Quality Data Sources

Quality Data Sources

        Healthcare organizations rely mainly on data to make informed decisions about their care services. Data from various sources provide them with insights into the actual and potential health needs of their target populations. Nurses and other healthcare providers should be able to determine the appropriate data sources that influence their practice. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore the different data sources that inform nursing practice and healthcare as a whole.

Quality Data Sources Organizer

Data Source Primary Content Population Targeted Demographic Data Schedule Is This a Source of Primary or Secondary Data? How / When / Where
the Information Might
Be Used

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Healthcare Cost and Utilization


The content of this data source comprises more than one hundred nonclinical and clinical data variables. The variables include gender, age, ethnicity, discharge information, and diagnostic data. The targeted population by this data source comprises individuals that apply for non-rehabilitation and public hospitals in the USA according to the guidelines that AHA advocates. The demographic data in this data source include age, gender, location, and the average household earnings according to the code address obtained from thepatient’s file during their hospital visit and admission. Annual The data source is the secondary data source. The information that is obtained and reported is acquired from other sources. The information can be used by hospitals to determine the quality, safety, and efficiency of the care process. Hospitals can also use it to determine the suitability of patients discharged and maintenance of safety and quality outcomes in the care process. The management can use the data to make quality improvement initiatives in the patient care process.
National Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) Benchmarking Database


The data source comprisesdatasets of perspectives from voluntary persons such as patients about the rating of health programs and professionals. The survey provides insights into patient experiences with the care process in areas that include timeliness and appropriateness of care, provider interaction and knowledge, and their support of the care process
(AHRQ, 2021).
The target population comprises members of the healthcare schedule. They include adults, minors, infants, Medicaid, and care that Medicare coordinates. Age, gender, location, literacy, and ethnicity Annual This data source is secondary. It obtains data from autonomous studies from random participants and presents it for healthcare organizations to understand the quality, safety, and effectiveness of their care. The data source provides insights into the safety, quality, and efficiency of the provided care. It also provides insights into the relevance of care services to address the care needs of their target patient populations. Therefore, health organizations use the data to develop targeted services that are appropriate to their population’sneeds (Dc et al., 2021).
National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)



This data source provides information about the health of the US population. It provides information about areas that include household income, sample family, and child health status. The data source targets the institutionalized populations in the USA The demographic data includes race, ethnicity, marital status, income, and industry. Annually This data source is secondary data. It is an analysis of primary data obtained from different sources. The data provide insights into the overall health status of American citizens. The data guides the implementation of programs and policies that address the prioritized needs of the population.
National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS)


This information source provides data obtained from medical records. It includes the type of services and provider accessed, reasons for the medical visit, prescription, diagnosis, laboratory and diagnostic investigations, and patient data. Patient data includes gender, age, ethnicity, age, and reimbursement source (CDC, 2022). The data source targets physician offices that provide ambulatory care services in states, types of patients, diagnoses, and treatments offered to the patients. The demographic data includes the patient’s age, locality, gender, and ethnicity. Annual This data source is secondary since it obtains data related to procedures and provider-level detailsoffered in community health centers in the USA. The data can be used to inform improvement in healthcare policies and approaches utilized to address the care needs of ambulatory care patients. That data also informs the effectiveness of the interventions adopted to manage chronic illnesses in the country.
Medicare Patient Safety Monitoring System (MPSMS)


The content of this data source includes safety issues in healthcare that includes adverse events rate, unintended patient harm, loss, and injuries to patients. The data source also provides insights into the nature and effectiveness of the interactions that patients have with the healthcare system (CDC, 2021). The data source targets hospitalized patients that are aged 18 years and above. The hospitalized patients should be suffering from conditions that include myocardial infarction, heart failure, and those who underwent major surgical procedures covered by their insurers. The demographic data comprises age, race, gender, and payment source. Monthly data submission and annual reporting The data source is secondary data. It uses data submitted by different healthcare organizations. Health organizations use the data to determine the safety, quality, and efficiency f patient care. Patients also use the data in determining their preferred service providers based on safety, quality, and efficiency-related indicators in healthcare(cms.gov, n.d.).



Overall, several data sources for healthcare exist. The data can be used to inform nursing practice, research, and policy issues in healthcare. Nurses should be competent in implementing interventions based on quality indicators in healthcare. Therefore, I will explore the different data sources to determine the effectiveness, efficiency, safety, and quality f care given to patients in my practice.


AHRQ.(2021). National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report.https://www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/research/findings/nhqrdr/2021qdr.pdf

CDC. (2021, June 10). NAMCS/NHAMCS – Survey Results and Products. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/ahcd/ahcd_products.htm

CDC. (2022, March 7). NHIS – National Health Interview Survey. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhis/index.htm

cms.gov. (n.d.).Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers & Systems (CAHPS) | CMS. Retrieved March 10, 2022, from https://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Research/CAHPS

Dc, C., W, M., N, V., N, E., D, H., M, M., C, R., Y, W., Pj, B., A, H., & J, B. (2021).Measuring Patient Safety: The Medicare Patient Safety Monitoring System (Past, Present, and Future).Journal of Patient Safety, 17(3). https://doi.org/10.1097/PTS.0000000000000322

The purpose of this assignment is to become familiar with various data sources used by health care organizations to obtain quality data. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) creates an annual report, the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report, which assesses the performance of the U.S. health care system. This report identifies strengths and weaknesses of the health care system in addition to disparities for access to health care and quality of health care. The report is based on more than 250 measures of quality and disparities, and it covers a broad range of health care services and settings.

Access the most current report using the “National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports” AHRQ website, provided in the topic Resources. Select five data sources from this report and fill in the required components on the “Quality Data Sources Organizer.” (I WILL UPLOAD THE ORGANIZER YOU HAVE TO FILL OUT FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT; THIS WOULD BE THE DOCUMENT THAT YOU NEED TO FILL OUT FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT). THANK YOU

Solid APA academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion



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