Transition of multicultural curricula in today’s schools

Transition of multicultural curricula in today’s schools

Transition of multicultural curricula in today’s schools

Part 1

In the global society of today, schools should begin to incorporate more multicultural/global curricula. Discuss two factors that have slowed the incorporation and transition of multicultural curricula in today’s schools.

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Part 2

In the modern diverse society, it is important to acknowledge and celebrate differences that exist among cultures and ethnicities. Analyze whether the color-blind perspective can be applied to other areas of diversity such as gender, sexual orientation, social class, special needs, or religion in classrooms.

Part 3

Teachers need to determine the point at which consideration should be made for integrating social concepts, such as gender and diversity. Design a lesson plan that focuses on promoting diversity and equality in your classroom.

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

  • Formulate a lesson plan which focuses on maintaining a diverse classroom, including at least one (1) comprehensive integration strategy, a list of materials that will be utilized to integrate social concepts, and an assessment method for determining evidence of success.
  • Analyze two to four (2-4) implications that social class has on schooling, and determine a method of handling these implications in the lesson you have created.
  • Develop three to four (3-4) instructional strategies that avoid the seven (7) forms of gender bias in the lesson you have created.
  • Construct a method of conceptualizing and implementing the lesson you have created in terms of diverse population groups with your students.
  • Provide at least three (3) references (no more than two to three [2-3] years old) from material outside the textbook.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Part 4

Increasingly, more students are receiving some form of special education services in public schools around the United States. Collaboration between special and general education teachers is important for this population of students. Research and discuss two critical benefits of collaboration and team teaching for students with disabilities

Part 5

There are many students in classrooms today who are gifted and talented, yet are not working to their full potential. Poverty is certainly one factor that can impact this population of learners. Research, analyze, and discuss three factors that can cause racial- and ethnic-minority and low-income students to be identified as gifted underachievers

Part 6

Parents and other diverse community stakeholders have a significant impact not only on a school’s culture, but on the academic performance of students within the school. Research and discuss two benefits that students would gain from the increased involvement of diverse parent and community groups in schools.

Part 7

Researchers over time have documented a number of factors that have slowed the integration of multicultural curriculum in schools. However, the institutionalization of diverse content into school curricula has made significant progress in the last several years. Examine current research on how multiculturalism is being integrated into the grade level at which you teach or plan on teaching.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

  • Evaluate the use of Bank’s four (4) approaches to integration of multicultural and / or global content, focusing on curricula designed for the grade level in which you teach or plan on teaching.
  • Analyze three to five (3-5) factors that determine that color blindness is not the solution to racism in the classroom. Provide specific instructional strategies geared to addressing race in a more constructive fashion in the grade level in which you teach or plan on teaching.
  • Design a scholastic program for integrating multiculturalism into the grade level in which you teach or plan on teaching. Propose specific features of the program and how it would be included when teaching different subject matter such as math, history, or literature.
  • Develop three to five (3-5) techniques for incorporating a school-wide positive behavior management system and restorative practices, ensuring that your school is culturally respectful and responsive.
  • Provide at least five (5) references (no more than five [5] years old)



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