Assignment: Shadow Health: Focused Exam: Mental Health Case Study With Patient Tina Jones
NUR 634 Week 4 Assessment Description
Within the Shadow Health platform, complete the “Focused Exam: Mental Health Case Study With Patient Tina Jones” assessment. The estimated average time to complete this assignment each time is 1 hour and 15 minutes. Please note, this is an average time. Some learners may need more time.
Refer to the “Advanced Health Assessment Student Handbook,” located in the Shadow Health platform, prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
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NUR 634 Week 4 To complete this assignment:
You will not be able to perform a physical exam in ShadowHealth, but you can still document objective data including vital signs, point of care testing, and general survey.
Create a SOAP Note using the “NUR-634 SOAP Note Outline” in the Class Resources in a Word document. Do NOT document within ShadowHealth.
Upload your “Lab Pass” and SOAP Note Word document to the dropbox.
At least two APRN-approved scholarly references supporting your Assessment/Plan are required.
Upon completion of the assignment, submit the Lab Pass and SOAP note to the assignment dropbox.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
American Association of Colleges of Nursing Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education?
This assignment aligns to AACN Core Competencies 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.8, 4.2, 5.2, 6.3, 9.2.
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NUR 634 Week 4 Rubric
Rubric Criteria
Total16 points
1. Unsatisfactory
2. Insufficient
3. Approaching
4. Acceptable
5. Target
Chief Complaint, HPI, History, Comprehensive ROS as per assignment instructions
0 points
Subjective data is not present.
1.2 points
Subjective data is incomplete.
1.92 points
Subjective data is present with several omissions/errors.
2.16 points
Subjective data is present with few omissions/errors.
2.4 points
Subjective data is present and error free.
Focused Physical Exam, Diagnostics as per assignment instructions.
0 points
Objective data is not present.
1.2 points
Objective data is incomplete.
1.92 points
Objective data is present with several omissions/errors.
2.16 points
Objective data is present with few omissions/errors.
2.4 points
Objective data is present and error free.
Working diagnosis with at least 2 additional differentials, Comprehensive Problem list with ICD-10 codes as per assignment instructions.
0 points
Assessment is not present.
1.2 points
Assessment is incomplete.
1.92 points
Assessment is present with several omissions/errors.
2.16 points
Assessment is present with few omissions/errors.
2.4 points
Assessment is present and error free.
Diagnostics, nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic therapy, referral(s), education, follow up as per assignment instructions.
0 points
Plan is not present.
1.2 points
Plan is incomplete.
1.92 points
Plan is present with several omissions/errors.
2.16 points
Plan is present with few omissions/errors.
2.4 points
Plan is present and error free.
Two APRN-approved references are utilized to support content and are linked to content with intext citations. NUR 634 Week 4 Citations are appropriately formatted per most recent APA edition. Non-APRN-approved references are not permitted.
0 points
No APRN-approved references utilized.
0.8 points
Less than two APRN-approved references utilized or non-APRN-approved references are utilized.
1.28 points
Required number of approved references utilized with major errors in format.
1.44 points
Required number of approved references utilized with minor errors in format.
1.6 points
Required number of approved references utilized without errors in format.
DCE/Lab Pass Score
0 points
DCE score is 0-79.99%.
2.4 points
DCE score is 80-84.9%.
3.84 points
DCE score is 85-89.9%.
4.32 points
DCE score is 90-94.9%.
4.8 points
DCE score is 95-100%.
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