NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 3: Business Case for Change Essay

NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 3: Business Case for Change Essay

NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 3: Business Case for Change Essay

Slide One: Presentation Objectives

             Hello everyone, and welcome to today’s presentation. This video presentation focuses on a business case for change. The need to implement change will be discussed. The selected healthcare economic issue is healthcare insurance. Healthcare insurance coverage is a vital aspect of care provision and the accessibility of healthcare services. The reasons for selecting the healthcare economic issue and the impact of the healthcare economic issue will also be discussed. Additionally, the feasibility and cost-benefit considerations will also be explored. Finally, I will identify the potential risks in the organization and the ways to mitigate these risks will also be identified.

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Slide Two: The Need for Change

             Healthcare institutions require constant change and improvement resulting from continuous evaluation and learning. Organizations use evaluations of the services provided to guide performance improvement and determine how the organization’s finances affect service delivery. These evaluations provide reports that are not only used to assess performance but also guide organizational change. The reasons for change include increasing the accessibility of health services and reducing disparities among health populations. Another need for change is to enable them to meet population health needs of population health needs. Healthcare institutions strive to address the needs of health populations and thus require continuous evaluation. Additionally, the financial strategy of an institution impacts the healthcare services provided and the ability of the institution to meet the needs of health populations. Therefore, healthcare organizations need to change to improve financial strategies. 

Slide Three: Local Healthcare Economic Issue

             The healthcare economic issue of focus is healthcare insurance and its accessibility. According to Keisler-Starkey and Bunch (2020), the current rate of insured individuals is 91.7%. However, the remaining uninsured individuals are mainly from minority populations, immigrants and other undocumented individuals. There are private and public health insurance covers available for the public. Both public and private insurance companies offer different plans and covers, and the premium costs also vary. Keisler-Starkey and Bunch (2020) note that private insurance covers include direct purchase, Tricare and employer’s insurance. Public insurance covers include Medicare and Medicaid. However, individuals from minority populations lack insurance coverage, thus the central issue of focus for this presentation.

Slide 4: Reasons for the Selected Healthcare Issue

Healthcare insurance is one of the major sources of funding in healthcare institutions. Since above 90% of the people are insured, healthcare organizations depend highly on insurance reimbursements for finances. Additionally, health insurance gives individuals the confidence to seek healthcare services, including specialized services. However, the remaining close to 10% of uninsured has to incur out-of-pocket healthcare costs, which are relatively expensive. Unfortunately, this percentage includes individuals from minority populations, undocumented individuals and people who opt out of insurance coverage, citing the high cost of living and costly premiums. Fong (2019) notes that individuals and health population members with more health needs, such as older adults, also lack insurance coverage. Therefore, the healthcare economic issue of healthcare insurance is, therefore, an essential issue of consideration.

Slide 5: Impact of the Healthcare Economic Issue

The issue of health insurance considerably impacts me as a care provider, my work and colleagues, the organization and the community in general. Health insurance affects my colleagues and my work since we are supposed to offer care services to all patients. According to Edward et al. (2021), care providers, especially from private care institutions, may face ethical dilemmas when uninsured patients seek healthcare services without pay. Additionally, Edward et al. (2021) note that healthcare organizations may suffer financial losses when forced to offer waivers to uninsured individuals. The losses may, in turn, compromise healthcare service delivery. Health insurance also affects healthcare services-seeking behavior among different members of the population, thus leading to poor health outcomes for individuals and the population in general when people are reluctant to seek healthcare services.

Slide 6: Feasibility and Cost-Benefit Considerations

According to Dormont (2019), cost-benefit considerations of any intervention are determined by comparing the cost vs. benefits of the intervention, thus determining its feasibility. A healthcare intervention is feasible if the benefits exceed the costs, and the institution can easily cater for the cost. A recent review by Himmelstein et al. (2020) showed that insurance reimbursements are one of the major funding sources in healthcare, with about 90%. Additionally, lack of insurance increases the risk of disease complications, which increases the health burden and institutions’ operating costs. As mentioned earlier, insurance impacts the utilization of healthcare services. Keisler-Starkey and Bunch (2020) note that about 20% of uninsured individuals do not seek health services. According to Whaley et al. (2020), underutilization of healthcare services may lead to loss of institutional finances. Therefore, interventions to address health insurance are feasible.


Slide 7: Potential Risks to the Organization and Ways to Mitigate the Risks

There are various potential risks arising from the issue of health insurance. These risks include financial security resulting from reduced revenue due to low reimbursements since they are the major source of healthcare funding. Keisler-Starkey and Bunch (2020) note that healthcare institutions may compromise their healthcare services due to low reimbursements and the inability to meet operating costs. The institutions may also have poor reputations due to failure to offer services to uninsured patients. There are different ways to mitigate the risk of financial security in healthcare organizations. The three main ones include seeking external sources of funding to supplement the internal funds, and educating populations on the significance of insurance, thus encouraging them to be insured. Additionally, healthcare institutions can work with insurance companies to register their patients before accessing care services.

Slide 8: Proposed Change and the Benefits of Implementing Change

           The proposed change to address the health care economic issue of health insurance is population education to create awareness and knowledge on insurance and its significance and policy changes to enhance the affordability of healthcare insurance premiums. Most people are uninsured due to inadequate awareness of health insurance and high insurance services costs. According to Weedige et al. (2019), population education effectively increases insurance awareness and encourages individuals to get healthcare insurance. The proposed change intervention will target minority populations and other most affected populations. The benefits of this change include increased healthcare access and utilization, improved population outcomes, and the reduction of financial losses in healthcare institutions due to increased revenue.

Slide 9: Cultural Sensitivity, Ethical and Equitability of the Proposed Change

      Cultural sensitivity and ethical considerations are essential in every intervention. Implementation of healthcare interventions should also consider ethics and enhance equitability in the community. These factors also help to enhance the success of a healthcare intervention. To enhance cultural and ethical sensitivity, the proposed intervention will involve the community members in developing the educational content and making other essential decisions. Marston et al. (2020) note that cultural factors such as language should be considered while implementing healthcare interventions to increase acceptance, success and sustainability. Ethical considerations will include providing education to all community members without discrimination. More so, with increased knowledge of insurance and accessibility of care services, thus it the intervention will enhance equitability in the community.

Slide 10: Conclusion

                As I come to the end of this video presentation, there are a few things to note. Healthcare insurance is an essential healthcare economic issue that needs consideration. Lack of insurance significantly impacts us as healthcare providers, colleagues, work, organizations and the community. Individuals across different health populations are affected differently. Minority health populations and populations with more health needs, such as the elderly, are more affected by a lack of health insurance since they require health services more and may not access them, thus leading to poor health outcomes. Additionally, insurance affects care provision in healthcare organizations due to reduced revenue from reimbursements, hence compromising the quality of healthcare service provision. However, the issue can be addressed by population education and policy changes to increase awareness and reduce insurance service costs. Our responsibility as healthcare providers is to identify healthcare economic issues and propose solutions to address them.  


Dormont, B. (2019). Supplementary health insurance and regulation of healthcare systems. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190625979.013.115

Edward, J., Thompson, R., & Jaramillo, A. (2021). Availability of health insurance literacy resources fails to meet consumer needs in rural, Appalachian communities: implications for state Medicaid waivers. The Journal of Rural Health, 37(3), 526-536. https://doi.org/10.1111/jrh.12485

Fong, J. H. (2019). Out-of-pocket health spending among Medicare beneficiaries: Which chronic diseases are most costly? PloS One, 14(9), e0222539. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0222539

Himmelstein, D. U., Campbell, T., & Woolhandler, S. (2020). Health care administrative costs in the United States and Canada, 2017. Annals of Internal Medicine, 172(2), 134-142. https://doi.org/10.7326/M19-2818

Keisler-Starkey, K., & Bunch, L. N. (2020). Health insurance coverage in the United States: 2019. Washington, DC: US Census Bureau. https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2022/demo/p60-278.pdf

Marston, C., Renedo, A., & Miles, S. (2020). Community participation is crucial in a pandemic. The Lancet, 395(10238), 1676-1678. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31054-0

Whaley, C. M., Pera, M. F., Cantor, J., Chang, J., Velasco, J., Hagg, H. K., Sood, N., & Bravata, D. M. (2020). Changes in Health Services Use Among Commercially Insured US Populations During the COVID-19 Pandemic. JAMA Network Open, 3(11), e2024984. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.24984  

Weedige, S. S., Ouyang, H., Gao, Y., & Liu, Y. (2019). Decision making in personal insurance: Impact of insurance literacy. Sustainability, 11(23), 6795. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11236795



Assessment 3 Instructions: Business Case for Change
Develop a 10-slide business PowerPoint for the economic issue you have been working with as your topic in the previous assessment. You will then present this PowerPoint using Kaltura and submit the video.
Note: Each assessment in this course builds upon the work you have completed in previous assessments. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in the order in which they are presented.
As a master’s-level health care practitioner, you are expected to consider a number of factors when supporting change by analyzing the feasibility of a new initiative or identifying an issue within your organization. For example, you must take into consideration the various types of risk (such as patient safety, physical plant, financial, or reputation), as well as the present and future value of the service line or economic opportunity you are invested in. Additionally, you must also balance your ethical and moral responsibility to provide quality care to patients and populations while protecting your organization’s assets and economic viability in the near and long terms.
Background and Context
As a master’s-level health care practitioner, you are expected to consider a number of factors when supporting change by analyzing the feasibility of a new initiative or identifying an issue within your organization. For example, you must take into consideration the various types of risk (such as patient safety, physical plant, financial, or reputation), as well as the present and future value of the service line or economic opportunity you are invested in. Additionally, you must also balance your ethical and moral responsibility to provide quality care to patients and populations while protecting your organization’s assets and economic viability in the near and long terms.
For this assessment, you will develop a 10-slide business PowerPoint for the economic issue you have been working with as your topic in the previous assessment. You will then present this PowerPoint using Kaltura and submit the video.
This presentation asks you to examine the feasibility and cost-benefit considerations of implementing a proposed solution for your chosen issue, as well as analyze ways to mitigate risks.
Be sure to address each main point. Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide, including performance-level descriptions for each criterion, to ensure you understand the work you will be asked to complete and how it will be assessed. In addition, note the requirements for document format and length and for supporting evidence.
You may also wish to consult the Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations [PPTX] if you need additional guidance as you are assembling your presentation.
Overall, your assessment submission will be assessed on the following criteria:
• Summarize the problem and the potential impact the health care economic issue has on you, your colleagues, your organization, and the community at large.
o This is an opportunity to tell your story and what the initiative means to you as a health care practitioner. Remember, this is a presentation. So, you want to be engaging and persuasive in order to build support for what you will be proposing to do later in the presentation.
• Explain the feasibility and cost-benefit considerations of your health care economic issue, as well as three ways to mitigate risks to the financial security of your organization or health care setting.
o Make sure to present at least an overview of the data and numbers you are basing your cost-benefit analysis on.
o Touch upon the ways in which potential risks could pose a threat to the financial security of your organization or care setting while you are addressing the ways to mitigate risk.
o Support your explanation with evidence-based research or scholarly sources.
• Describe the changes or solution that you propose be implemented in order to address the economic issue.
o Include the potential benefits of implementation to your organization, your colleagues, or the community at large.
o Support your initiative with evidence-based research or scholarly sources.
• Explain how your proposed solution is culturally sensitive, ethical, and equitable within the context of the community and health care setting it will be implemented.
o Make sure that your changes or solution are not unfairly burdening or disadvantaging any specific groups.
o Double check that your changes or solution do not pose any ethical issues and are not culturally insensitive.
o Ensure that both access and cost are equitable across all groups in the community that the proposed solution will be affecting.
• Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly communication standards.
If you need more guidance on recording a video with Kaltura, refer to the audio and video information in Using Kaltura.
Additional Requirements
• Length of Presentation: The PowerPoint presentation should be 10 slides in length and presented orally using Kaltura to record and share the video. The video itself should not exceed 10 minutes.
• Number of Resources: Include at least five scholarly sources to support your work and meet scholarly expectations for supporting evidence. Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references in the PowerPoint.
• Technology Used: Record yourself presenting your PowerPoint using Kaltura, and submit it for review. You must also submit the PowerPoint file for review.
Note: As you revise your writing, check out the resources listed on the Writing Center’s Writing Support page.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
• Competency 1: Analyze the effects of financial and economic factors (such as cost-benefit, supply and demand, return on investment, and risks) in a health care system on patient care, services offered, and organizational structures and operation.
o Summarize the problem and the potential impact the health care economic issue has on you, your colleagues, your organization, and the community at large.
• Competency 2: Develop ethical and culturally equitable solutions to economic problems within a health care organization in an effort to improve the quality of care and services offered.
o Explain how your proposed solution is culturally sensitive, ethical, and equitable within the context of the community and health care setting it will be implemented.
• Competency 4: Develop ethical and culturally equitable economic strategies to address dynamic environmental forces and ensure the future security of an organization’s resources and its ability to provide quality care.
o Explain the feasibility and cost-benefit considerations of your health care economic issue, as well as three ways to mitigate risks to the financial security of your organization or health care setting.
o Describe the changes or solution that you propose be implemented in order to address the economic issue.
• Competency 5: Produce clear, coherent, and professional written work, in accordance with Capella writing standards.
o Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly communication standards.


Business Case for Change Scoring Guide

Summarize the problem and the potential impact the health care economic issue has on you, your colleagues, your organization, and the community at large. Does not provide any kind of summary of the problem and the potential impact the health care economic issue has on you, your colleagues, your organization, and the community at large. Provides an unclear or incomplete summary of the problem and the potential impact the health care economic issue has on you, your colleagues, your organization, and the community at large. Summarizes the problem and the potential impact the health care economic issue has on you, your colleagues, your organization, and the community at large. Summarizes the problem and the potential impact the health care economic issue has on you, your colleagues, your organization, and the community at large. Tone of summary is engaging and persuasive and provides the audience with a reason to keep listening.
Explain the feasibility and cost-benefit considerations of your health care economic issue, as well as three ways to mitigate risks to the financial security of your organization or health care setting. Does not describe the feasibility of the health care economic issue in general terms. Describe the feasibility of the health care economic issue in general terms, but does not provide a full explanation or sufficient cost-benefit details. Likewise, the ways to mitigate risk are overly general and not specific to the issue or health care organization. Explains the feasibility and cost-benefit considerations of your health care economic issue, as well as three ways to mitigate risks to the financial security of your organization or health care setting. Explains the feasibility and cost-benefit considerations of your health care economic issue, as well as three ways to mitigate risks to the financial security of your organization or health care setting. Provides specific data and numbers to support the cost-benefit assertions.
Describe the changes or solution that you propose be implemented in order to address the economic issue. Does not identify a solution. Identifies a solution, but its relevance or alignment to the economic issue is unclear. Describes the changes or solution that you propose be implemented in order to address the economic issue. Describes the changes or solution that you propose be implemented in order to address the economic issue. Notes the potential benefits to your organization, colleagues, or the community at large.
Explain how your proposed solution is culturally sensitive, ethical, and equitable within the context of the community and health care setting it will be implemented. Does not explain how your proposed solution is culturally sensitive, ethical, and equitable within the context of the community and health care setting it will be implemented. Provides a partial explanation, but does not address each of how the proposed solution is culturally sensitive, ethical, and equitable within the context of the community and health care setting it will be implemented. Explains how your proposed solution is culturally sensitive, ethical, and equitable within the context of the community and health care setting it will be implemented. Explains how your proposed solution is culturally sensitive, ethical, and equitable within the context of the community and health care setting it will be implemented. Notes specifically how the proposed solution ensures that that both access and cost are equitable across all groups in the community.
Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly communication standards. Does not convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly communication standards. Conveys purpose, in an appropriate tone or style. Clear, effective communication is inhibited by insufficient supporting evidence or minimal adherence to applicable communication standards. Conveys purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly communication standards. Attempts to apply APA style and formatting. Conveys clear purpose, in a tone and style well-suited to the intended audience. Supports assertions, arguments, and conclusions with relevant, credible, and convincing evidence. Exhibits strict and nearly flawless adherence to organizational, professional, and scholarly communication standards, including APA style and formatting.


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