NUR 501 Full Course Discussions & Assignments (Week 1-7)
NUR 501 Full Course Discussions & Assignments (Week 1-7)
NUR 501 Module 1 Discussion: Theory, Practice, & Research
Module 1 Discussion
icon Theory, Practice, & Research
Discuss the interrelationship among theory, practice, and research.
Submission Instructions:
Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
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All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.
Grading Rubric
Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.
Discussion Rubric
Criteria Ratings Points
Identification of Main Issues, Problems, and Concepts
Distinguished – 5 points
Identify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts.
Excellent – 4 points
Identifies and demonstrate an accomplished understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.
Fair – 2 points
Identifies and demonstrate an acceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.
Poor – 1 point
Identifies and demonstrate an unacceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.
5 points
Use of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines
Distinguished – 3 points
Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.
Excellent – 2 points
Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. Moderate level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.
Fair – 1 point
Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.
Poor – 0 points
Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. An unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention.
3 points
Response to Posts of Peers
Distinguished – 2 points
Student constructively responded to two other posts and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal to each.
Fair – 1 point
Student constructively responded to one other post and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal.
Poor – 0 points
Student provided no response to a peer’s post.
2 points
Total Points 10
NUR 501 Module 2 Discussion: Qualitative & Quantitative Research Design
Module 2 Discussion
icon Qualitative & Quantitative Research Design
Critically appraise a qualitative and quantitative research design.
Submission Instructions:
Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.
Grading Rubric
Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.
Discussion Rubric
Criteria Ratings Points
Identification of Main Issues, Problems, and Concepts
Distinguished – 5 points
Identify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts.
Excellent – 4 points
Identifies and demonstrate an accomplished understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.
Fair – 2 points
Identifies and demonstrate an acceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.
Poor – 1 point
Identifies and demonstrate an unacceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.
5 points
Use of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines
Distinguished – 3 points
Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.
Excellent – 2 points
Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. Moderate level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.
Fair – 1 point
Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.
Poor – 0 points
Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. An unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention.
3 points
Response to Posts of Peers
Distinguished – 2 points
Student constructively responded to two other posts and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal to each.
Fair – 1 point
Student constructively responded to one other post and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal.
Poor – 0 points
Student provided no response to a peer’s post.
2 points
Total Points 10
NUR 501 Module 3 Discussion: Learning Theories & Principles and Quality Health Care
Module 3 Discussion
icon Learning Theories & Principles and Quality Health Care
Which learning theories and principles do you think are most useful to the advanced practice nurse (APN) in providing high quality health care to clients, and why?
Submission Instructions:
Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.
Grading Rubric
Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.
Discussion Rubric
Criteria Ratings Points
Identification of Main Issues, Problems, and Concepts
Distinguished – 5 points
Identify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts.
Excellent – 4 points
Identifies and demonstrate an accomplished understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.
Fair – 2 points
Identifies and demonstrate an acceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.
Poor – 1 point
Identifies and demonstrate an unacceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.
5 points
Use of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines
Distinguished – 3 points
Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.
Excellent – 2 points
Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. Moderate level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.
Fair – 1 point
Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.
Poor – 0 points
Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. An unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention.
3 points
Response to Posts of Peers
Distinguished – 2 points
Student constructively responded to two other posts and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal to each.
Fair – 1 point
Student constructively responded to one other post and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal.
Poor – 0 points
Student provided no response to a peer’s post.
2 points
Total Points 10
NUR 501 Module 3 Assignment: Middle Range Theory Utilization & Application Paper
Middle Range Theory Utilization & Application Paper
Analyze and evaluate a middle range theory. You will select a middle range theory and identify application of nursing theories into clinical practice.
Content Requirements:
Components of the theory
Discuss the major concepts of the theory
Philosophical basis or worldview change, advancing health
Structural aspects of the theory
Discuss the framework of the theory.
Identify an area of your practice where this theory could be applicable
What question does the theory help to answer?
Describe the area of interest in relationship to the theory/theoretical model.
Is it appropriate for the practice setting and is it applicable?
Discuss the strength and weakness of the theory. If there is weakness, discuss what makes it difficult to be used in practice.
Use of theory in clinical practice.
Performing a literature review is essential to completing this section. If there is no literature available about the application of this theory in practice, address reason(s) why based on your findings.
Evaluation of theory
Is this theory used to understand and apply into practice?
What difficulties did you encounter or would anticipate encountering in using this theory?
What would make this theory more usable or applicable to practice?
Submission Instructions:
The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
The paper should be formatted per current APA and references should be current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions.)
The paper is to be 3 – 5 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style.
Complete and submit the assignment by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
Grading Rubric
Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.
Essay/Paper Rubric
Criteria Ratings Points
Identification of Main Issues/Problems
Distinguished – 4 points
Identify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues/problems.
Excellent – 3 points
Identifies and demonstrate an accomplished understanding of most of issues/problems.
Fair – 2 points
Identifies and demonstrate an acceptable understanding of most of issues/problems.
Poor – 1 point
Identifies and demonstrate an unacceptable understanding of most of issues/problems.
4 points
Analysis and Evaluation of Issues/Problems
Distinguished – 4 points
Presents an insightful, thorough analysis and evaluation of issues/problems.
Excellent – 3 points
Presents a thorough analysis and evaluation of most of the issues/problems.
Fair – 2 points
Presents a superficial or incomplete analysis and evaluation of issues/problems.
Poor – 1 point
Presents unacceptable analysis and evaluation of issues/problems.
4 points
Demonstrates a Conceptual Understanding
Distinguished – 4 points
Provides a thorough, competent and interpretive responses to all issues/problems, and shows a high level of conceptual understanding.
Excellent – 3 points
Provides a competent and interpretive responses to all issues/problems, and shows a moderate level of conceptual understanding.
Fair – 2 points
Provides a competent responses to all issues/problems, but lacks interpretation and a moderate level of conceptual understanding.
Poor – 1 point
Provides an unacceptable response to all issues/problems, and lacks interpretation and a moderate level of conceptual understanding.
4 points
Use of Citations to Course Readings and Additional Research/Literature
Distinguished – 4 points
Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing.
Excellent – 3 points
Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing.
Fair – 2 points
Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing.
Poor – 1 point
Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing.
4 points
Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines
Distinguished – 4 points
Demonstrate a high level of clarity, precision, and attention to detail. APA style is correct and writing is free of grammar and spelling errors.
Excellent – 3 points
Demonstrate a high level of clarity. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.
Fair – 2 points
Demonstrate a moderate level of clarity. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.
Poor – 1 point
Demonstrates issues in writing and communicating clearly. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention.
4 points
Total Points 20
NUR 501 Module 4 Discussion: Theories & Conceptual Models
Module 4 Discussion
icon Theories & Conceptual Models
Evaluate theories and conceptual models from nursing and related fields for use in advanced nursing practice.
Submission Instructions:
Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.
Grading Rubric
Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.
Discussion Rubric
Criteria Ratings Points
Identification of Main Issues, Problems, and Concepts
Distinguished – 5 points
Identify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts.
Excellent – 4 points
Identifies and demonstrate an accomplished understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.
Fair – 2 points
Identifies and demonstrate an acceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.
Poor – 1 point
Identifies and demonstrate an unacceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.
5 points
Use of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines
Distinguished – 3 points
Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.
Excellent – 2 points
Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. Moderate level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.
Fair – 1 point
Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.
Poor – 0 points
Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. An unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention.
3 points
Response to Posts of Peers
Distinguished – 2 points
Student constructively responded to two other posts and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal to each.
Fair – 1 point
Student constructively responded to one other post and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal.
Poor – 0 points
Student provided no response to a peer’s post.
2 points
Total Points 10
NUR 501 Module 5 Discussion: Principles of Research and Evidence-Based Practice
Module 5 Discussion
icon Principles of Research and Evidence-Based Practice
Discuss the principles of research and evidence-based practice and how to effectively implement them for advanced practice nurses.
Submission Instructions:
Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.
Discussion Rubric
Discussion Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Identification of Main Issues, Problems, and Concepts
5 pts
Identify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts.
4 pts
Identifies and demonstrate an accomplished understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.
2 pts
Identifies and demonstrate an an acceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.
1 pts
Identifies and demonstrate an unacceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Use of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines
3 pts
Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.
2 pts
Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. Moderate level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.
1 pts
Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.
0 pts
Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. An unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention.
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Response to Posts of Peers
2 pts
Student constructively responded to two other posts and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal to each.
1 pts
Student constructively responded to one other post and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal.
0 pts
Student provided no response to a peer’s post.
2 pts
Total Points: 10
NUR 501 Module 5 Assignment PowerPoint Presentation: Theoretical Framework to Support Evidence-Based Practice
PowerPoint Presentation: Theoretical Framework to Support Evidence-Based Practice
The purpose of this assignment is to identify a theory or model which can be used as a framework for a future evidence-based project
Content Requirements:
Review literature regarding issues or concerns within your selected area of advanced practice nursing.
Select a theory or model which is relevant to your selected area of advanced practice nursing.
Offer a meaningful context for evidence-based practice surrounding the issue or concern which you identified.
Identify and describe a theory or model, and explain its relevance to the issues or concerns within your selected area of advanced practice
Explain how the theory or model can be used as a framework to guide evidence-based practice to address the issue or concern, and discuss the unique insight or perspective offered through the application of this theory or model.
Submission Instructions:
The PowerPoint presentation is original work and logically organized. It should consist of 10-15 slides excluding the title and reference.
The PowerPoint presentation should be clear and easy to read. Speaker notes expanded upon and clarified content on the slides.
The PowerPoint presentation should be formatted per APA guidelines and references should be current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions)
Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA guidelines (the library has a copy of the 7th Edition APA Manual).
Grading Rubric
Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.
Presentation Rubric
Presentation Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Identification of Main Issues/Problems
view longer description
4 pts
Identify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues/problems.
3 pts
Identifies and demonstrate an accomplished understanding of most of issues/problems.
2 pts
Identifies and demonstrate an an acceptable understanding of most of issues/problems.
1 pts
Identifies and demonstrate an unacceptable understanding of most of issues/problems.
/ 4 pts
Analysis and Evaluation of Issues/Probelms
view longer description
4 pts
Presents an insightful, thorough analysis and evaluation of issues/problems.
3 pts
Presents a thorough analysis and evaluation of most of the issues/problems.
2 pts
Presents a superficial or incomplete analysis and evaluation of issues/problems.
1 pts
Presents unacceptable analysis and evaluation of issues/problems.
/ 4 pts
Demonstrates a Conceptual Understanding
view longer description
4 pts
Provides a thorough, competent and interpretive responses to all issues/problems, and shows a high level of conceptual understanding.
3 pts
Provides a competent and interpretive responses to all issues/problems, and shows a moderate level of conceptual understanding.
2 pts
Provides a competent responses to all issues/problems, but lacks interpretation and a moderate level of conceptual understanding.
1 pts
Provides an unacceptable response to all issues/problems, and lacks interpretation and a moderate level of conceptual understanding.
/ 4 pts
Use of Citations to Course Readings and Additional Research/Literature
view longer description
4 pts
Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing.
3 pts
Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing.
2 pts
Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing.
1 pts
Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. An unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing.
/ 4 pts
Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines
view longer description
4 pts
Full Marks
Demonstrate a high level of clarity, precision, and attention to detail. APA style is correct and writing is free of grammar and spelling errors.
3 pts
Demonstrate a high level of clarity. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.
2 pts
Demonstrate a moderate level of clarity. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.
1 pts
Demonstrates issues in writing and communicating clearly. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention.
/ 4 pts
Total Points: 0
ORDER A CUSTOMIZED, PLAGIARISM-FREE NUR 501 Full Course Discussions & Assignments (Week 1-7) HERE
NUR 501 Module 6 Discussion: Personhood
Module 6 Discussion
icon Personhood
Discuss the concept of personhood as used in the nursing as caring theory.
Submission Instructions:
Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.
Grading Rubric
Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.
Discussion Rubric
Criteria Ratings Points
Identification of Main Issues, Problems, and Concepts
Distinguished – 5 points
Identify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts.
Excellent – 4 points
Identifies and demonstrate an accomplished understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.
Fair – 2 points
Identifies and demonstrate an acceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.
Poor – 1 point
Identifies and demonstrate an unacceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.
5 points
Use of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines
Distinguished – 3 points
Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.
Excellent – 2 points
Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. Moderate level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.
Fair – 1 point
Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.
Poor – 0 points
Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. An unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention.
3 points
Response to Posts of Peers
Distinguished – 2 points
Student constructively responded to two other posts and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal to each.
Fair – 1 point
Student constructively responded to one other post and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal.
Poor – 0 points
Student provided no response to a peer’s post.
2 points
Total Points 10
NUR 501 Module 7 Discussion: Theory Development and Evaluation
Module 7 Discussion
icon Theory Development and Evaluation
Examine the science and art of theory development and evaluation.
Submission Instructions:
Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.
Grading Rubric
Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.
Discussion Rubric
Criteria Ratings Points
Identification of Main Issues, Problems, and Concepts
Distinguished – 5 points
Identify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts.
Excellent – 4 points
Identifies and demonstrate an accomplished understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.
Fair – 2 points
Identifies and demonstrate an acceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.
Poor – 1 point
Identifies and demonstrate an unacceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.
5 points
Use of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines
Distinguished – 3 points
Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.
Excellent – 2 points
Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. Moderate level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.
Fair – 1 point
Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.
Poor – 0 points
Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. An unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention.
3 points
Response to Posts of Peers
Distinguished – 2 points
Student constructively responded to two other posts and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal to each.
Fair – 1 point
Student constructively responded to one other post and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal.
Poor – 0 points
Student provided no response to a peer’s post.
2 points
Total Points 10
NUR 501 Module 7 Assignment: Critical Research Appraisal
Critical Research Appraisal Assignment
You will critically appraise a research design
Content Requirements:
You will select one research report with a qualitative design and one with quantitative design and answer the following questions regarding the following categories:
Discuss what is meant by the term Qualitative Research
Briefly, describe the characteristics of qualitative research and identify nursing issues/phenomena that lend themselves to a qualitative research approach’s
Compare and contrast three different qualitative research methodologies.
Briefly, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research evidence for informing nursing practice.
Communicate how this research design used in research.
The study, sampling, data collection, analysis, rigor, findings and limitations
Identify the purpose of the study.
Briefly, describe the design of the study and explain why you think it is either appropriate or inappropriate to meet the purpose.
Identify ethical issues related to the study and how they were/were not addressed.
Identify the sampling method and recruitment strategy that was used.
Discuss whether sampling and recruitment were appropriate to the aims of the research.
Identify the data collection method(s) and discuss whether the method(s) is/are appropriate to the aims of the study.
Identify how the data was analyzed and discuss whether the method(s) of analysis is/are appropriate to the aims of the study.
Identify four (4) criteria by which the rigor of a qualitative project can be judged.
Discuss the rigor of this study using the four criteria.
Briefly, describe the findings of the study and identify any limitations.
Use the information that you have gained from your critique of the study to discuss the trustworthiness and applicability of the study. Include in your discussion any implications for the discipline of nursing.
Discuss what you understand by the term Quantitative Research – Use the following dot points to guide your discussion (give reasons for your argument and support with references):
Describe the characteristics of quantitative research.
Identify nursing issues/phenomena that lend themselves to a quantitative research approach
Differentiate between observational and interventional research designs and also between experimental and quasi-experimental designs.
Briefly, outline the difference between inferential and descriptive statistics and their relationship to levels of measurement.
Communicate how this research design used in research.
Critique the Quantitative Research Report – Use the following headings to guide your critique (in all discussions and explanations give reasons for your argument and support with references):
The study
Identify the purpose and design of the study.
Explain what is meant by ‘blinding’ and ‘randomization’ and discuss how these were addressed in the design of the study.
Identify ethical issues related to the study and how they were/were not addressed.
Explain the sampling method and recruitment strategy that was used.
Discuss how the sample size was determined – include in your discussion an explanation of terms used.
Data collection
Briefly, outline how the data was collected and identify any data collection instrument(s).
Define the terms validity and reliability and discuss how the validity & reliability of the instruments were/were not addressed in this study and why this is important.
Data analysis
Outline how the data were analyzed.
Identify the statistics used and the level of measurement of the data described by each statistical test – include in your discussion an explanation of terms used.
Findings and limitations
Briefly, outline the findings and identify any limitations of the study
Use the information that you have gained from your critique of the study to briefly discuss the trustworthiness and applicability of the study. Include in your discussion an explanation of the term statistical significance and name the tests of statistical significance used in this study.
Submission Instructions:
The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
The paper should be formatted per current APA and 4-5 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.
Complete and submit the assignment by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
Late work policies, expectations regarding proper citations, acceptable means of responding to peer feedback, and other expectations are at the discretion of the instructor.
Grading Rubric
Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.
Final Essay/Paper Rubric
Criteria Ratings Points
Identification of Main Issues/Problems
Distinguished – 10 points
Identify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues/problems.
Excellent – 8 points
Identifies and demonstrate an accomplished understanding of most of issues/problems.
Fair – 6 points
Identifies and demonstrate an acceptable understanding of most of issues/problems.
Poor – 4 points
Identifies and demonstrate an unacceptable understanding of most of issues/problems.
10 points
Analysis and Evaluation of Issues/Problems
Distinguished – 10 points
Presents an insightful, thorough analysis and evaluation of issues/problems.
Excellent – 8 points
Presents a thorough analysis and evaluation of most of the issues/problems.
Fair – 6 points
Presents a superficial or incomplete analysis and evaluation of issues/problems.
Poor – 4 points
Presents unacceptable analysis and evaluation of issues/problems.
10 points
Demonstrates a Conceptual Understanding
Distinguished – 10 points
Provides a thorough, competent and interpretive responses to all issues/problems, and shows a high level of conceptual understanding.
Excellent – 8 points
Provides a competent and interpretive responses to all issues/problems, and shows a moderate level of conceptual understanding.
Fair – 6 points
Provides a competent responses to all issues/problems, but lacks interpretation and a moderate level of conceptual understanding.
Poor – 4 points
Provides an unacceptable response to all issues/problems, and lacks interpretation and a moderate level of conceptual understanding.
10 points
Use of Citations to Course Readings and Additional Research/Literature
Distinguished – 10 points
Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing.
Excellent – 8 points
Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing.
Fair – 6 points
Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing.
Poor – 4 points
Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing.
10 points
Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines
Distinguished – 10 points
Demonstrate a high level of clarity, precision, and attention to detail. APA style is correct and writing is free of grammar and spelling errors.
Excellent – 8 points
Demonstrate a high level of clarity. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.
Fair – 6 points
Demonstrate a moderate level of clarity. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.
Poor – 4 points
Demonstrates issues in writing and communicating clearly. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention.
10 points
Total Points 50