Discussion: Conflict Resolution
NR 447 Week 3 Purpose
The purpose of this discussion is to explore the impact of bias, social determinants of health (SDOH), constructive feedback, and organizational culture on conflict resolution within interprofessional teams.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO 3: Explain the use of evidence-based practice by leaders and managers. (POs 2, 8)
CO 4: Describe interprofessional communication and collaboration strategies. (POs 2, 3)
CO 5: Summarize legal, ethical, and professional competencies utilized by nursing leadership. (PO 6)
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Due Date
Graded discussions in Weeks 1-7 are due Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT. For courses with Week 8 graded discussions, the discussion will close on Saturday at 11:59 p.m. MT. All Week 8 discussion requirements must be met by this deadline.
Total Points Possible: 100 points
Preparing the Discussion
NR 447 Week 3 Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the discussion. Abide by Chamberlain University’s academic integrity policy. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.
Discussion: Apply Knowledge
Step 1: Review the scenario below.
You are a preceptor training a nurse who is new to your floor. One client in your shift assignment has Sickle Cell Anemia and requires a complex regimen of oxygen, intravenous (IV) fluids, and pain medication to manage their illness. During interprofessional team rounds, the new nurse states, “I think this client is just seeking pain medication and they aren’t really in that much pain. We should stop giving them so much medication and consider discharge to make room for clients with real illnesses.”
The conversation stops and interprofessional team members are unsure what to say to address the new nurse’s statement. Everyone is upset by her statement, and they begin to argue. The attending physician tells everyone from the team to pause rounds and meet in the conference room in five minutes to resolve this conflict.
Your assigned perspective is based on the first letter of your last name in the chart below.
Last Name Perspective
A – F You are assigned to consider the different components of this scenario through the perspective of implicit and/or explicit bias.
G – L You are assigned to consider the different components of this scenario through the perspective of social determinants of health (SDOH).
M – R You are assigned to consider the different components of this scenario through the perspective of the importance of constructive feedback.
S – Z You are assigned to consider the different components of this scenario from the perspective of organizational culture. NR 447 Week 3
Step 2: Answer the discussion prompts below with explanation and detail.
Paragraph one: A supportive work environment is crucial to resolving conflict in any healthcare setting. What is the impact of your assigned perspective on conflict resolution within the interprofessional team?
Paragraph two: Different work environments bring their own unique challenges and opportunities. How would the impact on conflict resolution be different, from your assigned perspective, if the healthcare setting had a highly diverse staff?
Paragraph three: Engagement from all levels of staff is vital to understanding and addressing conflict. From your assigned perspective, how can engagement from staff contribute to understanding and addressing conflict resolution?
References: Provide complete references for all citations.
Step 3: Reply to a peer with a different assigned perspective.
Posts should meet the following criteria:
Integrate Evidence: Cite at least two sources of evidence in weekly posts.
Integrate evidence from assigned reading(s) OR lesson.
Integrate evidence from at least one outside scholarly source as directed in the discussion directions.
Integrate evidence that supports the discussion.
Cite all scholarly sources, reading(s), OR lessons in an in-text citation within the post and include a complete reference at the bottom of the post.
Use sources no more than five years old unless they are historical references.
Engage in Meaningful Dialogue: Engage with peers and/or faculty by asking questions and offering new insights, applications, perspectives, information, or implications for practice.NR 447 Week 3
Respond to a peer and/or faculty post.
Provide additional information or clarification in the reply post.
Add depth to the discussion.
Communicate Professionally: Communicate professionally on all posts.
Communicate clearly and concisely.
Communicate respectfully, civilly, and caringly.
Communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation.
Participate: Participate during the assigned week. You are expected to meet the minimum participation requirement described below. You will receive a 10% point deduction in a graded discussion if you do not post at least two (2) times on at least two (2) different days during the assigned week.
Post in the discussion at least two times.
Post in the discussion on two different days.
NR 447 Week 3 Rubric
To view the grading criteria/rubric, please click on the 3 dots in the box at the end of the solid gray bar above the discussion title and then Show Rubric.?
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApply Knowledge
(3 Required Criteria)
Answer the discussion prompts below with explanation and detail.
1. A supportive work environment is crucial to resolving conflict in any healthcare setting. What is the impact of your assigned perspective on conflict resolution within the interprofessional team?
2. Different work environments bring their own unique challenges and opportunities. How would the impact on conflict resolution be different, from your assigned perspective, if the healthcare setting had a highly diverse staff?
3. Engagement from all levels of staff is vital to understanding and addressing conflict. From your assigned perspective, how can engagement from staff contribute to understanding and addressing conflict resolution?
40 pts
All requirements met.
33 pts
2 requirements met.
20 pts
Needs Improvement
1 requirement met.
0 pts
No requirements met.
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntegrate Evidence
(5 required criteria)??
1. Integrate evidence from assigned reading(s) OR lesson.
2. Integrate evidence from at least one outside scholarly source as directed in the discussion directions.
3. Cite evidence that supports the discussion.
4. Cite and provide a complete reference for all sources of evidence.
5. Select sources no more than five years old unless they are historical references or approved by course faculty.
24 pts
All requirements met.
22 pts
Very Good
4 requirements met.
20 pts
3 requirements met.
12 pts
Needs Improvement
1-2 requirements met.
0 pts
No requirements met.
24 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEngage in Meaningful Dialogue
(3 required criteria)
1. Respond to a peer and/or faculty post.
2. Provide additional information or clarification in the reply post.
3. Add depth to the discussion.
26 pts
NR 447 Week 3 All requirements met.
22 pts
2 requirements met.
13 pts
Needs Improvement
1 requirement met.
0 pts
No requirements met.
26 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCommunicate Professionally
1. Communicate clearly and concisely.
2. Communicate respectfully, civilly, and caringly.
3. Communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation
10 pts
0-1 error(s).
9 pts
Very Good
2-3 errors.
8 pts
4-5 errors.
5 pts
Needs Improvement
6-7 errors.
0 pts
More than 7 errors.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeParticpate
During the assigned week (Sunday the start of the assigned week, through Sunday the end of the assigned week):
1. Posts in the discussion at least two times, and
2. Posts in the discussion on two different days.
0 pts
No Points Deducted
During the assigned week (Sunday, the start of the assigned week, through Sunday, the end of the assigned week): 1. Posts in the discussion at least two times, and 2. Posts in the discussion on two different days.
0 pts
Points Deducted (-10 points)
During the assigned week (Sunday, the start of the assigned week, through Sunday, the end of the assigned week): 1. Does NOT post in the discussion at least two times, AND/OR 2. Does NOT post in the discussion on two different days.
0 pts
Total Points: 100 NR 447 Week 3