NURS 6635

1. Question: Select the diagnostic criterion for catatonia resulting from a medical
2. Question: Select the negative symptom of schizophrenia.
3. Question: Select the most defining characteristic of inevitable suicide.
4. Question: Select the type of neuro chemical receptor that is blocked by caffeine.
5. Question: Select the main cause female orgasmic disorder.
6. Question: Select the symptom not present in paranoid personality disorder.
7. Question: Select the disorder that is often comorbid with brief psychotic
8. Question: Select the age before which a majority of paraphilic disorders occurs.
9. Question: Select the lifetime prevalence of schizophreniain the United States.
10. Question: Select the age range of the highest rate of substance dependence or
11. Question: Select the characteristic that is greater in childhood than adult on set
12. Question: Select the personality disorder in which patients are most likely to
tolerate spous a lab use to avoid losing sense of attachment.
13. Question: Select the personality disorder in which patients exhibit cover to
bstructionism, procrastination and pessimism
14. Question: Select the drug of choice to treat psychosis in delirious patients.
15. Question: Select the substance of abuse with the strongest evidence for genetic
16. Question: Select the type of hallucinations most common in schizophrenia.
17. Question: Select the neuro transmitter system that is most associated with the
addictive rewarding properties of opioids
18. Question: Select the preferred drug used to treat alcohol withdrawal.
19. Question:
20. Question: Select the most frequently abused illicit drug
21. Question: Select the percentage of substance-addicted persons with a
concurrent psychiatric disorder.
22. Question: TO BE typed
23. Question: Select the usual time delay to the onset of tardivedys kinesia
symptoms after initiating anti psychotic drug therapy.
24. Question: Select two comorbid factors common in schizophrenic patients.
25. Question: Select the psychiatric disorder for which the term neuro lepticis used
to describe drug effects.
26. Question: Select the two characteristics that describe normal sexual behavior.
27. Question: Select the most common paraphilic disorder.
28. Question: Select the brain region devoid of cannabinoid receptors.
29. Question: Select the most common error by the provider in the practice of
family-oriented therapy for persons with schizophrenia.
30. Question: Select the rating scale used to assess medication-induced movement
31. Question: Select the theorist who first studied social and cultural influences on
32. Question: Select the time of treatment of schizophrenic patients with correct
antipsychotic drug therapy that represents an adequate medication trial
33. Question: Select the two behaviors of schizophrenic patients that occur more
frequently than in the general population.
34. Question: Select the neuro transmitter that increases sexual desire.
35. Question: Select the two Freudian stages of psycho sexual development
36. Question: Select the most frequent cause of intellectual disability in
37. Question: Select the substance that is most commonly abused by adolescents.
38. Question: Select the percent blood alcohol level at which voluntary motor
activity becomes impaired.
39. Question: Selectthedisorderinwhichthehighestpercentageofpatientscommitsuici
40. Question: Select the psychiatric disorder in which patients refuse mental
healthcare and deny their problems.
41. Question: Select the two patient populations in which delirium occurs most
42. Question: Select the procedure most applicable to confirming a diagnosis of
43. Question: Select the sub type of schizophreniain which auditory hallucinations
are frequent
44. Question: Select the two defense mechanisms used commonly by patients with
personality disorders.
45. Question: Select the two drugs used to treat alcohol dependence.
46. Question: Select two criteria to diagnose gender dysphoriain children.
47. Question: Select the time of onset for tolerance to develop from continuous use
of hallucinogens such as LSD.
48. Question: Select the youngest age by which early-onset schizophrenia occurs.
49. Question: Select the category of symptoms that is most commonly comorbid
with cognitive disorders.
50. Question: Select the most reliable method to make a diagnosis of schizophrenia.
51. Question: Select the percentage of the U.S. population with a substance
dependence problem as of year 2012.
52. Question: Select the disorder in which is characterized by lack breast
53. Question: Select two terms preferred to describe sexual orientation.
54. Question: Select the characteristic of masturbation
55. Question: Select the medical condition that occurs less frequently in
schizophrenic patients than in the general population.
56. Question: Select the factor that best correlates with attempted and completed
57. Question: Select the drug that is most likely to cause park in sonian movement
58. Question: Select the personality disorder in which patients are continually in
crisis and exhibit unpredictable behavior.
59. Question: Select the main goal of psycho social therapies for persons with
60. Question: Select the most common cause of dementiain elderly persons
61. Question: Select the development time of symptoms in neuro lepticmalignant
62. Question: Select the brain region that shows the greatest anatomical
abnormalities in schizophrenic patients.
63. Question: Select the mental function that is most affected in mild cognitive
64. Question: Select the time frame for symptoms of schizophreni form disorder
65. Question: Select the personality disorder in which patients are preoccupied with
perfectionism and interpersonal control
66. Question: Select the factor associated with a four-to five-fold greater occurrence
of gender dysphoriain male than in female children.
67. Question: Select the age range at which most children with gender dysphoria
begin to show increased anxiety over anticipated changes to their bodies.
68. Question: Select the drug used to treat age-related sexual dysfunction
69. Question: Select the characteristic of sexually abused children.
70. Question: Select the rare adverse effect of SSRI anti depressants.
71. Question: Select the drug that is least life-threatening when consumed in an
over dose.
72. Question: Select the distinguishing characteristic of paraphilic disorders
73. Question: Select the neuro transmitter that is most implicated
74. Question: Select the initial intervention to treat children experiencing acute
school refusal
75. Question: Select the two patient populations most likely suffer neuro leptic￾induced park insonian symptoms.
76. Question: Select the psychoactive substance that is most frequently consumed
77. Question: Select the
78. Question: Select the comorbid disorder that is more frequent in children with
gender dysphoria.
79. Question: Select the ageat which sexual identity is self-evident.
80. Question: Select two of the “Four A ’s” symptoms of schizophrenia described by
81. Question: Select the brain region that is associated with substance addiction.
82. Question: Select the two essential features of sexual dysfunction
83. Question: Select the neuro transmitter for which themetabolite5-HIAA in CSF is
evident and predictive of suicide.
84. Question: Select the factor that is most influential in determining gender role
85. Question: Select the primary defense mechanism that is common in delusional
86. Question: Select the epidemiologic characteristic of tardive dyskinesia
87. Question: Select the percentage of remission that results from correct
antipsychotic drugtherapy of schizophrenic patients.
88. Question: Select the two normal functions in As perger’s Disorder that are
absent in Autism Spectrum Disorder
89. Question: Select the non-drug therapy in which mastery of anxiety through
desensitization is critical to successful treatment of sexual dysfunction.
90. Question: Select the neuro transmitter that inhibits sexual orgasm
91. Question: Select two psychiatric disorders that are often misdiagnosed as
childhood-onset or early-onset schizophrenia.
92. Question: Select the characteristic found in persons with inter sex conditions.
93. Question: Select the pair of terms that represents the greatest conflict regarding
sexual behavior.
94. Question: Select the most effective form of questioning when taking a sex
95. Question: Select the two main conditions to initially identify in adult psychiatric
96. Question: Select the primary method to assess cognition
97. Question: Select the neuro transmitter that has least involvement in drug￾induced movement disorders.
98. Question: Select the personality disorder that presents the greatest challenge to
diagnose by experienced providers
99. Question: Select the two factors that are not applicable to diagnosing schizo
affective disorder
100. Question: Select the infectious disease that when untreated may lead to an
incorrect diagnosis of depression.
101. Question: When completing this exam, did you comply with Walden University’s
Code of Conduct including the expectations for academic integrity?

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