NUR -513 Topic 1 DQ 2 Two recommendations for nursing education you believe will be most effective or radical in creating change within the industry
NUR -513 Topic 1 DQ 2 Two recommendations for nursing education you believe will be most effective or radical in creating change within the industry
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report, “The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity, provides a set of recommendation in nursing and especially a blueprint for enhancing nursing education. Through the report, nurses should practice to the full level of their training and education. The report also notes the critical role of nurse leaders and creation of opportunities to assume leadership positions (Hassmiller, 2021). The two most critical recommendations that would be the most radical or effective in changing the industry include nurse’s health and wellbeing and the inequities in public health emergencies.
BUY A CUSTOM-PAPER HERE ON; NUR -513 Topic 1 DQ 2 Two recommendations for nursing education you believe will be most effective or radical in creating change within the industry
The report notes that by 2021, nursing education programs, employers, nursing leaders, and nursing organizations should develop structures, systems, and evidence-based interventions to promote the health and wellbeing of nurses as they assume new roles and responsibilities to advance health equity. Strengthening and protecting the nursing workforce during public emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic and other natural calamities is essential. Through such efforts, nurses get required skills and competencies to deal with diverse issues and mitigate health inequalities (Needleman, 2021). These two recommendations are essential as nurses are assuming leadership roles based on advanced nursing education and specialties that allow them to address diverse patient conditions and have satisfied careers.
I agree with how the report describes the evolution of the advanced practice registered nurse’s role. The report describes the evolving nature of advanced practice registered nurse’s roles as they assume leadership positions and focus on patient-centered care. The report describes the increased role of nurses in different areas of their expertise so that they also become equal partners in health care provision and also recognized as primary care providers in diverse patient settings (Wakefield et al., 2021). The evolution in nurses’ roles means that nurses can take more advanced care approaches to bridge the gap in healthcare access for millions of individuals across the care continuum.
Hassmiller, S. B. (2021). The future of nursing 2020-2030. AJN The American Journal of
Nursing, 121(5), 7. DOI: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000751020.95176.0c.
Needleman, J. (2021). Future of nursing 2020-2030: Increasing the focus of nursing and health
care on equity and discrimination. Nursing Economics, 39(4), 196-199.
Wakefield, M., Williams, D. R., & Le Menestrel, S. (2021). The future of nursing 2020-2030:
Charting a path to achieve health equity. National Academy of Sciences.
ORDER A PLAGIARISM-FREE PAPER HERE ON; NUR -513 Topic 1 DQ 2 Two recommendations for nursing education you believe will be most effective or radical in creating change within the industry
Refer to the consensus report of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity, provided in the topic Resources. Identify recommendations for nursing education you believe will be most effective or radical in creating change within the industry. Provide rationale based on your experience in practice. Do you agree or disagree with how the report describes the evolution of the advanced practice registered nurse role? Why or why not?
1. Response of at least 150 words.
2. Reference at least one to two sources w/in 5 yrs for each of DQ’s using APA format.
3. When referencing, cite the reference inside your DQ & on your reference list at the end to support your statement.