NU 530 Unit 6 Assignment: Organizational Analysis

NU 530 Unit 6 Assignment: Organizational Analysis

NU 530 Unit 6 Assignment: Organizational Analysis

This assignment is designed to assist you in applying the concepts learned in this course.

Briefly describe an organization that you are/have been involved in.
Evaluate the culture of the organization.
Evaluate the leadership style of the leader in that organization you are most familiar with.
Describe a change or addition to the current strategic plan of the organization that you think would improve its performance. For example: Increasing the culture of patient safety within the organization or the organization becoming more involved in the community it serves. Your strategic plan goal should be measurable.
Considering the culture and leadership of the organization, utilize the change process to implement the change. Make sure you include how you would evaluate the change.

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The paper should:

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Be approximately 6-8 pages long, double-spaced (1500-2000 words)
Include a title and reference page – not included in the page count
Exclude sources older than 5 years
Include 5-6 sources from the required readings and/or scholarly sources found from Herzing’s library. Your textbook may be used as one source.
Include an introductory paragraph and a conclusion
Estimated time to complete: 6 hours

NU530 Unit 6 Assignment – Organizational Analysis
NU530 Unit 6 Assignment – Organizational Analysis
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTopic
NU530-CO1; NU530-CO2; NU530-CO3; NU530-CO4
15 pts
Level 5
Identifies a creative, focused, and manageable topic that addresses potentially significant aspects of the topic.
13.5 pts
Level 4
Identifies a creative, focused, and manageable topic that addresses important and notable aspects of the topic.
12 pts
Level 3
Identifies a focused and manageable/doable topic that appropriately addresses relevant aspects of the topic.
10.5 pts
Level 2
Identifies a topic that while manageable/doable, is too narrowly focused and leaves out relevant aspects of the topic.
9 pts
Level 1
Identifies a topic that is far too general and wide-ranging as to be manageable and doable.
0 pts
Level 0
Does not clearly identify a topic that is relative to the assignment.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExisting Knowledge, Research, and/or Views
55 pts
Level 5
Synthesizes in-depth information from relevant sources representing various points of view/approaches.
50.12 pts
Level 4
Examines in-depth information from relevant sources representing various points of view/approaches.
44 pts
Level 3
Explains in-depth information from relevant sources representing various points of view/approaches.
37.88 pts
Level 2
Relates information from relevant sources representing limited points of view/approaches.
33 pts
Level 1
Relates information from irrelevant sources representing limited points of view/ approaches.
0 pts
Level 0
Information is irrelevant to the topic. No clear point of view/approaches.
55 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDesign Process
NU530-CO1; NU530-CO2; NU530-CO3; NU530-CO4
15 pts
Level 5
All elements of the methodology or theoretical framework are skillfully developed. Appropriate methodology or theoretical frameworks may be synthesized from across disciplines or from relevant sub-disciplines.
13.5 pts
Level 4
Most critical elements of the methodology or theoretical framework are appropriately developed. Appropriate methodology or theoretical frameworks may be analyzed from across disciplines or from relevant sub-disciplines.
12 pts
Level 3
Some critical elements of the methodology or theoretical framework are appropriately developed, however, more subtle elements are ignored or unaccounted for.
10.5 pts
Level 2
Critical elements of the methodology or theoretical framework are missing, incorrectly developed, or unfocused.
9 pts
Level 1
Inquiry design demonstrates a misunderstanding of the methodology or theoretical framework.
0 pts
Level 0
The design of the paper is not based upon a clear methodology or framework.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis
NU530-CO1; NU530-CO2; NU530-CO3; NU530-CO4
90 pts
Level 5
Organizes and synthesizes evidence to reveal insightful patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus.
81 pts
Level 4
Organizes and analyzes evidence to reveal insightful patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus.
72 pts
Level 3
Organizes evidence to reveal important patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus.
63 pts
Level 2
Organizes evidence, but the organization is not effective in revealing important patterns, differences, or similarities.
54 pts
Level 1
Describes evidence, but it is not organized and/or is unrelated to focus.
0 pts
Level 0
Lists evidence, but it is not organized and/or is unrelated to focus.
90 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion
NU530-CO1; NU530-CO2; NU530-CO4;
15 pts
Level 5
States a conclusion that is a logical extrapolation from the inquiry findings.
13.5 pts
Level 4
States a conclusion that is a logical interpretation of the inquiry findings.
12 pts
Level 3
States a conclusion focused solely on the inquiry findings. The conclusion arises specifically from and responds specifically to the inquiry findings.
10.5 pts
Level 2
States a general conclusion that, because it is so general, also applies beyond the scope of the inquiry findings.
9 pts
Level 1
States an ambiguous or unsupportable conclusion from inquiry findings.
0 pts
Level 0
States an illogical conclusion from inquiry findings.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLimitations and Implications
NU530-CO1; NU530-CO2; NU530-CO3; NU530-CO4
30 pts
Level 5
Insightfully discusses in detail relevant and supported limitations and implications.
27.6 pts
Level 4
Examines relevant and supported limitations and implications.
24 pts
Level 3
Discusses relevant and supported limitations and implications.
21.6 pts
Level 2
Presents relevant and supported limitations and implications.
18 pts
Level 1
Presents limitations and implications, but they are unsupported.
0 pts
Level 0
Presents limitations and implications, but they are irrelevant.
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting
15 pts
Level 5
The paper exhibits a superior command of written English language conventions. The paper has no errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling.
13.5 pts
Level 4
The paper exhibits a strong command of written English language conventions. The paper has no errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that impair the flow of communication.
12 pts
Level 3
The paper exhibits a command of written English language conventions. The paper has minor errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that impact the flow of communication.
10.5 pts
Level 2
The paper exhibits a limited command of written English language conventions. The paper has frequent errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that impede the flow of communication.
9 pts
Level 1
The paper exhibits little command of written English language conventions. The paper has errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that cause the reader to stop and reread parts of the writing to discern meaning.
0 pts
Level 0
The paper does not demonstrate command of written English language conventions. The paper has multiple errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that cause the reader difficulty discerning the meaning.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA
15 pts
Level 5
The required APA elements are all included with correct formatting, including in-text citations and references.
13.5 pts
Level 4
The required APA elements are all included with minor formatting errors, including in-text citations and references.
12 pts
Level 3
The required APA elements are all included with multiple formatting errors, including in-text citations and references.
10.5 pts
Level 2
The required APA elements are not all included and/or there are major formatting errors, including in-text citations and references.
9 pts
Level 1
Several APA elements are missing. The errors in formatting demonstrate a limited understanding of APA guidelines, in-text-citations, and references.
0 pts
Level 0
There is little to no evidence of APA formatting and/or there are no in-text citations and/or references.
15 pts
Total Points: 250

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Unit 6 Assignment

The United States health system is divided into various categories, not-for-profit, private, and governmental healthcare organizations. All these healthcare facilities receive their funds from different sources that enable them to plan and allocate the relevant resources to ensure that the public receives safe and quality healthcare services. The paper aims to evaluate our healthcare, including various factors that impact how the organization benefits the target patients. The paper describes our healthcare organization, its organizational culture, leadership style, and the change improvement. The paper will also evaluate the effective change process in implementing the change.

Our Healthcare Organization Description

Our healthcare organization is a nonprofit organization that specializes in hemodialysis healthcare services within an outpatient setting. However, the healthcare organization also provides minor diseases services to everyone in the community and its environs. The benefit of seeking healthcare services within the facility is that the patients receive patient-centered service, including those without insurance coverage. That is because, as the patients undergo treatment, the healthcare providers advise them on how to be insured for future treatment purposes. The main reason the few patients received by the healthcare facility may be uninsured cites factors like undocumented patients, underinsured, and low reimbursement levels. But since the healthcare organization’s mission is to provide patient-centered and safe healthcare for all, they ensure that they bridge the gaps that may hinder hemodialysis patients’ access to quality and safe healthcare services.

Healthcare Organization Culture

The culture that the healthcare organization adopts is clan culture. According to Ghiasi et al. (2022), clan culture emulates a family-like corporate environment that embraces values, goals, commonality, and consensus. As a result, most scholars term those healthcare organizations that incorporate clan culture in their systems as the least competitive and most collaborative, thus increasing healthcare providers’ cohesion. The main reason why the healthcare organization finds it easy to incorporate a clan culture is the nature of the healthcare size and nature. While outlining my goals in nursing practice, my main goals included finding a job in the most renowned healthcare facilities. However, at that time, the factors that did not integrate were that whether one works in a small-sized healthcare facility or a large healthcare facility, the goals in healthcare remained the same: to provide patient-centered services that will improve the patient’s overall health outcomes. The interaction with other nurses during the first day was not that pleasing since different things do not immediately work out for a novice. Hence, the nurse manager found it necessary to ensure a more experienced nurse to offer supervision services Ghiasi et al., 2022).

Before joining the healthcare organization, I had been involved in a chronic in-center hemodialysis center, thus knowing how nurses needed to interact with the patients, including their families or caregivers. The most notable factor learned during my first day was the interaction between the nurse and the patients, which helped them initiate a caring and close culture, thus boosting the patients’ hope concerning their well-being. Before completing my practicum, the nurse manager offered me a chance to incorporate into the healthcare system to gain more knowledge on handling patients and their families appropriately.

Healthcare Organization Leadership Style

 Healthcare facilities have different leadership styles that execute to achieve the healthcare organization’s goals and objectives. The nurse manager, who also acted as my mentor during the practicum, applied a transformational leadership style. As Wang et al. (2021) postulate, transformational leadership helps nursing leaders adopt characteristics that inspire a positive attitude toward the nursing staff. These leaders must possess various characteristics like being passionate and enthusiastic since their main aim is to encourage the team members to accomplish organization and personal goals. Also, Wang et al. (2020) accentuate that transformational leadership incorporates four factors that include intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation, individualized considerations, and idealized influences. When reflecting on the characteristics exhibited by the nurse manager in the healthcare organization,  intellectual stimulation helped the nursing staff, including the nursing students that were in for their practicum, to be more creative. As a result, all students present for the practicum learned new opportunities, which was the main reason why some of us were awarded some more time to work in the healthcare organization.

Regarding inspirational motivation, the nurse manager had various characteristics, including communication and critical and problem-solving skills. These skills were essential since they would help solve nursing staff issues arising from both interprofessional and interprofessional issues by encouraging them to embrace collaboration. Individualized consideration is essential during transformational leadership since it helps nursing leaders personalize the relationship with the employees (Wang et al., 2020). Despite the nurse manager’s individualized consideration, boundaries would be set between the nurse managers and all nursing staff. However, the approach was also effective considering that the main aim was to improve the supportive relationship among the healthcare providers.

Organizational Change Improvement

Performance measure in a healthcare facility is essential since it helps the healthcare management evaluate its probability of achieving its set goals and objectives. Such performance measures are essential and should be introduced to the healthcare fraternity to acknowledge them and design more effective ways to enhance them. For instance, Zaman et al. (2021) assert that the different performance measures include work-life quality, operational efficiency, employee satisfaction and development, and patient-centered healthcare services. Hence, it is always important to ensure that nursing staff clearly understand their professional and personal goals and the optimum way to achieve them. When reflecting on our healthcare facility regards how they conduct their daily operations. The healthcare organization had a poor patient data record system. For instance, while carrying out my practicum, a patient needed a referral to an inpatient facility for close monitoring (Zaman et al., 2021). The hospital that was required to take in the patient requested the healthcare provide all necessary documentation before admitting the patient to prevent medical errors. The search for these documents was not easy, and it took almost the whole day as the assigned students contributed to finding them among the stacked files. Such a situation was not pleasing since if the patient was in a critical condition, there would be a loss of life and bring other implications like legal cases as the patient’s family sought justice.

After the healthcare organization realizes the areas that need improvement, it is always essential to observe various recommendations that can aid in improving the inadequacy of healthcare services. Therefore, when reflecting on the nurse manager’s transformational leadership, the action encourages the development of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The premise that OCB works on is to ensure that it will be out of their will whenever the nurses are called upon to help, making OCB part of ethical leadership and culture (Torlak et al., 2021). That means nurse leaders should always evaluate their actions and attitudes towards their junior staff since they can alter and encourage these junior employees’ moods and behaviors towards a certain task. For instance, when the nursing students were called upon to help in finding the transfer patient documents, most of them seemed like they were not happy about the tasks, but they had to do it since it was already assigned to them (Torlak et al., 2021).

Hence, in the future, it will be necessary to always involve the team in a meeting at the initial stages to prepare them psychologically for the possible tasks that they may be called upon since, for the healthcare organization, the nursing students have not been fully informed of the possible tasks that they would be involved in making most of them believe that it was all about disease diagnosis and treatment. The other change necessary for the healthcare organization is the introduction of electronic medical records (EMRs). For Jedwab et al. (2019), EMRs in a healthcare setting help provide relevant patient management information through patient data automation that enhances how clinicians make their decisions. For instance, during the hemodialysis patient transfer, the transfer process was delayed by the clinicians failing to trace the patients’ files, leading to a smooth transfer transition. Hence, to prevent such occurrences, EMRs will be essential in ensuring that the healthcare facility can easily locate patient data, improving patient data security.

Effective Change Process

The most important factor that the nurse manager should consider concerns the barriers that are more common when integrating change in a healthcare organization. That is because despite change being inevitable negative forces like healthcare providers’ resistance may prevail (Jedwab et al., 2019). Hence to prevent resistance, the nurse manager will need to employ the Lewis change model that is more effective in dealing with nursing staff psychology towards a successful project implementation through its three stages; unfreezing,  changing, and refreezing (Teguh et al., 2019). Since EMRs are a new technology that the healthcare organization employees are not used to, the unfreezing stage will involve engaging the healthcare providers in workshops, training them on how to use the EMR system, and creating awareness. Hence, once the nurse managers and the EMR vendors complete all the transactions and are ready to implement the system formally, there will be a need to engage the project team in a collaborative effort with the nursing staff to familiarize themselves with the system functions (Jedwab et al., 2019). The Refreezing stage will help the nursing staff introduced to the EMRs from reverting to their old manual data recording by tightening the compliance with the new interventions (Teguh et al., 2019). Hence, through the nurse manager’s transformational leadership style and reinforcement of organizational citizenship behavior, it will be easier to ensure that the healthcare strengthens its original clan culture and positively acknowledges the efforts each individual can put to boost the healthcare facility’s success and sustainability.


The paper has evaluated our healthcare organization that provides hemodialysis outpatient services and other minor disease interventions. The main culture adopted by the healthcare organization is the clan culture, and its success is due to the organization’s small size while the leadership reflects transformational leadership. The main issue associated with the healthcare organization is the documentation of patient information, which requires healthcare to implement electronic medical records (EMRs) to improve documentation. However, for implementation efficiency, the nurse manager needs to employ the Lewis change model to help implement the system successfully.


Ghiasi, A., Lord, J., Banaszak-Holl, J., Davlyatov, G., Hearld, L., & Weech-Maldonado, R. (2022). Organizational Culture and High Medicaid Nursing Homes Financial Performance. Journal of Long-Term Care. 142–153.

Jedwab, R. M., Chalmers, C., Dobroff, N., & Redley, B. (2019). Measuring nursing benefits of an electronic medical record system: A scoping review. Collegian, 26(5), 562-582.

Teguh, A., Hariyati, R. T. S., & Muhaeriwati, T. (2019). Applicability of Lewin’s change management model for optimization management function in nursing delegation between head nurse and team leader: A mini project in Jakarta military hospital. International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS), 2(2), 66-74. DOI:

Torlak, N. G., Kuzey, C., Sait Dinç, M., & Budur, T. (2021). Links connecting nurses’ planned behavior, burnout, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health, 36(1), 77-103.

Wang, H. F., Chen, Y. C., Yang, F. H., & Juan, C. W. (2021). Relationship between transformational leadership and nurses’ job performance: The mediating effect of psychological safety. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 49(5), 1-12.

Zaman, S., Ansari, A. H., & Chaturvedi, S. (2021). Work-life enablers for job satisfaction in healthcare: moderating role of organization type. Industrial and Commercial Training, 54 (1), 95-122.

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