PHI 413 Assignment: Moral Status Case Analysis

PHI 413 Assignment: Moral Status Case Analysis

 PHI 413 Assignment: Moral Status Case Analysis

Assessment Description

This assignment will focus on introducing you to the question of human dignity and, in particular, the Christian

perspective of the intrinsic worth and value of each person. You will have the opportunity to integrate this

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insight with scientific and philosophical approaches that inform judgements made in health care and contrast

it with secular approaches to human value and worth. The logic of human rights will be made explicit as you

engage with different concepts of “moral status.”

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Based on your reading of the “Case Study: Fetal Abnormality” and topic Resources, complete the “Moral

Status: Case Analysis” document in a maximum of 1,000-words, in which you will analyze the case study in

relation to the following:

Christian view of the nature of human persons, theory of moral status, intrinsic human value, and dignity

Theory or theories used by individuals in the case to determine the moral status

How each theory used determines or influences recommendations for action

Moral status theory personal response

Integration of knowledge in health care (theories, multiple ways of knowing, evidence) and knowledge from

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other disciplines inform and support current or future professional health care practices and judgements

Support your response using only Chapter 2 from the textbook Practicing Dignity: An Introduction to Christian

Values and Decision-Making in Health Care and the Topic 2 Resource “The Image of God, Bioethics, and Persons

With Profound Intellectual Disabilities.”

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and

documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the

APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar

with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is

located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education This

assignment aligns with AACN Core Competencies: 1.3

Week 2

A Sample Of This Assignment Written By One of Our Top-rated writers

            Nurses and other healthcare providers often experience complex issues that require ethical decision-making. Assisting families to make decisions on issues related to fetal abnormalities is one of the experiences. In such cases, healthcare providers provide accurate information that would help families make rational decisions on whether to keep or terminate a pregnancy. The Christian worldview might inform the decisions that families make to address complex situations. Therefore, this essay examines the fetal abnormality case study to identify the moral theories used and their influence on the decisions made.

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Christian Worldview of the Nature of Human Persons, Theory of Moral Status, Intrinsic Value, and Dignity

            The Christian worldview of human persons is based on the belief that God created human beings in his image. God requires human beings to protect his creations. The worldview also recognizes the need for the protection of human life and, hence, dignity. Accordingly, human beings do not have any right to take a life, as it is God’s decision. The worldview also has the aspects of inherent dignity, moral status, and intrinsic value. Inherent dignity refers to the equal nature of human beings irrespective of their characteristics such as race, abilities, gender, and social status. Every human being has a social worth that should be protected since they are God’s image. Human beings are moral beings. They can make decisions and choices, implying that they are responsible for the decisions or actions they make. God expects human beings to show moral responsibility in their actions. Human beings are also relational beings. They are expected to create relationships among themselves and with their God. The Christian worldview also holds the existence of eternal life (Clarke & Parris, 2019; Evans et al., 2022). Christians believe in the existence of eternal life after death and hell for sinners.

Theories Used by Individuals in the Case Study

            Each of the persons in the case study used different theories to determine moral status. Dr. Wilson explained the challenges of having a child with deformities and recommended abortion to the family. He considers abortion a medically appropriate intervention that would save the parents from suffering due to caring for a child with poor congenital malformations. As a result, Dr. Wilson applies theories of consequentialism and utilitarianism. The theory of utilitarianism asserts that actions are moral if they maximize the good and minimize the bad. An abortion would minimize any suffering and financial hardships for the family, hence, their financial security. The theory of consequentialism holds the importance of the consequences of actions to be drivers of moral actions (Card & Smith, 2020; Mathiesen, 2022). A decision should have favorable consequences, which minimize the challenges encountered in caring for the disabled child in the case study.

            Marco reports that he believes the pregnancy should be terminated because of the challenges of caring for a disabled child. He considers it a hindrance to their financial security. He also reports that he would support Jessica’s decision. As a result, he uses the utilitarianism theory (Mathiesen, 2022). The use of the theory is evident from his belief that the child will be a burden and at the same time consider his wife’s happiness based on the decision she adopts.

            Maria uses the intrinsic value theory. The intrinsic value theory asserts that every human being has an inherent value based on his or her human nature. Actions taken should aim at preserving a person’s dignity. One’s value should not be based on factors such as age, appearance, or abilities. As a result, Maria urges Jessica to proceed with her pregnancy. Jessica uses both utilitarianism and the theory of intrinsic value (Bradford, 2023; Lemos, 2021). Utilitarianism is evident from her considering the socioeconomic impacts of caring for a child with congenital malformations. She uses the theory of intrinsic value when she asserts that all life is sacred. However, she is undecided on the decision to take.

Influence of the Theories on Recommended Actions

            The utilitarianism theory influence Dr. Wilson, Marco, and Jessica’s actions. Dr. Wilson recommended the family to consider abortion because of the likelihood of Down syndrome and lack of the fetus developing extremities. The developmental issues would have negative effects on the baby and family’s quality of life. Marco and Jessica also hold similar opinions. However, Jessica is undecided on the action to take. The consequentialism theory also makes Marco weigh the benefits and risks of having the child. In his view, an abortion is an appropriate decision but he respects his wife’s decision. The intrinsic value theory influences Maria and Jessica’s actions. They consider the inherent value and dignity of human life (Bradford, 2023). They also consider the sacredness of human life. As a result, they are persuaded not to terminate the pregnancy.

Moral Status Theory Personal Response

            In my view, the utilitarianism theory is the most appropriate theory in the case study. The decisions made in the case study should weigh the benefits and risks of terminating the pregnancy. Dr. Wilson’s view relies on evidence-based data. The diagnostic results support medical and rational termination of the pregnancy. Therefore, terminating the pregnancy is appropriate for better quality of life for the family.


            In summary, the individuals in the case study used different theories to make decisions. The theories affected the actions taken on whether to keep the pregnancy or not. The Christian worldview considers the inherent dignity of human life and that human beings are created in God’s image. The utilitarianism theory is the most appropriate to guide actions in the case study.


Bradford, G. (2023). Uniqueness, Intrinsic Value, and Reasons. Journal of Philosophy, 120(8), 421–440.

Card, D., & Smith, N. A. (2020). On Consequentialism and Fairness. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 3.

Clarke, M., & Parris, B. W. (2019). Understanding disasters: Managing and accommodating different worldviews in humanitarian response. Journal of International Humanitarian Action, 4(1), 19.

Evans, C., Brown, D., & Davis, J. (2022). Professional counseling from a Christian worldview. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health, 24(3), 309–326.

Lemos, N. (2021). What Is Basic Intrinsic Value? Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 24(1), 33–43.

Mathiesen, T. (2022). Utilitarianism and Consequentialism in Learning. In A. Ammar (Ed.), Learning and Career Development in Neurosurgery: Values-Based Medical Education (pp. 95–100). Springer International Publishing.

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