Project Termination Status Report Assignment Paper

Project Termination Status Report Assignment Paper

Project Termination Status Report Assignment Paper

Project termination or close-out is the final stage of managing a project and happens after the implementation phase comes to an end. The project termination phase is essential as at this stage the project manager and team conduct acceptance testing, the project deliverables are handed over to the client and the project team is disbanded. The phase also entails the disposal of unused resources and payment of all bills. The primary purpose of the close-out stage is to assess how well a project manager executed or performed their responsibilities and lessons learned for future projects (Schultz et al., 2019). The purpose of this paper is to provide a project termination status report concerning the communication app on iPads for non-vocal alert patient in a hospital setting using a multidisciplinary team comprising of nurses, respiratory therapists, speech therapist, and physicians using the channel to communicate with patients.

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Final Status Report

The final project status report provides a summary of the changes to the project scope and shows the actual completion dates for project milestone and costs incurred in comparison to the final version of the project budget and schedule. The project shows little variance project the project baseline. The termination report as illustrated in the appendix shows that the review of the project was carried out for the client and other project stakeholders (Schultz et al., 2019). The outcomes’ evaluation against the project’s states aims and objective are essential components of the close-out report as illustrated in this communication apps project.

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Project Success or Failure

Projects do not succeed because of different reasons, some of which are outside the control of the manager and the team. These external issues can include changes in commercial environment, lack of support from the executive management and limited cooperation from the client. Internal issues like insufficient expertise within the project, and lack of planning as well as management and having poor-defined objectives as well as ineffective communication can lead to project failure (Yemini et al., 2018). The implication is that while a project may not have attained the stakeholders’ expectations, future projects can derive benefits bases on lessons learned from a post-project evaluation process. It is critical to learn lessons from successful components of the project just like the mistakes that may have occurred. Through the lessons, project teams and managers can prevent or avoid similar mistakes in the future and incorporate best practices to enhance attainment of project goals and objectives.

The project termination report is the final report for the project and has an executive summary as well as the final status and provides and analysis of lessons that the stakeholders learn which includes recommendations for improvement that can be addressed in future projects. In evaluation of the problems, it is essential to know the root cause of the issues and develop strategies to ensure that they do not happen in the future (Yemini et al., 2018). The avoidance of certain problems I a project cannot always be guaranteed. Therefore, it is essential to identify ways of identifying these problem in the early parts of the project management process to reduce negative effects of the undertaking.


The documentation of problems and success of a project like the communication apps project in the healthcare facility to improve interactions between patients and providers is essential. The termination report offers details about all these aspects, including lessons derived from either the success or the failure of the project. As illustrated, the success of this project is critical to enhancing patient outcomes and treatment interventions to improve overall care.


Schultz, C., Graw, J., Salomo, S., & Kock, A. (2019). How project management and top

management involvement affects the innovativeness of professional service organizations—an empirical study on hospitals. Project Management Journal, 50(4), 460-475. DOI:10.1177/8756972819857893

Yemini, M., Oplatka, I., & Sagie, N. (2018). Project Termination. In Project Management in

            Schools (pp. 93-102). Palgrave Pivot, Cham

Project Termination Status Report– Appendix A



Project Sponsor: ____________

Project Manager: ___________

Project Start/End Dates:                                 Budget met: ____Timeline met: ______

Final Project Status Report: (Follow APA – use short paragraphs to describe activities)

  • How well did the project meet the goals of scope, time, and cost?

The project meet the goals based on scope, time, and cost as expected. Firstly, the project met its goal of improving communication and interactions between patients and providers as expected. The project was within its scope as the it did not have activities that were not part of what it was to deliver. The project was completed as schedule and within the projected budget or costs.

  • Reflect on the success criteria, and explain how you did or did not meet each criterion.

The success criteria of a project entails support from the management, effective working among the teams, effective communication and ensuring that the project was within its scope, time and budget. The project met each criterion as the management supported it, there was effective communication and collaboration was a natural part of the team process.

  • What were the lessons your project team learned from participating in this project?

Lessons learned in a project ensure that such mistakes do not happen again. Therefore, the project team learned in different ways from their participation in the project. These include ensuring that the project is within scope, and executed on time, and within the budgetary allocation. The team also learned the importance of collaborations and how to nurture effective communication and bring all stakeholders on board.

  • Describe two examples of things that went right on this project.

A host of things went right from this project including sufficient support from the management and collaboration among the members. The project also had effective communication and better strategies to enhance overall management by the manager and the team.

  • Describe two examples of things that went wrong on this project. What were some of the risks for project? How were these managed?

The two things that went wrong for the project include delays from the management in approving resources and optimal use of the expertise at hand. The risks for the project included possible delays and getting a competent and reliable system vendor. These issues were managed through collaboration and common approach by the team and the project manager and engagement of all stakeholders.

  • Describe the areas that could be improved.

The areas that could be improved include better coordination and collaboration, effective planning from the start to avoid unintended schedules that may lead to increased costs of the project. The manager should also ensure that there is adequate funding and involvement of all stakeholders.

  • Based on your experience with this project, what will you do differently on your next project?

The experience of this project indicates that a lot can be done differently next time. These include effective communication, collaboration and coordination. The management of the team could also be improved next time, especially the need for increased coordination

  • How can knowledge and experiences learned here be transferred? What is the process for knowledge transfer?

The knowledge and experiences learned in this project are vital for any person who was part of its implementation. These can be transferred through sharing with others, dissemination of information in different areas of project and organizational management. The knowledge transfer process will entail having these strategies and implementing the outcomes and benefits in a practical manner like the use of evidence-based practice interventions.

Project Termination Checklist – Description of Tasks, Owner, Status

Appendix B



Project Sponsor: ____________

Project Manager: ___________

Project Start/End Dates:                    

*Description of Task Status Owner Date Completed Notes
Formal hand-off   Manager July 10,2022  
Closeout all contracts and documents   Manager July 9,2022  
Review of lessons learned   Team coordinators    
Evaluation of client satisfaction   Team and Manager    
Transfer of resources   Manager    
Preparation of closure report   Manager    
Get sign-offs  from stakeholders   Stakeholders    
Archiving the project   Manager    
Closing documentation   Manager    
Closing comments from team   Team coordinators    
Color Codes: On Hold Completed Overdue At Risk

 *Inset additional rows as necessary to capture status of all tasks

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This assignment helps the student work through project termination for the entire project. Through the terminating processes, the project manager secures the acceptance of the project’s final products or services from the stakeholders and customers, then creates the final status report and documents the status of each task. The final Project Termination Status and Tasks Description Status reports are created, which verify the work completed in collaboration with the mentor and project team. The reports are to be prepared as final documents that will archived at project termination.

Project Termination Status Report and   Tasks (Graded) Guidelines and Scoring Rubric

Late term you started the project closure process which was closing the project phase – of the three project closing stages – those of phase and project closing, then the final project termination discussed in the course lessons.

This assignment helps the student work through project termination for the entire project.  Through the terminating processes, the project manager secures the acceptance of the project’s final products or services from the stakeholders and customer, then creates the final status report and documents status of each task. Final Project Termination Status and Tasks Description/ Status reports are created that verifies the work completed in collaboration with mentor and project team. The reports are to be prepared as final documents that will archived at project termination.

To assist you, there is final closure assessment worksheet to be completed with your mentor then attach as an Appendix to a professional paper that explains what you did.


Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to do the following.

CO3: Exemplify professional values and scholarship that support the role of a student in a practicum setting through the evaluation and termination of a scholarly project. (PO 4)

CO 4: Contribute to the body of nursing informatics knowledge through research, planning, evaluation and    dissemination of findings. (PO 4)

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 2

Total Points Possible: 80


  1. Complete Project Termination Status and Tasks Description/ Status reports; attach as appendices to professional paper. (Remove the reference to …Follow APA….at the top of page, as this is a professional report)
  2. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the current edition.


1   Assess your project’s work completed with you mentor; identify/ document work completed or not with yes/no.

  1. Ideas and information from two professional, scholarly sources must be cited correctly using the current Edition of the APA manual.
  2. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing.
Category Points % Description
Project Termination Status Report Document 35 44 The Project Termination Status Report thoroughly assesses work completed to terminate this project.
Project Termination Tasks Description/ Status Report 35 44 The Project Termination Tasks Description/ Status Report thoroughly assesses work completed to terminate this project.
Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations, APA formatting     10     12 Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format, as expressed in the current edition. Includes at least two scholarly sources are included
Total 80 100 A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.


Assignment Criteria Exceptional


Outstanding or highest level of performance



Very good or high level of performance



Competent or satisfactory level of performance

Needs Improvement


Poor or failing level of performance



Unsatisfactory level of performance


Possible Points =  70







Project Termination Status Report 35 points 31 Points 28 points 13 Points 0 Points
 The Project Termination Status Report thoroughly assesses work completed to close this project. The Project Termination Status Report adequately assesses work completed to close this project. The Project Termination Status Report barely assesses work completed to close this project. The Project Termination Status Report barely assesses work completed to close this project. The Project Termination Status Report does not assesses work completed to close this project.

Project Termination Tasks Description/ Status Report

35 points 31 Points 28 points 13 Points 0 Points
The Project Tasks Description/ Status Report thoroughly assesses work completed to close this project. The Project Tasks Description/ Status Report adequately assesses work completed to close this project The Project Tasks Description/ Status Report barely assesses work completed to close this project. The Project Tasks Description/ Status Report barely assesses work completed to close this project. The Project Tasks Description/ Status Report does not assesses work completed to close this project.
Content Subtotal     _____of 70 points

Possible Points = 10

Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, citations, and APA formatting 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 4 Points 0 Points
Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format, as expressed in the current edition. Includes at least two scholarly sources are included One grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, or citation error that is consistent with formal academic writing and APA format, as expressed in the current edition. Two grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, or citation errors that are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format, as expressed in the current edition. Three grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, or citation errors; is not consistent with formal academic writing and APA format, as expressed in the current edition. Four grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, or citation errors; is not consistent with formal academic writing and APA format, as expressed in the current edition.
Format Subtotal   _____of 10 points
Total Points     _____of 80 points


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