The Testing Scenario and Plan for the Practicum Project Essay

The Testing Scenario and Plan for the Practicum Project Essay

When developing a testing scenario and testing mitigation plan, it is important to consider the full scope of the proposed informatics solution. When designing a testing scenario, it is necessary to consider they type of data that will be incorporated into the system. Also, there is the need for system developers to consider the types of report that will be generated by the system and how the system will be used by the end users. Finally, there is the need for consideration of the system requirements such as security and performance. On the other hand, when designing a testing mitigation plan, it is important to take into account potential risks and possible ways to mitigate them. Some things to consider include: -security risks such as unauthorized access to data or systems, -performance risks such as slow response times or crashes, -data integrity risks such as misconfigurations and security errors (Braunstein, 2019). The purpose of this assignment is to develop a testing scenario and a testing mitigation plan to validate the functionalities of the proposed informatics solution.

The proposed informatics project is ELIMINATING ED NURSING ORDERS THAT DO NOT BELONG IN THE ED. In most cases, nurses in the emergency department are constantly challenged with managing patient care. But, what about when nursing orders do not belong in the emergency department? There are different common nursing orders that should be eliminated from the emergency department such as the Prn pain medications for non-pain conditions: When patients are treated for a non-pain condition and medication is prescribed PRN (as needed), it can often lead to confusion and potential adverse drug events (ADEs) in the emergency department (Pollack et al., 2020). The elimination of ED Orders that do not belong in the ED may lead to easier identification of actual orders and will help to expedite nurse throughout by decreasing time spent on searching for the correct orders.

The Purpose of the Proposed Testing Scenario

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There is a great deal of work that goes into designing and implementing an informatics project. The proposed testing scenario for the project would help to ensure that only nursing orders that belong in the emergency department are processed through the system. This would help to eliminate any potential errors and improve patient care. The testing scenario was developed through different processes (Pollack et al., 2020). The first step involved developing a list of all nursing orders that should only be given in the hospital’s ICU, medical unit, or telemetry unit. Then, there was the creation of an algorithm that will automatically determine whether or not a nursing order should be given in the ED. This algorithm will use data from the patient’s electronic health record (EHR), as well as information about which units each nursing order should be given in. The proposed testing scenario relate to the project through the steps and procedures that are involved in the entire process. All the aspects of the project are well incorporated in the testing scenario.

Items That Need to Be Tested

The items that need to be tested in the proposed testing scenario include the ability of the new system to correctly interface with existing systems, the accuracy of data entry and retrieval processes, the speed and efficiency of system operation, and the security and privacy of user information (Pollack et al., 2020). Testing these items will help to ensure that the new system is successfully implemented and meets all necessary requirements. Additionally, the proposed testing scenario for the informatics project should include the elimination of ED nursing orders that do not belong in the ED. This would help to ensure that nurses are spending their time on tasks that are important and necessary for providing care to patients in the emergency department. Besides, this would help to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the order entry process in the ED, which would ultimately lead to better patient care. By reducing or eliminating unnecessary nursing orders, we can free up time and resources so that nurses can focus on more important tasks.

Strategies for Implementing the Testing

There are a few key things to consider when implementing a testing scenario for this informatics project. The first strategy is to make sure that all stakeholders are on board with the plan and understand their roles in carrying it out. Some of the stakeholders to be involved include IT professionals, the management, healthcare professionals, and the system developers. Also, it is important to have a clear timeline for the testing process, and to set realistic expectations for what can be accomplished within that time frame. In addition, it is essential to have a solid infrastructure in place to support the testing process (Tua & Sunindyo, 2019). This includes test data, a test environment, and access to the appropriate tools and resources. And finally, it is imperative to have effective communication procedures in place so that everyone involved can stay up-to-date on the latest developments and progressions.


Specific Elements Required For the Testing Phase and How

The Information Will Be Gathered and Analyzed

The specific elements required for the Proposed Testing Scenario for the informatics project will vary depending on the nature of the project. In this case these elements will include database, system networks, sufficient documentation, experience of the tester, and models applied in the development of the system (Tua & Sunindyo, 2019). Besides, in order to gather and analyze information effectively, it is important that the right tools and methods are used. Some common methods for gathering and analyzing data include surveys, focus groups, interviews, document reviews, and statistical analysis.

How the Results Will Be Documented and the Post-Testing Mitigation

Plan for Improving the Informatics Solution

The proposed testing scenario for your informatics project will be documented in the System Requirements Specification (SRS) document. The SRS document will specify the system requirements for the project, including the inputs, outputs, and processing requirements of the system. It will also include a description of how the results of the testing process will be documented. The SRS document will be used as a basis for developing test plans and test cases, and will be referenced throughout the testing process (Tua & Sunindyo, 2019). The post-testing mitigation plan for improving the informatics solution should include reviewing the test results and determine the cause of the failure, fixing the problem and retest, documenting the test results and updating the documentation for the informatics project and implementing the fix and retest.


When developing a testing scenario and testing mitigation plan, it is important to consider the full scope of the proposed informatics solution. The items that need to be tested in the proposed testing scenario include the ability of the new system to correctly interface with existing systems, the accuracy of data entry and retrieval processes, the speed and efficiency of system operation, and the security and privacy of user information. The specific elements required for the Proposed Testing Scenario for the informatics project will vary depending on the nature of the project. In this case these elements will include database, system networks, sufficient documentation, experience of the tester, and models applied in the development of the system.




Braunstein, M. L. (2019). Healthcare in the Age of Interoperability: Part 3. IEEE pulse10(1), 26-29.

Pollack, L. A., Jones, S. F., Blumenthal, W., Alimi, T. O., Jones, D. E., Rogers, J. D., … & Richardson, L. C. (2020). Population health informatics can advance interoperability: National Program of Cancer Registries electronic pathology reporting project. JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics4, 985-992.

Tua, F. M., & Sunindyo, W. D. (2019, July). Software defect prediction using software metrics with naïve bayes and rule mining association methods. In 2019 5th International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST) (Vol. 1, pp. 1-5). IEEE.

For this assignment, you will determine the testing scenario and plan for your practicum project. Testing scenarios assess the performance and functionality of a system or a performance improvement project. The results help ensure the process and flows are functioning as needed for the organization.

In 750-1,000 words, develop a testing scenario and a testing mitigation plan to validate the functionalities of the proposed informatics solution.

Meet with your mentor/preceptor and any appropriate stakeholders to review the testing scenario and testing mitigation plan. Ensure that the testing scenario and testing mitigation plan are relevant to the proposed solution and appropriate for the organization.

Include the following:

Justify the purpose of your proposed testing scenario, how you developed it, and how it applies to your proposed informatics project.
Determine and discuss the items that need to be tested. Explain why these items are crucial in the testing process.
Propose strategies for implementing the testing. Include stakeholders crucial to the testing process.
Determine what specific elements are required for the testing phase and how the information will be gathered and analyzed.
Determine how the test results will be documented. Describe a post-testing mitigation plan for improving the informatics solution.
Refer to “Nursing Informatics Applied Practicum Project Overview,” located in Class Resources, for further information.


You are required to cite a minimum of three scholarly resources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the past 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and health care and health informatics content..

You are required to cite to a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the past 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and health care and health informatics content.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

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