NRS 493 Topic 1 DQ 2 Evidence-based Nursing Practice

NRS 493 Topic 1 DQ 2 Discussion: What is the main issue for your organization in addressing a solution to evidence-based nursing practice?

NRS 493 Topic 1 DQ 2 Evidence-based Nursing Practice Assessment Description

What is the main issue for your organization in addressing a solution to evidence-based nursing practice? Discuss what might be the first step in addressing and resolving this issue.

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NRS 493 Topic 1 DQ 2 Evidence-based Nursing Practice Sample

Evaluate the professional responsibilities for the ethical use of healthcare informatics technology.

Personnel in the healthcare industry are ethically and legally bound to safeguard patient privacy and information confidentiality. Monitoring and securing electronic records and related systems is therefore imperative to avert privacy breaches. The moral foundation of such an obligation is based on respecting patient autonomy, which entails allowing patients to maintain control over their health information, as well as refraining from causing harm to patients and preventing harm from occurring to them (nonmaleficence and beneficence). For instance, this could be accomplished by disclosing embarrassing details (Kluge, 2020). Patients are more inclined to voluntarily share their health information with clinicians for the best possible treatment if they believe it will be kept private.

NRS 493 Topic 1 DQ 2 Evidence-based Nursing Practice Discuss the ethical challenges the nurse encountered in this scenario and the violated principles.

            Healthcare providers and organizations using EMR systems must guarantee the confidentiality of patient health information and safeguard patient privacy. Managing computer systems presents a challenging endeavor due to the ease of sharing records with multiple individuals, including physicians, nurses, clinicians, software developers, managers, IT staff, insurance personnel, government officials, patients, vendor employees, and even patients personally (Jokinen et al., 2020). In the given situation, the privacy and confidentiality of the patients were breached when unauthorized individuals gained access to their information. Consequently, this exacerbated the perplexity, compromising the security of the healthcare administered to this specific patient. Consequently, the patient experienced damage, which also opposes the ethical principles of avoiding harm and promoting well-being. Beneficence encompasses averting injury, in contrast to the principle of nonmaleficence, which focuses on abstaining from causing harm. NRS 493 Topic 1 DQ 2 Evidence-based Nursing Practice

Describe how you would handle this in your practice or describe one thing that could have been done differently.

            In my practice, I would personally input the patient’s data into the EHR system to maintain my professional integrity. Additionally, I would log out of the system before attending to other duties to guarantee the preservation of the patient’s privacy and confidentiality. To prevent a similar incident from happening again, I would establish and enforce certain rules and processes that ensure the preservation of the confidentiality and privacy of patients (Goodman, 2020). Employees must take certain precautions, such as not sharing their ID with anybody, logging out when leaving a terminal, and using their ID to access digital patient information.

NRS 493 Topic 1 DQ 2 Evidence-based Nursing Practice References

Goodman, K. W. (2020). Ethics in Health Informatics. Yearbook of Medical Informatics, 29(01), 026–031.

Jokinen, A., Stolt, M., & Suhonen, R. (2020). Ethical issues related to eHealth: An integrative review. Nursing Ethics, 28(2), 253–271.

Kluge, E. W. (2020). Ethical and legal challenges for health telematics in a global world: Telehealth and the technological imperative. In Routledge eBooks (pp. 223–227).

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