NUR 740: Healthcare Policy and Ethics in Advanced Practice Nursing Assignment Paper

NUR 740: Healthcare Policy and Ethics in Advanced Practice Nursing Assignment Paper

NUR 740: Healthcare Policy and Ethics in Advanced Practice Nursing Assignment Paper

Advocacy In Action

Hello, my name is… a DNP student at the…

I want to bring to your attention issues regarding patient safety. I appreciate the efforts which the legislators have had in the past to ensure that patients get better services. However, there are issues that need to be attended to urgently. The Pennsylvania State Nurse Association has earmarked current legislations that need quick action, and it is my pleasure to bring them to your attention. Recently Representative MEHAFFIE sponsored a bill with the title “An Act amending the act of July 19, 1979 (P.L.130, No.48), known as the Health Care Facilities Act, providing for hospital patient protection” (“PSNA”, 2021). The bill is known as Patient Safety Act (HB 106) (SB 240). I plead with you that you try your level best to influence the bill process for this legislation for it to be made into law, as it will help limit the number of patients a nurse can be assigned based on the level of care required. This will help in improving patient outcomes (Melnyk et al., 2021).

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NUR 740: Healthcare Policy and Ethics in Advanced Practice Nursing Assignment Paper

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Under the current laws, nurses face burnout, and the coming of the COVID-19 pandemic only made it worse (Galanis et al.,2021). Therefore, there is a need for safe staffing for the safe patient as for every additional patient a nurse offers care to; there are enhanced chances of medication or death, so safe staffing has the potential of lowering nurse burnout by thirty percent and substantially decreasing infections annually. I would therefore like that you vote for the bill when the time for voting comes, and I pray that you consider my request. Can I talk to you at the next local legislative forum you host in our community?


Galanis, P., Vraka, I., Fragkou, D., Bilali, A., & Kaitelidou, D. (2021). Nurses’ burnout and associated risk factors during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Journal of advanced nursing, 77(8), 3286-3302.

PSNA (2021). Patient Safety Act.

Melnyk, B. M., Tan, A., Hsieh, A. P., Gawlik, K., Arslanian-Engoren, C., Braun, L. T., … & Wilbur, J. (2021). Critical care nurses’ physical and mental health, worksite wellness support, and medical errors. American Journal of Critical Care, 30(3), 176-184.


Bradley University
Department of Nursing
Graduate Online Distance Education
NUR 740: Healthcare Policy and Ethics in Advanced Practice Nursing

Summer 1 2022
Course Credit Hours


Admission to the NUR DNP Program or approval by the lead instructor.
Course Description

This course examines the political and ethical decisions and issues that shape the organization, financing, and implementation of health care services and delivery systems at the local, national, and global levels. Students will have opportunities to critically analyze ethical, social, and political issues that affect the provision of healthcare practice, research, education, and administration and how each intersects with one’s personal values. Students will define the APN’s role in health promotion, healthcare delivery, and quality improvement through activities related to health policy reform. Health policy development and implementation and its impact on healthcare regulation, delivery, and finance will also be explored.
Instructor Information

Section and Lead Instructor: Annette Hubbell

Program Outcomes

A list of all Nursing Program and Nursing Specialization program outcomes are available on the Bradley University Nursing Program Outcomes webpage.
Course Outcomes

Critique the usefulness and limits of professional principles of bioethics in moral dilemmas related to healthcare policy. (CO1)
Related the relationship between Law and professional ethics. (CO2)
Discuss regulation and legislation related to advanced practice nursing. (CO3)
Compare and contrast the United States’ healthcare and reimbursement system with other models. (CO4)
Critically analyze public funding vs. private finding for health services.
Advocate for a health care policy that addresses issues of social justice and equity in health care. (CO5)
Develop a plan to address a local, state, or national health initiative based upon community needs, data, and public policy. (CO6)

Required Textbooks

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).

Goudreau, K. A., & Smolenski, M. C. (2022). Health policy and advanced nursing practice (3rd ed.) Springer.

As an online student, you have access to the Smarthinking writing center to support you in successfully completing your coursework. Smarthinking for Nursing is free and available for students Sunday through Thursday, 24 hours. Friday and Saturday times must be pre-scheduled. Access Smarthinking through your Canvas courses via the sidebar menu labeled Online Tutoring. Remember to seek assistance several days before an assignment is due to make sure you have time to review any suggestions and make final edits before your assignment deadline.
Required Policies
Evaluation of Student Learning
Minimum Passing Standard

Students must earn a “B” or better in all nursing courses (any course that starts with NUR). Students must repeat nursing courses where a grade of “B” is not achieved the semester immediately following the unsatisfactory course grade unless otherwise noted due to course availability.

Failure to achieve the grade of “B” or better in any two nursing courses within the graduate curriculum will result in dismissal from the program.
Grading Scale

The grading scale for the Department of Nursing is used to determine the course letter grades.
Grading Scale
Grade Range Grading Scale
A 92–100

Minimum Passing Standard:
Students must earn a “B” or better in all nursing courses
B 85–91
C 77–84
D 72–76
F 71 and below

Rounding of final grades: The final grade for the course may be rounded up using standard rounding rules. The lead instructor will round the grades.
Assignment and Point Distribution
Activity Point Value Weighted Percentage of Final Grade
Discussions 135 39%
Assignments 60 17%
Project/Presentation 155 44%
Total 350
Late Work Policy

All assigned course work is due on dates assigned. Late assignments will have 10% of the total possible points deducted for each day late unless prior arrangements have been made. Prior arrangements must be made before the due date, not on the due date. Extensions are granted at the discretion of the instructor.

Late postings for forum discussions will have 1 point deducted for each day late unless prior arrangements have been made. Prior arrangements must be made before the due date, not on the due date. Extensions are granted at the discretion of the instructor.
Academic Integrity

Bradley University requires that all graduate students read and support the Policy on Academic Issues including cheating and plagiarism. Academic Integrity is a core value of our community of learners. Every member of the academic community (students, faculty, and staff) is expected to maintain high standards of integrity in all facets of work and study. The Policy on Academic Issues describes appropriate academic conduct in research, writing, assessment, and ethics.

Academic dishonesty is not tolerated at Bradley University. The penalties can be severe and include:

Failing the assignment
Failing the course
Referral to University Judicial System and the disciplinary sanctions for violation of University regulations.

Students are urged to discuss questions regarding academic integrity with instructors, advisors, or with the Director of Nursing.

Review the Student Conduct Code and Policy.
APA/Scholarly Writing

You must demonstrate proficiency in using American Psychological Association (APA) format in all submitted works, unless instructed otherwise.
Written Assignments

Written assignments must be submitted in a readable and editable Microsoft Word file format (.doc/.docx) unless otherwise specified by the instructor. Google Docs will not be accepted due to the limited commenting and track changes features. When Turnitin is indicated, the assignment must have a completed report.

It is the student’s responsibility to check the file type and format when submitting written assignments. A “zero” may be awarded for files that cannot be opened or are submitted in an unreadable/unaccepted format.
Online Proctoring

In order to ensure the highest quality and secure environment, major assessments within your course may be proctored using a third-party vendor. These assignments will be identified within your course site and instructions/preparation for the use of this technology should be followed.
Classroom Expectations/Netiquette and Electronic Communication Policy

Class attendance in the form of weekly reading and assignments is required. If you cannot complete the weekly assignment you must notify the instructor prior to the due date. Your Bradley email should be used for all communication with your instructors.

Participation requires preparing extensively on all topics weekly, participating in discussion forum posts, submitting assignments, completing quizzes and exams, as scheduled.

Log on to the course website at least twice per week and check your Bradley email daily. You must respond to your instructor’s email questions or concerns as soon as possible, but within 48 hours.

You must have reliable access to a computer with internet capability and course required software. You must also be able to use the internet to access course documents and to send and receive email and email attachments. Refer to MyOnline technical requirements.

As adult learners, you are responsible for your own learning. Please feel free to contact your course instructors any time if you have concerns about the content of this course and they will work with you to alleviate your concerns. Should your concern or issue not be resolved, contact the lead instructor. If your concern or issue remains unresolved, you may contact the Director of Nursing directly for facilitation. It is an expectation that all graduate students be critical thinkers and work to resolve their issues as swiftly and professionally first with their course instructors, prior to escalating issues or concerns to those members of higher administration.
Guidelines for Web Etiquette

This policy governs how to interact in this online course. To promote effective and positive interactions this policy encourages everyone participating in this course (students, faculty and maybe staff) to use common courtesy and respect in all forms of electronic communication.
Guidelines for electronic communications among students and with the faculty:

Any offensive, sexual, discriminatory, or prejudicial language is prohibited.
If you disagree with an idea do not make it personal. Do not use personal attack or threatening language. Do not post while angry or emotional. Maintain comments in a respectful manner.
In online communication it can be difficult to understand the “tone” of the writer/author. Sometimes the true meaning is misunderstood. Choose your words carefully. Some symbols—emoticons like :)—may help communicate that you are less serious.
Remember English may not be the first language for everyone enrolled in this course. Consequently, be tolerant of mistakes; do not use acronyms or abbreviations unless the entire class is familiar with them.
Be polite and professional if you have to correct someone for inaccurate information or mistakes.
Do not post personal information of other students without their permission. Do not forward an email, or file attachment without the permission of the author.
Avoid using text message shorthand; not everyone is familiarized with it.
Please check your spelling and proofread your message.
AVOID USING ALL CAPS; it’s considered shouting.

If you feel you are being harassed or someone is abusive or demeaning to you in this online course, please do not hesitate to contact the instructor.

Please refer to Department of Nursing Honor Code (found in the Graduate Student Handbook) and the Graduate Student Handbook for student conduct expectations.
Student Access Services (SAS), Accommodations, etc.

Bradley University seeks to provide effective services and accommodation for qualified individuals with documented disabilities. SAS is committed to the fulfillment of equal educational opportunity, academic freedom, and human dignity for students with disabilities. The SAS exists to provide reasonable and appropriate accommodations for qualified students with documented disabilities, to assist students in self-advocacy, to educate the Bradley community about disabilities, and to ensure compliance with federal and state law. If you would benefit from an accommodation because of a documented disability, you are required to register with Student Support Services at the beginning of the semester. Please contact the Office of Student Access Services.
Emergency Services/Natural or Catastrophic Events

In the event that a catastrophic event occurs on a local, regional, or national level and disables communication to/from Bradley University, you should provide for your own and your family’s safety and contact your instructors by phone, private email, or through alternately provided numbers. Every effort on the faculty’s part will be made to reasonably attempt to continue with the course and to meet the course objectives.
Fair Practice Work Policy

A fair practice work policy protects students from assuming the role of their credentialed supervisor, preceptor, professor, or clinical instructor. Students should be supervised in their field and clinical experiences and should not be serving as a workforce. APN students should be supervised at all times and final decision making/patient care is the responsibility of the preceptor. All documentation regarding patient care must be reviewed by the clinical preceptor; students are encouraged to complete patient care documentation (both for the clinical site and the student’s Typhon patient documentation) during practicum hours.
Professional Dress Code

You are expected to reflect professionalism and maintain high standards of appearance and grooming in the clinical setting. You must adhere to the dress code of the clinical facility and have your Bradley nursing badge prominently displayed above the waistline.

Following are the rubrics that will be used to assess your graded activities in this course.
Discussion Rubric
Discussion Rubric
Criteria Meets All Expectations
(3 points) Meets Most Expectations
(2 points) Meets Some Expectations
(1 point) Does Not Meet Expectations
(0 points)
Relevance of Post Posts are consistently related to the discussion topic; posts bring readings into discussion, cite required texts appropriately, and demonstrate significant critical thinking related to the question or case. Posts are related to the discussion topic; posts make some connections with readings; responses show knowledge of content but limited critical thinking related to the question or case. Occasionally posts are off topic; most posts offer further insight into the topic; responses demonstrate limited knowledge of content and no critical thinking related to the question or case. Posts topics that do not relate to discussion content; makes irrelevant remarks; responses contain some misinformation and/or inaccurate thinking related to the question or case.
References and Support Uses at least two references to literature, readings, or personal experience to support comments. Incorporates a reference from literature and a personal experience. Uses personal experience but no references to readings or research. Includes no references or supporting evidence.
Expression Within the Post Expresses opinions and ideas in a clear and concise manner with obvious connection to topic. Opinions and ideas are stated clearly with occasional lack of connection to topic. Unclear connection to topic evidenced in minimal expression of opinions or ideas. Does not express opinions or ideas clearly; no connection to topic.
Response to Classmates

Responds to at least two classmates.

Responses relate to the discussion question, are accurate and relevant, and present information that is substantiated by a reputable reference/resource.

Replies to all response posts made to initial post.

Responds to one classmate.

Response relates to the discussion question and is accurate and relevant.
Information is substantiated by a reputable reference/resource.

Replies to most response posts made to initial post.

Responds to at least one classmate’s initial post, but responses do not relate to the discussion question, nor are they accurate or relevant.

Information is not substantiated by a reputable reference/resource.

Does not reply to response posts made to initial post.

Does not respond to at least two classmates.

Response does not relate to the discussion question, nor is it accurate or relevant.

Information is not substantiated by a reputable reference/resource.

Does not reply to response posts made to initial post.
Mechanics Consistently uses grammatically correct posts with rare misspellings. Adheres to all APA guidelines, format, and requirements if needed. Few grammatical or spelling errors. Closely follows APA guidelines and format with only minor errors. Errors in spelling and grammar evidenced in posts. Some errors in APA citations or format. Uses poor spelling and grammar in posts; posts appear “hasty.” Does not follow APA guidelines or format.
Total 15 Points
Assignment 3.1: Comparing and Contrasting Healthcare Systems Rubric
Assignment 3.1 Rubric
Criteria Meets All Expectations Meets Most Expectations Meets Some Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations

Follows directions; addresses all prompts thoroughly and appropriately.

(13 to >12 points)

Follows directions, but responses to prompts could be expanded.

(12 to >10 points)

Generally follows directions, but responses to prompts show notable gaps.

(10 to >8 points)

Does not follow directions; responses to prompts are missing.

(8 to 0 points)
Grasp of Significance

Projects thorough knowledge and critical thinking of the U.S. healthcare system compared with other models and the APN role from an international perspective.

(9 to >8 points)

Displays knowledge of the U.S. healthcare system compared with other models and the APN role from an international perspective.

(8 to >7 points)

Displays some knowledge of the U.S. healthcare system compared with other models and/or the APN role from an international perspective.

(7 to >6 points)

Provides little or no knowledge of the U.S. healthcare system compared with other models.

(6 to 0 points)
Clarity and Logic

All responses are correct with a clear and logical path to conclusions.

(5 to >4 points)

Most responses are correct and clear but with a circuitous path to conclusions.

(4 to >3 points)

Some responses are correct but lack clarity and/or a logical path to conclusions.

(3 to >2 points)

Responses are incorrect and unclear.

(2 to 0 points)

Consistently uses correct grammar with rare misspellings. Adheres to all APA guidelines, format, and requirements if needed.

(3 points)

Few grammatical or spelling errors. Closely follows APA guidelines and format with only minor errors.

(2 points)

Errors in spelling and grammar. Some errors in APA citations or format.

(1 point)

Uses poor spelling and grammar. Does not follow APA guidelines or format.

(0 points)
Total 30 Points
Assignment 6.1: Health Policy Project: Topic Selection Rubric
Assignment 6.1 Rubric
Criteria Meets All Expectations Meets Most Expectations Meets Some Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations

Follows directions; addresses all prompts thoroughly and appropriately.

(13 to >12 points)

Follows directions, but responses to prompts could be expanded.

(12 to >10 points)

Generally follows directions, but responses to prompts show notable gaps.

(10 to >8 points)

Does not follow directions; responses to prompts are missing.

(8 to 0 points)
Grasp of Significance

Projects thorough knowledge of the chosen health policy and how it impacts the APN role and APN ethical practices.

(9 to >8 points)

Displays knowledge of the chosen health policy and how it impacts the APN role and APN ethical practices.

(8 to >7 points)

Displays some knowledge of the chosen health policy and/or how it impacts the APN role and APN ethical practices.

(7 to >6 points)

Provides little or no knowledge of the chosen health policy.

(6 to 0 points)
Clarity and Logic

All responses are correct with a clear and logical path to conclusions.

(5 to >4 points)

Most responses are correct and clear but with a circuitous path to conclusions.

(4 to >3 points)

Some responses are correct but lack clarity and/or a logical path to conclusions.

(3 to >2 points)

Responses are incorrect and unclear.

(2 to 0 points)

Consistently uses correct grammar with rare misspellings. Adheres to all APA guidelines, format, and requirements if needed.

(3 points)

Few grammatical or spelling errors. Closely follows APA guidelines and format with only minor errors.

(2 points)

Errors in spelling and grammar. Some errors in APA citations or format.

(1 point)

Uses poor spelling and grammar. Does not follow APA guidelines or format.

(0 points)
Total 30 Points
Assignment 8.1: Health Policy Project: Policy Reform Rationale Rubric
Assignment 8.1 Rubric
Criteria Meets All Expectations Meets Most Expectations Meets Some Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations

Follows directions; addresses all prompts thoroughly and appropriately.

(20 to >18 points)

Follows directions, but responses to prompts could be expanded.

(18 to >16 points)

Generally follows directions, but responses to prompts show notable gaps.

(16 to >14 points)

Does not follow directions; responses to prompts are missing.

(14 to 0 points)
Grasp of Significance

Projects thorough knowledge of the need for a new or reformed policy to address issues of social justice and equity.

(10 to >9 points)

Displays knowledge of the need for a new or reformed policy to address issues of social justice and equity.

(9 to >8 points)

Displays some knowledge of the need for a new or reformed policy to address issues of social justice and equity.

(8 to >7 points)

Provides little or no knowledge of the need for a new or reformed policy to address issues of social justice and equity.

(7 to 0 points)
Clarity and Logic

All responses are correct with a clear and logical path to conclusions.

(5 to >4 points)

Most responses are correct and clear but with a circuitous path to conclusions.

(4 to >3 points)

Some responses are correct but lack clarity and/or a logical path to conclusions.

(3 to >2 points)

Responses are incorrect and unclear.

(2 to 0 points)
References and Support

Includes six to seven credible resources, five of which come from peer-reviewed journal articles that are current within five years (or up to 10 years if the materials are still relevant/up-to-date).

(10 to >9 points)

Includes five to six credible resources, four of which come from peer-reviewed journal articles. Most resources are current within five years (or up to 10 years if the materials are still relevant/up-to-date).

(9 to >8 points)

Includes four to five credible resources, three of which come from peer-reviewed journal articles. Some resources are current within five years (or up to 10 years if the materials are still relevant/up-to-date).

(8 to >7 points)

Includes fewer than four credible resources, two or fewer of which come from peer-reviewed journal articles. Few resources are current within five years (or up to 10 years if materials are still relevant/up-to-date).

(7 to 0 points)

Consistently uses correct grammar with rare misspellings. Adheres to all APA guidelines, format, and requirements if needed.

(5 to >4 points)

Few grammatical or spelling errors. Closely follows APA guidelines and format with only minor errors.

(4 to >3 points)

Errors in spelling and grammar. Some errors in APA citations or format.

(3 to >2 points)

Uses poor spelling and grammar. Does not follow APA guidelines or format.

(2 to 0 points)
Total 50 Points
Assignment 12.1: Health Policy Project: Draft Presentation Rubric
Assignment 12.1 Rubric
Criteria Meets All Expectations Meets Most Expectations Meets Some Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations
Presentation Content

Presentation content consistently relates to all assignment prompts and demonstrates significant critical thinking.

(10 to >9 points)

Presentation content relates to all assignment prompts and demonstrates some critical thinking.

(9 to >8 points)

Presentation content relates to some assignment prompts and demonstrates limited critical thinking.

(8 to >7 points)

Presentation content relates little (or not at all) to assignment prompts and demonstrates misinformed or inaccurate thinking.

(7 to 0 points)
References and Support

Includes ten credible and current resources.

(5 to >4 points)

Includes nine credible and current resources.

(4 to >3 points)

Includes eight credible and current resources.

(3 to >2 points)

Includes fewer than eight credible and current resources.

(2 to 0 points)
Presentation Aesthetics

The presentation is professional and attractive, logically organized, of appropriate length, and easy to read/follow. Font and font size are consistent throughout.

(5 to >4 points)

The presentation is logically organized, of appropriate length, and easy to read/follow. Font and font size are consistent throughout.

(4 to >3 points)

The presentation is organized, but it may be too short or too long or difficult to read/follow. The font or font size may be inconsistent.

(3 to >2 points)

The presentation is not organized, is obviously too short or too long, or is difficult to read/follow. The font or font size is inconsistent.

(2 to 0 points)

Consistently uses correct grammar with rare misspellings. Adheres to all APA guidelines, format, and requirements if needed.

(5 to >4 points)

Few grammatical or spelling errors. Closely follows APA guidelines and format with only minor errors.

(4 to >3 points)

Errors in spelling and grammar. Some errors in APA citations or format.

(3 to >2 points)

Uses poor spelling and grammar. Does not follow APA guidelines or format.

(2 to 0 points)
Total 25 Points
Assignment 13.1: Health Policy Project: Presentation Rubric
Assignment 13.1 Rubric
Criteria Meets All Expectations Meets Most Expectations Meets Some Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations
Presentation Content

Presentation content consistently relates to all assignment prompts and demonstrates significant critical thinking.

(20 to >18 points)

Presentation content relates to all assignment prompts and demonstrates some critical thinking.

(18 to >16 points)

Presentation content relates to some assignment prompts and demonstrates limited critical thinking.

(16 to >14 points)

Presentation content relates little (or not at all) to assignment prompts and demonstrates misinformed or inaccurate thinking.

(14 to 0 points)
References and Support

Includes ten credible and current resources.

(10 to >9 points)

Includes nine credible and current resources.

(9 to >8 points)

Includes eight credible and current resources.

(8 to >7 points)

Includes fewer than eight credible and current resources.

(7 to 0 points)
Presentation Aesthetics

The presentation is professional and attractive, logically organized, of appropriate length, and easy to read/follow. Font and font size are consistent throughout.

(10 to >9 points)

The presentation is logically organized, of appropriate length, and easy to read/follow. Font and font size are consistent throughout.

(9 to >8 points)

The presentation is organized, but it may be too short or too long or difficult to read/follow. The font or font size may be inconsistent.

(8 to >7 points)

The presentation is not organized, is obviously too short or too long, or is difficult to read/follow. The font or font size is inconsistent.

(7 to 0 points)

Consistently uses correct grammar with rare misspellings. Adheres to all APA guidelines, format, and requirements if needed.

(10 to >9 points)

Few grammatical or spelling errors. Closely follows APA guidelines and format with only minor errors.

(9 to >8 points)

Errors in spelling and grammar. Some errors in APA citations or format.

(8 to >7 points)

Uses poor spelling and grammar. Does not follow APA guidelines or format.


(7 to 0 points)
Total 50 Points
Assignment 15.1: Advocacy in Action Rubric
Assignment 15.1 Rubric
Criteria Meets All Expectations Meets Most Expectations Meets Some Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations

Follows directions; addresses all prompts thoroughly and appropriately.

(13 to >12 points)

Follows directions, but responses to prompts could be expanded.

(12 to >10 points)

Generally follows directions, but responses to prompts show notable gaps.

(10 to >8 points)

Does not follow directions; responses to prompts are missing.

(8 to 0 points)
Grasp of Significance

Projects thorough knowledge and critical thinking of advocacy strategies to advance social justice and equity in health care.

(9 to >8 points)

Displays knowledge of advocacy strategies to advance social justice and equity in health care.

(8 to >7 points)

Displays some knowledge of advocacy strategies to advance social justice and equity in health care.

(7 to >6 points)

Provides little or no knowledge of advocacy strategies to advance social justice and equity in health care.

(6 to 0 points)
Clarity and Logic

All responses are correct with a clear and logical path to conclusions.

(5 to >4 points)

Most responses are correct and clear but with a circuitous path to conclusions.

(4 to >3 points)

Some responses are correct but lack clarity and/or a logical path to conclusions.

(3 to >2 points)

Responses are incorrect and unclear.

(2 to 0 points)

Consistently uses correct grammar with rare misspellings. Adheres to all APA guidelines, format, and requirements if needed.

(3 points)

Few grammatical or spelling errors. Closely follows APA guidelines and format with only minor errors.

(2 points)

Errors in spelling and grammar. Some errors in APA citations or format.

(1 point)

Uses poor spelling and grammar. Does not follow APA guidelines or format.

(0 points)
Total 30 Points
Weekly Sessions

This course is divided into weekly sessions. Unless otherwise indicated, assignments are due no later than 11:55 p.m. CST on the day identified and initial discussion posts are typically due on Thursday with replies posted on Sunday.
Course Learning Activities

The following is a list of learning activities you will need to complete for each week. You will find more detailed instructions within the online course space.
Week 1: Healthcare Policy and APN Roles
April 25–May 1 Learning Activity Due Date Points

Read the following in your Health Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing textbook:

Chapter 1, “Turning Health Policy into Practice”
Chapter 2, “Health Policy Effects on Health Systems”

Additional Required Resource:

World Health Organization. (2021). Social determinants of health.
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Discussion 1.1: Introductions

Initial Post:

15 Points
Week 2: Healthcare Policy and Ethics in APN Practice
May 2–May 8 Learning Activity Due Date Points

Review the following in your Health Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing textbook:

Chapter 1, “Turning Health Policy into Practice”

Additional Required Resource:

American Nurses Association (ANA). (2015). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements.
Provisions 8 and 9

Optional Resource:

Read the following in your Health Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing textbook:

Chapter 20, “Health Policy Implications for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses Related to End-of-Life Care”
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Discussion 2.1: Intersection of Policy and Ethics in APN Practice

Initial Post:

15 Points
Week 3: Healthcare Delivery in the United States and Other Models
May 9–May 15 Learning Activity Due Date Points

Read the following in your Health Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing textbook:

Chapter 23, “Moving Toward Accountable Care: A Policy Framework to Transform Health Care Delivery and Reimbursement”

Additional Required Resource:

The Commonwealth Fund. (2020). International health care system profiles.
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Assignment 3.1: Comparing and Contrasting Healthcare Systems and the APN Role Internationally Sunday 30 Points
Week 4: Healthcare Economics and Financing
May 16–May 22 Learning Activity Due Date Points

Read the following in your Health Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing textbook:

Chapter 10, “The Patient Protection Affordable Care Act”
Chapter 12, “Value-Based Purchasing and Its Impact on Advanced Practice Nursing”
Chapter 15, “The Impact of the Doctor of Nursing Practice on Primary Care”

Optional Resource:

Wray, C. M., Khare, M., & Keyhani, S. (2021). Access to care, cost of care, and satisfaction with care among adults with private and public health insurance in the US. JAMA Network Open, 4(6), e2110275.
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Discussion 4.1: Patient Protection Affordable Care Act (PPACA) Interview

Initial Post:

15 Points
Week 5: Social Determinants of Health, Health Equity, and Health Disparities
May 23–May 29 Learning Activity Due Date Points

Read the following in your Health Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing textbook:

Chapter 5, “National Academy of Medicine”
Chapter 6, “Future of Nursing Report 2030”
Review Chapter 15, “The Impact of the Doctor of Nursing Practice on Primary Care”

Additional Required Resource:

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; National Academy of Medicine; Committee on the Future of Nursing 2020–2030. (2021, May 11). Chapter 2, “Social determinants of health and health equity.” In J. L. Flaubert, S. Le Menestrel, D. R. Williams, & M. K. Wakefield (Eds.), The future of nursing 2020–2030: Charting a path to achieve health equity. National Academies Press.

Optional Resources:

Phillips, J., Richard, A., Mayer, K. M., Shilkaitis, M., Fogg, L. F., & Vondracek, H. (2020, July 11). Integrating the social determinants of health into nursing practice: Nurses’ perspectives. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 52(5), 497–505.
American Hospital Association. Social Determinants of Health.

Not Applicable Not Applicable
Discussion 5.1: Health Disparities

Initial Post:

15 Points
Week 6: Health Policy Project: Topic Selection
May 30–June 5 Learning Activity Due Date Points

Read the following in your Health Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing textbook:

Review Chapter 1, “Turning Health Policy Into Practice”
Chapter 8, “Effective State-Level APRN Leadership in Health Policy”
Chapter 17, “Interface of Policy and Practice in Mental Health: Implications for Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses”

Additional Required Resource:

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; National Academy of Medicine; Committee on the Future of Nursing 2020–2030. (2021, May 11). Chapter 11, “The future of nursing: Recommendations and research priorities.” In J. L. Flaubert, S. Le Menestrel, D. R. Williams, & M. K. Wakefield (Eds.), The future of nursing 2020–2030: Charting a path to achieve health equity. National Academies Press.
Read the section titled, “Supporting Nurses to Advance Health Equity”

Optional Resource:

Read the following in your Health Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing textbook:

Chapter 25, “Connecting Research Priorities, the Research Agenda, and Health Policy”
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Assignment 6.1: Contemporary Health Policy Project: Policy Selection Sunday 30 Points
Week 7: Research and Healthcare Reform
June 6–June 12 Learning Activity Due Date Points

Read the following in your Health Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing textbook:

Chapter 14, “Implications of Health Care Reform on Independent Practice”
Review Chapter 17, “Interface of Policy in Mental Health: Implications for Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses”
Chapter 25, “Connecting Research Priorities, the Research Agenda, and Health Policy”

Additional Required Resources:

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; National Academy of Medicine; Committee on the Future of Nursing 2020–2030. (2021, May 11). Chapter 4, “The role of nurses in improving health care access and quality.” In J. L. Flaubert, S. Le Menestrel, D. R. Williams, & M. K. Wakefield (Eds.), The future of nursing 2020–2030: Charting a path to achieve health equity. National Academies Press.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; National Academy of Medicine; Committee on the Future of Nursing 2020–2030. (2021, May 11). Chapter 11, “The future of nursing: Recommendations and research priorities In J. L. Flaubert, S. Le Menestrel, D. R. Williams, & M. K. Wakefield (Eds.), The future of nursing 2020–2030: Charting a path to achieve health equity. National Academies Press.
Read the section titled, “Building the Evidence Base,” including Table 11-1, Research Topics for the Future of Nursing, 2020–2030.

Not Applicable Not Applicable
Discussion 7.1: Contemporary Health Policy Project: Policy Selection

Initial Post:

15 Points
Week 8: Health Policy Analysis
June 13–June 19 Learning Activity Due Date Points

Read the following in your Health Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing textbook:

Chapter 2, “Health Policy Effects on Health Systems”
Chapter 8, “Effective State-Level APRN Leadership in Health Policy”

Additional Required Resources:

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; National Academy of Medicine; Committee on the Future of Nursing 2020–2030. (2021, May 11). Chapter 9, “Nurses leading change.” In J. L. Flaubert, S. Le Menestrel, D. R. Williams, & M. K. Wakefield (Eds.), The future of nursing 2020–2030: Charting a path to achieve health equity. National Academies Press.
Review the American Nurses Association Advocacy website in preparation for your written assignment.

Not Applicable Not Applicable
Assignment 8.1: Contemporary Health Policy Project: Policy Reform Rationale Sunday 50 Points
Week 9: Health Policy Analysis (Continued)
June 20–June 26 Learning Activity Due Date Points

Review the following in your Health Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing textbook:

Chapter 1, “Turning Health Policy Into Practice”
Chapter 25, “Connecting Research Priorities, the Research Agenda, and Health Policy”

Additional Required Resource:

Dzau, V. J., McClellan, M. B., McGinnis, J. M., Marx, J. C., Sullenger, R. D., & ElLaissi, W. (2021). Vital directions for health and health care: Priorities for 2021. Health Affairs, 40(2).
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Discussion 9.1: Contemporary Health Policy Project: Policy Reform Rationale

Initial Post:

15 Points
Week 10: Collaboration and Interdisciplinary Practice in Healthcare Policy
June 27–July 3 Learning Activity Due Date Points

Read the following in your Health Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing textbook:

Chapter 23, “Moving Toward Accountable Care: A Policy Framework to Transform Health Care Delivery and Reimbursement”
Chapter 30, “The American Nurses Association”

Additional Required Resource:

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; National Academy of Medicine; Committee on the Future of Nursing 2020–2030. (2021, May 11). Chapter 6, “Paying for equity in health and health care.” In J. L. Flaubert, S. Le Menestrel, D. R. Williams, & M. K. Wakefield (Eds.), The future of nursing 2020–2030: Charting a path to achieve health equity. National Academies Press.
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Discussion 10.1: Scope of Practice and Patient Safety

Initial Post:

15 Points
Week 11: Advocacy for APN Practice
July 4–July 10 Learning Activity Due Date Points

Read the following in your Health Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing textbook:

Chapter 4, “Policy Implications for Optimizing Use of APRNs”
Chapter 7, “Updates on the Implications for Practice: The Consensus Model for Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Regulation”
Chapter 13, “Funding of APRN Education and Residency Programs”

Not Applicable Not Applicable
Discussion 11.1: Advocacy for APN Practice

Initial Post:

15 Points
Week 12: The Future of APN
July 11–July 17 Learning Activity Due Date Points

Read the following in your Health Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing textbook:

Chapter 36, “The Future of Nurse Practitioners”
Chapter 37, “What the Future Holds for Clinical Nurse Specialists and Health Policy”
Chapter 38, “The Certified Nurse Midwife in Advanced Nursing Practice”
Chapter 39, “Healthcare Policy and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists: Past, Present, and Future”

Additional Required Resources:

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; National Academy of Medicine; Committee on the Future of Nursing 2020–2030. (2021, May 11). Chapter 4, “The role of nurses in improving health care access and quality.” In J. L. Flaubert, S. Le Menestrel, D. R. Williams, & M. K. Wakefield (Eds.), The future of nursing 2020–2030: Charting a path to achieve health equity. National Academies Press.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; National Academy of Medicine; Committee on the Future of Nursing 2020–2030. (2021, May 11). Chapter 11, “The future of nursing: Recommendations and research priorities.” In J. L. Flaubert, S. Le Menestrel, D. R. Williams, & M. K. Wakefield (Eds.), The future of nursing 2020–2030: Charting a path to achieve health equity. National Academies Press.
Read the section titled, “Capitalizing on Nurses’ Potential.”

Not Applicable Not Applicable
Assignment 12.1: Contemporary Health Policy Project: Draft Presentation Sunday 25 Points
Week 13: Contemporary Health Policy Project: Presentation
July 18–July 24 Learning Activity Due Date Points

Read the following in your Health Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing textbook:

Chapter 15, “The Impact of the Doctor of Nursing Practice on Primary Care”
Chapter 16, “Telehealth, Distance-Driven Modalities of Care and Interstate Policy Implications”
Chapter 17, “Interface of Practice and Policy in Mental Healthcare: Implications for Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses”

Additional Required Resource:

Review the following site to access information on telehealth policies along with coverage and reimbursement in your state:

National Conference of State Legislatures. (n.d.). State telehealth policies.
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Assignment 13.1: Contemporary Health Policy Project: Presentation Sunday 50 Points
Week 14: Health Policy Project: Peer Review
July 25–July 31 Learning Activity Due Date Points

Read the following in your Health Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing textbook:

Chapter 18, “The Aging Population”
Chapter 19, “Pediatrics”
Chapter 20, “Health Policy Implications for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses Related to End-of-Life-Care”
Chapter 21, “Health Policy Implications for Genetics and Genomics on Advanced Practice Registered Nurses”
Chapter 22, “Oncology”

Additional Required Resource:

Reinhard, S. (2017, November 2). Health improves when nurses know health policy.
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Discussion 14.1: Contemporary Health Policy Project: Peer Review

Initial Post:

15 Points
Week 15: Advocacy in Action
August 1–August 7 Learning Activity Due Date Points

Read the following in your Health Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing textbook:

Chapter 28, “Implications for Practice: The Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Compact”
Chapter 32, “The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action”
Chapter 34, “Credentialing Across the Globe: Current Approaches, Future Directions”
Chapter 40, “Advocacy, Policy, and Politics in Action: A Case in Point-Full Scope of Practice Within the VA Health System”

Additional Required Resources:

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; National Academy of Medicine; Committee on the Future of Nursing 2020–2030. (2021, May 11). Chapter 5, “The role of nurses in improving equity.” In J. L. Flaubert, S. Le Menestrel, D.R. Williams, & M.K. Wakefield (Eds.), The future of nursing 2020–2030: Charting a path to achieve health equity. National Academies Press.
Read the section titled, “Advocating for Policy Change.”
Delaware Cancer Consortium. (2017). The next five-year plan, 2017–2019 (PDF).

Not Applicable Not Applicable
Assignment 15.1: Advocacy in Action Sunday 30 Points

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