significant influence on how teenagers experience adolescence. In particular, social media magnifies positive as well as negative parts of their lives, impacting mental health and self-worth. Arizona’s modern teens face particular obstacles, including cyberbullying and peer pressure via the internet.

Additionally, the teenage population is more likely to engage in risky behaviors, including substance abuse. Factors such as peer pressure, curiosity, and a desire to rebel against authority contribute to the higher susceptibility of teenagers to substance abuse issues. In terms of demographics, the racial and ethnic diversity observed in the overall Arizona population is mirrored among teenagers. Understanding the intersectionality of race, ethnicity, and adolescence is essential for addressing specific needs and disparities within this age group. Recognizing and addressing these general characteristics is crucial for developing targeted interventions, support systems, and policies that cater to the unique needs of Arizona’s teenage population, fostering a healthier and more resilient transition into adulthood.

Education levels, birth/death rates, age of deaths, insured/uninsured?

Of those who are 25 years of age and older, 49.7% have a high school diploma, while 13.8% do not have one, and 36.5% have a higher degree (Infoplease US, 2021). In Arizona, the proportion of adults with a post-secondary degree is marginally lower than it is nationwide. In 2020, Arizona had 54 births per 1,000 women. Depending on the cause of death, Arizona has different death rates. For instance, the death rate from cancer was 138.9 per 100,000 people in 2017, and the death rate from heart disease was 141.9 per 100,000 people (CDC, 2020). About 10.7% of Arizonans did not have health insurance in 2021.

Does this community exist within a certain city or county?

The teenage population facing drug abuse challenges is not confined to a specific city or county in Arizona but is observed across the state. However, Maricopa County, which encompasses Phoenix and its surrounding areas, notably experiences a concerning prevalence of drug abuse among teenagers. In 2021, Maricopa County recorded an alarming total drug overdose rate of nearly 38 people per 100,000 residents, highlighting the severity of the issue within this populous county (Maricopa County, AZ, 2022). Opioid overdose rates were particularly pronounced, reaching almost 29 per 100,000, underscoring the specific impact of opioid abuse on the community.

The concentration of these rates in Maricopa County underscores the need for targeted interventions, educational programs, and healthcare resources aimed at addressing substance abuse issues among the teenage population. Collaborative efforts between local authorities, schools, and healthcare providers are crucial to developing comprehensive strategies that can effectively tackle the root causes of drug abuse and mitigate its impact on the well-being of teenagers in Maricopa County and, by extension, across Arizona.

Where is this group located geographically…? Urban/rural?

The teenage population contending with drug abuse in Arizona is predominantly situated in urban areas, with notable concentrations observed in cities like Phoenix, the state’s capital. Urban environments, characterized by high population density and diverse socio-economic factors, create a context where adolescents face specific challenges. In Phoenix, the urban landscape becomes a backdrop for heightened peer interactions, increased exposure to various influences, and easier accessibility to substances. The urban allure, coupled with the pressures of city life, contributes to the susceptibility of teenagers to drug abuse as they navigate the intricacies of adolescence in this dynamic setting. The availability of substances, social influences, and the fast-paced nature of urban life collectively shape an environment where experimentation and risk-taking may be more prevalent.

Recognizing and understanding the issue of teenage drug abuse in urban areas is essential for addressing the specific challenges posed by this environment. This awareness can inform discussions on the broader social context that influences adolescent behavior in urban centers like Maricopa and sheds light on the need for nuanced approaches to support the well-being of teenagers across Arizona’s urban landscapes.

Why is a community assessment being performed? What purpose will it serve?

A community assessment has been employed to gauge the consequences of budgetary constraints and cuts, explicitly examining their impact on adolescent populations within the context of school closures and strains on the school system. The purpose of this assessment is multifaceted, aiming to comprehensively understand the challenges and dynamics arising from financial constraints, particularly how they intersect with the educational landscape and subsequently influence the well-being and development of adolescents.

Fundamental to this assessment is the understanding that financial limitations frequently force tough choices, with the closing of schools being one outcome that may have far-reaching effects. Not only does the closing of educational institutions cause a disturbance to the traditional educational environment, but it also has an impact on families, neighborhoods, and, most importantly, the teenagers who play a vital role in contemporary society. Financial limitations may result in a lack of resources, which will affect the standard and accessibility of education. Decreased financing can result in increased class sizes, fewer extracurricular activities, and a reduction in support services, all of which have a direct impact on teenagers’ educational experiences. Closing schools can also upset well-established social networks, impede significant developmental stages, and make teenagers feel unstable as they already grapple with the difficulties of puberty.

Budget cuts that worsen the strain on the educational system put more work on teachers, administrators, and support personnel. Underresourced and overworked educational environments could find it challenging to give teenagers the academic help, mentoring, and counseling they need during this crucial time in their development. Reduced ability of the educational system to meet the many requirements of teenagers can lead to more stress, disengagement, and, regrettably, a greater inclination to unhealthy coping strategies, such as drug addiction.

In this particular context, a community assessment functions as a diagnostic instrument to investigate the ways in which financial limitations affect the school environment and, by extension, the teenage population. The assessment attempts to represent the complex issues that teenagers in the impacted community experience by using both quantitative and qualitative approaches, such as surveys, interviews, and data analysis. Understanding how various elements are interrelated is essential. For instance, a decrease in educational resources may raise the chance of teenage substance abuse. The incidence of risky behaviors among teenagers may increase as a result of schools’ struggles to offer comprehensive support services.

This assessment is a proactive step that will inform activism, legislation, and community-driven solutions; it is not just an academic exercise. Stakeholders can work together to establish targeted interventions by pinpointing specific areas of vulnerability and comprehending the lived experiences of teenagers in the context of financial constraints and school closures. Some of these approaches are advocating for more financing, community support initiatives, mental health services, and alternative educational models that put teenagers’ overall well-being first.

How will information for the community assessment be collected?

Information for the community assessment will be collected through a multifaceted approach that leverages three essential methods: government websites and reports, community surveys and focus groups, and engagement with community-based organizations through interviews.

Government Websites and Reports

Foundational data sources include government websites and reports, which offer official and thorough details on budget allocations, school closures, and the effects of financial restrictions on the educational system. It will be possible to gain insights into budget cuts, school closures, and the ensuing consequences on resources accessible to teenagers by using data from state education departments, local school boards, and pertinent governmental entities. Understanding the larger context of the financial issues facing the educational system will be based on statistical data, policy documents, and official reports.

Community Surveys and Focus Groups

Community surveys and focus groups will play a crucial role in gathering the complex experiences and viewpoints of community people, particularly teenagers and their families, to supplement official statistics. Quantitative information about how financial restrictions affect educational experiences will be gathered through surveys disseminated through various channels, such as Internet platforms and community activities. Focus group talks will also provide a qualitative element by enabling participants to explore personal experiences, worries, and goals pertaining to the difficulties experienced by teenagers in the context of school closures and stretched educational resources.

Community-Based Organizations and Interviews

Engaging with community-based organizations (CBOs) that directly interact with adolescents and their families will be a crucial aspect of the assessment. Through interviews with representatives from these organizations, insights into the on-the-ground realities and specific needs of the community can be obtained. These organizations may include local youth centers, counseling services, and advocacy groups. By understanding the work of these organizations and interviewing key personnel, the assessment can gain a deeper understanding of the support structures available and identify gaps that need to be addressed to mitigate the impact of budgetary constraints on adolescents.

Describe the results from:

Windshield Surveys

Conducting windshield surveys involved driving through various neighborhoods, focusing on areas in proximity to educational institutions and community spaces. Notably, the observations near neighborhood corner stores were revealing. School-age children were observed frequenting these establishments during school hours, raising concerns about truancy and potential substance use. The visual cues, such as backpacks and the exchange of small bottles resembling alcohol, indicated a troubling trend. The prevalence of these activities across multiple stores underscored the need for a closer examination of substance use among adolescents in the community.

Participant Observation

Engaging in participant observation involved immersing myself in the community’s daily activities. Spending time in areas around schools and local hangout spots shed light on the dynamics of adolescent interactions. Witnessing school-age children engaged in substance-related activities during school hours was disconcerting. The observations revealed a concerning pattern of substance exchange and potential engagement in risky behaviors among adolescents. The need for targeted interventions to address these issues became increasingly evident as the extent of the problem unfolded through firsthand observation.

Informant Interviews

Engaging with informants and community members provided essential insights into the underlying causes of teenage drug usage. The local populace expressed concerns regarding the effects of financial restrictions and school closures on the availability of extracurricular activities and adolescent support programs. The informants emphasized the scarcity of resources for after-school programs and the absence of supportive outlets, which could encourage adolescents to participate in hazardous activities. The interviewees underscored the pressing necessity for community-based endeavors to bridge the gaps resulting from financial constraints and school shutdowns.

Focus Groups

Focus group facilitators enabled in-depth conversations with critical stakeholders, such as local leaders, teachers, and parents. The participants conveyed a common worry regarding the noted rise in drug-related behaviors among teenagers. One crucial element that emerged was the absence of organized activities during school hours. Participants emphasized the significance of reintroducing and improving after-school programs. Focus groups gave community members a forum to express their shared commitment to tackling the difficulties experienced by teenagers as a result of financial limitations.


Survey-derived quantitative data supported the qualitative findings. Parents and community people survey responses revealed a common belief that school closures are associated with an increase in teenage drug usage. The results of the surveys made clear the necessity of providing focused support services, mental health resources, and community participation initiatives to meet the unique needs of the teenagers impacted by the larger systemic problems.


CDC. (2020, June 3). Arizona. Retrieved on 1st December 2023 from https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/states/arizona/az.htm

Infoplease US. (2021). Arizona Demographic Statistics | Infoplease. Retrieved on 1st December 2023 from https://www.infoplease.com/us/census/arizona/demographic-statistics

Maricopa County, AZ. (2022). Substance Use | Maricopa County, AZ. Retrieved on 1st December 2023 from https://www.maricopa.gov/5833/Substance-Use

Statistical Atlas. (2022). The Demographic Statistical Atlas of the United States – Statistical Atlas. Retrieved on 1st December 2023 from https://statisticalatlas.com/state/Arizona/Race-and-Ethnicity

United States Census Bureau. (2022). QuickFacts: Arizona. Census Bureau QuickFacts; United States Census Bureau. Retrieved on 1st December 2023 from https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/AZ/PST045222

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